Let's look at the best ways to pull pus out of a pimple: medicines and folk remedies

  • Methods for drawing out pus from a subcutaneous pimple
  • Folk remedies for extracting pus from a subcutaneous pimple

There are quite a large number of means and methods for how to draw out pus from a subcutaneous pimple. In the next article we will provide you with a detailed description of the most effective, affordable and safe treatment methods that will help you draw out pus from a subcutaneous pimple in the shortest possible time.

How to cure a deep subcutaneous abscess?

You should not try to get rid of subcutaneous purulent pimples mechanically, as such tactics can lead to quite serious consequences. Treatment for such skin growths may include:

  • Careful lubrication with iodine at the earliest stage of the appearance of a pimple, when it has not yet formed. This product must be used with care so as not to burn the skin.
  • Applying ointments that can draw out pus. Such remedies help the pimple to mature and disappear as quickly as possible.
  • Use of antibacterial agents. Such ointments and creams will help destroy pathological microorganisms on the skin and at the site of inflammation. You definitely can’t do without them if acne appears on the skin quite often or if its occurrence is widespread.
  • The use of medications that stimulate regeneration processes and reduce the risk of scarring. The drugs of choice are usually Solcoseryl, Actovegin gel, Contractubex, etc.
  • Careful use of folk remedies.

Undoubtedly, it is best to treat serious rashes, especially on the face, under the supervision of a dermatologist or at least a cosmetologist. But in general, you can cope with the problem on your own - at home.

What is a pimple?

As you know, the appearance and maturation of acne is a rather painful process. The appearance of such a “spectacle” is unpleasant both to its owners and to people passing by, so it’s not even worth talking about psychological discomfort. Consequently, every day people wonder how to properly squeeze out pimples without suffering. Most often, people begin to push them, without even thinking about the possible consequences.

Doctors recommend treating this problem from the inside, getting rid of the very source of the disease. Fortunately, modern pharmacies are filled with various drugs intended not only for external, but also for internal use.

Of course, no one can forbid us from squeezing pimples, but before this procedure it is necessary to find out the reason for their appearance. After all, they can easily appear not only in a patient, but also in a healthy person, which is not at all surprising. Most often they arise due to factors such as:

  1. Natural hormonal cycles of the human body.
  2. The simplest cold.
  3. Elementary violation of hygiene rules.

What ointment draws pus out?

For a speedy recovery from purulent pimples under the skin, your doctor may recommend using:

  • Vishnevsky ointment. This complex drug has disinfectant, anti-inflammatory, and mild irritant effects. It perfectly removes pus from wounds and subcutaneous pimples, and also stimulates the healing process. To achieve a therapeutic effect, it is enough to apply a thin layer of the medicine to the pimple. You can repeat this procedure 2-3 times a day. This suction ointment can be applied under the bandage, in which case it needs to be soaked through the gauze.
  • Ichthyol ointment. This remedy has been used for many years to treat purulent wounds and acne, as it has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and mild analgesic properties, improves blood circulation in the problem area and stimulates horn formation. In order to quickly cure purulent pimples under the skin, you just need to apply a little of the drug to the problem area. You can put a napkin or a small cotton swab on top and secure the structure with a bandage or regular plaster.
  • Levomekol. This product contains two active components - chloramphenicol and methyluracil, which in their combination destroy pathogenic microorganisms (bacteria) and stimulate regenerative processes. The ointment also has anti-inflammatory properties and stimulates local immunity. To cure a pimple, it is enough to apply Levomekol to it 2 times a day. If necessary, the medicine can be applied under a bandage.

The listed pulling ointments for the treatment of subcutaneous acne do not have many contraindications, but before using them in any case you need to carefully study the instructions for them.


Prominent representatives of the group of combined medications are Levomekol cream and ointment, which draw out all the pus from the wound in a few days. In addition, the product disinfects the skin and eliminates redness.

After 8-10 days (with 2 applications per day), a barely noticeable light pink mark will remain at the site of the abscess.

