The most valuable rose oil: application in cosmetology. Which rose oil is the healthiest?

Application and benefits of rose essential oil in cosmetology

Rose essential oil has been revered by many peoples since ancient times. It was considered very valuable and useful. Its scope of application is so vast that it is easier to describe areas in which it has not been used.

Rose oil has a special place in cosmetology. It is at the top of the list of oils that promote skin rejuvenation and its speedy healing.

Essential rose oil is used for aromatherapy and relaxing baths. It has a positive effect on the nervous system and calms it.

Rose essential oil is an aphrodisiac, so you should be extremely careful when using it.

A great use for rose essential oil is massage.

Rose essential oil

Dosage and emulsifiers

The most commonly used emulsifiers are: - ethyl alcohol 40% (vodka); - honey; — fermented milk products (kefir, yogurt, yogurt); - bran; - sea and table salt; - soda. The dosage is maintained according to the prescription. Most often it is 3-5 drops of ether per 1 tablespoon of emulsifier. Primary aromatherapy procedures are carried out for a short period of time - up to 20 minutes. The dosage of rose oil is minimal - 1-2 drops. In the absence of side effects and individual intolerance, it increases to 3-5 drops.

How to choose a quality product.

  • Natural essential oil is packaged in a dark glass bottle. It should not be stored in a display case - sunlight is harmful to this product.
  • The plug must be tight to prevent oil from evaporating.
  • The package includes a dropper or pipette with the ability to calculate the volume (does not apply to small bottles of 1-2 ml).
  • Medicines are packaged with tamper evident protection.
  • The label and packaging must contain complete information about the manufacturer.

Which rose oil is the healthiest? What kind of rose is oil made from?

There are several varieties of roses that are grown specifically for their oil. They differ in their properties and aroma.

Rose varieties used for oil production:

  • Kazanlak rose
  • White Kazanlak rose
  • Centifolia rose
  • White Rose
  • Red Rose
  • Muscat rose
  • Damask rose

In cosmetology, nutmeg oil and wild rose oil (which consists of several oils) are highly valued. Why these oils? Because they contain the largest amount of fatty acids, which promote rapid regeneration of epidermal cells.

Kazanlak rose oil, in turn, is very much loved by perfumers due to its magical aroma. By the way, it used to be called “gul” oil.

Damask rose oil is actively used to treat many diseases in the female area and not only. It is also considered extremely useful. In appearance, the Damask rose is very reminiscent of a peony.

Damask rose


Essential rose oil has many healing properties. This is mainly a remedy for women, but men can also use it to improve reproductive function.

The main properties of rose oil are:

  1. Treatment of diseases of the reproductive system in women . Normalizes the menstrual cycle, cleanses internal organs, eliminates dysbiosis, regulates and tones the genitals, relieves premenstrual symptoms.
  2. It is useful for both hypertensive and hypotensive patients . The smell of roses normalizes blood pressure, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, relieves headaches and spasms of internal organs, and fights atherosclerosis.
  3. Normalizes metabolism , therefore it is used for weight loss. Of course, the effect will not be obvious without additional physical activity and proper nutrition. But rose oil will speed up the process, remove harmful substances accumulated in the body, and improve digestion.
  4. Rose petal oil is a powerful aphrodisiac . Therefore, if one of the partners has problems with libido, before sexual intercourse it is recommended to light an aroma lamp with a drop of rose oil to create the appropriate atmosphere and for medicinal purposes. Within a few minutes you will feel the pleasant effect of aromatherapy.

Muscat rose oil, benefits

  • Muscat rose oil is a unique oil. It has a super-healing, regenerating effect. It is actively used not only in cosmetology, but also in medicine.
  • Muscat rose oil contains a large amount of fatty acids necessary for the normal functioning of skin cells. Therefore, it is actively used for cosmetic purposes to combat even the deepest wrinkles.
  • This oil is the heavy artillery in the fight for female beauty and youth. Its regular use can preserve the fresh appearance of the skin, its elasticity and softness for a long time.
  • Muscat rose oil works great on minor scars and cuts. If your skin has small scars, then muscat rose oil will be a real salvation for you.
  • This oil is extremely beneficial for nails. It makes them strong and white. Smoothes the surface of the nail plate

Muscat rose

Feedback about use

Virgos, help me out)) I bought rose oil at the pharmacy, but how to use it at home? I’m sitting on the Internet, I don’t really understand, but I had to grab it)) I want to use it on my face, give me recipes, please!)) Is it natural? How much did it cost? This is an expensive oil. They usually sell 1 ml or less. I always bring it from Bulgaria and add it to rose water and creams with rose oil.


