11 homemade cocoa powder face masks with butter and coffee

01.05.2014 / Face masks at home

Cocoa is a wonderful and noble product with an exquisite taste and aroma. It is successfully used for confectionery purposes; everyone’s favorite cocoa drink is brewed from dry powder. It turns out that cocoa is indispensable in caring for beauty, since it is used to prepare various masks for the face, body and hair. Such procedures will give you a lot of pleasant sensations and will allow you to effectively cope with skin problems; in addition, cocoa-based masks will improve your mood and well-being.

Beneficial features

Regular use of cocoa masks has an intense nourishing and restorative effect, giving tired facial skin a healthy glow.

Cocoa powder has the following beneficial properties:

  • relieves redness and irritation;
  • saturates cells with moisture;
  • evens out complexion;
  • eliminates skin rashes;
  • smoothes expression wrinkles;
  • prevents dry skin.

Already after the first procedure, incredible softness and velvety skin is noted, and with constant use, the face acquires an even shade of tan.

Benefits of a face mask

A beneficial effect on the epidermis is ensured by a rich amount of vitamins and microelements valuable for the skin:

  • retinol is an antioxidant, prevents early aging of the dermis, activates regeneration processes;
  • B vitamins – restore the protective properties of the skin, have rejuvenating and moisturizing effects;
  • nicotinic acid – evens out skin texture, improves blood flow in the tissues of the epidermis;

  • palmitic acid – helps smooth out facial wrinkles, lightens age spots;
  • alkaloids theophylline and theobromine – block the harmful effects of the environment, increase the elasticity of aging skin;
  • caffeine – has a tonic effect and gives the face a fresh, rested look.

Recipes for the best homemade cocoa masks

Express facial products with cocoa demonstrate instant results in tightening and nourishing the skin. Below are the best homemade mask recipes using cocoa powder.

For any skin type

To prepare a universal mask, you need to prepare honey, cocoa powder and wheat flour in equal quantities. The honey is preheated in a water bath for several minutes, after which cocoa and flour are added. As a result, you will get a fairly thick consistency. Dilute it with a tablespoon of purified water to obtain the consistency of sour cream. Use the finished mask immediately after preparation, leaving the composition on the face for 15 minutes. After the specified time, the residues are washed off with warm water. As a result, the skin is moisturized, nourished, and the face takes on a fresh, rested appearance. Be sure to try for yourself the incredible effect of the masks with honey and egg against wrinkles collected here.

With green tea

This product has powerful antioxidant and rejuvenating effects. After regular use, there is a pronounced lifting effect that lasts for a very long time. Suitable for all women aged 30+. Start by brewing loose leaf green tea. The result of the anti-aging mask will depend on the quality of the ingredients used. It is recommended to choose tea without any synthetic additives or flavorings. A tablespoon of cocoa powder is poured into previously prepared tea. Mix the mixture thoroughly and apply it to cleansed facial skin, not forgetting to also treat the neck and décolleté area. After half an hour, wash off the residue with water.

With cocoa butter

Recipes based on cocoa butter are intended for those with dry skin prone to various redness. Cocoa butter soothes irritated areas, restores the skin's moisture balance and nourishes cells with a whole complex of healing microelements. A tablespoon of oil is heated in a water bath. Next, add a teaspoon of grape oil and aloe juice. A cotton pad is moistened in the resulting mixture and wiped over previously cleansed facial skin. The remaining mixture is driven in with patting movements. The mask does not require subsequent washing. Try also the effects of aloe masks collected at the link.

With cocoa powder

Another universal recipe suitable for all skin types. It is useful if you need to quickly give your face a fresh look and remove puffiness. Cocoa powder (30 g) is diluted with lavender hydrosol until a thick, uniform texture is obtained. Add a teaspoon of honey and a few drops of jasmine essential oil to the mixture. The product is applied to the face in a thick layer, without affecting the sensitive skin of the eyelids. After 15-20 minutes, wash off the mask with plenty of water. It is also worth trying the recipes for masks with honey and lemon collected in the article.

