15 Best Refreshing Face Masks at Home

Refreshing and cleansing masks do not have a pronounced therapeutic effect, however, they are very popular among women of all ages. Such skin applications can be prepared and applied at home.

Compositions for masks are prepared only from natural ingredients. A refreshing mask has a beneficial effect on the dermis, cleansing it and filling it with vitamins and minerals. Depending on the ingredients, such masks can be indicated for women with any skin type. People prone to allergic reactions should visit an allergist or dermatologist before using homemade cosmetics at home.

When You May Need a Refreshing Face Mask

Refreshing preparations are universal and can be used in different situations. At any age, girls and women want to look perfect and have a fresh complexion. A refreshing cosmetic product will help eliminate the following problems:

  1. Dull, grayish or yellowish tint of the epidermis.
  2. Fine wrinkles, sagging, laxity of the skin.
  3. Oily shine or peeling, redness of the epidermis.
  4. Enlarged pores, blackheads in the T-zone (forehead, chin and nose) and on the cheeks.
  5. Skin fatigue, swelling.
  6. Peeling of the skin, feeling of dryness and tightness.
  7. Swollen contours of the face, lack of clarity of the oval.

But there are situations in which a refreshing express mask is a real salvation:

  1. After a sleepless night or a hard day at work, the skin on your face doesn’t look its best. And it doesn’t matter for what reason you didn’t have time to rest - you were finishing a project in the office or having fun in a nightclub, you need to look rested in the morning or before an evening visit. And a refreshing mask will help eliminate all traces of fatigue and prepare the skin for the application of decorative cosmetics.
  2. If the skin on your face is oily or dry, a course of refreshing express masks will help improve its condition. And permanently eliminate characteristic symptoms - such aesthetic defects as peeling or oily sheen, redness and irritation of the skin.
  3. For aging and aging skin, a refreshing mask is a way to prolong youth, launch restoration processes, saturate the epidermis with biologically active substances, improve blood circulation and tissue trophism.

In any case, a refreshing face mask will be beneficial - it will improve the condition of the skin and prepare it for applying everyday or formal makeup.

Options for all types

For any skin, you can choose one of the recipes below, which do not require much time to implement. And it contains tomatoes and rolled oats.

Tomato express

  1. Make tomato puree by first removing the peel.
  2. Apply to face and wait ten minutes.

Video on the topic Facial mask with honey, oatmeal and green tea

Essential oatmeal

  1. Mix ground rolled oats and natural yogurt in equal proportions. Fermented milk product should not contain sugar or various chemical additives.
  2. Add a small spoon of honey.
  3. Apply the mixture using light massage movements without pressure.
  4. This mask only takes ten minutes and before a holiday or date your skin will be smoothed and filled with energy.

What are the types of refreshing express face masks?

All drugs in this group can be conditionally classified into two types. The first includes purchased products for restoring and refreshing the skin. These could be patches for the eye contour, for example, “Secret Key Gold Racoony”. They are used for the skin around the eyes and small problem areas. After using these skin care products, the skin becomes moisturized, fresh and elastic. Alginate masks are also widespread; they are produced by companies in Europe, the USA, Japan, Korea (Velinia, Libriderm, etc.). Some masks produced by famous brands have not only a refreshing, but also a tightening and rejuvenating effect.

The second type includes express masks that need to be prepared with your own hands from products - vegetables, fruits, cereals, yeast, clay and other components. Let's look at how different products in homemade refreshing masks affect facial skin:

