How long does it take for hair to fall out after laser hair removal?

Why doesn't my hair fall out after laser hair removal? This is the question that most often arises after the first session of removing unwanted hair with a laser. This is due to the fairly common misconception that the treated areas of the body should become smooth immediately after the first procedure. In fact, the effect of manipulation does not appear instantly, but only after some time.

How quickly does the body become smooth after the procedure, depending on the type of laser?

Laser hair removal is not like regular shaving or even sugaring and waxing. The thing is that hair does not fall out immediately after the procedure, or rather after an outbreak. Why is this happening? It's simple, the fact is that the laser destroys the follicle, affecting the melanin, which is located in the hair structure. That is, essentially the hair remains in place. However, its “root” is killed. Therefore, hair will fall out over time. The skin begins to push out a hair that does not have a follicle and, in principle, it falls out during the shower, using a scrub or a hard washcloth.

However, the smoothness of your legs will also depend on which laser is used in your clinic. There are two most common types of laser:

  • Alexandrovsky - such a device is considered quite outdated and not the safest due to the high probability of burns. The thing is that the Alexandrov laser burns out the hair completely, which brings an unpleasant feeling to its client. However, the effect can be felt after the first procedure.
  • Diode - this type of laser is considered safer. It only affects the follicle, destroying it. In this case, the hair itself remains in place for some time, falling out after 10-14 days. This type of hair removal is considered effective.

Therefore, when you come to the clinic, be sure to ask your cosmetologist what kind of device they use in their clinic, how it will affect your skin, and how long it will take for the visible effect to become noticeable.

Also, after the first procedure, you can get rid of only 70% of the hair; all the rest will be removed in other sessions. Therefore, consult your doctor about how many treatments you may need to achieve complete smoothness. Usually this is up to 10 procedures, depending on the area and some factors.

How long does the result last?

The human body has a powerful ability of tissues to regenerate, so we, doctors, are wary of the word “forever”.

Some time after the procedure, the hair follicles may partially recover and the hairs may begin to grow again. But at the same time, the hair will be much less frequent and thinner. Therefore, laser hair removal may have to be resorted to periodically. Everything will depend on the individual characteristics of the patient, hormonal levels, gender and the treated area.

However, after a full course of laser hair removal, the results last a long time - the skin will remain smooth and soft for 5 - 7 years, and possibly forever.

The material was prepared based on frequently asked questions from patients about laser hair removal.

Author of the article: cosmetologist, Babajanova Natalya Rafaelovna

Laser hair removal. How to prepare for the procedure?

Clients are interested in the question of whether it is possible to prepare for the procedure in order to increase the effect and get rid of more after the first time. There are several recommendations, but you shouldn't expect that you can get by with just one procedure. Laser hair removal is an effective way to get rid of hair, but you shouldn’t expect a magical effect from it after the first time.

Some preparation tips:

  • Initially, you should constantly take care of your skin, scrub and moisturize it. Scrubbing really slows down hair growth and also gets rid of possible ingrown hairs.
  • Sunbathing a few weeks before the procedure, either on the beach or in the solarium, is prohibited.
  • A couple of weeks before the session, you should completely switch to a razor. It is strictly forbidden to perform epilation or depilation with hair pulling.
  • It is better not to use alcohol-containing products the day before the session.
  • If you are taking antibiotics, you need to inform your cosmetologist about this. It is not recommended to take tetracycline antibiotics.

The chosen clinic will tell you everything else. Your doctor may recommend taking medications containing melanin. This is necessary for the best effect. Sometimes the hairs may not contain enough of this hormone and in order to really have an effect you will have to take these drugs for several days.

As it became clear, no complicated preparation is required. It is important not to forget about health. If there are any problems, then you should refrain from the laser procedure for a while.

For example, it is strictly forbidden to do laser hair removal if you have any skin diseases in the active phase. It is also better to avoid the laser on areas of the skin where there is damage (scratches, wounds, burns).

