Is it possible to do peeling during pregnancy? What types of peeling are possible during pregnancy?

How it works

Essentially, this type of peeling is a combination: a dioxide mixture that exfoliates dead epidermal cells, combined with laser heating. Contaminants located in the pores are drawn out by the nanogel. The most delicate and safest laser in comparison with other types of laser is used - neodymium. Its task is to remove dead skin cells while stimulating the production of new ones. Often, the result is noticeable after three to five sessions. If the dermis is too advanced, a course of seven procedures may be required. At the same time, expect that ten or more days should pass before each subsequent one (more precisely, your cosmetologist will tell you). The skin must have time to recover before a new visit.

In combination with mesotherapy, peeling brings noticeable results. But remember that other influences are excluded during this period. Moreover, you should not use it as a preparation for laser polishing.

Peeling during pregnancy: is it possible or not?

Peeling is the mechanical removal of aged skin cells, which promotes its rejuvenation. With the help of various abrasive particles, acids and other substances, it is possible to significantly rejuvenate the skin, making it velvety, elastic, and fresh.

During pregnancy, all women who regularly exfoliate show a desire, just like outside pregnancy, to take care of their skin. However, not all types of peeling are allowed during this period, because many of them have a rather aggressive effect on the skin and can disrupt the course of pregnancy.

Cosmetologists recommend resorting to light peeling using soft peeling scrubs for home use or contacting professional beauty salons, which will carry out a procedure suitable for the skin of pregnant women.

Experts strongly do not recommend doing deep peels with acids. They are contraindicated during pregnancy. The danger of such a procedure is that acids significantly damage the epidermis, and the body has to spend energy on its restoration. And during pregnancy, this is considered a very inappropriate waste of nutrients and energy that should be spent on the development of the fetus.

In addition, hormonal levels are disrupted during pregnancy, and it is very difficult to predict how the skin will react to acids. An acute allergic reaction may develop, an infectious process may appear against the background of a decrease in local immunity, and pigmentation may increase.

Sometimes facial peeling during pregnancy becomes a necessary measure. In such cases, the cosmetologist selects a suitable cleansing method, for example, ultrasonic or traditional mechanical peeling. In this case, the stress on the skin will be insignificant.

Who is carbon peeling suitable for?

There are a number of problems for which this procedure is most suitable:

  • rosacea, both pronounced and not severe;
  • presence of rosacea;
  • lumpy and uneven skin surface;
  • enlarged and clogged pores;
  • acne, comedones;
  • acne and post-acne;
  • small scars and marks after acne;
  • increased sebum secretion;
  • patchy pigmentation or freckles;
  • dull skin;
  • small and shallow wrinkles.

Salicylic peeling during pregnancy

The use of salicylic acid in cosmetology allows you to deeply cleanse the skin, giving it a youthful and radiant appearance. Salicylic peeling is considered very effective and allows you to cleanse even the most problematic skin. However, all procedures using salicylic acid during pregnancy are strictly contraindicated.

There are reliable results from various studies that salicylic acid negatively affects the development of the fetus, and also causes many problems in the expectant mother: from painful shock to a violent allergic reaction.

In addition, as a result of salicylic peeling, the epidermis is severely damaged, the regeneration of which lasts about 4 weeks. During this period, the skin peels severely, hurts, and turns red, which negatively affects the woman’s nervous system. For this reason, pregnant women should avoid such peeling, preferring milder skin cleansing options.


Carbon cleaning is not suitable in the following cases:

  • dermatological diseases are present, especially in the acute phase;
  • if you have vitiligo;
  • there are inflamed areas;
  • there is a violation of the integrity of the skin - scratches, cuts, wounds;
  • the patient has a tendency to form keloids and scars;
  • allergy to the active substance;
  • the presence of infections - viral or fungal;
  • increased sensitivity to laser effects;
  • if you are breastfeeding or pregnant.

In addition to this list of unconditional restrictions, there are also temporary ones. It is advisable not to carry out carbon laser procedures during periods of active sun - in summer and late spring. The best time is autumn and winter. This is due to the fact that the peeling solution contains a photosensitizing substance, the effect of which is exacerbated by ultraviolet rays.

Critical periods of fetal formation

There are 3 critical periods during which the main formation of the fetus occurs:

  1. 2nd week of pregnancy – increased embryo metabolism

High risk of teratogenic effects of drugs.