Usually the biggest secret is the last to be revealed. But today I will make an exception and reveal the secret of my beauty and youth. And I won’t even intrigue you with a long preface :) I’ll tell you how to get rid of fine wrinkles, significantly reduce deep wrinkles, make your facial skin tightened, young and fresh, and your body skin velvety. Remember! To a portion of the night face cream, I add one drop of royal oil (Do you understand? I'm talking about rose oil), stir well so that the oil is completely dissolved in the cream and apply it to the face, without touching the area around the eyes. Yes, this little trick will turn even the most inexpensive cream into luxury cosmetics, effective and with an amazing aroma. I pamper my body by adding four drops of rose oil when I take a bath or in a portion of body cream. Bonus - the most delicate aroma of rose envelops me and drives my man crazy.


Rose essential oil has been popular since ancient times due to its unique beneficial properties for skin and hair. It also helps in the treatment of colds and depression, can relieve pain, and improve the quality of sexual life of men and women. The production of rose essential oil is a very expensive process, which is why the price of the product is quite high. It is worth remembering this when buying oil; it is very easy to come across a counterfeit.

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Benefits of wild rose petal oil

The oil has a second name - “liquid sun”. It was named so for the rich concentration of useful substances in it.

Wild rose (rose hip) has collected all the beneficial substances from the earth, water and clean air of wild, untouched nature. It enriches the skin with the vitamins and microelements it needs.

Wild rose oil is suitable for absolutely any skin. But it is best to use it specifically for fading, aging skin. But if your skin is tired from an abundance of cosmetics, an overly cold climate and stress, then wild rose oil will definitely help it recover.

  • The remarkable property of the oil is that, having a fairly light structure, it does not clog skin cells, so it can be used as a night cream with a clear conscience
  • Two or three applications of this lip oil are enough to get rid of stubborn lips.
  • The aroma of wild rose oil is not so strong as to overwhelm other odors, so it is used even by people who cannot stand the smell of roses for some reason

Wild rose or rosehip

Presence of contraindications and possible harm to the body

Contraindications for the use of rose oil are individual intolerance, pregnancy, allergies, exacerbation of gastritis, stomach or intestinal ulcers. It should be used with caution by people with asthma. A strong odor (like any perfume) can cause bronchospasm. It is not recommended to take the product orally without consulting a specialist.

Allergic reactions to ethers often occur. In case of any health problems (redness, itching, spasms, etc.), you should stop using them. Also, for rinsing and other procedures, the oil must be diluted with sufficient water to prevent chemical burns. Do not use the product on open wounds, including rose water.

Benefits of Damask rose oil

  • Damask rose oil has a really crazy scent. Not every rose bush smells like this oil.
  • It is used to scent rooms. Quite a strong aphrodisiac
  • Damask rose oil, real, very expensive. More often on sale you can see not essential oil, but cosmetic oil of Damask rose, diluted jojoba oil
  • If you see just such an oil on a store shelf, do not rush to be disappointed and pass by. Jojoba oil itself is very beneficial, and in combination with Damask rose oil it gives excellent results.

How Damask rose grows
Suitable for aging skin and skin prone to dryness and age spots. Perfectly evens out the complexion. Carefully cares for the skin around the eyes. Recommended for the décolleté area.

Interesting fact: Damask rose oil is suitable for oily skin types. It does not leave greasy marks, the skin does not become shiny after it, but looks even more matte than usual.

Damask rose oil, like wild rose or rosehip oil, is used as a night cream. It nourishes the skin and moisturizes it.

Damask rose

Advice for those who live outside the city

If you are in love with the scent of rose ether, one day you will want to plant a Damask or Centifolia rose in your garden. However, this risks disappointment. Essential oil varieties bloom in one wave in June, the remaining summer months have nothing to admire and nothing to smell - the rose does not bloom. As an experienced rose grower, I recommend placing decorative roses of continuous flowering in your garden, for example, the Westerland variety. Three bushes of these roses near the windows will fill the area with a fabulous pink aroma throughout the summer season.

The unpretentious Westerland rose in my garden continuously throws out clusters of new flowers, spreading a divine aroma

How to use rose oil for wrinkles?

Rose oil for wrinkles has been used for a very, very long time.