For acne

People who are faced with the problem of rashes know how difficult it is sometimes to eliminate skin defects without drying out sensitive areas of the epithelium. This acne mask dries out inflammatory elements, while moisturizing and nourishing healthy skin, devoid of any inflammation. Combine cocoa and starch in a bowl, then dilute the ingredients with purified water until you obtain the consistency of sour cream. Add a pinch of cinnamon and two drops of tea tree essential oil to the mixture. Leave the mask on for 15 minutes, and after time, remove the residue with water. This is not the only option for acne masks - you can always choose the right mixture.

With egg

Suitable for any type of epidermis, but has the most beneficial effect on dry skin with severe flaking. Such a mask will be an effective remedy in case of damage to the dermis, if it has been exposed to ultraviolet radiation or has been adversely affected by temperature changes. Mix a tablespoon of powder and egg yolk in any convenient container. Add a teaspoon of olive oil to the mixture, after which the mask is applied in a thick layer. The product is kept for at least 20 minutes. All versions of egg masks nourish the skin well.

With milk

Another easy-to-prepare, but no less effective anti-wrinkle recipe for all skin types. Half a glass of cocoa powder is poured with warm milk. As a result, you should get a thick, homogeneous mass. The finished mask can even be applied to the area around the eyes. However, this must be done extremely carefully so that the mixture does not get on the ocular mucosa. The neck and décolleté area is also treated. After 20 minutes, the product is removed with water. Also find out how you can use whey in this material.

With kefir

For those with oily skin, a recipe based on cocoa powder and kefir is suitable. The powder is combined with rice flour in equal proportions, and then the components are diluted with such an amount of kefir to obtain a creamy, homogeneous mass. Girls with dry sensitive skin can use fermented baked milk instead of kefir. This recipe perfectly evens out the complexion and also lightens post-acne and age spots. The mask is washed off 15-20 minutes after application. More recipes for kefir masks can be found here.

With sour cream

The mask eliminates peeling, tightens the oval of the face, and restores the integrity of the epidermis. Cocoa powder and white clay are diluted with water in equal quantities. Add a tablespoon of sour cream to the thick mass. Mix the components thoroughly until smooth. If the sour cream is just from the refrigerator, you need to wait until it warms up to room temperature. Leave the mixture for 15 minutes. Most sour cream masks are aimed specifically at hydration and slight lightening.

With banana

The banana is pre-chopped using a blender. Cocoa powder (30g) is diluted with two tablespoons of water. Mix the resulting consistency with banana pulp and add a teaspoon of any cosmetic oil. The mask is applied to the face, avoiding the area around the eyes. Leave the mixture for 20 minutes, then wash thoroughly. Banana masks are ideal for dry and sensitive skin.


The effect of cinnamon masks is achieved due to the irritating effect of the spice. The product improves blood flow in the upper layers of the epidermis, thereby activating microcirculation processes. As a result, the face acquires a uniform shade and a healthy glow appears. Add a teaspoon of dark honey and a pinch of cinnamon to a mixture of cocoa powder and water. Mix the ingredients well. The exposure time of the finished mask is 10-15 minutes.

The benefits of cinnamon.

Customers' opinions

Reviews about cosmetics are written by ladies who have already used them to care for their beauty. Short or long notes about the quality and effectiveness of a particular product help you not to get lost in the variety of recipes and products.

There is only one drawback to this event: what is perfectly suitable for one person may not be to the liking of another. So you won't understand until you try it yourself.

