Leukoplakia of the vulva: causes, diagnosis and treatment

Almost every woman has had to deal with white vaginal discharge. Most often, white discharge is considered normal and does not cause concern in women. Why do they appear? Should I worry? Gynecologists warn that sometimes even seemingly harmless leucorrhoea can be an indicator of a serious pathological process.


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Ultrasound of the pelvis (all organs)1300 rub.
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What is leucorrhoea?

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Leucorrhoea is a vaginal discharge similar in consistency to egg white, which a woman usually notices on her underwear. Regular mucous discharge, which changes its consistency during the menstrual cycle, is not in itself considered a dangerous symptom. It is bad if the leucorrhoea is yellow, gray or red in color, has an unpleasant odor, or is released in large quantities. These are symptoms that indicate serious changes in the body that cannot be ignored.

When can white discharge be a symptom of pathology?

The main symptom of the pathological process is a change in the normal color of the discharge. They may take on a green tint, become gray, pink, or even bloody. At the same time, an unusual pungent odor is felt. Such symptoms indicate inflammation or other pathological processes in the woman’s reproductive system. In addition, the following can provoke such a reaction in the body:

  • microtrauma and perineal rupture;
  • douching with disinfectant solutions;
  • prolapse of the vaginal walls.

Often atypical discharge is accompanied by unbearable itching. This is a clear sign of illness that should force a woman to see a doctor. Often itching and burning of the genitals accompanies thrush, in which the leucorrhoea acquires a cheesy consistency and a creamy hue, with a specific smell of yeast.

During trichomoniasis (an infectious disease of the genitourinary system), the mucus becomes foamy, gray or yellow-green in color. There is also discomfort caused by severe itching in the genitals.


If the vagina is covered with plaque, resort to the following recipes:

  • Kefir. Dip a cotton swab in kefir and insert it into the vagina. Leave it overnight, and in the morning take it out and rinse the external genitalia with warm water. Douche with chamomile decoction. Carry out the procedure throughout the week.
  • Oak bark. Take 2 tbsp. spoons of plant bark, mixed with half a liter of water. Pour the ingredients into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Cook for about half an hour. Strain the broth and cool. Carry out douching using a rubber bulb.

Doctors note that the use of recipes from traditional healers can only be used after a visit to a medical facility and consultation with a specialist.

Expert opinion

Sakania Luiza Ruslanovna

Dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist, trichologist

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Some types of self-help at home are contraindicated during pregnancy; you should also not resort to using decoctions and infusions on your own to treat suspicious discharge in a child.

It is impossible to make a diagnosis and choose the right treatment regimen on your own and at home, since plaque on the labia can be a sign of more than one pathology.

Types of leucorrhoea

Depending on the place of formation, leucorrhoea is classified into the following types:

  • Vaginal
    . They usually appear after suffering from inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system. Discharge in this case can be the result of transudation (leakage of the liquid part of the blood) into the lumen of the vagina, caused by mechanical or chemical effects on the mucous membrane of the organ. During the oncological process, vaginal discharge can be sanguineous.
  • Cervical
    . Symptoms of diseases of the cervix, endocrine system, tuberculosis. Depending on the origin, they may contain pus or blood impurities. With cervical cancer, leucorrhoea usually has a liquid consistency.
  • Uterine
    . The appearance of uterine leucorrhoea indicates endometritis or tumors. The acute course of endometritis is accompanied by purulent discharge, and the chronic form is watery. With cancer of the uterine body, the uterine discharge is watery, and during the disintegration of the tumor it becomes red-gray in color.
  • Pipe.
    Tubal discharge is usually watery and yellow in color. Tubal leucorrhoea appears due to cancer of the fallopian tube. Their consistency is watery with an admixture of blood. This disease is quite rare and is the result of advanced inflammation of the cervix or fallopian tubes.

Treatment of vulvar leukoplakia

We start by organizing feelings and thoughts and achieve success with the help of natural medicines and spa factors. There is EXPERIENCE, there are RESULTS, there are ways to ACHIEVE stable remission.