The main advantages of lekomekol are the acceleration of the formation of a purulent core and the suspension of the inflammatory process.

How to suck out pus using folk remedies?

To treat deep subcutaneous acne, people can use various folk remedies, for example:

  • Tea tree oil. Take a bottle of oil, add 1 tbsp to it. l. honey and 1 tsp. lemon juice. Dip cotton wool into the resulting solution and apply to the problem area. Secure this compress with a band-aid and leave it overnight. Tea tree oil is believed to have powerful anti-inflammatory and antibacterial qualities.
  • Sulfur chatter. To prepare such a medicine, it is necessary to combine 2.5 parts of purified sulfur powder with the same volume of aspirin, 2 parts of chloramphenicol and 1 part of boric acid solution (2%). Add a little alcohol to the mixture and mix the ingredients until smooth. Apply the medicine to problem areas twice a day.
  • Saline solution. Simple salt (regular table salt, iodized salt or sea salt) will help draw pus out of a pimple in a short time. To treat subcutaneous ulcers, you can dilute 1 tbsp in 90 ml of boiling water. l. salt. Moisten a gauze bandage in the resulting solution and apply it to the problem area.
  • Turmeric. To treat subcutaneous acne, you need to dilute this spice with water, achieving a mushy consistency, and then lubricate the problem area with the resulting product. After drying, the mixture must be carefully removed.
  • Plantain. This plant has long been used to treat skin. To remove pus from a pimple, you need to thoroughly rinse its leaves, grind them to a paste and apply them to the problem area. Secure the medicine with a bandage. Perform several dressing changes per day.

It is worth considering that traditional medicine cannot be used if there are lesions on the skin, as well as with multiple purulent pimples. In such a situation, self-medication can lead to complications, including serious spread of infection.


This drug is a serious antibiotic that is prescribed for severe infections. You can buy Dioxidin both in the form of an ointment for external use and in the form of injections (for the treatment of infections of internal organs, for sepsis). Due to its too active action, Dioxidin is contraindicated for pregnant women, breastfeeding women and under 18 years of age. The drug can only be used under medical supervision. The product can be used for severe allergies while taking an antihistamine. This ointment for drawing out pus has few side effects, but contraindications include adrenal insufficiency.

OJSC "Nizhpharm", Russia; PJSC "Biosintez", Russia; Novosibkhimpharm OJSC, Russia

Broad-spectrum antibacterial bactericidal drug.
Purulent bacterial infections caused by sensitive microflora when other chemotherapeutic agents are ineffective or poorly tolerated. External use - superficial and deep wounds of various locations; - long-term non-healing wounds and trophic ulcers; - phlegmon of soft tissues; - infected burns; - purulent wounds with osteomyelitis. Intracavitary administration - purulent processes in the chest and abdominal cavity; - for purulent pleurisy, pleural empyema, lung abscesses, peritonitis, cystitis, wounds with deep purulent cavities (soft tissue abscesses, pelvic cellulitis, postoperative wounds of the urinary and biliary tract, purulent mastitis). Treatment of burn and purulent-necrotic wounds promotes faster cleansing of the wound surface, stimulates reparative regeneration and marginal epithelization, and has a beneficial effect on the course of the wound process. from 35

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Aloe for internal acne

Aloe or agave is widely used by alternative medicine practitioners to treat a wide variety of health problems. In particular, to get rid of purulent pimples under the skin you can:

  • Simply cut the leaf lengthwise and apply the fresh cut to the problem area. Secure this design as tightly as possible with a plaster or bandage (if the acne is on the back or in other places that are inconvenient for treatment), leave it for an hour, and then replace it with a fresh one.
  • Grind a large aloe leaf to a pulp and leave for a quarter of an hour. Add 1 tsp to this mixture. olive oil and stir. Place the resulting mixture on cotton pads and apply to problem areas for 15 minutes. Then remove the product with a cotton pad. Repeat this procedure at intervals of 3 hours until the desired effect is achieved.
  • Pour 200 ml of water into 2 aloe leaves, and after an hour, boil them for 2 minutes. after boiling. Then drain the water, cool the leaves and grind them until you get a paste. Apply it to problem areas for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Aloe is an excellent hypoallergenic folk remedy that can give a quick therapeutic effect. But if the pimple does not decrease with such treatment, but only grows and hurts greatly, it is better to hurry to the doctor.