  1. Fermented milk and dairy products - normalize the microflora of the facial skin, remove oily shine, moisturize, nourish and protect the skin from the negative effects of internal and external factors.
  2. Decoctions and aqueous infusions of medicinal plants restore normal complexion, nourish with vitamins and other biologically active substances, stop the development of inflammatory processes, have a wound-healing and regenerative effect, and promote toning and tightening of the skin. Decoctions can be used in the process of preparing masks, adding a few teaspoons. They can also be used to wash and rinse the skin after the refreshing mask is removed from the skin.
  3. Honey is a real storehouse of vitamins, micro- and macroelements. It has a rejuvenating, soothing, restorative effect on the epidermis. Honey goes well with other ingredients in cosmetic recipes. If you are not allergic to bee products, honey can be included in all anti-aging face masks. Or use it as a separate one-component mask.
  4. Vegetable oils - starting with sunflower oil, ending with more exotic options, for example, cedar oil or hemp oil. This component protects the epidermis from dehydration, normalizes complexion, inhibits the aging process of the skin, creates an invisible thin film on the epidermis that prevents the negative effects of dust, dirt, wind, and polluted air.
  5. A variety of vegetables, fruits, berries – their juice and/or pulp. Their main task is to smooth the skin, make it soft, silky and pleasant to the touch. And also saturate the epidermis at a deep level with all possible vitamins, antioxidants and other biologically active substances.
  6. Eggs are often found in recipes; they not only serve to ensure that the mass is homogeneous and does not spread. Eggs, especially the yolks, are very beneficial for the skin, they make it glowing and tightened. The recipes also contain greens, grains, yeast - all these components are very useful for the epidermis. They nourish it from the outside and trigger the body’s own recovery processes. And they “work” synergistically, that is, they enhance each other’s action and effectiveness.

Recipes for effective home care

Many people think about how to keep their face young, how to wash it after 30 years, and how to prolong the youth of the skin in general if there are no professional cosmetics at hand. For this case, there are effective and easy-to-follow recipes:

  • chamomile decoction, frozen into cubes;
  • green apple pulp, mashed with a teaspoon of sour cream; The mixture must be applied in an even layer and washed off after 15 minutes;
  • blue clay with boiled water, which has cleansing properties.

However, the effectiveness of such procedures cannot be compared with professional ones. Here we can highlight, for example, a peptide cream with a lifting effect, Emollient Lift Cream, which actively combats dryness, hypersensitivity and decreasing tone.

We recommend

Bb Laboratories – Delicate oil for deep cleansing

Bb Laboratories – Serum “Arcanum”

Repairing cream with a moisturizing effect

Placental antioxidant lotion concentrate

Advantages and disadvantages of purchased refreshing express face masks

If you decide that you will use purchased products, pay attention to their advantages:

  1. A wide selection of refreshing face masks for all skin types.
  2. A large assortment of products in different price categories - you can choose both budget mass-market products and refreshing masks used by professional cosmetologists.
  3. Easy to use, no need to buy ingredients or prepare the product.
  4. There are products designed for repeated use.
  5. Preparations for refreshing masks are prepared based on modern recipes. Formulas are carefully developed in laboratory conditions. Thanks to this, you can get quick and lasting results.
  6. To refresh your skin, you don't need to visit a cosmetologist.
  7. You can choose a product in a comfortable environment, without leaving your home, by going to the websites of major online cosmetics stores.

The main disadvantages of purchased refreshing express masks:

  1. The need to spend money on a purchase.
  2. You can buy low-quality, expired, uncertified, counterfeit goods.
  3. The composition of the mask may cause allergies.
  4. Most cosmetic products contain flavors (fragrances), dyes, stabilizers, preservatives and other unnecessary components that are not beneficial for the skin.

If you buy refreshing face masks from reputed brands and reliable stores, the chances of facing such problems are low.

Properties of cleansing masks

Refreshing masks with natural products have beneficial properties and are effective on any skin type. This is determined by the combination of components included in the application. They can be used regardless of time of year and age. You can find out about the best cleansing masks in the article.

Usually the procedures are carried out in courses, but in emergency cases, using such a mask can quickly relieve fatigue and bring your face into good shape. Cleansing and refreshing masks have the following positive effects:

  • saturate the dermis with moisture, vitamins and microelements;
  • stimulate metabolic and regeneration processes in cells;
  • cleanse and tighten pores;
  • slow down age-related aging;
  • smooth out wrinkles and prevent their appearance;
  • activate collagen production;
  • increase skin elasticity and firmness.

In summer and autumn, masks must include fresh berries, fruits and vegetables, and in winter, dairy products, honey and essential oils are used for preventive and therapeutic purposes.

