How to cover up acne on your face with foundation

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Our skin serves as a kind of identifier of both external and internal problems, reflecting them through the appearance of various kinds of rashes, redness, as well as painful acne and pimples. Treating these types of problems can take quite a long time. In order to look good and not be embarrassed to go out with problem skin, you can use cosmetics after learning how to cover up acne with foundation.

  • The essence of the problem
  • Auxiliary materials
  • Choosing the right product
  • Facial skin preparation
  • How to cover up acne with cosmetics
  • Useful tips

The essence of the problem

There are quite a few reasons for skin rashes and acne - hormonal levels, the environment, and chlorinated water.
In addition, red bumps in the most visible place may be the result of poor nutrition or facial care (or maybe even the lack of it). Smoking and alcohol also have a detrimental effect on a person’s appearance, including the condition of the epidermis. All these factors do not cancel the desire to have a beautiful and healthy complexion and even skin tone. Knowing how to cover up acne on your face with foundation will help you regain your sense of self-confidence and disguise problem areas.

If signs of allergies or skin diseases appear on your face, you should definitely consult a dermatologist. Cosmetics are only a temporary and external disguise of the problem, and not its solution. The main thing is to start treating inflammation.

When not to use foundation

Recommendations for masking acne are suitable in extreme cases. You can hide imperfections before an important event or photo shoot. Girls with problem skin need acne treatment. You cannot use foundation in the following cases:

  • allergic rashes;
  • eczema or psoriasis on the face;
  • pimples that have developed into cysts;
  • dermatitis;
  • herpes infection;
  • intolerance to ingredients contained in cosmetics.

If you use thick products every day, your skin will not be able to breathe and receive moisture from the environment. Pores become clogged and bacteria multiply, causing new breakouts. Therefore, be sure to consult a dermatologist. You may need to adjust your diet, change your cosmetics, or normalize your hormonal levels.

Auxiliary materials

There are several ways to relieve inflammation. Here are some tools that will help with this:

  • Visin eye drops. Soak a cotton swab in the medicine and put it in the freezer for 5-10 minutes. Then take it out and apply it to the pimple until it thaws. Small spots turn white immediately. A large pimple needs to be repeated several times until it helps.
  • Tea tree essential oil is an excellent antiseptic and works well against age-related acne. All you need to do is apply it to the problem area. After 5-6 hours, the inflamed area will turn pale. For best results, this manipulation must be repeated regularly.
  • Streptocide - the tablet must be crushed and mixed with water to a paste consistency. Apply it to the inflamed area and leave for a while.
  • Ordinary toothpaste will help quickly reduce inflammation. It is applied for a few minutes and the redness disappears.

Disguise without makeup

If you don’t have foundation, concealer and powder on hand, don’t despair - you can hide pimples without makeup.

Disguising with accessories is a great way to divert attention from inflammation, and at the same time complement the image.

  • Glasses. The simplest and most effective remedy that will help hide pimples is glasses with thick frames and transparent lenses. Black, blue, purple or white frames will become a bright accent in your look. The eye is drawn to it, so be sure that no one will notice your pimples.
  • Hair accessories. A turban hoop, a bright hair band, massive bright hairpins or strands decorated with large metal decor - in general, use everything bright and unusual to divert attention from pimples. Accessories will work the same way as massive glasses - all eyes will be focused on them, and no one will pay attention to inflammation.

Photo: @pixabay

  • Strands near the face. If you need to hide just a few pimples on the cheeks, cheekbones or near the temples, disguise them with hair. To do this, make a messy bun and release a few thin strands. Let them fall freely onto your face, serving as a disguise.

By the way, bangs are completely ineffective as a remedy for acne on the forehead. It will hide inflammation, but any pimples under it will take a very long time to heal. Moreover, the forehead under the bangs often sweats, the pores become clogged, so comedones and acne can become your constant companion.

As you can see, you can disguise pimples in different ways. However, remember that inflammation should not be hidden, but treated. Don't forget to add anti-inflammatory cosmetics to your care, which will speed up the regeneration process of pimples.

Choosing the right product

For sensitive problem skin, you need to choose special cosmetics marked “hypoallergenic” and only those that suit your skin type. The consistency of the foundation should be soft enough so that it covers imperfections on the face in an even layer and does not interfere with the access of oxygen to the pores.

Preference should be given to water-based products (oil free) containing mineral components, and also tea tree oil, salicylic acid, sulfur, zinc, vitamins A and B. Some ingredients act as absorbents, others regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands .

Even when using high-quality medicinal cosmetics, do not forget to wash it off before going to bed!