Laser alexandrite hair removal - interview with a doctor


Patients of the Clinic ask a lot of questions about laser hair removal and alexandrite hair removal in particular. We've collected them all in one article with answers from our doctor, oral surgeon and dermatologist rolled into one.

Why is laser hair removal necessary?

Today's man wants to look perfect under any conditions. It is impossible to deny the fact that it is aesthetically pleasing to have silky and smooth skin. However, getting rid of hair is not the most pleasant and time-consuming process. Trimmers, creams intended for depilation, wax strips, electrolysis - these hair removal methods must be used on an ongoing basis, and hair growth does not stop even with their permanent use. On the contrary, when using a razor, for example, many people notice that the hair becomes darker, thicker, and grows more intensely.

Alexandrite laser hair removal can save us from all these torments, being the most popular and effective method of light-based permanent hair removal.

Who is laser hair removal indicated for?

Alexandrite laser hair removal is the most popular among women. Beauty standards and the internal desire to have a standard appearance dictate their own rules. Ladies should always look luxurious and have well-groomed skin on their arms and legs. Genetics and other factors can make unpleasant adjustments to women’s plans to have smooth skin, but everyone, without exception, wants to have an impeccable appearance.

This is where hair removal with an alexandrite laser can help. Issues of everyday comfort and hygiene make girls think about getting rid of hair in the armpit and bikini areas. Here, not only the desire to look aesthetically pleasing, but also to feel comfortable plays a role - growing hair often provokes the appearance of uncomfortable sensations. The most popular areas for hair removal are not limited to delicate areas. Many women experience difficulties associated with hormonal imbalances. Hormone imbalance often manifests itself externally as hair growth in unusual areas - on the face, chest, stomach or lower back. Of course, such a problem must be solved comprehensively and from the inside, resorting not only to laser hair removal, but also by contacting an endocrinologist, gynecologist and other specialists to whom the therapist will refer the patient.

Hormonal problems are not solved in a few days; most often, their elimination requires both taking medications and various procedures to eliminate the external manifestations of disorders. Alexandrite laser hair removal is one of these procedures.

Is laser hair removal indicated for men?

Definitely yes. Men are increasingly becoming clients of cosmetologists in clinics, because they also want to look aesthetically pleasing and save themselves from the inconvenience that excess hair brings. Some people need to get rid of stubble due to the demands of their professional activities, others simply want to forget about the daily use of a trimmer or machine.

Most representatives of the stronger sex are forced to use a razor every day. Unfortunately, almost every man knows such phenomena as skin irritation, redness in hair removal areas, and folliculitis. How can we forget about microtraumas, scratches and other troubles that accompany the process of getting rid of hair?

There is a salvation: if you regularly attend the alexandrite laser hair removal procedure, the hair becomes less thick and coarse, inflammation and irritation go away. After completing a full course, your hair leaves you completely.

Recently, wearing a beard has become especially relevant, which further complicates the daily care of a man’s appearance. To make the beard look

carefully, you have to make almost titanic efforts, because hair often grows where you wouldn’t want to see it. With the help of laser hair removal, a man will be able to constantly have a neat beard.

Often our patients are men involved in sports activities - swimming, wrestling or modeling. To maximize their own effectiveness in the competitive process, they need to eliminate all distractions that cause discomfort. Such factors include excessive hair length, and often the presence of hair at all.

Therefore, thinking that only representatives of the fair sex resort to laser hair removal is a big mistake.

Why use a laser if there are simpler ways to remove hair?

Less complex methods of getting rid of hair suggest only a temporary effect. Such techniques include:

using a razor


and photoepilation;

waxing, sugar hair removal; hair removal with threads

Such techniques are usually inexpensive and can be performed at home. But they all have two big obvious disadvantages - the effect of using these methods is short-lived and they take a lot of time.

