The best remedies for sweaty feet: pharmaceutical preparations and folk recipes

  • October 23, 2019
  • Dermatology
  • Victoria Andreeva

Sweaty feet and the unpleasant odor that comes from them is a big problem that a person can face at any age. This phenomenon causes great discomfort, and in some cases is the main reason for a decrease in a person’s level of self-esteem.

You can easily combat the problem in question at home, using folk remedies, as well as pharmacy and cosmetic products. Let's talk further about the most effective methods.

What causes sweaty feet

Before considering the list of the most effective remedies aimed at combating sweating of the feet, it is worth understanding the main reasons for the occurrence of this phenomenon.

The most common causes of sweating of the lower extremities include:

  • wearing closed shoes in a warm room for a long time;
  • wearing uncomfortable or poor quality shoes;
  • use of synthetic insoles;
  • being in a stressful situation;
  • hormonal imbalances in the body;
  • lack of hygiene;
  • increased physical activity.

As for the unpleasant odor that occurs along with the appearance of sweat, it is the result of the vital activity of microorganisms and bacteria, as well as the decomposition of microbes contained in the secreted moisture. It is worth noting that it is this smell that causes the greatest amount of discomfort.

Before you start fighting excessive sweating of your feet with the means and methods listed below, you should pay attention to the quality of the shoes that a person wears every day. It is important to understand that the appearance of the problem in question can be caused by shoes made of synthetic materials and rubber. In addition, often the main reason for the occurrence of such a problem in women lies in the love of wearing nylon tights and socks made of non-natural materials, both in hot and cool weather.

As for men, sweating of their feet most often occurs due to poor hygiene and wearing closed, and sometimes even uncomfortable, shoes.

Having identified the main causes of the problem, we will further understand the most effective ways to get rid of sweaty feet, including recommendations for the use of pharmaceutical products, as well as several folk methods.

One of the best remedies for sweating is furatsilin

Practice shows that one of the most effective remedies for sweating of the feet is ordinary furatsilin, which has a powerful antibacterial effect. It is used against sweating feet and the odor that is released when the sweating process is activated. This medicine is considered a powerful agent, the action of which is aimed at destroying pathogenic microorganisms.

Furacilin can be purchased at any pharmacy. It is typically offered in tablet form. To use this product, you need to take the required number of tablets, dissolve them in water, and then treat the feet with the prepared composition. Before using such a remedy, it is advisable to consult a doctor; he should prescribe the appropriate dosage of the drug, as well as the total duration of the course of treatment.

Today, furatsilin is produced not only in the form of tablets, but also in the form of an ointment, as well as an aerosol. As for the spray, it can be sprayed onto the problem area after each foot wash - this is an excellent way not only to treat hyperhidrosis, but also to prevent it.

As for furatsilin, presented in the form of an ointment, this product is best applied before going to bed, exclusively on clean skin of the feet. Particular care should be taken to treat the areas between the toes, applying the product with light massaging movements. After this procedure, clean cotton socks should be worn on the lower limbs.

A significant advantage of furatsilin is that this drug has almost no contraindications for use and at the same time has a powerful therapeutic effect. Dermatologists do not recommend using this product for obvious skin problems in the area of ​​the feet in the form of open wounds, calluses, and dermatosis.

Odor prevention

  1. Walk barefoot more often, let your skin breathe.
  2. Wash your feet with cool water several times a day. Drying only with a cotton towel.
  3. Tar soap and tar gel give good results. These products themselves do not smell very pleasant, but their aroma evaporates quickly. Unlike soap, the gel smells weaker. You can find handmade tar soap on sale. It has almost no smell.
  4. Use foot deodorants (see list of recommendations below).
  5. In the evening, while bathing, treat your feet especially carefully: brush them with a pumice stone to remove dead skin.
  6. Our ancestors rinsed their bodies with a decoction of oak bark. How right they were! Oak bark reduces sweating.
  7. After washing, treat your feet with talcum powder and baby powder. Yes, even starch!
  8. Wear the right shoes, dress for the season.
  9. Air your feet periodically. Surely, even at work, you can take off your shoes several times during the day and rest for 15-20 minutes.
  10. Wear socks made from natural fabrics. Change them every day.

Try exfoliating at home (even men have become addicted to exfoliating socks lately). The essence of the procedure: exfoliation of dead skin (no pedicurist can give this effect). After treatment, the skin peels off in thick layers. The smell decreases significantly, or even disappears completely.

Order medications without leaving home. Very comfortably!

Treatment of mycosis

While the skin and toenails are affected by fungus, it is useless to talk about getting rid of the stench. Mycosis makes the nails and dermis loose and porous. The skin actively dies and absorbs sweat. Microorganisms secrete waste products. This whole explosive “cocktail” creates an indescribable, persistent, nauseating odor.


