BeautyHow to choose care for face and body during pregnancy

Text: Dasha Abramova

Some people forget about coffee and sushi during pregnancy , others indulge in a glass of wine with dinner and don’t bother changing their beauty rituals. The only thing you need to know about self-care during pregnancy is that everyone decides for themselves the first, second, and whatever third. The main thing is that you feel comfortable and that your gynecologist approves of it. As for care, there are some peculiarities here. Dasha Abramova, author of the Byebyeflaw telegram channel, shares a verified list of products.

Personal hygiene for a pregnant woman

You don't have to live in Ancient Greece to worship the goddess Hygieia, who personified purity and preservation of health. In those distant times, the principles of the science of hygiene were laid down, which explains how to eat, dress, and care for the body so as not to harm the body. Hygiene explains in what conditions you need to live, how to alternate work and rest, and maintain mental health.

Hygiene for a pregnant woman takes into account physiological changes in the body of the expectant mother. Under the influence of the hormone progesterone, local and general immunity decreases, and a woman becomes more susceptible to infections. Therefore, it is necessary to keep the skin and mucous membranes clean.

To do this, you should adhere to the following rules of personal hygiene:

  • take a shower 2 times a day;
  • use neutral or baby soap;
  • do not wash the body and intimate area with antibacterial agents;
  • wash the genitals from front to back;
  • Do not use depilatory cream.

In pregnant women, the level of estrogen in the blood increases; hormones stimulate the active reproduction of beneficial vaginal microflora. This leads to an increase in the amount of whitish discharge. To prevent them from staining your laundry, you can use personal hygiene pads. But it is better to choose brands without fragrances, so as not to cause an allergic reaction.


In general, there is no need to radically change your facial care - most likely, you will just have to slightly adjust the scheme. During pregnancy, the skin becomes more sensitive, acne may appear (especially likely in the first or third trimester), irritation, and rosacea. It is best to stick to hypoallergenic products: plant extracts can cause an unpredictable reaction.

As skin sensitivity increases, you should handle acids and essential oils carefully. It is also worth abandoning medicinal ointments against acne with benzoyl peroxide, retinol and, of course, hormonal agents. There are many pharmacy lines for sensitive skin: La Roche-Posay Toleriane, Bioderma Sensibio, Avène Tolérance. SPF is also important - no one should forget about it, including non-pregnant people. The main thing is to always consult a gynecologist about everything, even if it seems insignificant.

La Roche-Posay Toleriane Teint

Fluid foundation for hypersensitive skin. It is especially suitable for girls prone to rosacea - and not necessarily during pregnancy. It has a calming effect thanks to its thermal water content and provides sun protection (SPF 25). The product has a very light texture and a natural semi-matte finish; there are three tones to choose from. A small life hack - you can use it spot on as a corrector.

Bioderma Sensibio H2O Micelle Solution

An extremely versatile product that can be found in cosmetic bags not only among pregnant women, but also, for example, among makeup artists at fashion weeks. The secret is that it is suitable for fragile, thin and sensitive skin. This famous micellar water perfectly cleanses and really removes even waterproof makeup. Does not contain alkali, alcohol or flavorings.

"Cora", anti-stress cream for all skin types, including sensitive

The cream of the Russian brand is suitable not only for daily care, but also for restoring the skin after various stressful situations. For example, hypothermia, prolonged exposure to the sun or chemical peels. In short, it can be used by those with not only very sensitive skin, but also those with irritated and injured skin. Strengthens protective functions, gives a matte finish and is suitable as a base for makeup.

Payot Sensi Expert Gel Yeux Dermo-Apaisant

The Sensi Expert line is designed specifically for sensitive skin and is well tolerated due to the absence of fragrances and dyes. Gel-cream for the eye area soothes and moisturizes the skin, and also brightens dark circles. The main thing that expectant mothers will appreciate is that it fights puffiness and swelling under the eyes.

Matis Reponse Delicate Face Care Mask

Another product for sensitive skin, but note that it is not hypoallergenic - it contains plant extracts. These are such soothing ingredients as calendula, St. John's wort, cornflower, medicinal chamomile. The mask has a gel texture, it slightly cools and tightens the skin. The product improves complexion, especially if the skin is prone to redness - a problem that pregnant women often face. Can be applied to the entire face and neck, or specifically to areas of irritation. For more delicate care, manufacturers recommend not rinsing off the mask with water, but removing it with cotton pads soaked in lotion for sensitive skin from the same brand line.