  • As mentioned above, almost any type of rose oil effectively fights wrinkles. Even the deepest (frontal, nasolabial)
  • There is cosmetic and rose essential oil. The essential oil is very fragrant, but should be used with caution. There is a high risk of getting a skin burn. Essential oil is always mixed with cosmetic oil, so the oil acts much softer
  • Cosmetic oil is absolutely safe. It can be used in its pure form. Very often, rose cosmetic oil is obtained by mixing essential rose oil and some other odorless cosmetic oil (wheat germ, jojoba, for example)

Rose oil
For wrinkles, rose oil is used as follows:

  • They make various masks that include other oils or other components
  • Use in its pure form

In its pure form, rose oil for wrinkles is easy to use:

  • The facial skin is thoroughly cleansed of cosmetics and impurities.
  • Apply oil to face using a cotton pad and distribute evenly
  • Wait until the oil is absorbed, remove the residue with a clean cotton pad.

Rose oil mixed with other components also effectively fights wrinkles. Rose oil can be mixed with:

  • Jojoba oil, wheat germ, cocoa butter, peach oil, olive
  • Suitable food items include oatmeal, sour cream, egg, clay

As part of any mixture, the oil will exhibit its healing properties. Just a couple of drops of rose oil is enough to see results.

rose oil

Royal facial

The effect of rose oil is especially noticeable when facial skin is imperfect. The ethers of the flower will return to anyone the desire to look at themselves in the mirror. A miraculous remedy eliminates redness, swelling, spots, pimples, sagging, large pores. Only facial wrinkles cannot be removed with this product. And it copes with small mesh wrinkles.

With age, the skin's reserves of moisture, collagen and elastin decrease. Therefore, it is worth starting to moisturize and nourish with rose ethers when the feeling of tightness of the skin first appears after washing. This is a signal that cell renewal has slowed down. This usually happens after 25 years. From this point on, the strength and elasticity of the skin will begin to decrease if measures are not taken.

Anti-aging skin creams

The aroma of a rose inspires even those who have never done this to create creams. An effective anti-wrinkle remedy without harmful chemicals is prepared at home from the following ingredients:

  • lanolin - 30 g;
  • glycerin - 10 ml;
  • apricot kernel and avocado base oil - 3 tbsp each. l.;
  • basic almond oil - 1/2 tsp;
  • vitamin E capsules - 1 pc.;
  • elderberry alcohol infusion - 30 ml;
  • rose ether - 2-3 drops.


  1. At the same time, but in separate steamed containers, lightly heat the elderberry infusion and base oils.
  2. Place lanolin in the oils and dissolve while stirring. Remove from heat.
  3. Pour the heated infusion into the oils little by little, whisking the mixture continuously.
  4. Cool slightly, add glycerin, vitamin and essential oil. Mix.

The cream is stored in the refrigerator. Apply a thin layer 1-2 times a day.

Properly prepared homemade cream is better than store-bought cream in all respects.

Loose skin is restored by night cream.


  • badger fat – 50 mg;
  • cocoa butter - 50 mg;
  • jojoba oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • ylang-ylang ether - 8 drops;
  • rose ether - 3-4 drops.


  1. Steam fats and cocoa butter.
  2. Cool slightly, add ether, stir.

The oldest rose, which is 1 thousand years old, grows in Germany near the Cathedral of the Ascension of the Blessed Virgin Mary, in the city of Hildesheim. Its height is 10 meters.

Face masks

When doing home facial care, use the experience of cosmetologists.

  1. Apply masks only to cleansed skin.
  2. Leave the mixture on for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Apply your usual cream, this is especially important after clay formulations.
  3. Lie down while the mask is in effect, do not talk, keep your face still.
  4. If you are using cosmetic oil rather than rose essential oil, increase the number of drops in the recipe by 2-3 times.
  5. In order for the results of the mask to become noticeable, they are used in a course of 5–8 procedures every 3 days.

Cosmetologists do not recommend making masks for people with normal, healthy skin under 25 years of age; it simply doesn’t make sense.

Moisturizing masks

Constant dryness of the skin leads to early aging, so it is moisturized with fatty acids of oils.


  • honey - 1 tsp;
  • almond oil - 1 tsp;
  • vitamin E capsules - 1 pc.;
  • rose ether - 2 drops.


  1. Add rose oil to the honey and stir.
  2. Combine with remaining components.

In addition to moisturizing, the skin also needs a nourishing mask made from the following ingredients:

  • basic almond, avocado or castor oil - 1 tsp;
  • raw yolk - 1 pc.;
  • lemon juice - 1/2 tsp;
  • honey - 1 tsp;
  • rose ether - 2 drops.


  1. Dilute the ether in a carrier oil.
  2. Add the remaining ingredients and stir.

Our grandmothers made masks from yolks; this product nourishes the skin and hair well and will never lose its relevance

Anti-aging mask

To tighten the contours of a sagging face, masks with a lifting effect are used.