As long as mycosis exists, an unpleasant aroma will obsessively haunt your feet. Get rid of fungal foot infection and odor using a product from the pharmacy. Mycoseptin ointment gives good results.

The drug is also used to prevent sweating of the feet, in the treatment of rashes and prickly heat.


Any ointment with this active ingredient is suitable. The drug is very economical and lasts for a long time. Apply at night to clean feet. The effect is noticeable after 3-4 days. Treatment for 1-1.5 weeks. Then for prevention once a week or even once a month.


Formagel, a light transparent ointment sold in pharmacies at a cheap price, is considered a fairly effective remedy for men from sweating feet. It should be applied in small quantities to problem areas of clean skin. After 30 minutes, the product should be washed off with cold water.

The reduction in sweating intensity with this product occurs as a result of the formation of an invisible protective film.

To obtain the desired result on a long-term or even permanent basis, you should use Formagel for three weeks. If such a need arises, after some time you can carry out a second course of treatment with this remedy for foot sweat, however, as practice shows, this is required only in isolated, especially advanced cases.

Will foot cream help with odor and sweat?

The use of anti-sweat cream allows you to achieve the desired results only if you follow the recommendations for use. The highest effectiveness is achieved with timely initiation of treatment of the problem.

In advanced stages, the result from using foot cream may be temporary; in cases where the cause is a malfunction of the internal organs, it is recommended to use the cream in combination with another type of treatment.

Also, the greater degree of effectiveness of using the cream depends on the correct choice of the drug and the characteristics of the human body.


"Borozin" is another inexpensive but quite effective remedy for sweaty feet. In Russian pharmacies it is available without a prescription and also has a low cost. Initially, powdered “Borozin” was used as a shoe polish with a powerful antifungal and antibacterial effect, but not so long ago its valuable protective properties were discovered, manifested in protecting the skin of the feet from fungal diseases.

Borozin powder is a product that contains boric and salicylic acids, as well as zinc - these components help not only eliminate the problems of excessive sweating, but also activate the healing process of calluses on the feet. In addition, the structure of the product contains camphor and mint oils, as well as caramine - the action of these ingredients is aimed at eliminating itching and preventing the appearance of cracked heels.

To ensure a long-lasting effect from using Borozin, you should take a 5-day course of its use - you can enjoy a reduced level of sweating for more than 4-5 months. At the same time, the price of a package in Russian pharmacies is no more than 200 rubles.

Creams during pregnancy

During the period of bearing a child, the formation of excessive sweating can be associated primarily with hormonal changes in the body.

To eliminate this discomfort, you can use the following medications:

  • Algel - a substance that effectively reduces increased levels of sweating and helps eliminate unpleasant odor in the feet. Active components absorb excess liquid without polluting the pores. Used during pregnancy and lactation. Apply once a day for no more than 5 days. The results obtained last up to several months. Has the property of causing adverse reactions such as allergies. Average cost 310 rubles ;
  • Nepotin 911 - the composition of the foot gel contains only natural ingredients that are effectively used during pregnancy in all trimesters. It has anti-inflammatory properties and reduces excessive sweating. Nourishes the skin of the feet, reduces the formation of the stratum corneum. It is prescribed once a day before bedtime for 7 days. If necessary, it is recommended to increase the duration of treatment. Average cost 75 rubles ;
  • Deo control - a series of drugs used to reduce the unpleasant symptoms of sweat, reduces the development of harmful microorganisms that cause foot fungus and the appearance of an unpleasant odor. Used in the first trimester and second trimester of pregnancy. May cause allergic reactions. The average cost is 90 rubles .


Nepotin 911

Deo control
The use of anti-sweat drugs during pregnancy requires special care, since many creams have a high level of penetration and can negatively affect the condition of the child.

Zinc ointment

Zinc ointment is a fairly effective and proven remedy for sweating feet, which is offered by Russian pharmacies.

The essence of its use is to apply a small amount of the product to the cleansed part of the skin in the area of ​​the problem area. After 20-30 minutes, the remaining product should be removed with a dry towel without rinsing it off. This procedure should be carried out every day until the expected effect appears. It's best to do this before bed.

After each use of zinc ointment, it is recommended to treat the skin of the feet with a nourishing cream, since the pharmaceutical product has one small drawback - it dries out the skin of the feet.


External zinc-containing products used to eliminate sweating have few contraindications. First of all, the drug should not be used by people who are allergic to the components included in the composition. Allergic reactions to zinc oxide itself rarely occur, but to additional components - much more often, especially to formaldehyde, which is present in Teymurov’s zinc-containing paste.

During pregnancy, anti-sweating medications can only be used after consulting a doctor, but the dosage should be carefully monitored, especially in the early stages. Zinc can penetrate the body of the expectant mother through the skin and negatively affect the development of the fetus. During breastfeeding, you can use zinc pastes to eliminate sweating of the feet, but it is better not to smear such preparations on your armpits. Also, pregnant and nursing mothers need to ensure that the product does not contain formaldehyde.