After using the trimmer, already on the second day, unpleasant hairs appear, which feel much harsher and less aesthetically pleasing than those that were shaved initially. The use of waxing, sugaring and electrolysis gives longer-lasting results, but the procedure is accompanied by severe pain. It is worth remembering that after 3-4 weeks the hair appears again, and this process is often accompanied by inflammation of the follicles, irritation and redness. In order to repeat hair removal from the root, patients are forced to wait for the inflammation to stop and grow new hair to an acceptable length. Therefore, you have to give up beautiful open clothes, and all this is extremely unpleasant to the touch. Often, the regrowth of new hair after sessions of such procedures occurs along with peeling, the appearance of pigment spots, scarring and other undesirable phenomena.

Now let's try to calculate how much time needs to be spent preparing the skin for an important event or trip in today's busy environment - purchasing new trimmers, depilatory creams, visiting a cosmetologist at the Clinic. A month, maybe two? What if you also use mechanical hair removal methods that are accompanied by pain and irritation?

What methods apply to getting rid of hair forever?

Methods of permanent hair removal include photo- and electrolysis, laser hair removal using various laser systems. All hair removal procedures have their positive sides and features; let’s study each of them in more detail.

During the electrolysis procedure, the growth cells of the hair follicle are destroyed by exposure to electric current. This methodology is used when the body predominantly grows gray or too light hair that cannot be “taken away” by laser hair removal. Electrolysis is painful and has a high probability of complications (scarring, pigmentation, burns), so for darker hair it is better to use other methods.

Photoepilation and elos-epilation are light methods for long-term hair removal. Elos hair removal is performed using light energy and radio wave energy. These methods work well, but the impact is not as targeted as when using a laser. When using these techniques, the surrounding skin areas heat up, which is accompanied by pain, discomfort, and a decrease in the effectiveness of the procedure. Laser hair removal more precisely affects target areas, eliminating the possibility of contact with other areas.

Laser hair removal is most often carried out using four types of laser systems: alexandrite, neodymium, diode and ruby. They differ in wavelength, pulse characteristics, effectiveness, possible complications and indications for use.

How does a laser work?

Laser light in nature and parameters differs from the daylight we are used to or from the light emanating from the lamps installed in our apartments and houses. Laser light has special properties that are not found in nature. Each type of laser has a specific wavelength, coherence, and collimation (negligible divergence of the light beam).

Thanks to the listed characteristics, laser radiation has a selective effect on target areas, without affecting those that are undesirable. During hair removal, special waves are selected that are easily absorbed by the melanin contained in our hair. The hair is supplied with light energy, which is transformed into heat and heats up until the death of the germ cells occurs. As a result of this effect, hair stops growing. The skin also contains melanin, but it is much less than in the hair, so no damage to the skin occurs - the skin cools down almost instantly.

Why do we use the alexandrite laser in the clinic?

The Alexandrite laser is one of the most effective and in demand today. The Alexandrite laser remarkably removes medium-dark and dark hair; it is effective even in cases where hormonal imbalances occur in the patient’s body, causing darkening, thickening and increased rigidity of the hair.

The advantages of using an alexandrite laser include the following:

  • · it is safe to remove hair from it, because the effect is only on the hair follicle, and not on the follicle and the adjacent area - the skin, as a diode laser does;
  • · The procedure does not cause pain, only tingling is possible. In cases of particularly sensitive skin, local anesthetics or a cooling unit can be used;
  • · alexandrite does not cause scarring or complications, and has the most precise effect on the target area;
  • universal application - alexandrite laser can be used for any area of ​​the body;
  • · absolute hygiene - no contact of the module with the skin, and with a diode laser, after applying the gel, the module comes into contact with the skin.

How many procedures are needed to achieve optimal results?

The specific number of procedures must be clarified with a cosmetologist; for different areas, on average, 3 to 6 laser hair removal procedures are required. It is worth not forgetting

that gray hair is not affected by laser beams. Diode laser hair removal, for example, requires 8 to 12 procedures to remove hair.

