Hand cream with urea - names and ranking of the best

Today, hand cream with urea is offered by dozens of companies, most of the developments are intended for dry skin, but products are also available for sale for all types of dermis. Thanks to its composition, the cream penetrates deeply into the tissues, restores their structure, and smoothes out wrinkles. The concentration of the main ingredient in cosmetics varies, and the desired option is selected according to your skin type.

How to choose a cream with urea

To make the right choice, take into account the location of application (face, arms, legs) and the purpose of use. For care, formulations with a small amount of urea are used. For medicinal purposes, products with a higher content of the substance are used.

What is urea

White crystals of carbonic acid diamide are called urea. The substance is odorless and dissolves in ethanol, water, and ammonia. The chemical compound was first discovered in urine, hence the name. At the industrial level, urea obtained synthetically is used. Urea is used in cosmetics and pharmacology to create drugs against various diseases. The component is determined in the blood composition during biochemical analysis.

The compound is located in the skin, preventing it from losing moisture. The molecules of the substance are small, so it penetrates the tissue to a great depth. This property is used by cosmetologists. Urea delivers beneficial substances to the lower layers of the dermis, which keeps the skin in good condition.

Urea has antimicrobial and antifungal effects. This explains the popularity of the substance among pharmacists. It is included in preparations against burns, for the treatment of fungal infections, and for the creation of antitumor ointments.

Amount of component in the product

Light moisturizing creams contain 1-9% urea. The purpose of using such products is to maintain a comfortable level of moisture in the skin. This amount of urea copes with the task. When using products of this level, one does not expect a healing effect. These are caring creams.

As the concentration of the component in cosmetics increases, the effect of urea increases. It not only maintains water balance, but also helps exfoliate dead skin/nail layers and renews the surface. This result is achieved with 10-30% Urea in the product. These are regenerating compositions for solving more complex dermatological problems.

Urea content above 30% has a therapeutic, not a cosmetic effect. These are already pharmaceutical drugs, the purpose of which is to treat diseases. They are used to treat eczema and psoriasis. Ointments for the treatment of fungal foot infections contain 50% urea.

The place where it is sold will tell you about the specific action of the cream. Cosmetic compositions are sold in stores. Medicinal level products can be purchased at the pharmacy.

Use in cosmetics

To create cosmetics, urea is used in liquid and solid form. The component is included in:

  • toothpastes;
  • shampoos;
  • lotions;
  • creams;
  • hair dyes.

The substance helps exfoliate dead cells of the epidermis or keratinized layer of nails. This renews the skin as well as the nail plates. Creams with urea are classified as moisturizing cosmetics. They retain water, exfoliate the stratum corneum, and prevent skin aging.

How do products containing urea work?

The effect of creams with urea on the epidermis:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • moisturizing;
  • retains water in the epidermis;
  • supplies nutrients to the deep layers of the skin;
  • creates a protective film on the surface, which prevents harmful substances from the outside;
  • restores and renews the skin;
  • relieves pain;
  • eliminates irritation and itching;
  • makes the skin surface elastic, which prevents the appearance of wrinkles.

In what cases should you not use cosmetics with urea?

You cannot use Urea-based products if you have:

  • skin rashes;
  • cover damage;
  • irritation/redness;
  • sebaceous skin;
  • acne;
  • allergy to a component.

If there are such contraindications, applying the cream will complicate the situation and cause great irritation. To avoid troubles when using creams with urea, test the product. The composition is applied to the bend of the elbow and checked how the skin reacts to the components. If redness, itching, or irritation appears, it is better to avoid this remedy.

Benefits for feet

Urea in high concentrations effectively renews the skin of the feet:

  • softens;
  • kills fungi and bacteria;
  • exfoliates dead tissue;
  • eliminates cracked heels;
  • heals wounds;
  • holds water;
  • Delicately fights corns.

To make the cream more effective, steam your feet for 20-30 minutes before use, then dry them and apply the product.

Products containing 40-50% carbamide are sold in pharmacies; these are medicinal drugs that eliminate complex diseases. Creams containing 20-30% Urea are considered cosmetic. They perform the stated actions: soften the skin of the feet, care for the heels. When choosing a composition, pay attention to the frequency of use. Some manufacturers make creams that are applied daily. Some of the products are used periodically: after eliminating cracks in the heels, they refuse to further use the cream.

Facial products

Urea's ability to impart elasticity to the skin is used to create face creams. After applying the composition, the surface is leveled and small wrinkles are smoothed out. Moisturized and elastic skin does not become covered with age wrinkles for a long time. Therefore, the component is included in anti-aging creams.