Benefits of homemade refreshing face masks

If you decide to prepare refreshing face masks at home with your own hands, you get the following benefits:

  1. Possibility to choose from a large number of recipes - both classic and modern.
  2. The cost of refreshing masks is minimal.
  3. The products from which the masks are prepared are already in your refrigerator, since you eat them. And if these are some unusual or exotic products, you can still buy them in any large supermarket.
  4. The methods for preparing masks are simple - in most cases, preparation takes 10-15 minutes.
  5. You know exactly what is in the prepared mask, and you are confident in the quality and freshness of its components.

Homemade refreshing face masks have several disadvantages:

  1. Still, this is not a finished product; you will have to mix the components. Setting aside time to prepare a product is not always convenient.
  2. Such masks should be used immediately after preparation. Store in the refrigerator; do not use any leftover product the next day.
  3. The products you use may not be of satisfactory quality. For example, the fact that chicken eggs contaminated with salmonella cannot be determined by eye.
  4. The effectiveness of such masks can manifest itself gradually, since in this case there can be a cumulative effect.

Despite the presence of these disadvantages and risks, refreshing face masks prepared with one’s own hands are very popular. We invite you to familiarize yourself with a review of the most effective recipes for their preparation.

How to cook properly

A homemade face mask can only bring real benefits if prepared correctly. Much depends on the proper selection of ingredients. It is best to purchase berries, fruits and vegetables at the market from private farmers. Products must be fresh without rot or mold. You should also buy dairy products and honey there.

Most food products sold in supermarkets contain preservatives, flavor enhancers and other substances, which makes them unsuitable for cosmetic masks.

All components of the mixture must be thoroughly mixed until smooth. Lumps are not allowed. To prepare homemade applications, you need to use glass or porcelain dishes.

Ready-made mixtures are not suitable for long-term storage, even in the refrigerator. Many components lose their beneficial qualities, so it is better to prepare the composition for a cosmetic mask only for one time.

Recipes for the best refreshing express masks

Experts recommend using masks that cleanse, refresh, invigorate, tone and smooth the skin:

