Which cream is suitable for facial massage, rating of the best

Facial massage is considered one of the alternative and quite effective methods of combating skin aging. Thanks to the massage, the elasticity and tone of the skin significantly increase, the face acquires a healthy color, its contours become clearer, and the skin becomes velvety.

Achieving such effects becomes possible by improving blood circulation during the procedure: the skin is “saturated” with oxygen, metabolism is normalized, and the sebaceous glands begin to function in a healthy manner. The face becomes fresher and younger before our eyes.

Facial massage also helps to relax and eases the patient's psychological state during times of nervous stress. In addition, due to the activation of blood circulation and metabolism, cosmetics and products used in the massage process are better absorbed by the skin.

Goals of cosmetic facial massage

The goal is to slow down the aging process and eliminate cosmetic defects. In addition, cosmetic massage has a positive effect on the condition of all organs and systems. This is due to the fact that there are points on the face, each of which is responsible for the activity of a particular organ or system. For this reason, influencing them, in particular, normalizes a person’s psycho-emotional state, improves the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and improves the condition of blood vessels. However, the main goal is to improve the external and internal condition.


Initially, I really liked revitonics, but later other girls began to appear who adopted the techniques and began to pass them off as their own. Then all these trials and showdowns began. In general, the impression was spoiled.

But this technique is still extremely useful. In Revitonics, I like the approach to the body as a whole.

You won't have a beautiful face without good posture. Posture is everything to us. Put your head and neck in place! This will improve blood circulation, the head and face will receive enough oxygen, which will have a very beneficial effect on the overall condition of the skin.

Facial exercises are primarily aimed at relaxing the muscles of the head, neck and face, which helps smooth out wrinkles.

I will show my favorite techniques from Revitonics and similar systems. First of all, I like exercises for the neck, shoulders and back.

My favorite back exercise is lying on a bolster. I will definitely write about this separately, as it is important.

An excellent exercise for the neck - relieves tension, lengthens the neck and removes the withers over time.

For the face, I really love these techniques:

The forehead instantly smoothes out, the eyes open and the eyebrows become 1-2 centimeters higher. The effect is cool.

Benefits of cosmetic facial massage

Both cosmetic massage performed in the salon and the procedure at home bring benefits. The main thing is to regularly perform the appropriate manipulations. Only under this condition will massage give the following results:

  • metabolic processes occurring in cells are normalized;
  • blood microcirculation improves;
  • facial muscles are toned;
  • the epidermis is saturated with oxygen;
  • the elasticity of the skin increases;
  • facial contours are aligned;
  • wrinkles disappear;
  • age-related changes slow down;
  • dead epidermal cells are removed;
  • the so-called double chin is eliminated;
  • swelling of soft tissues disappears;
  • subcutaneous fat decreases.

Cost of cosmetic massage

The cost of one session in Moscow ranges from 500 to 2000 rubles. Prices depend on the chosen technique, course duration, patient age and desired effect. Cosmetologists and massage therapists at the International Hemostasis Clinic personally select the most effective technique for each client in order to solve problems associated with age-related skin changes in the shortest possible time.

You can sign up for a cosmetology massage and get a detailed consultation by calling the number or filling out or using the feedback form. Our administrators will call you back to clarify the details and answer all your questions.

Face massage

Deep facial massage

Facial massage for bags under eyes

Harm of cosmetic facial massage

Despite all the benefits, in some cases a cosmetic procedure can cause harm:

  • if the manipulation is constantly carried out at a young age, then the facial skin will lose its ability to naturally regenerate, which will lead to premature aging;
  • if you use a large amount of cosmetics for manipulation, this will provoke the occurrence of acne and other rashes on the skin;
  • too frequent exposure to the fading epidermis will lead to its stretching;
  • intense exposure to a thin face leads to stretching and bruising.

To avoid unpleasant consequences, it is recommended to conduct sessions with a specialist after consultation with a doctor.

Which is better: oil or cream

Are you going to do a facial massage not on your own, but using the services of a massage therapist? Then ask a specialist which product is better for his technique - cream or oil.

If you plan to perform massage movements yourself, then only by testing the products will you be able to choose the most suitable one. Each of the products has its pros and cons.

For example, oils allow your hands to glide perfectly over your body and provide a pleasant aroma. But without experience it is very difficult to dose them. Some users note an unpleasant feeling of a greasy film on the skin after the procedure.

The creams do not spread due to their thick consistency. Since manufacturers include many components in the active formula of the products, you can expect a complex effect on the skin - moisturizing, cleansing, eliminating wrinkles, toning and antioxidant effects.

So the choice is yours. You need to first try out different options in action.


The massage technique has the following contraindications:

  • acne with a purulent center, accompanied by inflammation;
  • skin pathologies in the acute stage;
  • herpes virus;
  • pathologies caused by a fungus;
  • the presence of unhealed lesions on the skin;
  • the vessels are too close;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • oncological pathologies of a malignant nature;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • heart pathologies.

