Is it possible to quickly cure acne* using badyagi?

Every girl constantly tries different drugs in the name of trying to achieve ideal skin condition. A smooth face without blemishes and pimples can easily be called a “calling card” that a woman wants to have. Due to the harmful atmosphere and unhealthy diet, acne has become common at any age. Dealing with them is difficult and often costly.

Badyaga for acne has become a cheap, effective method that can be used by any woman whose goal is to completely cleanse the skin of any inflammation that appears on it in the shortest possible time.

What is Badyaga and what are its benefits?

In small freshwater bodies of Russia you can easily find a special type of flint-horned sponge. Distributed everywhere, they live in symbiosis with simple unicellular algae in entire colonies.

The product obtained from algae for medicinal purposes is called Badyagi powder. The powder is used to produce special ointments and gels that help fight acne.

To obtain the powder, sponges are simply caught from water and dried from moisture, and then ground.

You can use Badyagi powder not only to treat acne, although due to the tiny silicon particles it contains, it perfectly exfoliates the skin, improving its condition, but also as a healing agent for wounds and scratches.

Cosmetologists use the powder to solve:

  • cleansing the skin, narrowing pores;
  • getting rid of acne and inflammation;
  • resorption of small scars;
  • exfoliation of skin from dead cells;
  • removal of bruises.

Can the powder be used to combat subcutaneous acne*?

Badyaga has a rich natural composition, it helps preserve the beauty and prolong the youth of the skin. In cosmetology, badyagu is used to remove scars, heal wounds, and treat dermatitis. It helps reduce the appearance of post-acne, evens out skin color, and improves its structure.

If you are worried about an internal pimple* on your back, face, décolleté or other parts of the body, then it is better to use medications rather than cosmetics. Badyaga does a good job of cleansing the skin, so it can be used in procedures aimed at reducing oily skin. It has a complex positive effect on the skin:

  • normalizes local blood microcirculation;
  • cleanses and tightens pores;
  • provides exfoliation of keratinized epidermal cells;
  • reduces skin pigmentation, post-acne;
  • stimulates metabolic processes at the cellular level;
  • saturates epidermal cells with oxygen;
  • reduces the manifestations of inflammatory rashes;
  • promotes cell regeneration.

In addition, the powder contains components with high biological activity that moisturize and tone the skin106. Badyaga is a universal remedy, so it is suitable for any skin type. However, it does not treat acne, but only helps improve the condition of oily skin.


The sponge has a light and porous texture that is very easy to turn into a powder. It has a green or gray-yellow tint and emits a strong and unpleasant odor.

Badyagi is based on two active ingredients, both of which have a beneficial effect on the skin:

  • Silicon - affects the dermis at the deepest cellular level as a peeling that penetrates the cells and helps in the process of regeneration and the production of additional elastin;
  • Sponginin is a natural protein that reduces sebum production and removes numerous pimples and blackheads from the skin.

Calcium salts act as an additional substance.

Forms of release of Badyagi and its cost

In the pharmacy version, Badyaga is mainly available in two different forms:

  • Powder packaged in individual bags weighing 2.5, 5, 6 and 10 grams. It is more profitable to buy packages of 10 g, the price is 66 rubles per package. A smaller gram translates into a higher price per gram;
  • Badyaga gel or cream, produced in aluminum tubes of 50 or 100 ml. Price for 50 ml - about 92 rubles , 100 ml - 150 rubles ;
  • There are also ointments from Badyagi; purchasing them at the pharmacy is problematic. However, preparing it at home is quite simple. The price of the ointment will be the lowest - about 60 rubles per 50 ml.

Indications for use

Even leading doctors and cosmetologists have long recognized the effectiveness of Badyagi.

As a medicine, it is used to treat:

  • neuralgia;
  • arthritis;
  • lumbago;
  • rheumatism and gout;
  • myalgia.

Mostly fresh prepared ointment is used.

The powder is more often used to create masks and scrubs in cosmetology.

With its help you can get rid of:

  • hematomas, bruises, hemorrhages;
  • acne, acne;
  • age spots.