  1. 2 – 8 weeks – period of organogenesis

The risk of developing malformations in the fetus due to toxic exposure.

  1. 18-22 weeks - the period of formation of neuroorgan connections, endocrine system, nervous system

Danger of defects in the structure and function of organs.

In the absence of clear indications and strict necessity, postpone cosmetic manipulations and the use of a number of external agents until the onset of the 2nd trimester (starting from the 14th week).

Technique of the procedure

There are standard steps that are always followed in the carbon peeling process:

  1. preparatory stage, which consists of cleansing and disinfecting the face. The skin is prepared by applying lotion to it (without alcohol in the composition). Residues of cosmetics and possible contaminants are removed. Afterwards, a drug is used that eliminates microbes;
  2. Allergy testing is carried out. A small amount of peeling composition is applied to an area with thin skin - wrist, elbow. If after a certain time the reaction does not occur, the procedure itself begins;
  3. the face is cleansed of the antimicrobial agent. Dioxide is applied to the surface of the skin. The nanogel with carbon has a dark tint, which then becomes colorless under the influence of a laser. Its task is to relieve inflammation. The substance is left on the skin until the film dries;
  4. Based on the properties and density of the skin, the laser intensity and temperature are adjusted. The patient is given glasses for protection. All areas of the skin gradually warm up. Particles of the substance applied to the skin explode when evaporated. The most important and responsible stage. The cosmetologist's job is to gently heat the cells to remove dead cells without burning the skin. In case of wrinkles and age spots, the laser temperature is increased. Heating the internal tissues stimulates the smoothing of the skin through the production of hyaluronic acid, which then fills in uneven areas in the epidermis. Warming up lasts about fifteen minutes;
  5. When the laser treatment is completed, the face is cleared of the mixture. A soothing mask is applied to the skin.

The total duration of the procedure is no more than half an hour.

Unpleasant sensations or burning sensations may occur if the temperature on the device is not set correctly. This effect can also occur if the pulse depth is incorrect. However, a feeling of warmth during the procedure is normal.

List of approved DermaQuest peels

Milk peeling for delicate skin

Milk peeling with Hyaluronic acid is a professional enriched all-season peeling with moisturizing, restoring and healing effects. Restores skin barriers, works against glycation.

Ideal against dryness, tightness, discomfort, prevents pigmentation against irritated skin.

  • Moisturizes the skin - lactic acid is part of NMF (skin moisturizing factor), restores the skin barrier function. Micronized hyaluronic acid – active hydration inside the skin.
  • Lightens the skin , evens out tone and improves complexion.
  • Eliminates dryness and tightness of the skin - removes hyperkeratosis and flaking.
  • Smoothes superficial wrinkles and dry lines.

Immediately after the procedure, the skin takes on a fresh, healthy look, and the tone and complexion are evened out!

Peeling contains:

  • Lactic acid 30% - gentle exfoliation of the skin, restoration of skin barriers;
  • Phytic acid 5% – soft keratolytic + whitening;
  • Micronized hyaluronic acid – moisturizes and restores the skin;
  • Red Grape Stem Cells – prevents all manifestations of photoaging;
  • ALISTIN (carnosine) – against skin glycation.

A video with the stages of peeling and the results is here .

Peeling MangoBright

Peeling MangoBright is a professional enriched all-season peeling for age spots. Ideally works against age spots, acne, dry skin, dehydration and hyperkeratosis. Evens out skin tone and gives a fresh, rested look.

Peeling contains:

  • Lactic acid 30% - in this concentration equally performs a delicate exfoliating effect (eliminates hyperkeratosis) and moisturizing, promoting the penetration of active ingredients from mango pulp;
  • Phytic acid 5% is a mild keratolytic and powerful antioxidant, has an anti-tyrosinase effect (lightens the skin);
  • Kojic acid 5% - also works to lighten the skin (tyrosinase blocker), has an antioxidant effect;
  • The peeling contains Sweet Orange Stem Cells , which stimulate the synthetic activity of fibroblasts and have an antioxidant effect;
  • Micronized hyaluronic acid – moisturizing and restoring the hydrolipid mantle of the skin;

Peeling is indicated for the correction of diffuse pigmentation of any origin, including after hyperinsolation;

Works against all symptoms of photoaging , lightens pigmentation, moisturizes and restores skin barriers, saturates the skin with antioxidants;

Recommended for glycolic acid intolerance and skin hypersensitivity.

