Be careful with the sun or how long after peeling you can’t sunbathe

Types of solariums

Currently, beauty salons and other similar establishments offer visitors three types of solariums:

  1. Horizontal - a classic option that involves insolation in a lying position. It is ideal for people who want not just to get a tan, but to take a break from endless worries and relax.
  2. Vertical - traditionally equipped with high-power lamps, allowing you to reduce session time without compromising the quality of tanning. You have to stand in such a solarium, but, as many clients note, this does not create discomfort. However, in order for the tan to apply evenly, you need to turn.
  3. Turbo solarium is equipped with a special air conditioning system that prevents burns and makes staying inside the capsule more comfortable. Solariums of this type may differ in the type of placement, but the result is always the same - a rich, uniform tan.

Choosing a solarium is a personal matter for everyone, but to determine the best one for yourself, it’s worth sunbathing in each one. You should also study the pros and cons of all options, and only then draw conclusions.

Benefits and harms

Assuring that tanning in a solarium is solely beneficial or harmful is wrong, although there is a lot of controversy surrounding this. In fact, this procedure has negative and positive sides, which we will discuss in more detail.

What is the benefit

We have been told since childhood that sunbathing is very beneficial. But if in the summer there are no problems with “bathing in the rays”, then in the autumn-spring period you cannot count on such a benefit. Therefore, people outside the season use a solarium, which is useful for several reasons:

  1. Promotes the synthesis of vitamin D. It strengthens tissues and has a beneficial effect on the general condition, so tanned people complain less about health problems.
  2. Helps fight depression and chronic fatigue. Tanning in a solarium during the cold season improves your mood, since during this procedure endorphins are produced - the “happiness hormone”. The latter is very important for the human nervous system.
  3. Improves the condition of skin suffering from acne and acne. But in this case, a solarium may be useless if the inflammation is caused by hormonal imbalance.
  4. Strengthens the immune system. Artificial ultraviolet light, like natural light, increases the body’s protective barrier, helping it more effectively resist colds and other diseases.
  5. Provides a more even and beautiful tan.

Before and after tanning products

To cleanse, moisturize and nourish the skin, experts in the field of cosmetology recommend using natural products:

  • Bath mix “WHITE WELWET”. The Cleopatra style milk bath is based on natural salts, milk and jasmine flowers. After a relaxing water procedure, the skin becomes soft and soft like velvet. The composition of essential oils (macadamia, sweet almond and jasmine) provides hydration and nutrition, leaving the skin silky.
  • Salt with essential oils “SLIM CITRUS”. Natural ingredients energize and tone. Ripe lemon and juicy orange restore skin elasticity, saturating it with vitamins. Healthy, moisturized skin is a guarantee of a uniform and lasting tan.
  • Salt with almond and lavender oil “Balance&Calm”. Saturates the skin with nutrients, eliminating imperfections such as flaking, sagging and dryness. The epidermis is gently cleansed and moisturized in one procedure. The skin tone is evened out and its structure is restored. Thanks to almond oil containing vitamin E, it eliminates inflammation and provides deep nutrition.

Use the right care products and the results will not take long to arrive. It's up to you whether your skin will tan or be damaged by the sun's rays. It is easier to prevent burns from occurring than to treat them later.

What is the harm?

While talking about the benefits of solarium, we cannot ignore its negative aspects, since ultraviolet rays are not as safe as many would like. The disadvantages of artificial tanning include:

  1. Partial destruction of the structure of the upper layers of the skin, which leads to dehydration and aging of cells.
  2. Hardening of the skin and clogged pores.
  3. Deterioration of hair condition.
  4. Risk of severe burns.
  5. Development of tumors (with frequent use of solariums).
  6. Exacerbation of some chronic diseases.

Important! If you follow the safety rules for using a solarium and do not abuse it, the listed disadvantages can be nullified. To avoid problems, it is recommended to consult with an experienced specialist.


Almost all cosmetic procedures have contraindications, and solarium is no exception. It is categorically not recommended if you have:

  • oncological diseases;
  • a large number of large moles;
  • asthma;
  • cardiovascular pathologies;
  • diseases of the thyroid gland and skin.

In addition, solariums are contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women and children under 16 years of age. However, many experts agree that the procedure is best used after adulthood to eliminate possible risks.

Other recommendations before laser hair removal

Salon procedures are not a contraindication to laser hair removal, except for chemical mid-peelings. To prevent the results after the course from being overshadowed by side effects, avoid chemical peels


Multiple benign neoplasms

It is better to remove it in the intended epilation area. Tissue healing after removal of tumors occurs within 2-3 weeks. Next, you can begin the laser hair removal procedure.

inflammations, papules and pustules (skin rash) in the area where you want to remove hair with laser

, then first contact a dermatologist and undergo a course of treatment.