  • white clay - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • rose ether - 2 drops;
  • milk - 1-2 tbsp. l.
  1. Dissolve rose oil in 1 tbsp. l. milk. Add clay.
  2. Add milk until the mixture is thick, if necessary.

For dry skin, keep the clay mask on your face for just 10 minutes. Do not peel off the dried mixture, rinse with water. To prevent the heavy composition from “pulling” the skin down, procedures with clay masks are carried out while lying down.

Wrinkles become less pronounced with the help of a multi-component mask. Ingredients:

  • olive or other base oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • dry mustard - 1/2 tsp;
  • yolk - 1 pc.;
  • aloe juice - 8 ml;
  • rose ether - 1-2 drops.


  1. Dissolve the ether in the carrier oil.
  2. Combine with other ingredients and beat.

Listen to your feelings. If the mask burns your skin too much, rinse off quickly with plenty of water. The composition enhances blood circulation, increasing the production of elastin and collagen. Contraindications to the mask: inflammation, acne, spider veins on the face, high blood pressure.

Do not laugh while the clay mixture is in action, the skin “remembers” wrinkles

Mask for acne, blackheads, blackheads

Inflamed skin needs special care; you need to clean it well, get rid of inflammation and at the same time not dry it out. These contradictory problems are solved by a mask made of the following components:

  • yellow clay - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • milk - 1 tsp;
  • rose ether - 2 drops;
  • turmeric - 1/4 tsp;
  • nettle decoction - as needed.


  1. Dilute essential oil in milk. Add clay and turmeric.
  2. Dilute with chilled nettle decoction until thick as sour cream.

Apply the composition for 10 minutes. Rinse with water and 1 tsp. lemon juice.

Turmeric is a spice that, when applied to the skin, inhibits the growth of bacteria and fights acne.

Anti-pigmentation mask

Spots and spider veins add ten years to your age. To lighten the skin, apply a mask of the following components:

  • mashed boiled potatoes - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • jojoba oil - 1/2 tsp;
  • lemon ether - 5 drops;
  • rose ether - 2 drops.


  1. Dilute the esters in jojoba oil.
  2. Add potatoes and stir.

Keep the mixture on for 10 minutes, then rinse off.

Rose essential oil can be added to ready-made products: 3-5 drops per 100 ml of cream. But chemists do not recommend adding ether to shampoos, shower gels, and bath foam. Their composition is such that the oils simply will not be absorbed into the body or hair. This is a waste of a valuable product.

Compresses for eyelids

For dryness, itching of the eyelids, dark circles and swelling under the eyes, use homemade “rose water” lotions.


  • liquid honey - 1/2 tsp;
  • boiled water - 1/2 cup;
  • rose essential oil - 1 drop.

Dissolve the ether in honey, add warm water, stir. Dip cotton pads into the liquid and place on closed eyes. After 15 min. remove the compress. Lotions are applied every night for five days in a row. Keep the product in the refrigerator during this time. If you are allergic to honey, prepare the composition with boiled milk.

If you have rose oil, apply a little under your eyes with your fingertips. Do this with patting movements, try not to stretch the skin. Provided that the oil contains natural rose essential oil, dark circles and puffiness under the eyes will disappear.

Rose oil is very gentle on the skin around the eyes: moisturizes, brightens, tightens

Lip care

With age, without proper care, lips become thinner and transverse wrinkles appear. Store-bought balms contain few natural ingredients, so it is safer to nourish and moisturize the skin around the mouth with homemade mixtures.


  • jojoba oil - 10 drops;
  • rose essential oil - 1 drop.

While applying the product, it is advisable to rub your lips to increase blood flow. Then the nutrients will be better absorbed. For massage use a soft toothbrush.


  1. Mix oils and apply to lips.
  2. Within 2 min. Massage your lips with a brush without excessive pressure.

Solid lip balm is also prepared independently.


  • Shea butter - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Beeswax - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Almond oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Rose essential oil - 2 drops.


  1. Melt the shea, wax and base oil over a steamer, stirring constantly. Remove from stove.
  2. When the mixture has cooled a little, add ether and stir. Pour into a convenient jar.

After a massage with a brush, lips become bright and sensual

How to use rose oil for the skin around the eyes?

The skin around the eyes is very thin and delicate. She needs special care. The very first signs of aging appear on the skin around the eyes in the form of fine wrinkles. They are also called "crow's feet".

Getting rid of such wrinkles is not difficult if they have just begun to appear. If there are already a lot of wrinkles, and they appeared a long time ago, then only comprehensive care will help to cope with them.