  1. Ingredients: one bag of green tea, a quarter glass of hot drinking water, the yolk of one egg, 5-6 tablespoons of mayonnaise. It is also recommended to prepare the last component yourself - you will spend part of it on a mask, the second part can be used to dress a healthy salad. To prepare the mask, brew green tea in a small amount of water, cool the liquid, add the yolk and mayonnaise. Mix the ingredients until smooth.
  2. Ingredients – 4 tablespoons of heavy cream (this component can be replaced with natural yogurt, sour cream), 1 tablespoon of glycerin, a couple of drops of chamomile or lime essential oil. All these ingredients are mixed, after which you can apply a refreshing mask to your face.
  3. Ingredients: 1-2 tablespoons of fatty dairy products - milk, cottage cheese and sour cream, 2 tablespoons of liquid natural honey. First, mix the liquid ingredients, then add cottage cheese, blend with a fork, mixer or blender until smooth. The mask is universal, but ideal for refreshing dry skin.
  4. Ingredients – a pair of homemade (picked in season) strawberries and raspberries, 1 tablespoon of lemon or lime juice, 1 tablespoon of honey. First you need to grind the berries to a pulp, then add the remaining ingredients of the recipe. The mask is universal, but ideal for refreshing oily facial skin. And it should be used with caution on very dry or sensitive dermis, since both berries and fruit juice contain components that can dry out the skin even more.
  5. Ingredients: a few tablespoons of olive oil (or unrefined sunflower or flaxseed oil), half a pomegranate, a few tablespoons of honey. You need to squeeze the juice out of pomegranate seeds. Add oil and honey to the pomegranate mass and mix thoroughly. To make the process less time-consuming, grind the pomegranate seeds in a food processor along with the seeds. If the result is a paste with small fractions, you can use the mask in two stages - first massage your facial skin with light movements (do scrubbing), and then leave the mixture on the skin (make a mask).
  6. Ingredients: half a cucumber and a tomato, one yolk, one tablespoon of oatmeal. Oatmeal can be ground and used raw or steamed with boiling water. In the latter case, you need to add the remaining ingredients when the pulp has cooled to room temperature. Beat the yolk in a separate bowl and mix with the porridge. Squeeze the juice out of the tomato, grate the cucumber or finely chop it with a knife, add to the oatmeal and yolk, stir. This mask is ideal for refreshing aging skin, as it helps restore the water-fat balance of the epidermis.
  7. Ingredients: one yolk, one tablespoon of natural ground coffee, one spoon of honey and the same amount of any vegetable oil (olive, sunflower, flaxseed, burdock). The recipe states that honey and vegetable oil must be preheated. Experts say that when heated, these components lose some of their beneficial properties. Therefore, heat honey and oil in a water bath, controlling the temperature - it should not exceed 40 degrees. Add the remaining ingredients to the mixture and apply warm to the face. The mask is not recommended for use if there are dilated blood vessels on the face.
  8. Ingredients: half a banana, a couple of strawberries, a spoonful of honey, a decoction or water infusion of medicinal herbs, for example, chamomile (sage, St. John's wort, arnica, calendula, rose petals, currant leaves). First, prepare an infusion - pour a couple of tablespoons of dry medicinal chamomile with half a glass of boiling water. While the infusion cools to room temperature, chop banana and strawberries in any convenient way, add honey, apply the mixture to your face. After 30 minutes, wash off the paste using cotton pads soaked in cooled chamomile infusion.
  9. Ingredients: a small raw potato, half a peach, a couple of parsley stalks, two tablespoons of milk. Grind the potatoes and peaches in any way, for example, on a grater. Chop the parsley with a knife or blender. Mix all ingredients.
  10. Ingredients – one or two spoons of cosmetic clay (take the one that is most suitable for your skin), two spoons of kefir, one or two cabbage leaves. You need to squeeze the juice out of the cabbage or grind it into a pulp and mix it with the rest of the ingredients.
  11. Ingredients: juice or juice with pulp of half a lemon, lime, one tablespoon of natural grape juice, juice or juice with pulp of any berries, including frozen, two tablespoons of cottage cheese. All this needs to be mixed until smooth and applied to the face for 10-15 minutes. The mask is not recommended for use by those who have very dry, delicate and sensitive skin prone to irritation.
  12. Ingredients - any fermented milk product (sour cream, natural yogurt, yogurt, cottage cheese) - two tablespoons; three or four leaves of green salad. The latter must be finely chopped and mixed with the first ingredient.
  13. Ingredients: half an avocado, a couple of fresh mint leaves, a teaspoon of lemon juice or juice with pulp, a water infusion of fresh mint. First, prepare the infusion - pour boiling water over the mint leaves and let cool. Then we prepare a refreshing mask - grate three avocados, finely chop mint leaves, mix these products with lemon juice. Apply the mixture to the face, rinse with mint decoction.
  14. Ingredients – two teaspoons of fresh (or dry) culinary yeast, four tablespoons of warm water, one teaspoon of sugar (or better yet honey), 50-70 ml of heavy cream. The yeast needs to be diluted with warm water, add sugar, and leave to activate for 10-15 minutes. Then add cream and stir. Apply the mixture with a brush in layers - first the first layer, after 5 minutes the second, after another 5 minutes the third. The total time during which the mask should be on the skin is 20-25 minutes. This is a universal remedy, but it works especially well on aging skin.
  15. Ingredients – crushed buckwheat, oat and rice flour – a tablespoon each, a couple of spoons of honey, one yolk, 100 ml of aqueous infusion of medicinal chamomile. Grind the honey with the yolk, add the flour of three cereals to the mixture and mix thoroughly. You can wash off the mask after half an hour using running or bottled mineral or artesian water. To consolidate the effect of a refreshing mask, make a compress on your face by soaking gauze or a special cloth with warm chamomile infusion. The compress is kept for 5-10 minutes, then the face is rinsed with cool water.

For dry skin

Dehydrated dermis requires hydration to refresh, which must be taken into account when selecting the composition of masks from the arsenal of folk cosmetology.


Peel and turn into a pulp on a fine grater a small fresh carrot. Place the yolk in a bowl and beat until foamy. Add a tablespoon of carrot puree. Knead and spread evenly on the face. After 20 minutes, remove the residue with cotton pads and wash.