Rule 2. Eat right

The need for nutrients and vitamins during pregnancy doubles, and the process of food digestion changes, intestinal motility slows down, and the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach decreases. Therefore, nutrition during pregnancy must meet the following hygiene requirements:

  • balanced in composition;
  • contain a sufficient amount of vitamins;
  • in small portions, but at least 4 times a day;
  • without dyes, preservatives and other toxic substances.

Eliminate alcohol from the diet, reduce the amount of sweets and fatty foods, and increase the proportion of vegetables and fruits. But you won’t be able to increase your vitamin intake through diet alone. For pregnant women, there are special vitamin complexes that contain all the necessary components in the required proportions.

Recommendation 6: avoid hypothermia and overheating of the body

If before pregnancy you liked to take a steam bath or, conversely, plunge into an ice hole, then during pregnancy you need to reconsider your habits. Overheating and hypothermia are dangerous for the fetus, especially in the first trimester of gestation.

Hypothermia impairs blood circulation, which can cause fetal hypoxia. Also, do not forget that during pregnancy, immunity decreases, which means the risk of colds increases.

Overheating of the body in the early stages of pregnancy negatively affects the formation of the fetus and increases the risk of miscarriage. Therefore, in the first trimester of gestation it is better to avoid baths and saunas. In the second and third trimester, if there are no contraindications, you can visit the sauna and bathhouse.

Rule 3. Fresh air

During pregnancy, the need for oxygen increases, so walking in the fresh air is important. From a hygiene point of view, it is better to walk in a park where there is no noisy road or a lot of cars. In the hot season, this is done in the evening, during sunset.

In an apartment, to maintain hygiene, it is necessary to ventilate the rooms as often as possible. Dust that settles on things and floors contains a large number of allergens and harmful substances. Therefore, for the health of the expectant mother, you need to do daily wet cleaning.

Risk factors for stretch marks

There are a number of reasons why a woman may be predisposed to developing stretch marks during pregnancy.

  • Hereditary factor. It is much more likely that a woman will have stretch marks if someone in her family has already had them during pregnancy. It must be borne in mind that the volume of the abdomen is not the key point here. Sometimes women, even with a small belly, can experience very noticeable marks on the skin. And vice versa, if a woman does not have a predisposition to stretch marks, they will not appear even with a huge belly.
  • Physiological features. Some women have more flaccid abdominal muscles than others, making them more prone to stretch marks. Skin properties can also be affected by metabolism. If it is violated, the likelihood of scarring on the skin during pregnancy greatly increases.
  • The risk increases with dry skin, as well as if a woman gains weight very rapidly.
  • Food quality. A balanced diet, in which a pregnant woman’s body receives the substances it needs, can reduce the likelihood of stretch marks or significantly reduce their number and size.
  • Woman's age and lifestyle. Young mothers' skin is usually more elastic, so they are less likely to suffer from these problems. The appearance of stretch marks is also influenced by a woman’s physical activity and her tendency to bad habits - for example, smoking significantly impairs the division of skin cells, as a result of which it becomes weaker and more susceptible to connective tissue ruptures.

Rule 5. No heels

A feature of pregnant women’s posture is a shift in the center of gravity. Therefore, to maintain personal hygiene, you need to switch to shoes with a stable heel no higher than 2-3 cm. Completely giving up heels and wearing shoes with flat soles is also harmful to health.

Hormonal changes in pregnant women make the ligaments loose. Therefore, many women develop flat feet after childbirth. To avoid this, it is recommended to choose orthopedic insoles during pregnancy.

Recommendation 8: Accept your pregnancy and your new role as “I am a mother”

In the first trimester of pregnancy, hormonal changes occur in the female body, which affects the functioning of the nervous system. In this regard, a pregnant woman may experience conditions and emotions such as tearfulness, anxiety, and excessive sensitivity. And some pregnant women even feel guilty before others for their whims over trifles, frequent emotional breakdowns.

Feelings of guilt are a negative attitude that must be gotten rid of. After all, such an emotion will cause you psychological discomfort.

Irritability in the early stages of pregnancy is nothing more than an attempt by the female psyche to fully realize and accept the fact of motherhood. And the sooner you accept your pregnancy and your new role as a mother, the sooner your calmness, good mood will return, and you will stop feeling guilty before others.

Hygiene after childbirth

In the postpartum period, intimate hygiene acquires new features. During the first month, lochia is released from the genital tract - a mucous-bloody discharge. To absorb them in the first few days, it is better to use urological pads, and replace regular underwear with disposable ones.

The mammary glands require special care. The main cream for nursing mothers is any drug with dexpanthenol. It helps prevent the appearance of cracked nipples and speeds up their healing. A special bra for nursing mothers will support the breasts in the correct position, and round pads for absorbing milk will keep the linen clean.