Cosmetic rose oil has just such properties, thanks to which it can eliminate small wrinkles around the eyes, or make large wrinkles less noticeable.

How to use rose oil for the skin around the eyes
How to use rose oil for the skin around the eyes is an interesting question. You can smear the skin around your eyes several times a day with this oil. You can apply the oil to your skin at night and remove any residue in the morning. The oil is perfectly absorbed into the skin, so both options are possible.

If desired, rose oil can be mixed with other oils that also have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin around the eyes:

  • Wheat germ oil
  • Coconut oil (for this it is better to take refined oil, otherwise the smells of rose and coconut will mix and you will get a not very pleasant aroma)
  • Peach oil
  • Jojoba oil
  • Castor oil (do not take too much castor oil and do not leave it overnight, it is very heavy and can make your eyelids swell)
  • Olive
  • Almond
  • Walnut oil

Various oils


The main chemical components of rose oil are citronellol (22-32%), geraniol (12-15%), nerol (8-12%), linalool (1.5-2.7%), methyl eugenol (2.0-2. 5%), eugenol (0.5% -1.0%) and rose oxide (1-1.3%). Several small components that are present as traces.

Depending on the strain, geographic region of cultivation, and management practices, significant variation may occur in the composition of the oil.

  • Citronellol - effective against mosquitoes (also in citronella).
  • Citral has a strong antimicrobial effect, which is necessary for the synthesis of vitamin A.
  • Carvone is an effective digestive aid (also found in caraway and dill).
  • Citronellyl Acetate is responsible for the pleasant taste and aroma of roses, which is why it is used in many cosmetic products for the skin.
  • Eugenol is the richest antioxidant in the world.
  • Farnesol is a natural pesticide (also in orange blossom, jasmine and ylang-ylang).
  • Methyl eugenol is a local antiseptic and anesthetic (also found in cinnamon and lemon balm).
  • Nerol is a fragrant aromatic compound that is an antibiotic (also found in lemongrass and hops).
  • Phenyl Acetaldehyde is another fragrant and aromatic compound (also found in chocolate).
  • Phenyl Geraniol is a natural form of geraniol that is commonly used in perfumes and fruit flavors.

How to use rose oil on the body?

Rose oil can also be used wonderfully in body care.

Where exactly is rose oil used?

  • Massage
  • Scrub
  • Wraps
  • In the fight against stretch marks

Rose oil is used as a massage oil. It not only has a pronounced regenerating effect, but is also a good anti-stress, that is, it relaxes. And relaxation of the body and mind is the key to a quality massage.

It can be used separately from other oils, there or together with them. For massage, rose oil is mixed with jojoba, apricot, olive, and peach oils.

Rose oil massage

Rose oil works great as an additive to homemade scrubs. This scrub may include sea moth, sugar, ground coffee, oatmeal, and honey. Rose oil will soften the effect of the scrubbing element, while improving the result of using the scrub.

Rose oil is added to scrubs to give skin firmness and elasticity. It can also be added to anti-cellulite scrubs.

The wrap mixture may also contain rose oil. In addition to oil, they usually use:

  • Coffee
  • Mustard
  • Clay
  • Algae (kelp)
  • Honey
  • Sea salt
  • Chocolate
  • Cocoa

Oil wrap
If your goal is to give the skin elasticity, then you can use rose oil for wrapping without additional ingredients.

Ovulation stimulation

In case of ovulation disorders, an unconventional method sometimes helps - rubbing the abdomen with rose ether. However, it is important to do this on time: every day from the 4th to the 14th day of the menstrual cycle. To get a massage product, dissolve 2 drops of ether in 10 ml of base oil.

This massage works in several directions:

  • eliminates negative attitude, apathy;
  • improves blood circulation in the pelvic organs;
  • relieves inflammation of female organs;
  • stimulates the maturation of eggs in the ovaries.

The painting by Sandro Botticelli depicts the goddess of love Venus, in whose veins, according to ancient Greek legends, rose oil flowed

Using rose oil for hair

Rose oil is used primarily to strengthen the hair follicle and add shine to hair.

It acts very gently on the hair, envelops it and protects it from harmful external influences.

What are the benefits of a little rose for hair?

  • Makes hair shiny
  • Accelerates hair growth
  • Eliminates dandruff
  • Normalizes sebum secretion, thereby eliminating excess oiliness of the scalp
  • Prevents split ends (if the hair is already split, it prevents further splits)
  • Eliminates hair breakage
  • Leaves hair soft to the touch

From this list we can conclude that rose oil is a real godsend for maintaining healthy and beautiful hair.