The lighter the skin and darker the hair, the easier it is to carry out the laser hair removal procedure. It is more difficult to remove hair, the appearance of which is related to hormones: in the armpit area, in the groin area, facial hair growth in women. If you need to get rid of hair in these areas, you need to conduct a full course consisting of several sessions.

Why do you need to undergo a full course of procedures?

This is due to the fact that hair has three stages of growth. Anagen is the active growth stage. Telogen is the stage in which the hair “sleeps”. Catagen is the stage at which hair falls out. Laser treatment can only remove hair that is in the anagen stage. Depending on the selected area and the genetic characteristics of the body, the hair in the active stage can be 15-30 percent. Sometimes we get the feeling that there is too much hair in unwanted areas, but in fact, this is a small part of what can potentially grow in this area. All hair cannot grow at the same time; everything happens gradually. Hair growth occurs in accordance with genetic characteristics (therefore, different nationalities have different hair density) and hormonal factors (thick hair growth appears in adolescents during adolescence). After the first session, you need to wait until new hair grows, and then visit the cosmetologist’s office again.

In one session it is impossible to achieve thinning and damage to all hair follicles. Of course, most of them will be damaged, but those that are especially “hardy” will remain. If you follow the specialist’s recommendations and complete a course of procedures, your hair will disappear forever. Sometimes it happens that after six months to 2 years, patients develop sparse and thin hairs in small quantities. In this case, one laser hair removal procedure will be enough to maintain ideal skin smoothness.

One way or another, laser hair removal is recognized as the most effective and fastest method of getting rid of hair.

Do I need to prepare in any way for the procedure?

Yes, preparation is indeed required. If the patient has previously gotten rid of hair using a razor, cream, or has never removed hair, 3-4 days before the procedure it is necessary to shave the target area with a machine, which is planned to be exposed to the laser. The length of the hair before the procedure should not be more than 2-3 mm in order to prevent the hair from catching fire when exposed to the laser and, accordingly, burning the skin.

How does laser hair removal work?

First, the cosmetologist conducts an initial consultation, during which he makes sure that the patient has no contraindications to the procedure or individual intolerance, assesses the condition of the skin and hair, and makes a conclusion about the possibility/impossibility of the procedure.

If the procedure is indicated for you, and in most cases it is indicated, the specialist begins to carry it out. To protect your eyes, you and your doctor wear glasses. In our clinic, we use a non-contact module to carry out the procedure, which ensures maximum hygiene and gentle effects. During the actual procedure, the laser module carries out non-contact movements parallel to the target area. After the procedure, slight redness may occur.

Many laser installations in other clinics use the contact method of laser hair removal with the application of a special gel. Our way of influence

more hygienic, does not require preliminary application of gel, therefore, after the procedure there is no need to remove any gel.

What is forbidden to do after manipulation?

After a laser hair removal session, redness of the skin may be observed, but in many patients the skin remains the same as it was before the procedure - this is an individual issue. After the procedure, it is not recommended to sunbathe for a week. For 1-3 days after the procedure, we do not recommend visiting a bathhouse, sauna, or swimming in open water.

Are there any contraindications to the use of laser hair removal?

Like any procedure, laser hair removal has cases in which it is not recommended or impossible. Such cases include:

  • — pregnancy and lactation;
  • - oncological diseases;
  • — violation of the integrity of the skin in target areas;
  • - diabetes;
  • — fungus and herpes in the area of ​​the proposed procedure;
  • - those with gray hair;
  • - patients with acute phases of infectious diseases.

We recommend that all patients make sure that there are no contraindications to the procedure in advance to avoid possible complications and side effects.

Does laser exposure provoke the appearance of malignant tumors?

This is just a myth that has no scientific basis. Laser exposure does not provoke any qualitative changes in tissue. For example, ultraviolet rays can cause cells to mutate, which can subsequently cause tumor formation.

But, despite this, many people are accustomed to thinking that the sun carries only positive connotations, and they perceive laser exposure with caution. Such thoughts are reckless.

What to do with your hair, since it does not fall out immediately after the procedure?