The life of a young mother is adjusted according to the needs of the baby. But modern personal hygiene products make caring for yourself and your newborn easier.

Recommendation 1: stop taking medications

The most important rule for women in the first trimester of pregnancy is to avoid taking medications. The medications you took before pregnancy cannot be used in the first trimester of gestation.
In the early stages of pregnancy, the formation of fetal organs occurs, and any drug can negatively affect this process. Therefore, before you swallow a tablet, powder or syrup, think carefully and be sure to consult with your obstetrician-gynecologist. If you have any chronic disease that requires medication, you should also consult a specialist.

Prevention of stretch marks

Some measures will help prevent the appearance of stretch marks during pregnancy or reduce their number. You need to start taking care of this issue from the first weeks of bearing a child.

  • Weight control. During the entire period of bearing a baby, it is not advisable for a woman to gain more than 10–12 kg, since too rapid weight gain often leads to the rapid formation of stretch marks.
  • Use of special bandages. During advanced pregnancy, when the belly is already very large, it is recommended to use bandages, corsets, and support bras.
  • Massage. Properly performed, regular skin massage increases blood circulation, helping to improve the health of skin cells and reducing the likelihood of scarring. Hydromassage has an excellent effect.
  • Application of moisturizing creams. With regular use of such creams, you can not only prevent stretch marks, but also solve the problem of dry skin, which is often the cause of their occurrence.
  • Cold and hot shower. It powerfully increases blood circulation in the body and can have an excellent effect on the condition of the skin.

Proper nutrition

One of the most important conditions for preventing stretch marks is proper nutrition throughout pregnancy. By following certain rules and introducing certain foods into your diet, you can significantly reduce the risk of these unwanted skin defects.

  • Proteins play a huge role in this matter. Thanks to them, the body actively produces elastin and collagen, the purpose of which is to help the skin stretch without tearing the connective tissue. It is better for a pregnant woman to get proteins from nuts and legumes. For example, walnuts are very rich in plant proteins and can provide the body with the necessary supply of protein.
  • Eat more fruits and vegetables. Be sure to include foods containing a lot of fiber in your diet.
  • Reduce to a minimum or completely avoid fatty, floury and heavy foods. The amount of salt consumed should also be reduced.
  • Liquids should be drunk from 2 liters per day unless otherwise instructed by the gynecologist. Mineral water without gas, all kinds of fruit drinks and compotes, as well as green tea are good options. It is better to avoid highly carbonated drinks during this period. In addition, it is not recommended to drink a lot of liquid before bed to avoid the formation of edema.
  • It is necessary to ensure that the body receives the entire complex of microelements and vitamins that are vital for a pregnant woman. Vitamin E is especially important, since only thanks to it are harmful toxins removed from the body, the accumulation of which weakens tissues and deteriorates the condition of the skin.

A balanced diet helps control body weight. If you eat right, weight will be gained evenly, which will prevent sudden stress on the skin.

These preventive measures are effective, but often only special creams designed to prevent scars can help maintain normal skin.

Weleda oil

  • Price: about 1000 rub.
  • Used from 1 week to 3 months after birth.
  • Properties: prevention of the formation of stretch marks and reduction of the intensity of existing ones; increasing tissue elasticity; retaining moisture in the skin.

  • Ingredients: almond oil and jojoba oil, arnica flower extract, wheat germ oil.
  • 2 international quality certificates: NaTrue (organic and natural products) and Vegan Label (guarantee of the absence of components of animal origin).

Avent cream

  • Price: about 800 rub.
  • Properties: replenishes moisture in the epidermis; deep cell nutrition; strengthening skin fibers; softening and restoration of elasticity; assistance in adaptation to skin overstretching; reducing the intensity of existing stretch marks and protecting against the appearance of new ones.

  • Without parabens, dyes and harmful petroleum products.
  • Ingredients: seaweed extract (for skin elasticity), almond oil (moisture restoration), papaya oil, shea butter, lemon and grapefruit extracts.

Lotion/skin rub

Continuing the topic of washing, in addition to napkins, I recommend buying a bottle of the following washing liquid:

Cleansing water for newborns and children Mustela

I was taught how to use this kind of water in the maternity hospital.

Firstly, it is much more convenient for washing your face than water. I applied it to a cotton swab and wiped the baby’s face: nothing extra got into the ears or nose, no splashes, no unnecessary discomfort for the baby. There is no need to wash it off.

Secondly, with the same water you wash away from your butt what was not picked up with a napkin. Changing your baby's clothes at night makes life a lot easier.