Many people are tormented by the question: “How to wash off rose oil from hair? Does it make your hair greasy? . Rose oil is actually quite light. Depending on the structure of the hair and the amount of oil itself, it requires one to two washes maximum. After using it, your hair doesn’t look greasy, but rather stays clean longer.

Regular use of rose oil works wonders for your hair.

  • You can use rose oil for hair either as part of other masks or on its own.
  • Before use, the oil is heated to 40 degrees in a water bath, then applied either to the ends or to the entire length.
  • The hair is tucked under a shower cap, and the head is wrapped in a towel on top.
  • Keep this mask for 30 minutes to several hours (you can even leave it overnight). Wash off with shampoo


Ancient Chinese texts describe how the soul of plants lives in their scent. It’s easy to believe this when you inhale the noble scent of rose oil.

Aromatization of premises

To liken your state of mind to the beauty of a perfect flower, add 3-5 drops of ether into the aroma lamp. Without letting the water boil, scent the room for 15–30 minutes. Rose oil ennobles our condition by bringing:

  • calm;
  • a good mood;
  • optimism;
  • tolerance.

Having inhaled rose ethers, you want to hold the exhalation and preserve the sweet and refined aroma inside. In addition to the floral scent, spicy honey and smoky notes are detected. “True femininity” is how the exciting aroma is briefly described. In addition to its mild tonic effect, rose eliminates nervous tension, depression, and enhances sensuality. A harmonizing effect has been observed in all mood pathologies. This is probably due to the Queen of Flowers' ability to increase concentration. Thanks to the ability to focus on the desired state of mind, it is possible to bring it to life. In case of despondency, a rose instills cheerfulness; in case of neurosis, it calms. No other flower acts in this way.

For those who want to always “carry” the scent of a rose with them, I advise you to purchase an aroma pendant, which is worn as a decoration around the neck. The oil in it evaporates very sparingly; one drop is enough for 3 days.

An aroma pendant is not only a carrier of your favorite scent, but also a decoration

From the author: make your shadow white

Bringing beauty is a good thing when this activity does not completely absorb a person. If you elevate external beauty to the highest value, disappointments are inevitable. We become very vulnerable by allowing our happiness to depend on the presence or absence of cosmetic defects. Moderation and balance are important even in self-care.

There are very few people who are ideally beautiful in appearance. There are many more people who have a beautiful soul, but an ordinary appearance. This is sad and not fair. In this case, rose ethers extract inner beauty and manifest it outwardly. It is not for nothing that many describe the effect of rose oil in such poetic words:

  • the face seems to glow from within;
  • I see the glow of youth in the mirror;
  • I am in a fragrant cloud of harmony and beauty;
  • inhaling the scent of roses, I am happy and soaring.

This is the manifestation of inner light under the harmonizing influence of the rose scent. There is a balancing of internal and external. Beauty is brought out: on the face, body, hair.

How can a rose help if there is no peace and harmony inside? It will make your shadow white, as they say, in the poems of Vyacheslav Butusov. By performing rose oil therapy, you can finally understand what true beauty is. After all, it is in a harmonious balance of internal and external. Beauty will arise if it did not exist. Ugly thoughts, feelings, and actions will go away. Purity will illuminate the soul. It will help if it seems that your life is not real: there is no beauty in your soul, there is no beauty in your deeds. To live a full life, you need to bring your inner and outer worlds into harmony. The scent of a rose will give you a push in the right direction and will help you on the path to finding true harmony and happiness. Let roses bloom in your soul.

Benefits and uses of rose oil: tips and reviews

Inna, 23 years old, Moscow

Since childhood, my hair has split. The food was good, I didn’t use rubber bands. We had sex and that’s it. Sheared. When she grew up, she began cutting hair with hot scissors and did various procedures to seal her hair, but to no avail. A friend brought rose oil from a trip and was advised to buy it there. It cost a lot, but she was promised just crazy results. I tried applying this oil to my hair before bed and rinsing it off in the morning. I did 5 procedures. My hair felt better, but I still had quite a lot of split ends, although less than before using the oil. Then I decided to trim the ends for the last time in order to continue using the oil, because it prevents split ends. Surprisingly, it helped and for six months now I have beautiful, healthy hair without a single split hair. Now I recommend this to everyone.

Maria, 28 years old, Kirov

I’ve never used hair oils, this is new to me, but rose oil just captivated me. No balm has ever given such amazing results as this oil. I regret that I spent so much time searching for my product and was skeptical about natural products. In addition to rose oil, I also started using coconut oil. I just can’t decide which one is better, but my hair is shiny even in a dark room, it’s stopped breaking, and it’s growing quickly. In general, I'm satisfied and recommend it to everyone.