Salicylic-zinc paste, in contrast to zinc itself, has more contraindications. These include:

  • young age (up to 12 years);
  • blood diseases (reduced coagulation and anemia);
  • Stomach or intestinal ulcer;
  • dysfunction of the excretory system.

External preparations based on petroleum jelly and paraffin create an airtight film on the skin, under which anaerobic bacteria actively multiply. Therefore, if you have pustules in the armpits and severely inflamed wounds on the feet, it is not recommended to use zinc pastes to treat sweating.

Thus, zinc ointment will help cope with inflammation, diaper rash and the terrible smell of sweat coming from the feet and armpits.

Pasta Teymurova

One of the best remedies for sweating feet is another pharmacy product - Teymurov's paste. Its effectiveness has been proven by time, as well as by a lot of positive reviews left for the ointment.

The main effect of Teymurov's paste is to eliminate excessive sweating. A significant advantage of the product is its composition. The thing is that the structure of the ointment contains not only an antiseptic, but also glycerin and peppermint oil - these components protect the skin of the feet from drying out, which is often observed when using products of this type.

Teymurov's paste should be applied only to previously cleansed skin. After this, you should wait no more than 20-30 minutes, and then rinse off the remaining product with warm water. The average duration of treatment with this remedy is a week, after which it is worth taking a break of a month and then repeating it.


Reviews about the use of odor and sweat creams:

Review of Algel

Review of Bileta cream

Review of ChistoStop-Deo cream

Review of Deo Control cream

Review of Dry Dry cream

Review of Formagel

Review of Formidron

Review of burnt alum powder

Review of Nepotin 911

Review of Teymurov's paste

Review of the cream 5 days

Review of Vichy cream


"Algel" is another effective remedy for sweating feet, which is actively recommended for use by many Russian dermatologists, pointing out its main advantage - preventing blockage of the sebaceous glands in the treated areas of the skin.

Algel is recognized as a harmless drug that has no serious contraindications or side effects. Despite this, before using the product you should consult a dermatologist to see if this is permissible.

The process of using Algel is standard - it should be applied in a small amount to a washed and dried problem area of ​​the skin, evenly distributed with massaging movements.

About the treatment of excessive sweating of the feet with folk remedies

How to get rid of sweaty feet at home without using pharmaceutical drugs? Traditional medicine offers a range of homemade ointments and baths that have an effective effect on the problem in question. Moreover, many of the recipes and methods listed below have been tested by time and by a huge number of people who have confirmed not only their ability to reduce the intensity of hyperhidrosis, but also to eliminate the problem of unpleasant foot odor. Let's talk further about the most effective ways to combat sweaty feet at home.

Why do my feet smell?

Why do my feet and shoes stink? Let's figure it out!

  • Physiology . Every day, your feet endure heavy loads. Therefore, the skin on the feet quickly dies, peels off, and is replaced by a new one. In addition, your feet sweat actively. All this creates killer combinations!
  • Microflora . Mixing skin flakes and sweat create an ideal breeding ground for germs and bacteria. After a short time, the feet begin to emit that same indescribably “beautiful” amber that does not allow you to take off your socks and shoes in front of strangers.
  • Local hyperhidrosis of the soles . Increased sweating in the feet is a hereditary or acquired disease.
  • Poor nutrition, toxins, waste . They directly affect the odor of the whole body, sweat and, of course, feet. Thus, it is known that smokers and alcohol drinkers suffer from the problem more often.
  • Fungal diseases of the feet or nails (mycoses). They destroy tissues and cause an unpleasant odor. Read about medications for treatment below.
  • Pathologies, formations in the foot area . Ingrown toenails, flat feet, mycoses (the same “fungi”), corns, calluses.
  • Synthetic clothing and shoes . Socks and synthetic shoes cause increased sweating. There are no pores in such materials, so natural ventilation is disrupted, moisture and odors accumulate.
  • Various diseases . Cardiovascular pathologies, including hypertension, kidney disease, liver disease, diabetes, metabolic disorders, excess weight and more.
  • Hormonal "jumps" . When hormonal levels change, our body begins to smell differently. Thus, teenagers - boys and girls - often complain of unpleasant foot odor. The same thing happens to pregnant women. And in other cases.
  • Stress, diseases of the nervous system . Causes active sweating.
  • Taking certain medications . For example, antibiotics.

To determine the exact cause, you need to consult a doctor. Start your medical trip to the offices with a visit to your family doctor or therapist. What you can do at home: read detailed descriptions of foot and shoe odor remedies in this article and overcome the unpleasant situation.