Effect of Badyagi on the skin

Badyaga has several ways to act on the skin:

  • irritant - by expanding capillaries, it allows beneficial substances to penetrate cells faster, accelerating their regenerative functions;
  • tightening pores - for better skin condition and reducing sebum production. Because of this, the number of inflammations on the face decreases;
  • scrubbing - a light peeling effect allows you to remove all dead cells of the upper layer of the dermis and allows nutrients to penetrate to the deepest levels.

Badyaga (powder)

Just what we need!
I still have a small amount of annoying post-acne on my face, and enlarged pores are multiplying and multiplying every year. Therefore, for me, Badyaga is a salvation from small scars and enlarged pores, which really shrink with each use. As soon as the girls didn’t use it... And they added it to boric alcohol and hydrogen peroxide, and mixed it with clay, cream and just water... For me, the BADIAG + WATER method turned out to be the best!

I WARN YOU IMMEDIATELY!!! If you have thin, sensitive facial skin, then under no circumstances should you resort to using Badyagi. Badyagi has side effects and the manufacturer does not talk about them on its packaging!

Also, whoever decided to experience the natural effect, remember!!! It is better to use it before the weekend, because the first day your skin will be red, and then the old layer of skin will begin to peel off - this is the main condition when dealing with enlarged pores and scars.

In appearance, Badyaga reminds me of sand or earth, but from the smell it feels like it has a connection with algae, and not earth. After diluting the badyagi with water, a fishy smell is immediately heard. It doesn’t bother me at all, because the main thing is the result.

I use it like this: I dilute Badyaga in a 1:1 ratio with water and apply with LIGHT MASSAGE MOVEMENTS to problem areas of the skin, avoiding the skin around the eyes, for 15 minutes! These are the forehead, nose, chin and some areas on the cheeks where there are scars.

I also experimented with the application time, but found my optimal one - 15 minutes. It’s impossible to endure more, it really stings me, although the manufacturer recommends as many as 20...

On the Internet it is NOT RECOMMENDED TO RUB IT!!! My first experience with Badyaga was strictly according to these instructions. But, not noticing any results, and I didn’t want to stop at perfect skin, I started my experiments, which I didn’t regret.

I advise you to start with a simple application in the form of a mask, the proportions are the same. For an easier and gentler effect, add white or black clay in the same proportion, or olive oil. There are a lot of masks with Badyaga on the Internet, choose according to your taste and skin type.

AND DON'T FORGET!!! — If you have acne, then Badyaga should be mixed with a 2% solution of boric acid and kept for no more than 15 minutes, otherwise it will have the opposite result and the acne will only increase. — During active sunshine and if you are actively tanning, stop using badyagi!!! Otherwise, you risk developing pigment spots. Paradox, right? Badyaga seems to be for pigment spots, but if we are careless, we can acquire them...

I also diluted it with peroxide, as they say on the Internet, which gives a stronger effect, but I didn’t notice it. My skin has not even begun to renew itself a little.

About the sensations during badyagi. Did you sit in glass wool as a child?? I don’t know, but these are the associations that come to mind. Colette!!! It’s as if these algae are digging into my skin with small needles! But beauty requires sacrifice... It’s bearable at first, but when it’s no longer bearable at all, you have to wash it off with water ahead of time. A slight tingling sensation, which can be tolerated, will be felt the next day...

What after? And then, if you didn’t overexpose it, pink, tight skin will appear for the first two days after one application. Sometimes I use moisturizer if there is a feeling of tightness.

What about the pores? And they have become much smaller, and this is without exaggeration, because even wrinkles have lost their “centuries-old” depth! After 3-5 days, the skin will begin to peel off, and this is a sign of renewal, which means that the scars will gradually disappear with the top layer, because even after one use they have become less prominent.