Between laser hair removal sessions, we recommend that our patients use only the machine. It is prohibited to remove hair using wax strips, sugar hair removal or electrolysis. We also do not recommend using tweezers. Removing hair from the root has the opposite effect and can stimulate hair growth.[/column] [/row]

Why are prices for laser hair removal not quite budget-friendly?

Today, the cost of the procedure has become much more humane than it was before, when laser medicine first appeared in Russia. Laser machines are already available in a huge number of clinics, and the patient can choose which laser he likes.

Moreover, when you think about the price of a laser hair removal procedure, remember that you will undergo the course of procedures once and will forever forget about unwanted hair; you will only need to go once a year to remove “awakened” hair. You will have to use a razor or wax for the rest of your life, which in the end will be much more expensive, less effective and will cause much more discomfort, taking up your time.

If the procedure is based on laser exposure, what role is assigned to the cosmetologist?

Of course, laser equipment plays a huge role in the procedure. The delicacy of the effect, its depth and effectiveness, the absence or presence of pain, and the hygiene of the procedure, in the end, depend on the chosen laser. But at the center of the process is always the specialist performing the procedure. The result of the manipulation depends on his qualifications, and no less than on the laser installation itself. If the competence of a cosmetologist did not have

of great importance, laser systems would be in everyone’s home. However, the procedure is not performed at home; this only means that its implementation can only be safe if everything is led by a professional with a higher medical education.

Before laser hair removal, the doctor assesses the condition of the patient’s skin, finds out whether there are contraindications to the use of the procedure, clarifies the patient’s wishes, draws up a session schedule - all these issues are individual, it is impossible for all people to create a universal program of procedures due to differences in genetics, hormonal levels, expectations and a host of other factors. Therefore, one cannot underestimate the contribution of a specialist in the implementation of the laser hair removal procedure.

Reviews of laser alexandrite hair removal

I used to remove hair by shaving, but over time it began to bring more problems than a good result. I decided to permanently remove my hair so as not to have to shave it every 3-4 days. I chose alexandrite hair removal. The laser in the clinic was non-contact, this is very important for me. I did bikini and upper lip. All together it took about 25 minutes. To avoid pain, the doctor used a powerful cooling system. The skin reddened a little, but by evening there was no longer a trace. I was amazed that my hair did not grow for almost 2 months. The new hair was thinner, sparser and lighter. I highly recommend alexandrite hair removal.

I can say my opinion: alexandrite is the best hair removal. Over the course of a year, I did 8 hair removal procedures on my lower legs and bikini area. As a result, they don’t grow on the legs at all, and very few of them hatch in the bikini area and they are much thinner than they were. The doctor said that 2-3 more procedures and then only 1 procedure per year will be needed to maintain the result.

How does hair behave after laser hair removal?

You won’t see any special changes in the first minutes after hair removal and you shouldn’t. The most important thing is to pay attention to the condition of your skin. There should be no severe redness similar to burns. If your skin condition causes concern, it is better to immediately contact qualified doctors. This type of hair removal is considered completely safe.

The effect will be different, depending on the zones and what kind of hair removal will be done. Chances are, if this was the first session, most of the hair will remain in place, which can cause anxiety.

The laser affects the root of the hair. The main goal is the destruction of the follicle, as well as coagulation of the vessels that nourish the hair itself.

However, the hair remains in place. However, it is without power and after a while it will be pushed out and fall out on its own. It should take from 2 to 14 days.

Important! It will take from 3 to 12 procedures (depending on the area) to achieve results and really smooth skin.

However, you can shave during the full course. It is not necessary to grow your hair before the procedure.

If after two weeks no changes have occurred, you should contact your doctor about the problem and report it. This is necessary so that the doctor prescribes either a different session schedule or the necessary medications. This does not always mean that laser hair removal is not suitable.

Effect duration

Facial hair grows very quickly (remember men, many of whom are forced to shave every day), and it is necessary to constantly fight for smooth skin. Women have to pluck regrown eyebrow hairs almost every day, and newly epilated mustaches become visible again within a few days after the procedure.