A video with the stages of peeling and the results is here.

Post-procedure care

For twenty-four hours after the session, you should not wash your face or rub it. The next day, the skin will turn red and begin to peel. This effect will disappear after three to four days.

The gentle effect of carbon makes post-procedure care easy. You will need:

  • frequent use of moisturizer to restore water balance;
  • Wipe treatment areas with an antiseptic throughout the day;
  • avoid thermal exposure;
  • use a sunscreen emulsion with an SPF of at least 35 and avoid exposure to the sun - it can cause age spots;
  • do not use products containing alcohol;
  • Do not use decorative cosmetics for two to three days.

The dermis will recover within 10-14 days.

Carbon peeling prices

Name of servicePrice(unit)
Neodymium laser
Carbon facial peeling2000 rub.
Carbon peeling face + neck2800 rub.
Carbon peeling face + neck + décolleté3800 rub.
Carbon peeling of hands2800 rub.
Removal of age spots - from 2 cm to 5 cm300 rub.
Complete removal of pigmentation on the face2800 rub.
Subscriptions for services
5 carbon facial peeling procedures7000 rub. instead of 10,000 rub.
10 carbon peeling procedures15000 rub. instead of 20,000 rub.

Possible complications

Negative manifestations after the procedure are very rare, and are often associated with disturbances in the care process. Please remember that there is a risk of:

  • suppuration due to infection. This is possible if the surface of the skin is damaged. It is important to treat your face with an antiseptic;
  • swelling. Appears when you use a cleanser, alcohol lotions, or regular soap;
  • pigmentation in the form of spots. A possible consequence if the procedure was performed on a patient between fourteen and twenty years old. This complication can also occur if you are exposed to sunlight for a long time after the session.

This procedure does not have dangerous, serious consequences, and if you follow the recommendations of a cosmetologist, they are completely excluded.

Chemical peeling during pregnancy

Peeling using chemicals is always accompanied by an aggressive effect on the epidermis. Therefore, during pregnancy, you should immediately discuss your situation with a cosmetologist, who will recommend safe substances for the woman and her baby.

Only an experienced cosmetologist can determine which peelings are allowed during pregnancy. There are only a few acids that are not able to penetrate the bloodstream and affect the development of the fetus. These acids include:

  • all types of alphahydroxy acids;
  • lactic acid;
  • glycolic acid.

All other types of acids are aggressive to the skin of a pregnant woman, so resorting to their help during gestation is very dangerous. If you ignore the recommendations of a cosmetologist and do one of the aggressive acid peels during pregnancy, for example, salicylic, the most unpredictable complications may arise, including termination of pregnancy.

Advice! It is better to ask a cosmetologist in advance about what types of peeling are allowed for pregnant women. Taking into account your gestational age and skin type, he will select the ideal option for cleansing your dermis.

Glycolic peeling during pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman is faced with a cosmetic defect such as pigmentation. You can get rid of this unpleasant phenomenon with the help of glycolic peeling. This skin cleansing is based on the action of glycolic acid, which is considered harmless and allowed during gestation. True, light superficial peeling based on glycolic acid is recommended for pregnant women. Deeper cleansing is recommended after delivery.

Glycolic peeling provides the following cosmetic effects:

  • skin texture is evened out;
  • blood circulation and skin nutrition are normalized;
  • the surface of the skin is cleansed, dead cells are removed;
  • complexion improves, pores become smaller.

It is important to note that the epidermis recovers after peeling in just a couple of days, with no discomfort in the form of pain or peeling.

Peeling during pregnancy using fruit acids

Acid peeling involves cleansing the face with fruit acids. During pregnancy, malic, phytic and tartaric acids help cope with skin defects. A woman undergoes a superficial acid peel, which allows her to gently cleanse the dermis without consequences for the expectant mother and her baby.

Important! Before carrying out acid peeling during early pregnancy, it is better for a woman to consult several cosmetologists, and also completely eliminate any contraindications to this procedure.

Mechanical facial peeling during pregnancy

A safe and effective method of cleansing facial skin is mechanical peeling of the dermis using pharmaceutical peeling compositions with abrasive substances.