I use the badyaga in the autumn-winter period, usually on Fridays, before the weekend, once a week, 2-3 times a month. But when I didn’t have the patience to wait for autumn to come and I wanted to shrink my pores at least a little, I took the risk of using it on my 4 days off!!! Only, before going out into the sun, I used sunscreen with 70 UV protection. Of course, I tried to limit my exposure to the sun. And even in this case, I was pleased with the result. Smaller pores, no pigmentation, I smile at myself in the mirror again.

As you can see, everything is individual, because we are individual! Try, experiment, better be careful, because this is your face... But...

I recommend Badyagu!!! Because this is my only salvation from scars and enlarged pores! For a moment, even the cosmetologist did not help me in solving my problem, and I won’t even compare the price of the cosmetologist and the badyagi... And it’s a shame that the result from the badyagi is not permanent ((

Use of Badyagi for the treatment of pimples and acne

The content of spongin, which has a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect, allows you to quickly get rid of pimples and acne. You can use the drug in the form of gels or cream masks in its purest form, or dilute them with other substances.

After applying Badyagi to the skin, blood circulation in the application areas improves. The sebaceous glands begin to work more normally, which allows you to disperse any stagnant processes.

Simultaneous light peeling to get rid of old layers of skin and an antiseptic to cleanse pores of pathogens, helps prevent the appearance of new acne. Along the way, the skin becomes smoother and more elastic.

Badyaga for stains of different shades

Often, after acne, unpleasant spots and traces of various shades remain, which only spoil the face. Badyaga can help get rid of age spots that remain after pustules and inflammations.

You can use it as a scrub or mask, but if you have red lesions, it is best to temporarily refrain from using it.

But in general, for dark spots, use an exfoliator to exfoliate the top layers of skin with areas of increased pigmentation to even out skin tone and add radiance.

Badyaga for acne scars

If there was a large amount of acne or pimples on the face, then after getting rid of them, not only red spots, but also small scars may remain. Getting rid of them is very difficult and often simply impossible.

The basis of the procedure here should be the constant removal of the upper and, if possible, middle layers of the skin with the help of an irritant, which is Badyaga here. It is constantly necessary to change the depth of exposure to the dermis in order to obtain the desired effect.

In its concept, the procedure is somewhat reminiscent of laser peeling.

Effective removal of post-acne

Everyone is familiar with the appearance of all kinds of scars and scars after acne. The marks do not go away on their own and it is quite difficult to get rid of. Cosmetology salons offer a special set of procedures aimed at getting rid of post-acne, for example, laser facial resurfacing or various silicone patches for scars. A cheaper, but no less effective alternative is home procedures using badyagi.

To get rid of acne marks, it is recommended to use herbal powder. Gels and creams act quite gently, but in order to start the process of cell regeneration, an aggressive method is required. To prepare a mask, in addition to plant materials, hydrogen peroxide is required. The components must be combined in a plastic container and left for 15 minutes for better interaction. Apply the product only to problem areas of the skin.

How to properly use Badyagu for acne?

Gel Badyaga

The gel itself is made on the basis of powder, and in the entire composition it is practically the only one. Gels are rarely used in cosmetology.

Basically, it is used to fight rheumatism, bruises, and joint diseases, since the main effect is to improve blood circulation in problem areas and irritation of the skin.

The composition is very effective for medical purposes.

The gel should be applied to skin inflammations such as acne very carefully and pointwise to individual areas, trying not to affect clean skin.

Badyagi powder for acne

In home cosmetology, powder is most often used to treat acne, including subcutaneous acne. Scrubs and masks are made from it. The effectiveness of such masks is very high, but they often cause severe irritation, often leaving redness on the skin.

There are rules for applying such products:

  • The first step is to do an allergy test. To do this, you just need to dilute a small amount of Badyagi with water and apply the product to your hand. The product is washed off only after 20 minutes, and then you need to wait a couple of days. If there is swelling or severe peeling of the skin, then most likely Badyaga is too strong a substance for you, so you cannot make masks;

  • The mask is applied only to a previously cleansed face;

  • It is necessary to wait for the end of the inflammatory process before applying the mask;
  • other aggressive active substances are used in the recipe along with Badyaga , then the product should only be applied pointwise;
  • The mask should not be worn for more than 15 minutes; it is best to wash it off after 10;
  • to apply Badyagi masks for acne right before bed;
  • After the procedure, you cannot apply other cosmetics to your face for another 12 hours;
  • Do not rub the product directly into the skin ; there is a possibility of damaging it.

