How to use tea to get rid of acne on your face?

People suffering from skin rashes, acne, blackheads and other skin manifestations of a similar nature are so exhausted by searching for a solution to their problem that they are ready to pay any money for an effective remedy. But often it’s enough just to look in the kitchen cabinet to find something there that, if it doesn’t solve the problem completely, will alleviate the general condition of the skin. We are talking about tea.

What could be the causes of acne?

Rashes on the face can appear for several reasons:

  • Hormonal changes.
  • Changes in the functioning of internal organs.
  • Insufficient or incorrect facial hygiene.
  • Accumulation of large amounts of toxins in the intestines.
  • Heredity.

But whatever the reason for the appearance of skin rashes, you need to try to get rid of them as quickly as possible. If you do not stop the spread of acne, it will invade more and more areas of the skin, then it will be more difficult to get rid of them.

Treatment can be carried out in various ways. But before buying expensive tablets or ointments, you can try an inexpensive, but no less effective remedy - tea.

Tea composition

The drink contains a huge number of useful components:

  • Tannin (tannins) – gives tea a tart taste. This group of substances helps the body relax without causing drowsiness. Has a beneficial effect on the walls of blood vessels.
  • Antioxidants are substances that reduce oxidative processes in the cells of the body. Most are found in the green or white variety. Antioxidants help maintain youthful skin and energy within cells.
  • Essential oils. Most of them are found in black or red varieties. These substances give tea a pleasant aroma.
  • Vitamins. They are present in any type of tea, but most of all in green.
  • Amino acids. Tea contains about 15 amino acids.
  • Minerals.

The composition of tea, first of all, varies depending on the variety and place of growth.

Briefly about types of tea

This drink can be found in every home. Most often these are black and green varieties, and those who are especially sophisticated purchase more expensive varieties: white, yellow, red, tied (dry buds of flowers blooming in a teapot). Green and black teas are familiar to most, but all varieties are collected from the same tea bush at different periods and processed differently. The green variety is more tender, its color is pale, the taste is less intense, and the aroma is subtle, sometimes barely perceptible. Its black counterpart has a richer color, tart taste, and the aroma of this drink is brighter. But it is the green variety that is more beneficial for the body, although the black variety contains all the same microelements, but in smaller quantities due to the processing method. Red varieties are the most aromatic, which is why they are often mixed in small quantities into elite collections of other varieties. But white tea is made from the youngest sprouts of the plant and is considered a drink of the elite. Peasants are skeptical about this name, calling it “warmed water.”

For dermatological problems, it is more beneficial to use green tea. It is not fermented and contains more active substances. If you don’t have this type of tea at hand, then black tea will do, but its effect will be less pronounced.

The benefits of tea for fighting

The benefits of the drink are known not only in Asian countries, but throughout the world. The benefits of this drink are revealed in the following properties:

  • It quenches thirst well. In southern countries, it is customary to drink tea in the heat, as it perfectly quenches thirst.
  • Tones. Tea brings the nervous system into a state of increased efficiency, without irritating it.
  • Rejuvenates the skin. A large amount of antioxidants and tannins improves skin condition.
  • Helps against acne. Green tea helps with acne more than other varieties due to the increased amount of beneficial substances.

Green tea to fight acne

Years of research show that acne tea is an effective, inexpensive remedy. Tea also works well against redness and flaking of the skin. With regular use of this drink, there is a noticeable improvement in the condition of the facial skin.

After drinking tea, do not rush to throw away the tea bags. You can make excellent compresses from them, which in a short time will help get rid of acne and even out skin tone.

Used green tea bags should be placed on problem areas on the face. Leave for 15 minutes, remove the compress. Wash your face with clean water without using cosmetics. A good effect is achieved after the third use of such compresses.

Various preparations are made from green tea extract, which are very popular among the fairer sex. But these drugs are very expensive and can also cause allergic reactions. It is much cheaper and safer to use a natural remedy.