Effective baths for sweaty feet

First of all, we will consider options for baths that help cope with the problem of hyperhidrosis in the foot area. They are made using table salt, oak bark, bay leaves, mint leaves, nettles and sage, as well as lemon peels.

In order to make a bath with table salt, you should dilute a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water, and then rinse your feet with the solution. To obtain maximum effect, it is recommended to carry out this procedure daily, 2-3 times a day. After this procedure, be sure to wash your feet with clean water.

A bath made from a decoction of nettle, mint and sage leaves is considered an effective remedy. To prepare it, take a tablespoon of each type of plant, combine the ingredients in one container, and then pour them with a liter of boiling water. Cover the mixture tightly and let it sit for 30-40 minutes. Next, you should pour the broth into a wide basin and lower your feet into it. After 15 minutes, pat your feet dry with a terry towel and go to bed.

The best folk remedy for foot odor and sweating is considered to be a bath made from oak bark. To prepare it, you need to take a spoonful of oak bark and, after pouring the product with a liter of boiled water, place the container with the mass on medium heat and boil for half an hour. Next, the broth needs to be cooled to a comfortable temperature and, pouring it into a wide basin, lower your legs there for 30 minutes. Practice shows that this folk method of combating excessive sweating of the feet is highly effective, but as a result of its long-term use, dark spots may appear on the skin of the feet, the cause of which is the effect of tannins contained in the main ingredient.

Baths based on a decoction of bay leaves are highly effective in combating hyperhidrosis in the area of ​​the feet. To prepare it, you need to pour 3 liters of boiling water over 20 dry bay leaves and, covering the container, let the mixture brew for 30 minutes. You should soak your feet in such a bath every day, and the procedure should last at least 20 minutes. It is best to conduct sessions before bedtime. In a similar way, you can prepare a decoction based on lemon peels.

The best combination products - ointments and powders for foot odor

An overview of the best remedies for foot odor opens with combination preparations that contain more than one component, can reliably protect the skin from excess sweating, neutralize unpleasant odors, and also prevent the proliferation of pathogenic flora, various fungi and yeasts.

Teymurova paste

Rating: 4.9

Perhaps, of all the drugs included in the rating, designed to combat foot odor, this product has the most complex composition. The main antiseptic ingredient is boric acid. Methenamine has been added to it, which is an antiseptic and eliminates the unpleasant odor emanating from the decay products of organic sweat substances consumed by bacteria. The drying agent in Teimur paste is talc, which keeps the skin of the feet dry. Borax, or sodium tetraborate, along with an antiseptic effect, also has a preservative effect, which allows the paste not to deteriorate. The paste also contains salicylic acid, which, in addition to the disinfecting and drying effect, also has a keratolytic effect. This means that it exfoliates dead, dead cells, which serve as excellent food for various bacteria and fungi. Additionally, the paste contains a strong antiseptic formaldehyde, drying zinc oxide and lead acetate, which has an antiseptic effect and prevents the proliferation of microorganisms.

Thus, the use of Teymur paste for excessive sweating and foot odor allows you to build a “deeply layered defense”, since each of the components in the product is duplicated. The paste acts quickly and effectively, it should be applied to dry skin once or twice a day, and it has a potent effect. This means that on the first or second day of application there may be no effect; it only develops at the end of 4 days. Teymur's paste is produced by the domestic association Zelenaya Dubrava, and one package weighing 50 g is inexpensive - only 53 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

As often happens, disadvantage is a continuation of advantage, and vice versa. This paste takes effect after a few days, so at first there may not be any effect. But a week after use, even if you accidentally missed applying the paste to your skin, the effect of the previous days will be preserved, and your feet will not smell even without applying the paste. A definite disadvantage is the need to apply this paste to the skin of the feet, which has dried naturally, that is, the feet cannot be wiped with a towel before applying the paste in order to avoid the appearance of microcracks, they must dry on their own.

The advantage of fasting is the ability to use it in the armpits, arms, and also in the groin. Minus - the skin must be healthy and undamaged; the paste cannot be used for cracked heels, or if there are calluses or other wounds on the skin. The average course of treatment with this paste for excessive sweating of the feet is up to 2 weeks. Those who think that paste can be used constantly are mistaken. It contains quite potent ingredients.

Lassara paste (salicylic-zinc)

Rating: 4.8

Without a doubt, many people know this paste under a different name, namely salicylic-zinc. It is very widely used in dermatology, has a drying effect, and also produces an antibacterial and antiseptic effect. In dermatology, it is used for application to acne, pustular skin lesions, and even in the presence of damage, such as ulcers and wounds. In addition to salicylic acid and zinc, the base substance is Vaseline, and it is indicated for softening the skin.