In the ear

Pimples on the surface of the ear can form due to simple lack of hygiene, since many people have the habit of constantly touching this area with dirty hands. The pimple will bother you for days, but squeezing it is not recommended. In this case, it is best to use the advice of traditional medicine:

  • cut an aloe leaf lengthwise and apply it to the pimple for a while;
  • wipe this area with a decoction of celandine or plantain;
  • apply a small piece of tar soap.

What is the best way to remove pus on the face?

It is quite difficult to treat purulent acne on the face at home, since attempts to self-medicate can lead to:

  • Spread of infection.
  • Formation of scars.

Therefore, doctors allow self-treatment of only single pimples that are not too pronounced and deep. In other cases, therapy should be carried out under the supervision of a dermatologist and may include internal antibiotics and additional measures.

Local treatment of internal acne on the face has its own characteristics. In particular, in this area, doctors recommend not experimenting with folk remedies, but giving preference to proven medications, for example:

  • Levomekol.
  • Ichthyol ointment or Vishnevsky ointment. Such medicines have a very unpleasant odor and are not easy to use on the face, but they can really give a quick effect.

In some cases, treatment of subcutaneous pimples can be carried out using drying agents, for example, zinc ointment. Additionally, the doctor may prescribe medications for internal use that correct the cause of the rash.


An alternative to cleansing can be peeling, which also has many varieties. If a pimple breaks out, it is best to avoid any of them until this stage passes. Otherwise, peeling perfectly helps to cope with inflammation.

Various treatments can help get rid of acne

The essence of the procedure is that the upper stratum corneum of the skin is removed, as a result the pores are cleaned, fat does not accumulate in them, and what is present is washed out.

There are preparations for home use, but cosmetology also offers chemical, laser peels and many others.

Why does the same one constantly fester?

The appearance of a purulent subcutaneous pimple in the same place is a fairly common problem that can be explained by:

  • Proper treatment is not enough, in particular, untreated inflammation. If the skin remains inflamed after the pimple has apparently disappeared, bacteria can easily begin to multiply in it again.
  • Trying to squeeze out a pimple. This approach to getting rid of rashes can lead to the spread of infection and the formation of a permanently inflamed area.
  • Formation of a capsule under the skin. This situation is possible if the pimple is not essentially a pimple, but a benign tumor. You can only get rid of it surgically, and you cannot squeeze out the tumor.

If a pimple appears in the same place, you need to treat it properly using topical or even systemic antibiotics. This will help destroy all pathogenic bacteria that provoke repeated suppuration. It is best to carry out therapy under the supervision of a doctor.


In general, acne can be divided into two types:

  1. Non-inflammatory. This group includes comedones, that is, sebaceous plugs. They close the skin pores, preventing them from breathing. There are open and closed comedones. The former are better known as “blackheads”, since they look like ordinary blackheads. And the closed ones are nodules with white heads. It is worth noting that only open comedones are allowed to apply pressure, although most people do the opposite.
  2. Inflammatory. They themselves are divided into subspecies:
  • papules - clogged, infected pores, which are small, dense nodules (no more than 5 mm in diameter);
  • pustules are small ulcers, less dense, since their cavity consists entirely of pus; in the center, as a rule, there is a small hair;
  • nodes are the most serious forms of pustules, which differ in both density and larger sizes;
  • cysts - are inflammations under the skin of a red or blue-purple color, they can be extremely painful, and can also leave noticeable scars on the surface of the skin; a squeezed pimple (cystic) can affect a person’s internal organs, so you should be extremely careful.
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