What not to do

Attempts to hide ugly pimples will not be effective if you do not take into account the following recommendations:

  • You can't squeeze pimples. This will lead to an increase in the area of ​​redness.
  • To cover up acne, do not use oily cosmetics. These foundations help clog pores. Because of this, new pimples pop up.
  • Any spots on the face should be covered with smooth movements. Sharp pressure may increase redness.

Decorative cosmetics are not able to eliminate rashes; they only mask them for a while. You can completely get rid of acne if you undergo a course of treatment from a dermatologist, therapist, endocrinologist or cosmetologist.

Facial skin preparation

Immediately before using foundation, you must carry out the following procedures:

  1. Cleansing. The cream will lie on the skin more evenly if it is thoroughly cleansed beforehand. Dirt and excess sebum must be removed. For problem skin, it is not advisable to use a scrub. It will damage the dermis and spread bacteria throughout the face. It is better to use foam or mousse for washing or wipe with tonic.
  2. Hydration. Every skin type needs hydration, so don't skip this step. For oily, problem or combination skin, special attention should be paid to the choice of moisturizer.

How to choose the color of foundation?

It is usually recommended to choose a shade that matches your natural complexion. With acne, this rule remains the same, but the situation is complicated by the fact that due to inflammation, it takes on a reddish tone. In addition, we must not forget about the uneven terrain.

To avoid disappointment in your makeup, follow these recommendations:

  • Apply cream in natural light.
  • Avoid products with reflective particles, they will make skin imperfections more obvious.
  • To neutralize the red tint of blemishes, use a green color corrector or base.
  • Choose a shade that is as close to your complexion as possible. Don’t try to cover your face with a thick layer of foundation; your task is to make the rashes less noticeable; you won’t be able to completely hide them.

For summer, choose products that contain SPF. Remember that anti-acne cosmetics do not work; consult a specialist about combining decorative cosmetics and medications.

Clindovit® gel should be used 2-3 times a day. Before applying it, the skin must be cleansed. The drug is suitable for the treatment of mild to moderate acne.

It is important to clean sponges and brushes after use. Bacteria, epithelial particles, and contaminants remain on them.

How to cover up acne with cosmetics

Hiding pimples is not an easy task, especially if they are quite large.
But nothing is impossible. For successful results, apply cosmetics in the following order:

  • Concealer

A concealer with a healing effect must be applied pointwise to the inflamed areas and given 10-15 minutes so that it has time to dry. You should not smear the product around the pimple, as this can make the defect even more noticeable.

A green concealer will help minimize the red color of acne. Modern products not only hide imperfections, but also dry out problem areas of the skin. Some products contain bactericidal additives and have an antiseptic effect.

  • Makeup base or primer

In addition, the primer is an excellent base for subsequent makeup: it will last much longer and the skin with the base will look smoother and more even.

Experts have developed products for problem skin. During the day, they help fight excess sebum and shine. There is also a line of moisturizing makeup bases.

  • Concealer

Using different shades of foundation, you can create a perfectly even skin tone and smooth texture. To do this, the pimple is first masked with a dark tone, and then a general lighter tone is applied.

A good example of a foundation for acne-prone skin is Clinique's Redness Solutions Foundation. This is a medicinal cosmetic that helps with rashes and redness.

  • Shimmering cream or powder

Such products contain tiny shiny particles that scatter light and thereby even out the skin color, giving it a healthy glow. They need to be selected to match your skin tone. Such cosmetics are not applied to the entire face, but according to the highlighter principle - on the cheekbones, chin, and a little on the forehead.

  • And again concealer

Beige matte concealer. The ideal option is to have a dark and light shade. We draw a dark color around the tubercle, and cover the peak itself with a light color. Carefully erase the borders and shade thoroughly. On healthy skin, movements may be more intense. It is used in the same way as green - locally.

As a similar product, you can use Dermablend Corrective Foundation from Vichy.

  • Powder

Using a gentle blotting motion, fix the concealer using powder and a sponge in the places where we just applied it. Then, using a brush, apply a small amount of powder evenly to the rest of the face.

This video will help you correctly apply makeup on a face with acne:

Which foundation conceals acne better?

Foundation with a pinkish tint can make acne on your face even more noticeable. Dark creams are perfect only for dark-skinned women. It is necessary to choose the color of cosmetics, taking into account your natural skin tone or a little lighter.

One of the best options for painful facial skin with large areas of rashes is a creamy mineral-based foundation. It contains special shimmering particles.