Lassara paste helps very well to get rid of foot odor in the presence of cracked heels and excessive keratinization. It heals small wounds and ulcers, softens and removes dead skin cells of the epidermis, which serve as a source of nutrition for microorganisms, and thanks to Vaseline, softens the skin. Apply Lassara paste, as in the previous case, once or twice a day. In some cases, the number of applications can be increased to 4.

Before buying this paste, or its analogue - salicylic-zinc ointment, you need to ask whether it contains petroleum jelly or not. The fact is that salicylic-zinc ointment (and not Lassar's paste) does not contain petroleum jelly, although the composition of the active ingredients of the drugs is identical.

Therefore, if you decide to replace the paste with salicylic-zinc ointment, then know that it dries out the skin greatly, and if you decide to use it in the armpits or on the palms, then it is only suitable for oily and normal skin types, and for people with sensitive and It is contraindicated for dry skin. Lassara paste is produced by the Tula Pharmaceutical Factory, and a 25 g package costs only 26 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of this paste is the possibility of application in the presence of skin defects, and if you use the paste, and not just an ointment, it additionally softens and smoothes the skin. In addition, it can also be used for pustular rashes, from which no one is safe. The paste is widely distributed in the pharmacy chain, has a low price, and this is also important.


Rating: 4.7

What will happen if salicylic acid and zinc oxide are not produced in a soft dosage form, but mixed in powders? Then you will get an excellent powder, which is sold in pharmacies under the name Galmanin. It can be purchased either in a small jar with holes or in bags. A package of 10 packets, each containing 2 g of the drug, costs an average of 44 rubles, and Galmanin is produced by the same Tula pharmaceutical factory.

Unlike Lassar's paste, Galmanin can be used by people with normal and even dry skin, since the powder acts in a thin layer and, unlike ointment or paste, does not envelop the skin. This leads to careful treatment of the sensitive epidermis. You need to use Galmanin by rubbing your feet once or twice a day. The treatment course for getting rid of foot hyperhidrosis and foot odor lasts, on average, about 2 weeks.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of Galmanin will be a softer and more gentle effect on the skin, its cost is also low, and it is unlikely that the difference between the price of Lassar and Galmanin pastes can cause irritation in anyone. But Galmanin has one undeniable advantage: it can be poured into cleanly washed socks, and in the evening it is recommended to be applied inside the shoes in which a person will walk down the street the next day. Therefore, in mild cases, when there is no too pronounced unpleasant odor, and the sweating of the feet is not very great, then it is quite possible to use Galmanin in this way, without direct application to the feet.

Five days (5D)

Rating: 4.7

This product is also available in sachets. One package contains 10 sachets weighing 1.5 g each. The composition includes, as in previous cases, boric acid, salicylic acid and zinc oxide. But other ingredients that have a refreshing and antibacterial effect include camphor, menthol, which has a cooling effect, and triclosan, which is often used in antibacterial soaps. As a result, the manufacturing company Galenopharm received an excellent complex product that can be used not only to eliminate unpleasant foot odor, but also protects the skin of the feet from abrasions, cracks and itching.

Treat feet by pouring one sachet onto the skin of the foot and rubbing its surface evenly. You need to rub your feet in the morning, before putting on socks or stockings. The second application is shoe treatment. Naturally, only closed shoes can be processed, for example, winter boots with fur inside or closed demi-season shoes. To do this, pour one sachet into your shoes, and you need to do this before leaving the house.

In the event that a person plans to stay in shoes without removing them for an hour or two, then the product does not need to be used. It is quite potent, and the manufacturer recommends pouring Five Days into shoes if the time spent outside is at least 5 hours. Therefore, this product will appeal to tourists, fishermen, and military personnel. If you regularly treat shoes for a week, then the lasting effect of freshness will remain in them for up to 6 months.

This product is produced in several varieties by the St. Petersburg company Galenopharm: powder for treating shoes, foot cream, and a special deodorizing foot bath. In this case, the powder will cost 120 rubles, and a package of 10 sachets of 25 g each for 10 baths, which relieves feet of unpleasant odor, costs 240 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The recipe for Five Days is well balanced, it disinfects, dries, at the same time refreshes and gives lightness to the gait due to camphor and menthol. A contraindication for use would be the presence of very dry and irritated skin, and in other cases - only individual intolerance. A big advantage is the availability of several dosage forms, convenient for a variety of uses, both at home and in beauty salons. The price category is low, and at the same time the drug, especially applied inside shoes, can act for a long time. That is why this good, high-quality domestic drug for unpleasant foot odor and hyperhidrosis was included in the rating.

Decoction of sage leaves

How to get rid of sweaty feet at home? An effective remedy in the fight against the problem in question is a decoction made from sage leaves. To prepare it, pour a teaspoon of the main ingredient into two glasses of boiling water, and then let the broth brew under a closed lid until it cools completely.