CLINIC FOR TREATMENT OF LEUKOPLAKIA - this is the name of the Resort Clinic for Women's Health in Pyatigorsk by satisfied patients from many cities of Russia, near and far abroad, who have achieved a state of stable remission of leukoplakia.

TREATMENT OF LEUKOPLAKIA OF THE VULVA is one of the priority areas of scientific and practical activity of our Clinic.

For more than 20 years, we have been SUCCESSFULLY TREATING VULVAL LEUKOPLAKIA, achieving STRONG REMISSION and a clear improvement in the quality of life.

In the treatment of leukoplakia, we do not use painful and traumatic methods and give PREFERENCE to physiological, effective and time-PROVED treatment METHODS.

At the Women's Health Resort Clinic, TREATMENT OF LEUKOPLAKIA begins with psychometric testing.

PSYCHOMETRIC TESTING allows us to identify the underlying psychological causes of leukoplakia.

Based on the results of psychometric testing, we carry out PSYCHOLOGICAL CORRECTION in order to normalize the processes of excitation-inhibition in the cerebral cortex and hormonal levels.

Normalization of the psycho-emotional state based on the experience of doctors at the Women's Health Resort Clinic is the pathogenetic basis for the successful treatment of vulvar leukoplakia.

The study of immune status (IMMUNOGRAM) allows you to IDENTIFY and individually correct DISORDERS of the immune system (immunity) using natural medicines.

Modulation of brain rhythms restores the physiological (correct) alpha rhythm of brain activity and persistently SENSORS the effect of psychological and immunological correction. About the modulation of brain rhythms in detail...

For the purpose of comprehensive correction of psycho-emotional, immune and hormonal disorders in the treatment of vulvar leukoplakia, the Women's Health Resort Clinic uses herbal medicine and modern physiotherapeutic procedures.

Medicines made from mineral and herbal raw materials according to the prescriptions of doctors at the Women's Health Resort Clinic have a tranquilizing effect on the state of the cortex (the "mental" part) of the brain, NORMALIZE metabolism at the cell and tissue level, "gently" CLEANSE the liver, kidneys, intestines, and normalize the immune system. and metabolic processes in the body, STIMULATE ovarian function and STABILIZE (normalize) hormonal levels, regular and timely ovulation, thickness and structure of the endometrium during the ovulation period, have a general sanogenic effect (promote self-healing of the body), reduce the drug load on the body and significantly increase the EFFECTIVENESS of treatment .

The use of rectal suppositories in combination with physiotherapeutic procedures (magnetophoresis, laser phoresis, sonophoresis, darsonval) allows the delivery of drugs to the basal (deep) layers of the skin and mucous membrane of the vulva.

This modern technique significantly slows down the activity of degenerative processes in the skin and mucous membrane of the vulva and actively regenerates (restores) altered tissues. About homeopathy in detail...

Our experience in spa treatment shows that the use of medicines based on natural raw materials is an important physiological (corresponding to human physiology) component of the treatment of leukoplakia.

REGENERATING MICROINJECTIONS of the skin and mucous membrane of the vulva relieve (stop or significantly reduce) unpleasant sensations and itching in the vulva area, which arise in some cases as manifestations of a degenerative process in the skin and mucous membrane.

In addition to the above, regenerating microinjections RESTORE the structure of COLLAGEN and cells of the deep (germ) layers of the skin and mucous membranes. Thus, regenerating microinjections restore damaged or lost ELASTICITY of vulvar tissue.

The technology of regenerating microinjections with natural medicines for vulvar leukoplakia is a successful scientific development of the Women's Health Resort Clinic.

Modern physiotherapeutic procedures (modulation of brain rhythms, elective regulation of the menstrual cycle, transcranial immunocorrective magnetic therapy, percutaneous laser blood treatment, ILBI) correct biological rhythms and psycho-emotional state, normalize metabolism, i.e. have a SYSTEMIC sanogenic EFFECT (normalize the constancy of the internal environment - “the secret wisdom of the human body”) and HELP consolidate the effects of psychological and immunological CORRECTION.

All physiotherapeutic procedures at the Women's Health Resort Clinic are performed painlessly, psychologically comfortably and carefully by professionally trained midwives.