When using new cosmetics, it is important to test them for allergies. To do this, you need to apply a little product to your hand and observe the reaction throughout the day. If redness, itching and pimples are not noticed, then you can safely use this product. Otherwise, the condition of the facial skin can worsen and new rashes will not keep you waiting.

Useful tips

  • It is advisable to touch the “problem” face as little as possible. This will keep you from spreading bacteria.
  • Each time after use, the brush or sponge must be thoroughly cleaned to prevent the spread of bacteria during subsequent applications.
  • Even in a hurry, we must not forget about preliminary care procedures before makeup! When time is short, you still need to thoroughly cleanse and moisturize your face. This is the basis of success.
  • If you put a thick layer of makeup on a face with acne, the skin will stop breathing, and bacteria will begin to develop even faster, and the defect will look even more noticeable.
  • To eliminate visible defects, use light natural tones. To cover acne, use creams that are thicker in texture, but those that do not provide shine.
  • Try to carefully blend the edges of your makeup to achieve a natural and natural look.
  • After achieving an even tone on your face, do not use pink blush. Newly camouflaged pimples may appear next to this color. Beige, coffee or peach blush is suitable.
  • You should also avoid wearing red lipstick.
  • In the image it is better to focus on the eyes. Makeup using the smokey eye technique is appropriate, which makes the eyes attractive and expressive and gives them the effect of a mesmerizing look.

Many people make the mistake of thinking that using a thick foundation will help hide all imperfections in one motion. Temporarily yes, but with long-term daily use they will only make your problems worse! Thick foundations are not intended for such frequent use! These products are an ideal solution for photography or an evening out, nothing more.

Correct and skillful use of cosmetics can not only hide facial defects, but also highlight its advantages. High-quality cosmetics that are suitable for your age and skin structure will help you achieve this. The main thing is not just to cover up pimples, but to start treating inflammation and taking proper care of your face.

Correct application of cosmetics

In order to get the best possible result, you should use certain rules for applying concealers. This happens in several stages:

  1. Cleansing . Aimed at removing skin impurities, cleaning pores and degreasing.
  2. Hydration . Apply a thin layer of light moisturizer.
  3. Using the base. Using a sponge, cover the face and neck, slightly touching the décolleté area. This will ensure your makeup goes on smoother and lasts longer.
  4. Treatment of problem areas with a corrector. A precise and precise application of green is needed to hide the redness. It is important not to apply excessive force during the adjustment process, otherwise the swampy shade will show through.
  5. Cover with foundation or concealer. Apply to the forehead, nose, chin and cheeks, blend well. If the color of the skin on the face differs from the shade of the neck, then it is also treated in order to avoid the effect of a mask. Since the concealer has a denser texture, it will better hide obvious and large rashes.
  6. Setting with powder . It not only fixes makeup, but also gives the face a matte texture. It is better to powder with a special large brush.


Even with the most harmless composition of cosmetics, there is a possibility of individual intolerance. Therefore, before you start using a concealer, it is recommended to check your skin for an allergic reaction.

The use of corrective agents for severe inflammation of the epidermis is also prohibited. In addition, there are skin infections, the presence of which prohibits the use of any cosmetic products. An open wound surface is a direct contraindication for corrective agents.

Cosmetologists warn that detection of a negative reaction of the body to a corrector becomes the reason for refusing to use it. In this case, you should consult a doctor and determine which component you are allergic to. This will help you make the right choice of corrector another time.

How to disguise different types of rashes

Those whose skin is prone to breakouts know firsthand that there are two different types of acne. Therefore, to hide them, you need to use different tools in a certain sequence.

  • Red. A colored concealer can hide redness. Cover the pimple with the green product first, then apply a thin layer of the yellow product over it. Shade the edges until the skin tone on the damaged and healthy area matches. Set the result with powder.
  • Crusted. Apply a drop of moisturizer to a dry pimple, and carefully remove the peeled skin with disinfected tweezers. After a few minutes, cover the bump with a dense concealer.
  • Ripe. A pimple with a bubble is the most difficult to hide, since cosmetics simply slide off the bump. To begin, cleanse, dry your skin and apply foundation. Take a drop of thick, thick concealer with a brush with a pointed edge and apply it to the pimple. Press down a drop of toner with your fingertip. Powder the dried concealer. If the bump remains noticeable, simply turn it into a mole. Place a brown or black dot in the center with eyeliner.
  • Squeezed out. It is better not to disguise such pimples at all. However, if there is no other option, first wipe the wound with alcohol lotion. Then apply a light, almost white concealer, and then cover it with a product that matches your skin tone.
  • The remaining trace. To hide a brownish stain, use compact powder. Just apply the product in 2-3 layers with a brush.
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