How to drink and prepare tea correctly

Masks and other acne remedies described above are applied topically. They have a clear but short-term effect. For more lasting results and overall improved health, it is better to take tea in the traditional way - drink and enjoy the process. The skin is a mirror of the internal state of the body, therefore all rashes on it are the result of general ill health. According to scientific studies, among people who regularly drink tea, the incidence of cancer is 30% lower. And those who are accustomed to drinking a cup of tea before starting work work more productively and get sick less often. To lift your tone and mood, strengthen your immune system, speed up metabolic processes, restore water-salt balance and simply enjoy the aroma, it is important to prepare and consume tea correctly.

  • Yesterday's drink is good for cosmetic procedures. You can only drink today's tea;
  • Do not use the product on an empty stomach;
  • If after the next cup you feel an increased heartbeat or other changes in the cardiovascular system, then it is better to refuse the next one;
  • Brew the mixture no more than three to four times;
  • The ready-to-drink drink should be warm. Cold or hot will not do any good.

It is especially important to mention monastery tea against acne. Monastery teas are available for literally all ailments: alcoholism, varicose veins, liver and heart diseases, to improve brain activity, digestion and sleep. This is a special collection that you can buy ready-made or prepare yourself at home. All components for the recipe are easy to get at pharmacies and stores:

  • Herbs: St. John's wort, oregano, elecampane;
  • Fruits: rose hips, lemon;
  • Base: black tea.

A decoction is prepared from the herbs, to which honey and lemon are added for taste. Take a glass of acne medication twice a day, do not tie it to meals. The course of treatment is 4 weeks. To believe or not to believe the healing properties of the collection is an individual decision. Analyzing the composition, we can conclude that such a remedy is aimed at general cleansing of the body. Herbs have good bile and diuretic properties, improve digestion, increase sweating and strengthen the immune system. All these properties together have a beneficial effect on the body, cleanse the liver and normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, which has a positive effect on the quality of the skin.

Drinking tea is important to enjoy. This drink is not addictive and does not have a negative effect on organs and tissues. But as with any other product, you need to observe moderation and avoid drinking tea during periods of emotional excitement and stress.

Herbal teas and compresses against acne

If you want to increase the beneficial properties of tea in the fight against acne, you can brew it with various herbs:

  • A decoction with chamomile helps a lot. It can be taken internally and compresses can be made from it. Brew a bag of green tea plus a bag of chamomile with a small amount of water. Cool the broth a little. Take a clean cotton swab, soak it in the broth, wipe the skin for several minutes. The procedure must be carried out regularly.
  • Green tea with calendula and mint for acne. Take one spoon each of green tea, calendula, mint. Place in a half-liter jar and pour boiling water over it. Leave for 1 hour. Then strain the broth and make a compress on the skin and neck every day. The very next day, the skin becomes noticeably fresher, and there are fewer rashes.
  • Tea with dandelion and nettle for acne. You need to take one tablespoon of any tea leaves, dandelion roots, and nettle leaves. Place in a glass container and add 0.5 liters of water. Leave in a water bath for 40 minutes. Apply a compress daily. This is a powerful means of combating skin inflammation.
  • Black tea with rosehip and ginger for acne. This drink is very useful to consume internally. It will not only help in the fight against acne, but will also help reduce excess weight. Take a tablespoon of black tea and rosehip. Grate the ginger on a fine grater, take a teaspoon. Brew tea with rose hips in a half-liter jar. Let the infusion cool slightly. Then add ginger to the prepared broth and let it sit for a little longer. The drink is ready: you can drink it internally or make compresses. This decoction is simply a storehouse of vitamins and nutrients.
  • This method works great against skin rashes and acne. We take any tea decoction from the above. Pour into ice containers and freeze. We wipe our face with the resulting ice cubes. This facial massage has an anti-inflammatory effect, tones and tightens the skin of the face and neck.