Unlike waxing, shaving, and depilatory creams, which have side effects (ingrown hairs, infections, irritation), laser hair removal has proven to be the most effective and safe method of facial hair removal. All of the above methods of getting rid of unwanted hair have a short-lived effect, while laser hair removal allows you to forget about the problem once and for all, provided you complete a course of procedures.

Skin care conditions during the course

During the course of sessions you will also have to adhere to certain conditions. Firstly, so as not to harm your skin, and secondly, to achieve maximum effect. The specialist will tell you in detail how to care for your skin and most likely these will be the following recommendations:

  • After laser exposure, the skin will definitely have to be treated with antiseptics and medications. Which ones the doctor will tell you exactly. Basically, these will be products containing panthenol.
  • Laser hair removal is a thermal treatment. Therefore, the skin will have to be constantly moisturized with various creams.
  • Redness may occur after the session, so you should stock up on cooling wipes and other products.
  • You can shave only when your doctor tells you to; at first, it may seem like your hair is growing rapidly. Actually no, they are pushed to the surface.
  • After the procedure, it is better to avoid exposure to sunlight, as well as visiting baths, saunas, and hot springs.
  • At first, it is better to avoid visiting massage rooms. The fact is that massage can cause blood flow and accelerated hair growth.

It is important to follow all doctor's recommendations. The skin after the session becomes very sensitive, so if you do not follow all the recommendations, you can greatly harm the skin and not only not get rid of hair, but also provoke skin diseases.

Why the hairs did not fall out - the main reasons

If more than 2 weeks have passed after the laser hair removal procedure and unwanted hairs remain on the skin, this may be due to several reasons.

Why treated hair remains on the body:

  1. A lack of loss could occur if the specialist who conducted the session incorrectly calculated and set the individual indicators on the laser machine. As a result, an insufficient amount of thermal pulse energy is generated, which is necessary to destroy the hair follicle.
  2. If the hairs are light, it is best to remove them with diode devices. When working with an alexandrite laser, some of the hair may remain on the body.

It is possible to accurately determine the reason why all the hairs have not fallen out only together with the cosmetologist who performed the laser treatment.

What to do if your hair does not fall out and if laser hair removal is not effective?

It all depends on the area where hair removal was carried out and what kind of hair removal it was. For example, for a deep bikini you will need from 4 to 10 procedures. Therefore, do not rush to draw conclusions after the first session.

If, after a long course, the hair does not want to leave your body, then you will have to seek the help of a doctor. Most likely you will need an endocrinologist. You need to get tested for hormones. Perhaps excess concentrations of hormones in the blood caused hirsutism. Then hormonal correction will be required and laser hair removal alone will not help.

No worries. Competent treatment and laser hair removal sessions will help get rid of hair, although not forever, but for a very long time.

As for general recommendations, you can slow down hair growth in the following ways:

  • Special medications that must be taken orally. They are sold in pharmacies, but it is better not to take them without a doctor's recommendation.
  • Scrubs and creams that slow down hair growth and also prevent ingrown hairs.
  • Reduce the frequency of razor use. If your hair has grown a little, don’t rush to grab the razor right away. The less often you shave, the slower your hair grows.

Simple recommendations, as well as complex therapy, will help keep your legs smooth for a long time. And laser hair removal will be a good help.

Is it possible to get rid of hair forever with laser hair removal?

By completing a course of procedures at SkinLazerMed using an alexandrite laser, you can get rid of unwanted hair for a long time. On average, after a course of laser hair removal, hair disappears for a period of 12 to 48 months. In some cases, judging by reviews, hair stops growing for 10-15 years. Afterwards they will appear, but they will be much smaller and their structure will resemble fluff. Therefore, you only have to do 1-2 procedures to remove the remaining hairs.

The results of the procedure are strictly individual. The effect depends on the characteristics of each organism, in particular due to hormones.

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