As soon as the decoction is ready, it must be passed through two layers of gauze and then started to be consumed. To achieve a positive effect, you should drink 2 tbsp of decoction. l. every day, morning and evening.

Oil mixture

An excellent folk remedy for sweaty feet is an oil mixture that can be prepared from two ingredients. To do this, combine cold-pressed olive oil and tea tree oil in a 1:1 ratio in one container, then mix and, after slightly heating the product in a water bath, apply it to clean skin in the problem area, rubbing it in.

It is recommended to use this composition twice a day, morning and evening. After application, you should wait until the products are completely absorbed, after which you can go about your business or go to bed.

As practice shows, by carrying out such a procedure daily, you can observe a positive effect after just a couple of weeks of using such a folk remedy. Once the result is obtained, it is recommended to carry out this procedure a couple of times a week to consolidate it.

An excellent alternative to the indicated composition is a mass made from tea tree oil and aloe vera gel mixed in a 3:1 ratio. You will have to rub in this product for quite a long time - for a couple of months, but this composition is most effective. In addition, it is ideal for particularly problematic skin on the feet. Practice shows that with long-term use of such a folk remedy for foot sweat and unpleasant odor, some cosmetic defects of the feet can be eliminated.

The best deodorants, solutions, creams, gels for foot odor

As you know, a cream differs from a paste, which is essentially an ointment-based medicine, in that it is absorbed into the skin very quickly and does not leave a greasy residue. The cream applied to the feet is intensively absorbed within a few minutes, and you can safely put on your socks. Teymur's paste requires a slightly longer time to absorb, and Lassara's paste takes even longer (due to Vaseline). In the case of deodorant, everything is even simpler. Being a liquid that evaporates rapidly, you can put on your shoes when using deodorants in a minute or even less. The rating for combating foot odor included several domestic and foreign preparations in the form of spray, cream and liquid.


Rating: 4.9

The Dry-Dry company produces a whole line of various products against unpleasant odor and intense sweating. One of them is a solution packaged in 35 ml bottles. It is produced by the Swedish company Lexima, and this solution is quite expensive: one package has an average retail price of about 800 rubles. This product is also available in spray form.

Why is this drug so expensive? The manufacturer has proven that the active components of this solution do not interfere with the function of the sweat glands, but simply redirect sweat to other places, and it is removed where it can evaporate freely. This action is based on the formation of a special aluminum-protein complex, which creates a functional block for the release of sweat and odor on the surface of the feet. Such a functional “plug” on the feet is absolutely harmless, it is not absorbed into the blood, and allows you to apply this drug only once or twice a week, while freshness and cleanliness are guaranteed every day. The product should be applied to completely dry skin, after which the solution should be allowed to dry.

Advantages and disadvantages

Liquid against sweating and unpleasant odor Dry-dry Classic has interesting properties. So, it should be applied in the evening before bed. After application, feet should not be wet. This is very convenient, since a person getting ready for work in the morning does not always have the opportunity to carefully care for his feet and rub ointment or cream into them. It is also very important that the drug can be applied only once a week. As a result, the price, which seems so high, with such an economical application, becomes quite acceptable. As the practice of cosmetologists shows, one small bottle can last for at least 3 months, and at most for a whole six months. In this case, you can use the product for as long as you like; there are no restrictions on the duration of the course. The only thing to remember is that Dry Dry should not be applied to damaged or irritated skin.


Rating: 4.8

Odorex foot spray has a unique refreshing and antiseptic effect. These are high-quality medical Bulgarian cosmetics (cosmeceuticals), which contain ingredients such as metphenamine, glycerin, aluminum chloride, ethanol and perfume. Odorex foot is long-lasting and significantly reduces symptoms such as wet feet and foot odor within ten days after just one spray. It has an additional antiseptic effect. Odorex foot is intended only for treating the skin of the feet, and is not used for shoes.

Before using Odorex foot deodorant for the first time, you must thoroughly wash your feet with soap and dry them, and after spraying you do not need to rub in the deodorant. You just need to dry your feet well. This procedure should be done slowly, before going to bed. In the morning, you should rinse your feet with clean water, without soap, and this should be done for 3 days in a row. After this, you can forget about this deodorant for a week or even two. After an average of 10 days have passed, it is recommended to repeat the procedure.

Advantages and disadvantages

The cost of one 50 ml bottle can be considered quite high - on average 900 rubles. But it must be taken into account that it is hypoallergenic; the only contraindication is intolerance to aluminum salts or the presence of damaged skin on the feet. It should be taken into account that after the initial three-time treatment, it is not necessary to repeat the application all three times in a row every day, as the first time, but only once. Therefore, it is quite possible that you will only apply this spray three times a month. Therefore, this package can last for six months: the savings are significant.