Grind five or six large ripe raspberries with slightly warmed honey and sour cream - 1 tsp each. This composition is kept for 15 minutes.

With lettuce leaves

Fresh juicy lettuce leaves are rinsed and finely chopped. Using a wooden spatula, grind them into a paste and take 2 tbsp. l. Mix with the same volume of sour cream. Generously cover the face with the resulting mass for 20 minutes.


You will need cottage cheese with an average fat content of 1.5 tbsp. l., which is ground through a sieve or crushed using a blender. Add sour cream - 1 tbsp. l. and twice as much honey. Keep the mixture on your face for 20 minutes.

Recommendations for the correct use of refreshing face masks

Cosmetologists shared with the journalists of our online publication several tips, following which will help increase the effectiveness and safety of using refreshing express masks:

  1. Prepare mixtures for masks only from those products to which you are not allergic. If you're not sure, do a quick test. Apply the product to the dermis on the inside of the elbow and wait 5-10 minutes. If during this time no negative reaction occurs on the skin, you can use this product for cosmetic purposes.
  2. Be careful when choosing products - they must be of high quality and fresh. It is advisable to use those products that are grown in your region in season. That is, if the recipe states that you need a peach, but you don’t grow peaches or it’s winter, it’s better to give preference to another recipe or replace the peach with an apple. Naturally, this rule does not apply to such exotic fruits as bananas and avocados.
  3. Prepare refreshing masks in glass or plastic containers. Metal may give an undesirable oxidation reaction when in contact with some products. Expert tip - if you need to squeeze juice from a fruit or vegetable specified in a recipe, you can use a food processor or blender to grind the products. In this case, for the mask you can use not only the juice, but the pulp, which contains no less useful components. You can also mix the ingredients indicated in the recipe using kitchen appliances.
  4. Apply the refreshing mask only to cleansed skin. Additional scrubbing and steaming will enhance the positive effect of the cosmetic procedure.
  5. Apply the mask after washing your hands thoroughly. Or use special brushes, sponges, cotton pads.
  6. Do not keep the mask on your face for longer than the recommended time. Unless otherwise indicated in the recipe description, the mask should be washed off after 15-20 minutes.
  7. Rinse off the mask with cool water. If the composition contains fatty ingredients, you can additionally use a special foam or gel for washing.
  8. After you make a refreshing face mask, apply moisturizer to the dermis. Once it is absorbed (10-15 minutes), you can apply makeup.
  9. You should not make a refreshing mask more than 3 times a week. The optimal time to carry out a cosmetic procedure is in the morning, before leaving the house. Or a few hours before an event where you need to look as impressive as possible. The period for which the result of a refreshing face mask lasts is up to 6 hours. But the benefits of regular use of such products are more significant, since the dermis is constantly nourished, and its condition gradually improves.
  10. You can alternate between different express masks or undergo a course of cosmetic procedures using one product. To prevent the skin from “getting used” to certain products, the course should not last longer than 5-8 weeks. Take a break of several months, and if you like the mask, the course can be repeated.

Contraindications for the use of refreshing face masks:

  1. Individual sensitivity to the components of the composition.
  2. Carrying out any, including minimally invasive, beauty salon procedures within 2 weeks before the day of using the mask.
  3. The presence of any damage on the epidermis of the face (wounds, cuts, burns), areas of severe irritation or infectious inflammation.
  4. Before using any cosmetic product, it is recommended to consult a cosmetologist or dermatologist.

Allergic reaction

Recipes for refreshing masks are offered by: beauty websites, books, magazines. Friends love to recommend a miracle cure that has helped. But not everything that is good for others is ideal for you. You cannot use masks with new ingredients before going out into the world. Even if you have never had an allergy, in order not to spoil your mood and appearance, it is better to be safe. Before applying the composition to your face, do a test: place a small amount of the mask on the crook of your arm. If there are no signs of an allergic reaction within 15-20 minutes, this product can be used on the face.

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What to do if you need express refreshment, but there are no products on hand?