How to quickly cure acne* on your face?

You need to prepare for the fact that you won’t be able to get rid of acne quickly. It may take weeks or months before you achieve noticeable improvement. Only a dermatologist can help determine how to cure acne*. He will conduct the necessary research and prescribe therapy in accordance with the severity of acne.

For mild to moderate acne, Azelik®5.9 gel can be prescribed. The main active ingredient in its composition is azelaic acid5. The drug must be applied to clean skin 2 times a day5.


Effective masks based on Badyagi to combat acne and blemishes after them

To improve the effectiveness of Badyaga and reduce the possibility of irritation, it is best to add other substances to the composition.

Badyaga and hydrogen peroxide for acne

Using this method, you can achieve highly effective peeling. He will act quite aggressively, but at the same time quickly.

  1. The composition can only be mixed in a container that is not subject to oxidative processes. For peeling, you need to dilute 1 teaspoon of Badyagi. You need to use just enough peroxide to get the consistency of rich sour cream;
  2. After stirring the mixture, the mask becomes white and slightly foamy, then apply the mixture to your face;
  3. Leave the mask on for about 10 minutes, then rinse with regular lukewarm water. After the procedure, the skin will be red, but its color will become more even and smooth.

Badyaga and kefir for acne

The mask can help not only get rid of acne, but also refresh and improve your complexion. Kefir can be replaced with fermented baked milk while maintaining its effectiveness.

  1. Take 1 teaspoon of Badyagi and mix it with a couple of tablespoons of fermented milk product until very thick;
  2. Apply to your face and leave the mask on for 15 minutes, then quickly rinse it off with warm water;
  3. Apply a nourishing cream to your face to moisturize your skin.

Badyaga and clay for acne

It is best to use blue clay for this recipe, but white clay will also work.

  1. Mix clay and Badyagi powder in a container in proportions of 1 to 2. After this, pour water into them to obtain a thick, homogeneous mixture;
  2. The resulting mask can be applied pointwise to problem areas or to the entire face as a mask;
  3. For spot application, wait until the mixture is completely dry, and wait for the mask for no more than 15 minutes. After this, wash off the entire mask from your face and apply a nourishing cream. Pimples and blemishes disappear quite quickly after this procedure.

Badyaga, olive oil and tea tree oil for acne

The effect of this mask is gentle, but at the same time its effectiveness in getting rid of acne remains.

  1. Add 2 tablespoons of green clay and 1 tablespoon of Badyagi to the composition. This dry mixture is diluted with 2 drops of tea tree essential oil, after which the mixture is seasoned with olive oil until the mixture has a consistency reminiscent of thick sour cream;
  2. The prepared mask is applied for 15 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water. This mask requires cyclical use, because the result appears only after several procedures. A full course requires at least 10 sessions 1-2 times a week.

Badyaga or “goodbye acne spots”

Hi girls! Today I want to make a post in detail about the badyag

, about how I use it and tell me a little about the results. I hope my post will not disappoint you

So, in the photo on the left is badyaga gel from 911. Product composition:
water, badyaga extract, horse chestnut extract, chamomile extract, acrylates/C 10-30 alkyl acrylate crosspolymer, triethanolamine, juniper oil, mint oil, tea tree oil, arnica oil , diazolidinyl urea, iodopropynyl butylcarbamate, propylene glycol. The gel is white in color, not thick, and smells something like toothpaste. When applied to the skin it gives a slight cooling sensation. The more gel you apply, the colder it gets.