Scholl deodorant – antiperspirant for feet

Rating: 4.7

This deodorant is a representative of a high-quality line of English cosmetics produced by Reckitt Benckiser. This deodorant contains the active substance - aluminum chlorohydrate, perfume composition, cyclomethicone, propylene carbonate, and other gaseous and liquid substances under pressure, which are contained in high-quality deodorants.

Taken together, Scholl is able to combat unpleasant odor and excessive sweating, and has a fungicidal effect. It is applied to the skin of the feet daily, and its effect lasts up to 24 hours. As a result, the feeling of freshness of the feet leads to comfort and helps to get rid of the development of fungal diseases. One 150 ml bottle is sold in pharmacies at a retail price of 265 rubles. This drug is convenient and in demand.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of this aerosol is its high quality, pleasant smell, ease of use: what could be simpler than applying the product to your feet every day, like any regular antiperspirant deodorant. At the same time, its cost is quite low. But on the other hand, this aerosol does not have the same advantages as more expensive sprays, which can protect for 10 days or even longer after a one-time application.

Formagel (formaldehyde)

Rating: 4.7

Formagel - this name speaks for itself. This is a local remedy for combating unpleasant odor and sweating of feet, the active and only substance of which is formic aldehyde, or formaldehyde (methanal). This substance is actively used in medicine as an antiseptic, is a preservative and sealant of biological tissues. It is thanks to the accumulation of formaldehyde in the blood that a person experiences painful hangover symptoms the morning after a feast.

But in this case, formaldehyde can effectively combat sweating of the skin of the feet, since it simultaneously has an antiseptic effect and inhibits the secretion of sweat glands. The drug is a transparent, colorless gel with a slight characteristic odor of formaldehyde, which, perhaps, cannot be called pleasant. This gel must be applied after water procedures and a shower to areas of the skin with increased sweating, in this case - to the feet and between the toes, but certainly after drying the skin.

The gel is applied for 30-40 minutes, if we are talking about rough skin of the sole and in the area of ​​interdigital folds. After this, the gel is washed off, and after the first application, the effect of reducing sweating and reducing odor lasts, on average, up to 10 days. In case of pronounced unpleasant symptoms of sweating and odor, this treatment can be carried out for 2 or 3 days in a row. One package of gel weighing 15 grams costs an average of 230 rubles, and it is produced by the domestic pharmaceutical company Retinoids.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of Formagel is its long-lasting action, which can be compared with the best imported analogues, for example, with Dry-Dry or Odorex aerosols. But at the same time, Formagel must not only be applied to the skin, but also wait 40 minutes and then rinse off, and this is not always convenient. In addition, the gel lacks a perfume composition and smells of formaldehyde, and not everyone will like this smell.

The gel has contraindications. It should not be used if the skin is hypersensitive or if there are inflammatory symptoms; it should not be used for cracked heels. In some cases, it can cause excessive dryness of the skin, which will have to be dealt with in an additional way. The cost of this gel is very high, and it cannot be called justified. After all, formaldehyde is a large-scale product of the chemical industry, and a pharmaceutical factory can purchase raw materials for no more than 20 rubles per kilogram.


Rating: 4.6

What happens if you deprive the formagel of the gel base? That's right, you will only get a formaldehyde solution, which is sold in dark glass bottles of 50-100 ml. The result is the drug Formidron. More precisely, not a drug, but simply a chemical product that is produced by the Tver Pharmaceutical Factory at a very affordable price, unlike Formagel. One bottle of Formidron with a volume of 50 ml costs 20 rubles, and one bottle with a volume of 100 ml costs 25 rubles. Perhaps this is the cheapest remedy for foot odor and excessive sweating. Using Formidron is very simple; if you have excessive sweating of your feet, you just need to wipe the soles and spaces between your toes once a day before going to bed.

Advantages and disadvantages

The undoubted advantage of Formidron is its real price, because the pharmaceutical factory does not formulate the composition, but simply dilutes purified formaldehyde and packages it in vials. But at the same time, the formaldehyde solution is certainly harsher. It may cause local reactions - allergic rash, redness, burning or itching, or other hypersensitivity reactions and individual incompatibility. It is contraindicated for dry and damaged skin, inflammatory formations, and cracked heels. Despite all the cheapness, Formidron is still more dangerous than Formagel. Still, this is liquid formaldehyde and it can accidentally splash out and get into the eyes or mucous membranes, and the gel in this sense is, of course, safer.

In conclusion, here are some important tips. To minimize sweating and unpleasant foot odor, you need to wash them twice a day and wipe them dry. It is necessary to remove excess dead skin with pumice stone; it is advisable to have shoes made of natural, easily breathable materials, just like insoles and socks. It is recommended to use deodorant for shoes, pour dry powders into shoes, which were given in the rating (Galmanin, Five days). You should wear clean socks every day.