Tips for choosing the best quality green tea

Choosing the right green tea with the highest levels of antioxidants (especially EGCG) is very difficult. Antioxidant content varies from brand to brand. You need to be careful before choosing your drink. Whether drinking or topically, choosing the right green tea is essential to reaping maximum benefits.

Here are some tips to keep in mind when choosing your brew:

  1. Do some research. Check the brand's label and see the amount of EGCG per serving. Browse their website and find out the EGCG levels. Choose the one that has the highest EGCG content.
  2. Loose leaves have a higher antioxidant content than tea bags. However, if you cannot find loose leaves, then you can choose tea bags with the highest EGCG content.
  3. Green tea has a shelf life of only 6 months. Make sure you choose a fresh batch of green tea. Over time, the freshness of green tea and its benefits quickly diminish.
  4. Look at the harvest time. The first harvest of green tea is always better than the second. The first harvest has the best quality leaves and is harvested in the first months of the year (between March and April). Always buy green tea from the first harvest.
  5. Choose organic green tea. This ensures that the green tea is harvested without any pesticides or other chemicals.

Green tea is good for your overall health. No matter how you use it, it can reduce acne and support your immunity. However, if you have cystic or hormonal acne, these home remedies may not work. You will need to consult with your doctor, who can prescribe specific treatments and medications.

Anti-inflammatory face masks

Traditionally, white or green varieties are used for face masks. But if they are not available, black tea will do. According to reviews, such face masks are famous for their tonic effect and ability to remove inflammation and acne. Before using tea masks, the skin of the face should be thoroughly cleansed.

  • Mask with green tea, lemon and honey against acne. Pour 0.5 cups of boiling water over a teaspoon of tea. Brew well, drain the water. Add the pulp of half a lemon and a tablespoon of honey to the wet brew. Spread the prepared composition onto the skin of the face for 15 minutes. The mask is contraindicated for those who may be allergic to the components.
  • Mask with tea, lemon, oatmeal. Pour a tablespoon of tea with a quarter cup of boiling water. Mix the wet tea leaves with a tablespoon of rolled oats and add the pulp of half a lemon. Apply this mixture to the face and wipe with massaging movements. This mask allows you to carefully cleanse pores and remove inflammation.
  • Mask with tea, kefir and soda. Brew green tea with 0.5 cups of boiling water. Mix the tea leaves with two tablespoons of kefir. Pour 0.5 teaspoon of baking soda and quickly apply to the face, avoiding the area around the eyes. The soda will react with kefir and gas formation will begin. This helps open pores and clean them. The beneficial substances from the tea will be better able to penetrate through the open pores.
  • Mask with tea, ground coffee and cream. Take a teaspoon of tea and coffee. Pour in a small amount of water to allow the tea leaves to swell. Add a tablespoon of cream to the wet mixture. Apply the mixture to your face using rubbing movements. Tea leaves and coffee will give an exfoliating effect and open the pores. Inflammation decreases after the first use.
  • Mask with cottage cheese and tea. You need to take 100 grams of any cottage cheese, 1 tablespoon of tea. Brew tea, drain the water, mix the tea leaves with cottage cheese. Apply to face. The mask not only has an anti-inflammatory effect, but also whitens well. Using this procedure, you can reduce the appearance of age spots and inflammation.

For masks or compresses against acne, you need to choose natural tea, without foreign impurities or flavorings. Otherwise, you may get the opposite effect or allergies. If the tea leaves are too large, they can be crushed for ease of use.

Masks or compresses are contraindicated for people with tumors and skin damage. And also with various allergic reactions.

According to numerous reviews from women of various age groups, masks with green and black tea perfectly remove inflammation. There are people who cannot use medications due to the characteristics of their body. Tea masks are completely natural, and their effect is not inferior to expensive cosmetics.

The article was verified by the beauty blogger of the Instagram network @lil4olga.
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