Now you are armed with the knowledge and are ready to get rid of unwanted hair with laser. Follow the recommendations given and enjoy the long-awaited result!

Save this reminder so you don’t forget what you can and can’t do before and after laser hair removal:

Rules for using a solarium

To get a luxurious, even tan, you must follow a number of rules and a certain sequence of steps:

  1. Preparation.

Skin is a very capricious organ of the human body. It requires special preparation before going to the solarium, which includes:

  • thorough cleansing. In this case, it is not enough to rinse off in the shower, since the tan may peel off along with dead cells. Therefore, a couple of days before the session, you need to cleanse the skin with a delicate scrub and washcloth, and 2-3 hours before the session, wash under running water without gel or soap;
  • hydration. Ultraviolet light is very drying to the skin, which many people do not take into account. To prevent dehydration and minimize other possible risks, it is recommended to use moisturizers. Don't forget about your lips and hair, which also need protection! In this case, use a balm and a mask with moisturizing ingredients;
  • activation. In a solarium, tanning cream is essential. Today you can find special products designed for artificial tanning, but their choice should be approached very responsibly. Do not buy cheap creams with questionable composition, as they are not able to help the skin acquire a rich color and can harm its health;
  • balanced diet. Oddly enough, healthy meals rich in vitamins are also important for a quality tan, since everything in our body is interconnected.
  1. Tanning process.

If you want to look gorgeous after the procedure, follow a few important steps:

  • protect your eyes. Our eyelids are an unreliable barrier to artificial ultraviolet radiation. It easily penetrates through them and negatively affects the retina of the eyes. Therefore, you need not just close your eyes, but use special safety glasses that fit tightly to the skin;
  • completely remove makeup. Your skin should be clean and ready for dosed radiation. Otherwise, you will erase your tan along with your makeup;
  • cover your hair with a special cap. It will protect them from drying out, which can make even luxurious hair look like straw. If you often pamper yourself with a solarium, be sure to use masks to moisturize;
  • save your perfume for another occasion. After taking a shower, before the procedure, do not apply perfume, deodorants, or eau de toilette to your skin.
  1. Care.

Even with the use of protective products, the skin is dried out by radiation, so moisturizing products will definitely come in handy. Care cosmetics with alpha-tocopherol, recommended for application immediately after tanning, deserve special attention. It will relieve irritation and neutralize the damage caused by free radicals.

FAQ: answers to common questions

As a rule, many people have questions about solariums, since they have not only supporters, but also opponents. We will look at the most common of them and give comprehensive answers.

How long can you stay in the solarium?

The duration of irradiation for each person is determined individually. In this case, experts take into account the skin phototype, the power of the lamps, their number, etc. But on average, the procedure is limited to 5–10 minutes.

What is the optimal frequency of visiting a solarium?

It is important to understand that the described procedure is unsafe and if it is abused, harm to health will be guaranteed. Therefore, you cannot sunbathe in a capsule more than once a day! In addition, it is not recommended to indulge yourself in artificial and natural ultraviolet light on the same day.

How many times a week are you allowed to soak in the solarium?

To ensure a luxurious tan and consolidate the result, it is enough to complete the full course. If we talk about weekly frequency, then a couple of days will be enough to achieve the goal. Of course, we must not forget about the characteristics of our skin. If you see that it is drying out too much, becoming rough and acquiring an unnatural color, reduce the number of trips to the solarium to the minimum possible.

Is it dangerous to sunbathe in a capsule every other day?

In theory, yes, but it’s better to play it safe by taking a pause of 3 days.

Is it possible not to use protective cream?

No and no again! Otherwise, you will dry out your skin and will not be able to get a long-lasting, beautiful tan.

Which cream to choose?

Today, special products are sold that protect the skin during artificial tanning. Base oils are not included in their list! When choosing creams, be sure to take into account your phototype and other skin characteristics to avoid unwanted consequences.

Is it possible to sunbathe without underwear (naked)?

No! The underwear protects the delicate skin of the intimate areas from burns and protects it from germs (the capsule may be dirty).

Is it allowed to take a phone into the booth?

There is no strict prohibition on this, but it is better to leave the mobile device in your bag. In a solarium you should relax, focus your attention on tanning, and not on games or texting with friends.

How quickly does a tan appear?