There are situations when preparing a refreshing mask is impossible or simply inconvenient. For example, if you are on a business trip or going straight from the office to a date, or simply have little time and don’t even have an extra 30 minutes. In this case, a refreshing face mask can be replaced by a water procedure - a contrast shower.

To quickly refresh your face, remove dark circles under the eyes, restore the natural shade of the epidermis, remove oily shine, prepare 2 bowls - with hot and cold water. Or simply alternately switch the tap mixer so that the water flows at the desired temperature. First, we wash off the makeup, wash with hot water - the liquid should not burn, but also be hotter than warm. Then we wash ourselves cold. And so several times in a row. After this, you can blot your face with a napkin, apply moisturizer and, after waiting 5-10 minutes, apply makeup to a fresh face. Experts advise using this method in normal living conditions. You can do a contrast shower for your face every day in the morning.

And here’s another life hack from the experts - a refreshing mask that doesn’t need to be washed off. To apply it, you will need thermal water and a couple of minutes of your time. You can buy ready-made thermal water, for example, a cosmetic product from the Vichy brand. Or use regular mineral water from which gas has come out - shake the closed bottle of water well, unscrew the cap, and leave the bottle open for half a day. After this, the water needs to be poured into a spray bottle with the smallest holes. Spray the liquid onto your face and décolleté for an excellent refreshing effect.

Rules for regular care

In order to maintain the freshness of your face, constant timely replenishment is necessary. Follow a few recommendations, and your skin will reward you with its healthy appearance.


This condition is a necessity, since the influence of the environment and the characteristics of modern lifestyle directly affects the skin. Pores are clogged, oxygen does not flow, blood flow slows down, accordingly, dermal cells lose moisture and vitality, and the face ceases to be elastic. What products should I use for cleansing?

  • Water. This is the most basic remedy to remove dirt and dead cells from the skin. Boiled, softened with a decoction of herbs or lime juice will be most effective.
  • Ice. Cosmetologists recommend it for wiping. Thanks to its tonic properties, it tightens pores, slows down the aging process of the skin, and gives a glow to the face.
  • Decoctions. You can prepare herbal decoctions that will relieve irritation and soften the skin.
  • Scrubs. Their ability to cleanse is beyond doubt, but their use is often not recommended, as it thins the skin, increasing its vulnerability.
  • Steam. A bathhouse or sauna is a great opportunity to open pores and cleanse the skin of accumulated “garbage.” If you only have a sink at home, you can make steam baths. It is enough to prepare a decoction of herbs or with the addition of essential oils, cover with a large towel and hold your face over the steam.


Moisture saturation is an important stage in skin care, especially in winter. In the absence of disturbances in the water balance, the skin remains velvety, smoothes, and is filled with a pleasant shade.

  • Thermal water. Its use is indispensable in the hot season, when the sun's rays try to dry the surface of the face, and also when the heating is turned on.
  • Olive oil. Due to the content of vitamins important for the skin, slightly warmed oil will perfectly moisturize the face. Don't forget to wipe off the excess with a napkin.
  • Honey. It has the unique property of being absorbed deep into the skin and carrying with it all the moisture it contains in the composition, which is 30%.
  • Masks. Regularly pamper your skin with moisturizing treatments. They don't require much time or effort. By choosing a few recipes with simple ingredients that are readily available at home, you can balance the inner feeling of youth and its outward expression.


In addition to moisture, the skin constantly needs additional nutrients to help it resist aggressive external factors. Moreover, you need to think through the diet both outside and inside.

  • Food. The happier the body, the more beautiful the skin. The face only mirrors the state of the internal organs, the functioning of which is improved or worsened by incoming food.
  • Masks. Do them just once every seven days to nourish your skin with oxygen, saturate it with vitamins and other useful substances. Depending on the condition of the skin after the masks, use post-care: cream or serum. This is especially important for dry epidermis. For combination skin, replenishment after masks should be targeted: only those areas that suffer from peeling are treated. In the case of oily dermis, additional nutrition is not required.
  • Cream. Use a night nourishing cream, because while you sleep, skin cells work, and the beneficial substances of the cream support them.