A woman can use one of the following peeling products:

  • exfoliant masks are special products based on fruit acids that gently exfoliate the skin at home;
  • scrubs - special products for cleansing the skin with the addition of abrasive impurities, for example, sea salt, granulated sugar, ground coffee beans;
  • gommage is a cream for light superficial exfoliation of the skin, which removes oily sheen and the old ball of the epidermis.

In addition to professional peeling products, you can also use homemade formulations. They perfectly cleanse the skin, give a feeling of freshness and youth, and are also allowed during pregnancy.

Pregnant ladies can prepare peeling scrubs with the following composition:

  • 40 g almond powder, 25 g bee honey, 10 g lemon juice;
  • 4 tbsp. l. chopped oatmeal and 20 g coconut oil;
  • 5 tbsp. l. sea ​​salt and 15 ml olive oil;
  • 20 g of coffee grounds and 10 drops of vitamin E.

Advice! Homemade peeling masks are applied to cleansed facial skin for 15 minutes. After this, massage the skin with light circular movements with your fingertips and wash off any remaining product.

How does the procedure itself work?

At the initial consultation, the specialist does a test to determine the tolerance of the gel used and determines the required number of sessions. As a rule, a course can include from one to five procedures. The number of procedures depends on the condition of the skin and the desired result. The intervals between sessions should be at least six to eight days.

An important point is to increase fluid intake two weeks before the first procedure. This will help normalize the hydrobalance of the epidermis.

During the main session, the cosmetologist begins by completely cleansing the skin of makeup. The specialist uses a tonic to remove dirt and decorative cosmetics. The next step is to apply a carbon mask, which helps the laser beam penetrate deeper into the dermal tissue.

Carbon peeling requires the use of only a neodymium laser, which is safe for any skin type. During the process, the master issues special glasses with protective lenses. The impact of the laser helps stimulate a micro-explosion in the pores, which cleanses them of impurities. Laser beams create a warming effect in the depths of the epidermis, which helps in activating the production of collagen and elastin.

At the end of the procedure, the cosmetologist removes the remnants of the mask and applies cream with SPF protection.

What result should you expect?

The effect of the cosmetology service will not take long to arrive. The primary result can be observed after the first session. Immediately after the first session you can see the following changes:

  1. clean and narrowed pores;
  2. lack of fine light hairs on the face;
  3. smoother and healthier skin color;
  4. reduction of inflammatory processes, if any.

Girls who have completed the full course can observe a more extensive number of changes, which include:

  1. Elimination of pigmentation, fight against a large number of freckles.
  2. A “porcelain doll” effect appears - the dermis is smooth and even in color.
  3. Reducing the number of facial and age wrinkles;
  4. Comedones are reduced.
  5. Reducing sebum secretion.
  6. Restoring natural pH levels.
  7. Rejuvenating effect.

Those with sensitive skin may experience slight flaking. This consequence is absolutely normal and goes away within a day.

Carbon peeling is an affordable service that does not require large financial investments. On average, in two or three sessions you can achieve amazing results that will pleasantly please the hostess.

Almond peeling during pregnancy

Mandelic acid, which is used for almond peeling, does not cause side effects and does not provoke abnormalities in the development of the fetus . This type of peeling is most suitable for pregnant women.

With one cleansing procedure you can achieve the following results:

  • narrowing of pores;
  • removal of blackheads;
  • improvement of metabolic processes in the dermis;
  • skin hydration;
  • acne removal;
  • even out skin tone.

Almond peeling copes well with the inflammatory process, as it has an antibacterial effect. In addition, mandelic acid perfectly whitens the skin, which turns out to be a real salvation for pregnant women faced with pigmentation.

Retinoic peeling and pregnancy

Retinoic (yellow) peeling eliminates many skin imperfections - acne, hyperpigmentation, acne, sagging, wrinkles, signs of photoaging, unhealthy shade and many other defects.

But all cosmetologists unanimously claim that yellow peeling and pregnancy are two completely incompatible things. Geneticists are also against this kind of procedure during gestation, since there is a lot of information about the teratogenic effect of yellow peeling on embryonic development. The danger comes from retinol - a substance that can provoke multiple mutations in the development of the fetus if its concentration in the female body exceeds the permissible norm.

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