Danger and causes of papillomas on the nipple circumference during pregnancy

Papillomas on the nipples during pregnancy are formations, the appearance of which indicates the transition of HPV to the active phase and require special attention. One type of benign skin growth, tumors caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV), which are characterized by an uneven surface. Growths often appear on the nipples of women during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Causes of appearance on nipples during pregnancy

During the period of bearing a child, the female body undergoes a radical restructuring. The immune system should protect the baby, but due to increased stress it weakens and is exposed to viruses.

In the body of a healthy person, HPV may not manifest itself in any way for many years and may be in a latent stage.

Activation of the virus and the formation of papillomas during pregnancy is caused by:

  1. A sharp deterioration in the immune system of the expectant mother.
  2. Hormonal imbalance in a pregnant or nursing mother.
  3. Microtrauma of the nipples due to improper attachment of the baby during feeding.
  4. Using underwear that doesn’t fit, that is too tight, which squeezes the chest.
  5. Violation of personal hygiene.
  6. Severe fatigue, hypothermia.
  7. Allergic reactions in the body, inflammatory processes.
  8. Food of inadequate quality, intake of vitamins in insufficient quantities.
  9. Prolonged stress.
  10. Rapid weight gain, obesity. According to statistics, papillomas on a pregnant woman’s body appear at the end of the second and beginning of the third trimester.


Gynecomastia is benign hypertrophy of the mammary gland in men. The pathology can also appear in infants as an expression of a reaction to maternal hormones (estrogens) or in boys during puberty and does not require any treatment. In adult men, this usually occurs most often in old age, on both sides.

Gynecomastia is diagnosed when a gland with a diameter of more than 2 cm is felt under the areola of the nipple. The cause is hormonal disorders of various backgrounds and their treatment often leads to regression of changes in the nipples. The glands can also be reduced by suctioning out the fatty tissue or excising the gland from an incision around the areola, with good cosmetic results.

One should remember about the possibility of cancer in doubtful cases; mammography, ultrasound and biopsy of the lesion are performed.

Confinement danger

The places where growths form in pregnant women may change. Mostly papillomas are located on the chest, less often - in the area of ​​the nipples and halos around them. The internal ducts of the mammary glands can also be affected. According to doctors' observations, if a woman has formations on her breasts caused by HPV, the likelihood of papillomas appearing on other parts of the body decreases sharply.

The danger of growths appearing during pregnancy is that there is a possibility of infecting the baby during the delivery process; if they are on the nipples, certain difficulties arise during breastfeeding.

The localization of growths can be different, ranging from nipples and halos, ending with the neck and intimate places.

The appearance is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. Itching in the area of ​​neoplasms.
  2. Skin thickening (upper layers of the epidermis).
  3. Microtraumas and damage to the skin.

There are times when it is difficult for a woman to detect symptoms and signs of papillomas, or they are absent.

Frequent locations of papillomas:

  • underarm area;
  • eyelids, lips, face;
  • neck;
  • thighs (inner surface);
  • genitals;
  • breasts (nipples and the circumference around them).


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The formation of growths on the nipples of a pregnant woman will bring a lot of inconvenience to the child and mother. The sensitivity of the nipple increases; with active sucking of the breast, fluid from the papilloma can enter the baby’s body. As a result, an open wound may form on the affected area, which will be difficult to heal. May cause pain.

There is also a psychological aspect - a woman is upset by the presence of a cosmetic defect.

In the prenatal period, this type of localization does not affect the development of the child; the patient should try to strengthen her immunity. Consultation with a physician is recommended. If the formation is located in an area that the baby grasps during feeding, a visit to a medical facility is mandatory. Papilloma can cause injury and negatively affect mother and baby. In such cases, the growths are removed during the gestational period. There is a possibility that the formations will disappear on their own after the birth of the child.

Fibroadenoma - surgery

Fibroadenomas of very large sizes (the relative ratio of the size of the fibroadenoma and the breast itself is important), which grow quickly and are painful, must be removed surgically. Sometimes this is done for psychological reasons.

Your doctor may recommend surgery to remove fibroadenoma if you think the test results are alarming.