Facial massage is another way to keep your skin fresh. By dedicating ten minutes a day, you can increase blood flow in the layers of the epidermis. What will be the key to getting rid of the gray tint, fatigue in the form of bags under the eyes, harmful wrinkles. In the morning your face will be filled with freshness. Manipulations can be carried out with fingertips or a small terry towel rolled up.

How to Increase the Effectiveness of Refreshing Face Masks

Your skin will be less exposed to the negative effects of the external environment and will look better and more effectively perceive the effects of the components of refreshing masks if you follow simple recommendations from specialists:

  1. Good nutrition - the diet should contain foods rich in proteins, fats and carbohydrates. In this case, your facial skin will look much better.
  2. Maintaining a drinking regime - 1.5-2 liters of clean water per day will provide your skin with an optimal level of hydration.
  3. Physical activity - sports or just regular exercise - helps to activate all metabolic processes. Blood circulation and nutrition of all tissues, including facial skin, improves.
  4. A healthy 8-hour night's sleep is a guarantee that the refreshing mask will have maximum effect on the skin.
  5. Using gentle and safe decorative cosmetics will allow you to use refreshing masks less often.
  6. And the last piece of advice is to lead a healthy lifestyle. The absence of bad habits means prolongation of youth and health of the skin.

How to make your skin glow at home

In order to make your face fresh and radiant, you need to follow simple rules:

Eat right. Proper nutrition is already half the success to healthy and glowing skin.

What foods are good for healthy skin?

  • Pure water in quantities necessary for your body;
  • Chicken or quail eggs;
  • Raw vegetables and herbs;
  • Seafood;
  • Sprouted grains;
  • Fatty fish;
  • 1-2 tablespoons per day of butter and olive oil;
  • Lean poultry, rabbit, beef.

You need to limit sausages, canned food, mayonnaise, ketchup, spicy and salty foods.

Cleanse your skin carefully, exfoliate, moisturize properly, i.e. from the inside by drinking more clean water.

Some people believe that moisturizer adds moisture to the skin. This is wrong. It simply retains the moisture found inside the skin, which evaporates through the pores. It just slows down the process. This cream should be applied immediately after washing to slightly damp skin.

Tips to keep your skin glowing

  • Wash with boiled water at room temperature or filtered;
  • Use paper towels;
  • Choose silk bed linen, it dries your skin less;
  • Change your pillowcase at least 1-2 times a week;
  • Try to touch your face with your hands less;
  • Eat more foods containing vitamin C. It stimulates collagen synthesis, making the skin elastic and smooth.

Collagen is a fibrillar protein that forms the basis of the body’s connective tissue (tendon, bone, cartilage, dermis) and ensures its strength and elasticity.

Source Wikipedia

Vitamin C has an antioxidant effect, promotes resistance to infections, enriches the body with oxygen, and helps iron to be absorbed.

Vitamin C is contained in:

  • In lemons;
  • Oranges;
  • Kiwi;
  • Rosehip;
  • Black currant;
  • Red pepper;
  • Tomatoes;
  • Luke;
  • Cabbage;
  • Potatoes;
  • Liver;
  • Kidneys.


  1. Masks are prepared at home only from fresh natural products. Find out effective recipes for anti-inflammatory masks with mumiyo.
  2. Before using the product, determine your skin type.
  3. The facial procedure is carried out no more than 3 times a week.
  4. Masks are made from honey, herbal decoctions, essential oils, gelatin, coffee, glycerin.
  5. Mixtures of natural ingredients cleanse, moisturize, nourish skin cells, whiten, rejuvenate, and correct oval shape. They have an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and disinfectant effect.

Vitamin mask with yolk

The mask has an excellent tonic effect and is recommended for skin that has lost its tone.

For 1 procedure you will need:

  • 4 capsules of vitamin Aevit;
  • 1 egg yolk (preferably from a country egg);
  • 1 pinch of salt.

Puncture the Aevita capsules with a needle and carefully squeeze out their contents into a container, add the yolk and salt. Mix everything. Apply three layers to the face in the same way as the first mask, only in this case the same composition is applied.

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