Massage similar to Nurse Jamie

I don’t have the original Nurse Jamie, I have the Chinese equivalent, because I wanted to see if I would use this massager often or throw it in the back drawer.

Well, it's 50/50 for now. Sometimes I take it out and walk over it along my path. This way, all cosmetics are absorbed faster and are better absorbed into the skin, plus the massager eliminates swelling, if any.

You can buy the original here – Cult Beauty

Types of cosmetic facial massage

Experts distinguish 3 main types of cosmetic facial massage.

Classic look

To perform this manipulation, a cream or special oil is required. The procedure is indicated at any age, regardless of skin type. Classic facial massage tones, normalizes water balance and improves the condition of the skin. During the procedure, strokes and pats are performed. After the manipulation, the skin becomes fresh and tightened.

Plastic look

No cream or special oil is used for manipulation. During the procedure, significant pressure is applied. Plastic facial massage is recommended after 35 years for all skin types, but is especially useful for oily skin. Manipulation allows you to get rid of swelling of soft tissues, pigmentation and wrinkles, including deep ones. After plastic massage, the activity of the sebaceous glands is normalized, blood microcirculation and the tone of the epidermis are improved, and the facial muscles are toned. The skin becomes tightened and the contour acquires a clear outline.

Pinch view

Talc is used for manipulation. During the procedure, pressing, patting and pinching are performed. Pinch massage is indicated for use in the presence of pronounced cosmetic defects - scars, pimples and other rashes. Thanks to the procedure, the epidermis is freed from toxins, acquires elasticity and age-related changes slow down.

Technique “36 movements”

“36” movements are part of the Chinese Guasha massage. To perform the manipulation, special tools made from natural materials are used. Most often, craftsmen use scrapers made of jade and buffalo horn.

The manipulation is carried out in five massage stages:

  • Cleansing. A gel is applied, with which the skin gets rid of impurities and dead cells. This technique also helps saturate the skin with oxygen, thereby improving the complexion.
  • Lymphatic drainage. To carry out this manipulation, the master uses a fish-shaped scraper with a long tail. With this tool, the specialist acts on biologically active points. Thanks to this, the skin becomes elastic and taut, the psycho-emotional state is normalized, and the condition of all system organs improves.
  • Regulation of tissue nutrition. No equipment is required to carry out this stage. The master performs 36 movements with his hands, after which the name appeared. The technique consists of stroking, rubbing, pressing, kneading. After special 36 movements, the epidermis acquires firmness and elasticity, blood microcirculation improves, which has a positive effect on the skin tone, and the biological points of the face are activated.
  • Direct nutrition of soft tissues. The essence is the use of nourishing masks. Thanks to this, the soft tissues of the face and the skin receive the necessary nutrients, which has a positive effect on the appearance.
  • Hydration. The essence is treatment with a moisturizer. This is the final stage of manipulation. Thanks to this, the epidermis receives a sufficient amount of moisture, which slows down the aging process.

Only a master can work with this technique. If you entrust the “36 movements” to a non-professional, this can have undesirable consequences not only for the skin, but also for the entire body.

Indications for use

Any woman should take care of her face with self-massage, and she should start as early as possible. Ideally, from the age of 20. The sooner you start, the longer your youth will last.

Self-massage of the face should become mandatory from the age of 30, when the skin becomes mature and the aging mechanisms begin. This procedure is as integral a part of life as brushing your teeth and washing your hair.

There is no upper age limit. Massage will have an effect at any age.

Performing a cosmetic facial massage in a salon

When carrying out a cosmetic procedure, the specialist performs movements strictly along massage lines. In this case, the area around the eyes is not involved. The master should not stretch or compress the epidermis too much, gather the skin into folds, or cause pain. If the specialist does not adhere to these rules, then it is recommended to interrupt and go to another salon.

Here are the permissible movements of a massage therapist:

  • smoothing the epidermis;
  • tapping;
  • kneading the skin with fingertips;
  • vibrating movements;
  • stroking.

Each movement is repeated five times. To see positive dynamics, you need to perform 10 sessions in a row. After this, take a break and repeat the manipulations.

Sarah Chapman Skinesis Facialift Massage

This is a relatively new massager in my collection, I've only had it for a year, but I love it dearly. It perfectly tightens the oval, removes the cheeks, and makes the skin more elastic. But it is intended specifically for the lower jaw in the first place.

Here is a visual video of how to properly use the Sarah Chapman Skinesis Facialift massager.

I use it every day, I try it in the morning if I have time. If you don’t have time, then in the late afternoon, you can even sit in front of the TV and massage your face.