In the same case, if nothing helps, sweating is extremely profuse and is associated with various diseases, then a radical method of treating hyperhidrosis is an injection of botulinum toxin. It blocks not only neuromuscular transmission, but also stops the action of the sweat glands. But this remedy is radical and is used only for medical reasons.

Olive leaf paste

If you can get your hands on olive tree leaves, be sure to use them to combat excessive sweating of your feet. From them you can prepare an effective foot paste, which will not only eliminate the problem, but also soften the skin of the feet. Rumor has it that this remedy was used back in Ancient Greece.

To prepare the miraculous composition, take a handful of olive leaves and grind them thoroughly in a mortar until a paste-like consistency is formed. The resulting mass should be applied to problem areas of the skin using a cotton swab.

The treated legs should be wrapped in polyethylene and then left at rest for half an hour. After 30 minutes, the polyethylene should be removed and the feet should be washed with warm water, without using soap, and then dried with a terry towel.

How to prevent hyperhidrosis

What should you do to avoid hyperhidrosis? First of all, you should pay attention to maintaining foot hygiene at the proper level.

To prevent your feet from sweating and emitting an unpleasant odor, you should buy only high-quality shoes made from natural materials with a comfortable last. It is also important to pay attention to the material from which the insoles and soles are made—synthetics and rubber should be avoided.

In the hot season, you should wear exclusively open shoes, and in the cold season, closed and warm ones. Moreover, people who constantly stay indoors for a long time (for example, at work, at school, etc.) should take care of changing their shoes to lighter, but closed shoes - this will save not only from excessive sweating, but also from freezing of the feet, which occurs against this background.

When you notice the first signs of hyperhidrosis, you should begin to take preventive measures, and if the problem has gotten worse, you need to start eliminating it as quickly as possible by using folk remedies or pharmaceuticals. It is important to remember that promptness in this matter can save you from the appearance of fungal and some other skin diseases.

Why do shoes stink?

Everything is simple here: either you bought the Chinese version, and the new pair simply stinks of glue and cheap dermantine. Or the shoes have absorbed sweat and become infected with foot odor. In this case, you will have to work hard.

In order to eliminate the smell of sweat from shoes, you need to use special means.

The SmellOff sweat odor neutralizer not only masks the “aroma”, but completely destroys all its smallest molecules, so the smell does not return.

The undoubted advantage of this product is its natural composition, where the main active ingredient is enzymes. Thanks to this, the product does not emit a strong chemical odor. There is also no risk of damaging the skin of the feet.

This universal neutralizer is suitable not only for shoes, but also for clothing, other textiles (if washing does not help or cannot be washed frequently), sports equipment and equipment.

To get the effect you need:

  1. Wash and clean shoes thoroughly, then dry.
  2. Remove the laces and insoles and process them separately.
  3. Spray SmellOff inside each shoe by pressing the sprayer 3-5 times, distributing it evenly over the entire surface and reaching hard-to-reach areas (shoe toes).
  4. Leave until completely dry for 12-24 hours in a box or closet (in a poorly ventilated place without drafts), then ventilate.

The tendency of shoes to develop unpleasant odors is due to the materials used in their production. Sports shoes are especially affected. I came across this interesting list posted on one of the forums:

Rating of problematic sneakers

  • NB990 v3 / NB993 v3
  • Reebok Easytone/Reebok Runtone
  • Asics with GEL technology
  • Adidas with Boost technology
  • Ecco Biom
  • Adidas Fast/Adidas Swift
  • Reebok with Pump technology
  • Nike Air Max 2014..15..16..17
  • Salomon X Ultra / Salomon XA Pro 3D
  • Adidas Superstar

Preventing odor in shoes

  1. Take care of your feet as described above.
  2. Wear only natural socks. For prevention: change them daily. If there is a serious problem of sweat and odor: change every day + 2-3 times during the day. Be sure to change your socks if you change shoes. For example, when you come home, you take off your boots, slip into your favorite sneakers and run for a walk with the dog.
  3. After each wear, dry your shoes by placing them in an open, ventilated place (but not in the sun).
  4. If this is not possible, be sure to dry the pair with a special electric dryer. The ultraviolet dryer has good reviews - it removes moisture and disinfects using the method of sunlight. The range includes ultraviolet dryers for children's shoes. Teach your baby to cleanliness from an early age!
  5. Don't keep socks in your shoes. Wean your son and husband from this habit.
  6. At work, change into lightweight shoes. Firstly, your legs will rest. Secondly, your shoes will rest. Linen slippers are good for this purpose: they are comfortable, they look decent, your feet breathe in them, and they can be washed. And even if you run around the office in such a pair, you will look very correct in the eyes of the employees.
  7. Wash rag shoes periodically. Wash your slippers every 6-7 days.
  8. Wear your shoes according to the season: closed shoes in the heat are a mockery for your feet and... those around you.
( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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