  • Milana, 27 years old, Rostov-on-Don: “Chocolate masks nourish the skin well and even out the color. I mix cocoa powder with various ingredients, depending on my mood. And wrapping is generally bliss for the body.”
  • Oksana, 32, Orel: “I actively use cocoa butter to eliminate dryness. I apply it neat to my face and hands. Sometimes I turn on my imagination and “create” my own masterpiece recipes. By the way, I don’t use store-bought masks at all. Homemade cosmetics forever.”
  • Daria, 42, St. Petersburg: “Something didn’t work out with preparing masks at home. I buy care products in natural and organic cosmetics departments. I give preference to compositions with cocoa first of all: the skin becomes smooth and elastic, the result is always visible.”


Any cosmetics has the right to exist if the result from its use corresponds to its stated promises. Masks containing real cocoa are always effective and effective. Buy in a store or create at home – it’s everyone’s personal choice!

Subtleties of use and precautions

In order for the homemade cocoa mask to be as effective as possible, you must follow some tips during use:

  • For cooking, choose only high-quality and fresh products. When purchasing, pay close attention to the structure of the cocoa powder. A quality product should not contain any lumps.
  • Pre-apply the finished mask to the wrist area to check how your skin reacts. This measure will help avoid the occurrence of an allergic reaction.
  • The mixture is applied to facial skin cleansed of impurities and decorative cosmetics. For the best effect, it is recommended to steam the skin so that the active components of the mask penetrate as deeply as possible.


  • Daria, 24 years old: “I have very dry skin, which constantly flakes in winter and does not look very attractive. The only salvation is homemade cosmetics with cocoa and rich sour cream. I carry out the procedure 2-3 times a week, the peeling disappears instantly.”
  • Tatyana, 28 years old: “Since adolescence they have suffered from acne and acne. After chocolate treatments with cocoa powder, acne becomes less pronounced, the skin becomes clearer and becomes more attractive.”
  • Yulia, 37 years old: “I have been using cocoa preparations for a long time to combat crow’s feet, which appeared on me several years ago. I constantly experiment with different ingredients - adding oils, honey, fruits and berries. The condition of the skin under the eyes has noticeably improved.”

Cocoa powder is a highly effective skin care product for any type. With regular use of products based on it, it gives fantastic results, which allows chocolate procedures to become a worthy alternative to expensive cosmetics.

4 / 5 ( 3 voices)

Application results

Already after the first procedure, there is a noticeable leveling of the skin texture, and the face acquires a healthy, uniform shade.

With regular use you can achieve the following results:

  • the number of inflamed elements decreases;
  • dryness and flaking are eliminated;
  • visible age-related changes are smoothed out;
  • a slight tan appears.


  1. Cocoa powder contains a large amount of vitamins and nutrients valuable for the skin. Retinol and B vitamins saturate cells with moisture, acids remove the stratum corneum of the epithelium, and caffeine and alkaloids have a tonic effect.
  2. The main advantage of cocoa masks is that they are suitable for any skin type. In addition, they do not have any contraindications, apart from individual predisposition to allergies.
  3. The effectiveness of the finished recipe will depend on the quality of the products used. Remember that the structure of high-quality cocoa powder should be free of any lumps.
  4. Before applying the composition, cleanse the skin of dirt and decorative cosmetics, and for deeper penetration of the active substances, steam your face using a hot shower or steam bath. You can use a special steaming gel to open the pores.

Where to buy, what is the price

The benefits of cocoa butter during procedures can only be obtained if you purchase high-quality material. Therefore, you should not take the first oil you find on the market, whose sellers cannot offer a quality certificate. Safe and natural oil can be bought in pharmacies, stores that offer healthy food products, and at special exhibitions.

You can also purchase the product from beauty salons or specialized outlets with certified products that offer skin and hair care products. You can choose a product in an online store, but be sure to pay attention to the presence of a quality certificate. The website must indicate the address to which you can return the product if it turns out to be of poor quality or make a claim.

If the oil will be stored at home after purchase, you must maintain the correct temperature for it - no more than +18°C. Air humidity is within 75%. If the conditions are met, the container with oil is tightly covered, it can be stored for 36 months. Average cost 100 g. cocoa butter – 350 rubles.

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