Hands love roses

Hands come into contact with millions of bacteria and contaminants every day, so proper hygiene is essential to keep their outer shell healthy. However, you should keep in mind that washing too frequently is not healthy for the skin, as it depletes the surface lipids, disrupts its flora, and as a result, the number of harmful microorganisms actually increases.

You should not underestimate the type of soap you use. Of course, it's best to stay away from those that contain synthetic dyes, preservatives, artificial fragrances and other harsh ingredients, which can irritate your skin and take away from its natural beauty. Instead, choose soaps with natural ingredients and milder properties.

Washing your hands with hot water should also be taboo as it will undoubtedly cause excessive dryness.

Additionally, we must be mindful of the preparation we clean in our homes. If we can't replace them with all-natural or organic ones, it's best to at least limit their contact with the skin by wearing rubber gloves.

Last but not least, freezing cold, scorching sun and strong wind are a factor that we must protect from our hands because extreme weather and sudden changes in temperature deprive the skin of sufficient moisture.

No matter what the weather is (hot, cold or cloudy), the sun should always be a major concern. Sun exposure is one of the leading causes of premature aging, so wearing hand cream can keep your skin looking youthful, fresh and soft.

Rose oil is one of those priceless natural ingredients that will always be enjoyed by the skin on our hands, no matter the time, place or weather.

Due to its powerful antimicrobial and antioxidant properties, essential oil extracted from roses provides excellent protection against a range of pathogens and reduces the need for frequent hand washing.

Containing over 300 different ingredients, rose oil is a nourishing food for the entire body and at the same time a moisturizing drink for the skin. It restores moisture lost due to daily activities or climate, and also covers the hands with a protective film, blocking it from escaping again.

In addition, this wonderful elixir soothes irritations and supports the regeneration of damaged tissue. It also improves blood circulation, preventing frostbite on your hands in winter.

Besides all this, it is an excellent tool for combating solar radiation. It has a sun protection factor (albeit lower than some other oils) and a huge amount of antioxidants that combat photoadhesion (also known as dermatocarbonosis), characterized by rough skin and the appearance of age spots.

MACROVITA Greece products rely on the superior all-encompassing effect of pure Bulgarian rose oil, which, combined with other natural ingredients, provides complete care for the hands - our most “human” feature - the one we use to caress and hug.

Receipt methods

Rose petals are processed immediately after harvest. This is necessary in order to get the maximum benefit from them. Otherwise, they will spoil within a few hours.

To obtain an aromatic mixture, the petals are processed in the following ways:

  • steam distillation;
  • solvent extraction.

If the petals are steamed, the output will be very little essential oil, but it will be quite concentrated. However, now manufacturers extremely rarely use this method. This is due to the fact that they were interested in the product having a rich aroma. However, as a result of overheating, the natural product lost its floral scent.

At the moment, the solvent extraction method is mainly used, with which the rich aroma can be preserved. The resulting product is called absolute and is often used in perfumery. Also, with this processing method, more nutrients are retained.

Precautionary measures

Rose oil has a rich composition and aroma. Therefore, before using any composition with rose oil for the first time, it is necessary to conduct an allergy test on the crook of your elbow. Masks and wraps with rose oil should be carried out systematically for 7-10 sessions every 2-3 days. Then you should take a break for a month.

During pregnancy, venous enlargement of veins, and problems with blood vessels, rose oil wraps are prohibited. Using a variety of products and recipes, follow the instructions, do not overexpose the composition on the skin and follow the dosage.

Aroma journey into the world of love

Rose essential oil helps to reveal femininity and sensuality, relieve women from frigidity, and for men - enhance sexual desires and capabilities. For this they do massage and fumigation. A massage mixture based on peach is prepared as follows: to 50 ml of base (peach oil), add 3 drops each of rose and clary sage essential oils, 4 drops of geranium, 2 each of ylang-ylang and bergamot. Massage is carried out in the areas of the abdomen, thighs and buttocks in the direction of blood flow every night for 2 weeks. The result is increased blood circulation in the genitals and increased sensitivity.

To aromatize the room, rose ether (3 drops) is combined with sandalwood oil (2 drops).

Erotic perfumes that you can prepare yourself will also serve to stimulate sensual desires: 10 drops of grape seed oil + a drop each of rose, ylang-ylang, sandalwood, nutmeg.

TOP 5 products from reliable manufacturers

And now I offer a list of products that contain rose oil.