Fibroadenoma removal procedures include:

  1. With cryoablation, the doctor inserts a thin “stick” through the skin into the fibroadenoma and freezes the tissue with gas.
  2. Some fibroadenomas are too large to be frozen, and cryoablation is only used if the diagnosis confirms that it is a fibroadenoma.
  3. The surgeon sends the removed breast tissue to the laboratory for examination.

After fibroadenoma is removed, it is possible for them to develop again - they recur.

It is necessary to check your breasts regularly, regardless of whether there was fibroadenoma or not.

If lumps form on your breasts, consult your doctor to rule out the possibility of a malignant neoplasm.

Effect on pregnancy and fetus

If during pregnancy a woman discovers growths on the mammary glands, this is the first sign of activation of a virus in the body, which can develop into cancer. The effect of papillomas on the course of pregnancy is unfavorable and can provoke poor health of the expectant mother:

  • the appearance of discharge from warts. If the growths are located in an area that enters the newborn’s mouth during feeding, the secretions can enter the child’s body and infect him with papillomavirus;
  • burning and itching in the nipple area;
  • sensation of pain upon palpation;
  • discomfort of a physical and psychological nature.

Formations inside or around the nipple are considered dangerous. Papilloma on the halo during pregnancy is constantly exposed to the physical influence of underwear and can be injured. Cracks form through which infections enter the body. Papillomas complicate the process of breastfeeding and increase the risk of infection for the baby.

Particular attention should be paid to formations inside the nipple ducts. It is important to detect them in time and begin to treat them in order to prevent degeneration into a malignant tumor. If the nipple is located inside the breast (retracted), it causes pain and causes pressure in the breast.

Localization of growths on the skin of the breast requires checking the internal ducts and regular visits to a mammologist.

The described symptoms rarely appear in pregnant women; in most cases, warts on the chest do not pose a danger to the health of the baby or the expectant mother. If the formations do not disappear after childbirth, they are treated.

Fibroadenoma - treatment

In most cases, fibroadenomas do not require treatment. However, some women, for safety reasons, prefer to remove the seal. If the doctor determines the presence of fibroadenoma during clinical trials, then surgery will probably not be needed.

You can avoid surgery because:

  • surgery can distort the shape and texture of the breast;
  • fibroadenoma can sometimes shrink or disappear.

Typically, they only need to be monitored regularly for size and appearance using ultrasonic inspection.

Methods for getting rid of papillomas on the nipples during pregnancy

If it is not possible to postpone treatment of growths, the following treatment methods are used:

Removal methodDescription
CryodestructionFormations are removed with liquid nitrogen. The technique brings a positive result only for single papillomas; it is used for HPV and the presence of growths that are localized on the skin (not suitable for pathologies of other organs).
Laser therapyAn effective and progressive method. The procedure does not entail complications, there are no scars or scars after the laser. There are no complications observed. The growths are removed in layers, without affecting adjacent tissues. The method is bloodless (the vessels are sealed with a laser, the blood is baked). The occurrence of relapses is excluded. Recovery occurs within a week.
Radio wave methodTo excise tumors, a radio knife is used (exposed to radio waves). The method is bloodless and painless. Takes a few minutes. No relapses were observed.
Medicinal (chemical)The method involves the use of medications that can reduce papillomas. The doctor prescribes immunomodulatory and antiviral drugs. These include:
Panavir - a drug and its analogues are used to suppress the HPV pathogen. The medication is prescribed in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy and is administered intravenously.

Viferon is an immunomodulatory agent that contains human interferon. Rectal suppositories are prescribed for pregnant women.

In some cases, drug therapy may not be effective enough.

SurgicalDuring surgery, the tissue after excision is sent for histological examination. The method involves the appearance of slight bleeding and the presence of scars after surgery. A relapse is possible, in which the formation can develop into malignant.

How to treat HPV

How to treat the papilloma virus in women is a question often faced by patients who have received positive test results. As a rule, in the absence of cancer risk and clinical signs, HPV treatment is not required. For many people, the body clears the virus on its own.

When is HPV treatment needed:

  1. Detection of high-risk types (16, 18, etc.);
  2. Abnormal colposcopic picture;
  3. Unsatisfactory result of oncocytology.