About the action and results of the gel:
actually, I bought a gel to apply to my face in the hope that it would remove acne marks. But after the purchase they disappointed me, saying that it was too “weak”. Well, I think to hell with it. Once I bought it, there was nowhere to go. I applied it a couple of times to my face in a thick layer for 15 minutes. Pleasant tingling sensation and freshness on the face (due to mint). As promised, I did not see any results from the gel without powder. I decided to buy badyagi nuclear powder for my face. But more on that later. I can also say that the gel alone copes with bruises and contusions by 5 points! The blue bruise on my leg disappeared overnight! So the product is excellent in any case! It was purchased at a pharmacy and is available absolutely everywhere. 50 rubles per 100 ml. I thought and thought about the powder. I was racking my brains about whether it was worth taking such a risk, what if there was an allergy, what if there was irritation. After thinking about it, I decided to take it! Let's take a risk! I rushed to the pharmacy...

I bought this bag of herbs of unknown origin. I didn’t go into too much detail, but I know that badyaga is a freshwater sponge that has a not very pleasant smell. This is what it looks like until it gets into a paper bag: Badyaga powder is a very strong peeling. It is not advisable to use it in summer and spring (at a time when the sun is quite active), so as not to develop pigment spots and darkening. But I took the risk in the summer in cloudy weather, and even now I don’t really leave the house. Everything went well;) Badyagu, if anyone doesn’t know, is used to remove post-acne spots, to remove age spots and darkening, to exfoliate the stratum corneum of the skin. The powder can also be purchased at pharmacies. 50 rubles for 20 grams (believe me, this is a lot, because you only need a little powder) Now about the methods of use. In general, I know three methods: 1) badyaga powder + water 2) badyaga powder + badyaga gel 3) badyaga powder + hydrogen peroxide 3% (I didn’t dare) Here I will consider only the first 2 methods, I’ll tell you everything step by step and tell you about the sensations.

1. Badyaga powder + water

We will need: - boiled warm water - badyaga We take a plate or any other container that is more convenient for you to use. We also need some boiled water and a spoon.

We take as many badyagi as you need. It all depends on the area being peeled. For some it’s a couple of spots, for others it’s the whole face/whole back. Badyaga is used very economically and the product in the photo is enough for my entire forehead and nose.

Next, add enough water to the badyaga so that the consistency is not too thick. In the photo I took a little too much: C But nevertheless, it lay well on the skin. Some people just like it thinner, some like it thicker. I like the second option better.

We get this mess:

On the skin it looks like this:

We keep this porridge on our body
for no more than 15 minutes!
There will be a slight tingling sensation, but that’s not all) Apply to the skin and hold.
I recommend starting with 5-7 minutes to make sure your skin reacts normally. Next, we need to wash off this freshwater sponge. I wash it off with a regular cleansing sponge. Don't rub too hard!!!
We wash it off with light massage movements and moisturize the skin afterwards, although this is unlikely to save you. Redness is a normal phenomenon after badyagi, do not be alarmed . But for some reason it does not appear for me, even when I hold it for 10-15 minutes, apparently either the area is not sensitive, or the skin in general. But I don’t blush and that’s it, although all my friends walk around like crayfish for the next 2 days. So, before important events, I do not recommend applying badyagu; it is unknown how your skin will react. Then, after a day or two, peeling may begin. It’s just this old layer of skin that comes off, naturally underneath it is new and clean. But my skin didn’t come out the first time. I climbed only after 2-3 procedures. By the way, immediately after you wash it off, your face will have a nasty feeling of pins and needles. As if you have a lot of small pieces of glass or needles on your face. But it will pass. If you don't touch your face, you hardly feel it. When rinsing off, you will feel like you are washing your face with fine, prickly sand. Don't be scared!

Now about the second method. 2. Badyaga+badyaga gel

We will need: - badyaga gel (or badyaga forte, it is brown in color and, it seems, stronger than 911) - badyaga powder Pour badyaga as much as you need (I do this immediately in the palm of my hand, as it is very difficult in a plate stir ok)

Next, add the gel to the powder. The consistency should also not be too thick.

Mix with your finger/toothpick/wooden spatula and get

We apply this slurry again for no more than 15 minutes. In principle, the action, result and sensations are the same as the previous recipe, it’s just that this recipe is more nuclear, and I love it more) But in general, it depends on who you like.