PhotoProducts containing rose oilClaimed propertiesPrice policy
Now Foods Damask Rose Absolute Oil absolutely pure and natural 5% blend of natural essential oils of Damask rose petals and grape seeds. Calms, improves emotional mood. For aromatherapy, it is recommended to add five drops of the oil mixture and one drop of geranium essential oil to a diffuser. The product is an optimal concentration of oils and is ready for use. RUR 875/30 ml
Badger Company Damascus Rose Oil for dry and sensitive skin 5-ml/40308Organic, environmentally friendly product without gluten and fragrances. The product is certified and has passed clinical tests. Rich in antioxidants, protects and restores delicate skin, maintains water balance. Reduces fine wrinkles and does not clog pores. 1100 rub./30 ml
Pixi Beauty Tinted lip balm with natural rose oil product for deep moisturizing of lips. Also contains shea essential oil, beeswax, castor oil, vanilla and other natural ingredients. 609 rub./4 g
Aura Cacia Absolute oils of Damask rose and jojoba 17838Environmentally friendly product: a mixture of rose and jojoba essential oils. Has a strengthening and tonic effect. Completely ready for use. No impurities. Provides nutrition and restoration of mature skin. To improve your mood and self-confidence, apply to the place where you feel the pulse. RUR 820/15 ml
Aromatica Nourishing cream with Damask rose absolute oil environmentally friendly anti-aging brightening cream that provides softening and deep hydration. Vegetarian certified product. Also contains organic babassu and jojoba seed oils, extracts of calendula flowers, verbena, rosemary leaves, chamomile flowers. RUR 3,880/50 g

All listed products are environmentally friendly. They are clinically tested and certified, do not contain GMOs and prohibited synthetic ingredients.

Thus, rose essential oil for the face is an excellent means of regenerating mature skin, including the area around the eyes. It helps eliminate many problems that women have to face. Knowing the beneficial properties of rose essential oil, such troubles as dark circles and puffiness under the eyes, wrinkles, flaking and excessive pigmentation will not overshadow your beauty.

The most “feminine” flower

Rose essential oil, according to reviews, is extremely beneficial for women’s health; it performs a number of important functions:

  • stabilizes hormonal levels;
  • smoothes out the manifestations of PMS;
  • relieves pain during menstruation;
  • normalizes the cycle, the amount of discharge;
  • relaxes the nervous system, copes with depression and neuroses.

In the treatment of various gynecological diseases, rose oil is used in douching, tampons, rinses, and baths.

It is noteworthy that rose ester also acts as an aphrodisiac on men: its ability to stimulate the release of testosterone was confirmed by studies by Iranian specialists in 2016. Damask rose extract, added daily to the food of a control group of male rodents, increased libido and the level of sex hormones in the blood.

Advantages and disadvantages

The ether has a complex effect on the skin, helps restore youth and refresh the tone. But when using it is worth considering not only the benefits, but also the possible harm of the concentrated product.


  • suitable for all skin types, including sensitive, irritation-prone skin;
  • can be used throughout the year;
  • has no age restrictions, solves problems of teenage skin, effective use even after 40 years;
  • combined with base oils, esters, herbal compositions, you can enrich finished cosmetic products;
  • can be used for delicate skin of the eyelids;
  • economical consumption, 1-3 drops of ether are enough for 10 ml;
  • a positive result is observed after the first procedure.


  • refers to the most expensive ethers;
  • There are a number of contraindications for use.

Indications for use

The aroma liquid will become an indispensable home care product due to its wide range of beneficial properties:

  • smoothes facial and age wrinkles;
  • eliminates pigmentation, scars, acne marks;
  • tightens pores, cleanses comedones;
  • has a lifting effect, will give a clear oval contour;
  • relieves inflammation, irritation, itching;
  • tones and restores stressed skin;
  • used to accelerate the healing of wounds and burns;
  • removes toxins and oxidants;
  • prevents wilting processes.

With regular use, you can forget about acne, unhealthy skin tone, and successfully eliminate wrinkles and jowls.

Attention! Effective use not only for the face, but also for the delicate skin of the eyelids, to combat bags and swelling.

Lotions for oily skin

1. 4 cups of dried essential oil rose petals, pour 0.5 liters of vinegar, close the vessel tightly and leave for 3 weeks. Then strain the infusion and dilute the resulting liquid in half with water. Wipe the skin with a moistened swab in the morning and evening. The lotion cleanses and tones the skin well.

2. 100 g of glycerin, water - 200 ml, ethyl alcohol 96 degrees - 50 ml, dry rose petals - 10 g. Leave the mixture for 1 week, strain, squeeze out, add 5 drops of rose essential oil. Wipe your face morning and evening.

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