Urea helps moisturize dry and dry skin. But if the epidermis is excessively greasy and prone to acne, you should avoid creams with urea. The component will aggravate the situation and cause irritation. In addition to acne, you will have to deal with another problem.

Hand creams

Compositions with urea moisturize dry and very dry hands. Such products retain moisture well. Hand creams are divided into day and night. After applying the daytime version, a protective layer is created on the surface that does not allow harmful substances to pass through. Night formulations have a higher amount of urea than daytime formulations. They have a restorative effect. After use, the skin becomes soft, elastic and moisturized. To achieve maximum effect, use day and night hand composition of the same brand.

Diabetes mellitus and urea

Products containing urea are especially useful for people suffering from diabetes. The amount of urea in the skin of such people decreases. This causes dryness of the epidermis, in difficult situations the skin cracks and wounds appear. Side pathologies are added to the main disease. Patients suffer from eczema and psoriasis. There is an urgent need to replenish lost urea. Urea creams perform this function. They replenish the amount of useful substances to the required level and retain water in the skin. For this category of consumers, formulations with a high component content should be chosen.

Creams for diabetics should not contain:

  • alcohol;
  • preservatives;
  • salicylic acid;
  • dyes;
  • fragrances

These ingredients cause irritation and lead to dryness and flaking of the epidermis.

Subtleties of choice

To choose “your” product, pay attention to the following indicators:

  • % content of the substance in the composition of the product: the greater the amount, the stronger its effect;
  • packaging volume;
  • best before date;
  • if the buyer is diagnosed with diabetes, the concentration of urea in the cream should be at least 10%;
  • application time – day/night;
  • number of applications per day;
  • density - the thicker the product, the faster it will end;
  • additional components;
  • in face products the urea content does not exceed 10%, in foot creams – 20-30%;
  • medicinal ointments that have antibacterial and antifungal effects contain up to 50% urea;
  • the presence of a dispenser (it makes consumption economical and does not allow air into the container);
  • If you choose a facial scrub, pay attention to the size of the solid particles (too large fragments damage the skin).

The ointment is applied to the surface with light massage movements. Do not allow the product to come into contact with the mucous membranes of the eyes. This causes irritation.

Special properties

Urea is found in human skin in its natural state and is responsible for its hydration, helping both to deliver fluid to skin cells and to retain it there. In addition, it has antibacterial, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects, promotes skin regeneration, incl. with various microtraumas.

Accordingly, care products with urea make it possible to compensate for the lack of this substance in the skin. As a result, after the first uses, you can notice that the skin becomes softer, smoother and velvety, and less flaky.

Among other things, adding urea to creams allows you to reduce the required amount of preservatives, which means making the composition of the product more natural, balanced and healthy. To ensure your hair always looks perfect, try Schwarzkopf Professional blue hairspray.

As with any other substance in cosmetics, you can be allergic to urea. Therefore, it would be useful to first check how the skin reacts to it by applying the cream only to a small area of ​​​​the hands.

The best foot cream with urea

The domestic composition Healer successfully copes with moisturizing and softening the feet. Regular use of the drug eliminates dry skin and flaking on the heels. This is not only an aesthetic problem, but also an economic one. Cracks in the heels tear the tights, which leads to the need to constantly buy new things.


  • volume – 50 ml;
  • dispenser - no;
  • , Russia.


  • cheap;
  • relieves irritation;
  • eliminates peeling;
  • softens the skin;
  • heals small wounds;
  • fights roughness on the feet;
  • has a mild analgesic effect.


  • quickly consumed;
  • To keep your feet in good condition, you need to constantly use the cream.

The best face cream with urea

L`Adeleide brand Urea does not cause allergies. Has a softening and regenerating effect. Suitable for face and body, can be used as a night mask.


  • urea concentration 1 and 5%;
  • type - caring agent;
  • dispenser – yes;
  • Manufacturer L'Adeleide.


  • is used sparingly;
  • renews the skin;
  • cheap;
  • different amounts of urea, which allows you to choose the composition for your skin type;
  • levels the surface;
  • normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands.


Slowly absorbed.


There are few direct contraindications for urea cream:

  • Do not use the composition if there are open wounds in this area, including scratches. Urea irritates damaged skin;
  • The recommended concentration is not allowed to be exceeded. Urea rarely causes allergies, but it does cause severe irritation, especially with sensitive skin;
  • Do not allow the cream to come into contact with mucous membranes. If this does happen, you must immediately rinse your mouth, eyes, and nose with plenty of water.