Another important rule! Use the badyagu for one-time use only! If you mixed too much, don’t regret it, throw it away! This is not such an expensive product. If you use something you mixed a long time ago many times, you can really ruin your face. Do this peeling no more than 2-3 times a week. Help starts quickly. But for prevention, you can do it once every 2 weeks. If I remember something or you have questions, I will add to the post :) Thank you for your attention.


Special instructions and precautions

  • For those with dry skin , it is best to avoid using Badyaga to treat acne; the product has the best effect on normal and oily skin. Before using the mask, you must do a compatibility test, since the likelihood of an allergic reaction is very high;
  • If you have hypersensitivity or allergies, it is best not to use the drug;
  • Badyagi should not be allowed to come into contact with the mucous membranes of any organs;
  • If there is increased growth of facial hair, it is preferable not to use Badyaga in any form, especially as a gel.

Badyaga Forte 7 Note Health gel 75ml


Specially purified water, badyaga, glycerin, plantain and yarrow extracts, gelling agent, bronopol, fragrance.


  • It has an active absorbable, anti-edematous effect.
  • Helps reduce pain and itching.
  • Promotes the disappearance of age spots and stagnant spots,
  • By normalizing the process of sebum secretion, it reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands and prevents the development of acne.
  • It has an excellent bactericidal and antiseptic effect.
  • Activates blood supply, dilates blood vessels.
  • Provides deep cleansing and restorative effects.
  • Strengthens the protective functions of the skin.
  • Due to the dilation of blood vessels in the area where the gel is applied and in segmentally located internal organs and muscles, the gel helps relieve pain in radiculitis, rheumatism and arthritis.

Active components

  • Plantain extract has a bactericidal, wound-healing, anti-inflammatory, and moisturizing effect. Contains vitamins C, K, A, flavonoids, carotene, phytoncides, tannins.
  • Yarrow extract has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, hemostatic, healing, antispasmodic, tonic, and antiallergic effects.


  • For bruises, pigmented and congestive spots.
  • For acne, oily skin.
  • As an exfoliant for skin rejuvenation.


The gel, improved in composition, has an increased content of badyagi - an ancient natural remedy with unique absorbable properties.
Badyaga is a freshwater sponge that lives on underwater objects (snags, stones) in ordinary rivers. The skeleton of the badyagi consists of a looped network of silica needles, interconnected by an organic substance - spongin. It also includes phosphates, carbonates and organic substances.

The action of the gel is based on mechanical irritation of the skin with crushed silicon needles, causing vasodilation, which helps to activate blood supply and provides excellent absorbable and bactericidal effects. The action of badyagi is accompanied by a weak heating effect and temporary local redness of the skin.

The intense absorbable effect of badyagi is accompanied by the softening, moisturizing and healing effect of plantain and yarrow extracts.

Special instructions

It is not recommended to use the gel for dry and irritated skin.
Do not allow the gel to come into contact with mucous membranes. In case of contact, rinse mucous membranes with plenty of water. Before using the gel with badyaga for the face, it is recommended to apply a small amount of gel to the bend of the elbow to test for individual intolerance.

Frequent use of the gel in badyago is not addictive and has no side effects.


Badyaga has a very concentrated and strong effect, so it must be used with great care to avoid severe burns and allergic reactions.

Powder or gel cannot be used:

  • for any open wounds or irregularities in the human skin;
  • if you are allergic to the components of the product;
  • for dermatological diseases of an infectious nature;
  • in the presence of inflammation of the dermis of an allergic or toxic nature;
  • if there are neoplasms on the skin, it does not matter whether they are benign or malignant.

Interaction with other drugs

Badyaga is highly chemically inert, so when using a face mask it simply cannot interact with other substances.

The simultaneous use of drugs administered through tablets or injections simply cannot affect Badyaga in any way, since there is no point of contact between them.

It is not recommended to use alcohol when getting rid of acne, especially for people with problems in the cardiovascular system.

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