Buying it is not very easy - it is not sold everywhere (under the picture there is a link where to buy it). And it's not cheap at all. But when you wash your baby with this water in the morning, you will definitely thank me.

Hendel`s Garden pomegranate emulsion

  • Price: about 1200 rub.
  • Used: during pregnancy, when losing weight, after childbirth.
  • Long lasting effect!

  • Properties: acceleration of tissue recovery; stimulation of skin self-rejuvenation; restoration of moisture levels and elasticity of the skin; anti-inflammatory, smoothing and whitening properties; protection against the appearance of stretch marks and reduction in their intensity.
  • Ingredients: pomegranate extract, shea butter, walnut oil, green coffee extract, panthenol, jojoba oil, rapeseed oil.

Emulsion Bepantol, Bayer

  • Price: about 1300 rub.
  • Form: cream and emulsion (emulsion is more effective!).
  • Used from 1 month of pregnancy and after childbirth.
  • Properties: deep skin nutrition; intensive hydration with prolonged stretching of the skin; smoothing and restoration of elasticity; prevention of stretch marks formation.
  • Free from dyes, parabens and preservatives.
  • Ingredients: centella asiatica (stimulation of collagen production), glycerin, provitamin B5, lipids, olive oil, dexpanthenol (note - in cells it is transformed into pantothenic acid), vitamins C and E.

Cream Sanosan

  • Price: about 500 rub.
  • Form: oil, cream and lotion.
  • Used from 1st week of pregnancy.

  • Properties: protection against the appearance of stretch marks; increasing skin elasticity; correction of existing stretch marks; activation of the regenerating properties of the epidermis; its nutrition, intensive hydration and strengthening.
  • Ingredients: natural lanolin (from sheep wool), milk proteins, wheat proteins (activate the production of your own collagen), chitosan, hibiscus seed extract (increases elasticity), jojoba oil, olive oil, beeswax.

What cosmetics for newborns will you need?

As I said above, by and large, a baby doesn’t have to buy any cosmetics at all, except for baby soap and baby cream (the price is less than 100 rubles).

But know: the better and more complete your baby cosmetics bag, the easier your life as a young mother will be.

Now let's go through the list. There are a lot of different cool cosmetics for children, but I won’t tell you about everything, but only about what is directly necessary. You can purchase the rest of the “nice things” as you wish.

Gel - soap for washing the butt

The butt is our everything. A thoroughly washed baby's bottom is the key to mother's peace of mind.

And the better the butt gel, the easier it will be to wash off the sticky poop.

Of course, the gel for washing the butt must be hypoallergenic, suitable in composition for babies, and without a strong odor.

  • Mustela Soft bathing gel 500 ml, 1130 rub.

  • AQA baby Cream-gel for baby bathing 400 ml, 239 rub.

Take the gel with a pump: pressing with your hand is much more convenient than unscrewing the cap when you have a baby with a dirty bottom hanging on your arm.

How to choose “the one”, your remedy that will really help?

  1. Consider the condition of your skin, age, and allergies to specific components.
  2. Study the composition of the cream - the presence of useful components (their order in the list of ingredients; the closer to the beginning of the list, the greater the percentage of the component in the composition), the presence of harmful components, the presence of components responsible for the strength of collagen fibers.
  3. Study the reviews of expectant mothers on the selected cream.
  4. Find a sample of the product - do an allergy test.
  5. Evaluate the smell of the cream. It may be too intense, and you may need to use it every day throughout your pregnancy.
  6. Read the instructions! If you are pregnant, look for a cream that is used specifically during pregnancy, and not after childbirth, otherwise you simply will not be able to evaluate its effectiveness.

And, of course, consult your doctor!

Here are the most effective remedies for stretch marks, according to future and established mothers:

Cream Mama comfort

  • Price: about 350 rub.
  • Form: light balm-gel and thick cream.
  • Used during pregnancy and also after childbirth.
  • Properties: normalizes the functioning of the epidermis, prevents the occurrence of stretch marks and reduces the intensity of existing ones; increases skin elasticity; deeply moisturizes and retains moisture for a long time; intensively nourishes.

  • The cream contains: Regy-Stretch complex (note - restoration of damaged fibers), hyaluronic acid (increasing collagen production) and olive oil (moisturizing), chamomile extract, tea tree (tonic effect) and horse chestnut.
  • The balm contains: horsetail and green coffee extracts, ivy and nettle extracts, as well as fucus, hyaluronic acid, green tea and meadowsweet extracts, and, of course, the Regy-Stretch complex.

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