Although urea penetrates deep into the dermis, it does not enter the bloodstream; accordingly, diseases of the internal organs do not require abandoning its use.

The best hand cream with urea

Mains from Vichy contains thermal water. This is an indispensable product for moisturizing dry and very dry hand skin. Well-chosen components quickly tidy up the skin and protect it throughout the day. The product is applied in the morning and the procedure is repeated in the afternoon as necessary.


  • tube volume – 50 ml;
  • dispenser – yes;
  • amount of urea – 10%;
  • brand – Vichy, France.


  • quickly absorbed by the skin;
  • does not leave a greasy shine;
  • retains its properties after washing hands with water (without soap);
  • little consumption;
  • the effect is felt immediately after application;
  • corresponds to the declared qualities.


  • Expensive;
  • has an unpleasant aroma (although this statement is debatable).


Caring cosmetics with urea are presented in stores for every taste and budget. The table shows current prices for the best creams.

Meansprice, rub.
NutriExtra Mains Nutri-repair creme315
Dulgon UREA160
Handwunder "Plus"800 – per package of 75 ml; 2600 – per package of 500 ml.

The best cream for corns with urea

The Professional SUPER MOISTURE composition from Arabia is sold with a dispenser, which saves its consumption. The ointment has a light texture and is quickly absorbed without leaving an unpleasant shine. It works effectively and the results last a long time.


  • amount of urea – 10%;
  • dispenser – yes;
  • product level – professional;
  • manufacturer - Arabia.


  • Available in 2 versions - large and small volume;
  • softens the surface of the feet, eliminates corns;
  • The recipe is specially selected for effective foot care.


Not found.

Some consumers also use Arabia ointment for the face. The result of such use can lead to negative consequences.


Urea is found in creams in varying concentrations. The aggressiveness of carbonic acid and its purpose depend on the percentage.

  • An indicator from 1% to 10% indicates that you have a good moisturizing product. It will help prevent peeling and give the skin elasticity;
  • A concentration of 10 to 20% turns the drug into a light keratolytic. Indicated for those prone to hyperkeratosis and corns;
  • From 20% to 50% - a powerful keratolytic that can cope with advanced cases. It can only be used in a salon and by a professional. Self-use can lead to serious burns and destruction of healthy epidermis.

More information about hyperkeratosis:

Foot skin problems and what a pedicurist should do if they exist

The best moisturizer with urea

The drug Uriage is used not only for adults, but also for children. This is a professional composition for softening and moisturizing dry skin. The components are selected so that it is used for the face and body. Sold in pharmacies. Before using the composition, you should consult your doctor.


  • tube volume – 40 g;
  • carbamide concentration – 30%;
  • release form - tubes and jars;
  • type of product – professional;
  • manufacturer – Uriage, France.


  • high efficiency;
  • suitable for face and body;
  • does not contain parabens or fragrances;
  • used for adults and children.



The best urea cream for diabetics

A product for people with diabetes, Diaultraderm Aqua 15 Professional is intended for foot care. This is the most vulnerable point for this category of consumers. On the legs, the skin dries out faster, peels and cracks. The product fights corns, calluses and skin tightness.


  • volume – 700 ml;
  • urea concentration – 15%;
  • type of product – professional;
  • dispenser – yes;
  • manufacturer – Delta Pharm, Russia.


  • large volume;
  • is used sparingly;
  • effective;
  • acts immediately after application.

Rules of application

To get maximum results when using a composition with urea, you must follow a number of recommendations. Particular care should be taken when using concentrated ointments for heels or medicinal ointments for psoriasis.

  1. The cream must be applied to damp skin - this is a prerequisite. It’s even better to carry out the procedure after a shower or hot bath, so that the skin is not only moist, but also warm and steamed.
  2. The composition is selected - both medicinal and cosmetic, taking into account the type. For dry but not sensitive aging skin, a 5% composition is suitable, but for oily or dry and very delicate skin, you should choose a cream with 1% urea.
  3. When caring for your face in the morning, use an ointment with a lower concentration. At night, apply a composition with a higher proportion of urea.
  4. When caring for your hands, it is recommended to apply the ointment in the evening and wear cotton gloves at night.
  5. When caring for heels, use a highly concentrated cream. It is applied only to damaged areas, avoiding healthy skin. The procedure is performed with gloves. At night, put cotton socks on your feet.
  6. The instructions should be strictly followed, especially when using medicinal ointments. Do not exceed the dosage or arbitrarily prolong treatment. If necessary, it is better to repeat the course after 3-4 weeks.

Urea can be very irritating to the crust. Before using any product in this category, you must conduct a skin test.

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