It all depends on the individual characteristics of the skin: for some people it acquires a rich color after an hour, and for others it takes 8 or more hours. And the phototype of sunbathers plays a key role in this.

How long does artificial tan last?

Usually the result pleases men and women within 3 weeks, but with proper care this period can be extended.

Should you shave before your session?

Even the most gentle hair removal leads to skin irritation, so it is better to remove hair a couple of days before the procedure.

How many sessions are required for a quality tan?

Usually 3-4 sessions are enough to obtain a lasting and clearly visible result. But to achieve maximum effect, it is recommended to complete the entire course.

Is it possible to take a bath after the procedure?

Yes, after a pause of 2–3 hours. In this case, it is advisable to fill the bathtub with warm, not hot water. Scrubs and other similar products cannot be used!

How many days later should I go to the solarium if peeling is done?

If there is no irritation or wounds, you can go sunbathing after 3-4 days.

Is it possible to sunbathe without taking off your lenses?

Allowed, but not recommended. It’s better to take your lens container and remove them before entering the booth.

Is it acceptable not to use glasses?

No! Without them, you risk damaging the retina of the eye, since the eyelids do not protect from ultraviolet radiation.

Is it possible to open your eyes in the capsule?

Only if absolutely necessary.

Is it possible to exercise after a solarium?

Yes, there are no contraindications for this. But, if you managed to relax while tanning and your body still wants to enjoy peace, it is better to reschedule the workout.

Is it possible to combine natural and artificial tanning?

No. Excess ultraviolet radiation will negatively affect the condition of the skin, regardless of its preparation and protection.

Is it possible not to use stikini?

They are an important protective attribute, so they are very necessary when tanning.

What if there is no stickini?

If it happens that you don’t have stickini, replace them with special lipstick.

Is solarium suitable for people with fair skin?

Unfortunately, fair skin is very capricious and can become burnt if you stay in the booth for more than 3 minutes. But in general, tanning in a salon is not contraindicated for her, as some people believe.

What happens if you go sunbathing with a fever?

Nothing, but such a symptom does not appear out of the blue and signals that the body is fighting some kind of disease. Therefore, you should not give it additional load in the form of artificial ultraviolet radiation.

Are there any age restrictions for tanning in a solarium?

The procedure is contraindicated for children under 16 years of age, as their skin is still vulnerable. Many experts even believe that only adults are allowed to tan in a solarium.

Can tattoos be damaged by tanning?

Yes, if they are not protected with thick stickers. Tattoos become discolored under artificial rays, but stickers offered in beauty salons can prevent this.

Can pregnant women go to a solarium?

The hormonal levels of pregnant women are very unstable, so solarium is contraindicated for them.

Are pathologies and solarium compatible?

No one will give a definite answer to this question. If you have various pathologies, you must contact your doctor, since only he can approve or prohibit artificial tanning.

What is important to observe when tanning for the first time?

If you are visiting a solarium for the first time, then:

  • do not stay in the booth for more than 3 minutes;
  • be sure to use a special cream;
  • extend the tanning time gradually according to the recommendation of a specialist;
  • Consult your doctor before the procedure and do not forget about contraindications.

Using the solarium correctly

What could be so difficult about artificial tanning when salons today have all the conditions for this? This is true, but in order not to be disappointed, use the instructions below:

  1. Choose the salon and the solarium itself taking into account your preferences.
  2. Before sunbathing, carefully inspect the capsule. If it is dirty or shows signs of long-term use, find another establishment.
  3. Ask all your questions to the experts. By the way, they should familiarize you with safety precautions and control buttons in the booth.
  4. Wear safety glasses (provided by salon staff).
  5. Lie down in the capsule or go into it (if placed vertically), close the lid/door.
  6. After tanning, leave the cabin, and after 2-3 hours take a shower.

A solarium has long ceased to be a luxury, so its use will not require large financial expenditures. And today there are plenty of establishments where you can use such a service. If you want to get a beautiful tan quickly and without health risks, feel free to trust modern technologies! The main thing is to follow the recommendations of doctors and specialists, and then you will not have to deal with problems caused by artificial tanning.

Laser hair removal after sugaring or waxing

Methods of hair removal where hair is pulled out from the roots are called bioepilation. You cannot remove hair this way before laser hair removal. The laser beam affects only those hairs that are in the anagen stage. Therefore, if you have performed sugaring, waxing, used an epilator or other methods of bioepilation, you should wait about 3-4 weeks. This time is enough for some of the hair to reach the desired stage.

After hair removal with wax or sugar paste (sugaring), 3-4 weeks should pass before laser hair removal procedure.

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