☑ For information:

The doctor who treats HPV in women is a gynecologist. If questions or problems arose at a young age, under 16 years of age, then pediatric or adolescent gynecologists work with the patient.

Which doctor treats HPV in men? Typically, young people with this disease turn to a urologist or dermatovenerologist. This specialist will prescribe treatment for the infection and, if necessary, will be able to remove formations in the anogenital area.

HPV vaccine

At what age are girls vaccinated, can it be given to boys, as well as women after 30 years of age and older? Reviews from doctors about the effectiveness after infection, where to get vaccinated against papillomavirus in Moscow and is it given in clinics or antenatal clinics for free? We will try to answer these and other questions in more detail below.

As far as we know, cervical cancer is closely related to the human papillomavirus, which is present in almost 90% of the world's population. At the same time, articles have been periodically published on the Internet for several years now stating that the HPV vaccine, the Gardasil vaccine, leads to infertility. How correct is this information? Is it possible to get infertility due to the HPV vaccine?

The WHO Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine Safety regularly reviews the evidence on the safety of HPV vaccines. Clinical testing and monitoring of the drug has consistently demonstrated that it is safe and effective in preventing infections caused by human papillomavirus and also protects against the development of dysplastic phenomena and cervical cancer. There is no evidence that this vaccine causes infertility.

Many people are diagnosed with HPV at some point in their lives. Most infestations do not develop into cancer. But in a small number of women, HPV can become a chronic condition and lead to the development of invasive cervical cancer. There are certain negative factors in which HPV infection will lead to such consequences. These are, in particular, a certain type of HPV with a high cancer risk, the immune status of the woman herself, the presence of any concomitant sexually transmitted infection, the number of children born, as well as tobacco smoking.

The HPV vaccine is recommended for boys and girls aged 11-12 years. Women and men can be vaccinated with Gardasil up to age 26. People ages 27 to 45 who have not previously been vaccinated against HPV are now also eligible for Gardasil (Gardasil 9 in the US for women over 30).

According to the instructions, the vaccine protects against types of PVI that are associated with malignant diseases of the anogenital zone, and also prevents certain types of HPV that cause condylomas and papillomas in intimate places in both women and men.

Those wishing to get vaccinated against the human papillomavirus for free should know that this is not possible. Clinics and antenatal clinics in Moscow do not provide vaccinations against HPV and cancer free of charge - it is not included in the list of services under compulsory medical insurance and is not covered by government guarantees and subsidies.


Vaccination against human papillomavirus, the price of which in commercial clinics starts from 11,000 and reaches 19,000 rubles per course injection. Having started the vaccination course, experts recommend completing it completely and completing it with the third injection 6 months after the first injection.

Girls and teenagers in Moscow can be vaccinated against papillomavirus in our clinic at the patient’s (or his legal representative’s) own request. However, doctors recommend undergoing a preliminary examination by a pediatric/adolescent gynecologist and passing HPV tests.

HPV treatment in Moscow

Doctors who treat HPV, including women and teenage girls, effectively and with good results, according to patient reviews, work at the Gynecology Clinic on Kutuzovsky! Effective regimens, courses and drugs that help get rid of papillomavirus types 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 51, 52, 56 and other types of high and low oncogenic risk.

Reasonable prices, good results and 20 years of experience in gynecological treatment! HPV is not scary if precious time is not lost - make an appointment with a gynecologist right now! Phone number of the clinic in Moscow ☎


In order to recognize the condyloma virus or papilloma, it is necessary, first of all, to consult a highly qualified doctor. Treatment of diseases on the body can be carried out by a dermatologist or cosmetologist, on the male genital organs by a urologist, on female genitals by a gynecologist, and near the anus by a proctologist.

In order to accurately establish the diagnosis, the doctor conducts a full examination of the patient at the first appointment. This is necessary in order to distinguish genital warts from other diseases similar to it in appearance.

Specialists at our clinic examine all patients with genital warts for the presence of HIV diseases and syphilis. If necessary, examination is also carried out for the presence of other diseases transmitted during sexual intercourse. In this case, genital warts are removed using the most convenient and accessible method.

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