This massager can be purchased from Cult Beauty or Lookfantastic

Cosmetic facial massage at home

Cosmetic facial massage can be performed at home. To do this, it is recommended to carefully study the massage technique of performing the manipulation so that the procedure brings benefits and does not cause harm. When performing a cosmetic facial massage at home, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  • wash with cool water and detergent to remove makeup and dirt;
  • the epidermis is wiped with tonic for final cleansing;
  • apply a rich cream suitable for the skin type;
  • hands are washed and wiped dry;
  • knead the skin with fingertips, moving from the bridge of the nose to the frontal area and temples;
  • knead the area of ​​the epidermis from the bridge of the nose to the temples, as well as the upper and lower eyelids;
  • massage the area from the middle of the chin to the cheekbones;
  • perform stroking of the nose from the bridge of the nose to the wings;
  • knead the cheeks from the jawline to the temporal region;
  • massage the area above the lip.

The cosmetic procedure is performed within 10 minutes. It is not recommended to increase the exposure time to avoid unpleasant consequences. Do not press your fingers too hard on the epidermis to avoid hematomas. It is recommended to perform 10 sessions, then take a break of several months and repeat the procedure.

Preparation and features of the event

During the consultation and examination of the skin, the cosmetologist determines which facial massage is suitable in a particular case. It is important to exclude the presence of acute conditions that are a contraindication to the use of lymphatic drainage techniques. On the eve of the procedure, it is prohibited to drink strong alcoholic drinks. The procedure is carried out on an empty stomach or within several hours after eating. It is necessary to avoid overeating on the day of using the technique and for several hours after it. Food should be light, not containing excess fats and simple carbohydrates. It is prohibited to apply cream or other cosmetics to the skin.

During the session, the cosmetologist uses his hands or a device to superficially knead the skin, moving in a certain direction to activate the outflow of fluid through the lymphatic vessels. Each procedure lasts on average 20-40 minutes. For several days after using the lymphatic drainage massage technique, it is forbidden to eat excessively salty and spicy foods, which retain fluid in the body.

Unpleasant consequences of cosmetic facial massage

If the massage is performed incorrectly, it can lead to the following consequences:

  • formation of hematomas on the epidermis;
  • redness of the skin;
  • uncomfortable sensations.

Such problems with cosmetology can appear if you press too hard on the skin, move against the massage lines and perform the movements incorrectly. To prevent this from happening, you should entrust a cosmetic massage to a professional, and if the manipulation is performed at home, then adhere to the rules of the procedure.

In addition, allergic reactions to the special oil may occur, which manifest themselves in the form of rashes on the epidermis, itching and burning. You can avoid unpleasant consequences if you use only proven and high-quality cosmetics for the procedure.

Cosmetic facial massage is a procedure that helps improve your appearance and get rid of some defects. The main thing is to perform cosmetic manipulation correctly and regularly. Author of the article:

Practicing: 27 years, Teaching: 20 years

Effect of use

Massage promotes proper distribution of lymph and improves blood flow to the skin. Cream and oils act as an activator of this process. They:

  • allow the master’s fingers to glide over the dermis;
  • soften the epithelium;
  • promote the production of your own collagen;
  • supply the skin with useful components, which improves its elasticity and gives an even tone;
  • tone the muscles not only due to the movement itself, but also due to the action of cosmetics;
  • help relieve tension from the skin that has been subjected to the procedure;
  • exfoliate dead particles, cleansing the face.

As you can see, the tandem of cream and massage works wonders. If you do not skimp and order special products designed for face-building, improving skin condition and rejuvenation, you will soon be able to get rid of problems such as puffiness, expression lines and uneven skin color.

Important point! Do you want the effect of a massage to really be present? You need to conduct regular sessions: first, 7-12 procedures every evening or morning, and then massage at least several times a week.

How to prepare for self-massage

The main rule of self-massage is to perform it in a comfortable, relaxed state. But first you need to prepare for the procedure.

Modelage Active Cream massage cream, 300 ml

Talc for facial massage Revita Massage Powder, 150 ml

Sculpting oil-concentrate for facial massage Massage Oil-Drops, 50 ml

The first stage is cleansing. Use delicate makeup remover and cleanser to cleanse your skin of makeup, sebum, and impurities. Afterwards, toning is necessary with products according to your skin type.

The next important point is hydration. It is strictly forbidden to perform facial massage on dry skin. This can be not only unpleasant, but also unsafe, since there is a high probability of stretching the skin and even damaging blood vessels.

Course “Self-facial massage: lifting and rejuvenation” from experts

Educational technologists have created a unique technique for performing self-massage of the face. Even if you have no experience, by completing the course you will learn how to do proper facial massage and independently maintain young and toned skin.

The training is conducted by practicing specialists who will share their knowledge and experience. The course program includes 40% theory and 60% practice. You will receive up-to-date information and immediately put it into practice - you will practice self-massage techniques under the supervision of a technologist-teacher.

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