Contraindications to physiotherapeutic procedures are general contraindications to physiotherapy: stage III hypertension, oncological processes in the body, severe somatic (therapeutic) diseases in the stage of decompensation. Contraindications to each specific physiotherapy procedure are discussed in detail in the article “Physiotherapy”.

A PRIMARY APPOINTMENT with a gynecologist, examination and treatment of leukoplakia is possible on ANY DAY of the menstrual cycle, except for menstrual days.

In the absence of menstruation in the premenopausal and menopausal periods, an initial appointment with a gynecologist, examination and treatment of vulvar leukoplakia is possible on any calendar day.

There are no RESTRICTIONS or peculiarities of nutrition and physical activity during the period of resort treatment of vulvar leukoplakia.

During spa treatment of vulvar leukoplakia, the best physical activity is a health path (dosed walking taking into account the natural landscape). About the health path in detail...

Clinical and laboratory examination includes

  • consultations with a gynecologist-endocrinologist;
  • extended vulvoscopy (colposcopy);
  • 3D ultrasound of the pelvis;
  • microscopic examination of smears from the vagina, cervical canal and cervix for flora and atypical cells;
  • PCR examination of smears for human papillomavirus of high oncogenic risk;
  • clinical blood test;
  • immunogram.

The examination can be performed at the Clinic on the day of the initial appointment or at your place of residence.

The survey results are VALID for 6 months from the date of completion.

Treatment of vulvar leukoplakia begins on the FIRST DAY of treatment (arrival) at the Women's Health Resort Clinic in Pyatigorsk.

THE DURATION of an intensive course of TREATMENT for vulvar leukoplakia is 12-14 days.

THE COST of a 14-day course of treatment for vulvar leukoplakia is 54,240 rubles.

THE COST OF TREATMENT for vulvar leukoplakia is adjusted (downward) taking into account the individual characteristics of the severity of the process.

*The cost of treatment of vulvar leukoplakia is current since the last update of the price list (November 2022).

In case of EXTENSIVE LEUKOPLAKIA of the vulva, observation and correction of the state of the immune system is carried out once every 3 months.

AT THE COMPLETION of the course of treatment for vulvar leukoplakia, based on the dynamics (changes) of the condition against the background of intensive treatment, we prescribe individual maintenance therapy for 6 months.

Maintenance therapy with natural medicines allows you to CONSTAIN the achieved positive RESULTS of intensive treatment of leukoplakia.

The resort clinic for women's health operates on a paid basis and in the voluntary health insurance system.

Each doctor at the Clinic has long-term experience, several specializations and is able to comprehensively assess the situation.

Causes of leucorrhoea

If a woman has excessive discharge from the genital tract, white with a yellow-green tint, an unpleasant odor and an admixture of pus or blood, a pathology is definitely developing in the body. Such discharge is usually accompanied by burning, itching and a constant feeling of wetness in the genital area. The most common causes are inflammation, neoplasms (malignant/benign), infections, diabetes mellitus and poor intimate hygiene.

Infectious factors that can provoke pathological white vaginal discharge include:

  • bacterial vaginosis;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • gonorrhea;
  • chlamydia;
  • candidiasis.

With age, the body changes, new diseases appear due to a sharp change in female hormones, which can also cause the appearance of pathological white discharge. Another reason for the appearance of unusual leucorrhoea is a change in sexual partner. This is due to a change in the usual microflora and the invasion of the bacterial environment of a new sexual partner.

Why see a doctor?

The doctor first assesses the nature of the discharge and interviews the patient. A gynecological examination and tests (blood, smear) are prescribed. The absence or presence of swelling, inflammation, and other pronounced symptoms that can be determined during the examination are taken into account. If necessary, a rectal or bimanual vaginal examination is performed.

To avoid the appearance of unusual vaginal discharge, it is first of all important to observe good personal hygiene and not be promiscuous. Attentive attention to nutrition and the use of medications is another step towards women's health. Every woman should visit a gynecologist at least once a year for preventive purposes.

At the Diana Medical Center, each patient can receive professional advice from an experienced gynecologist, undergo comprehensive diagnostics and a course of individually selected treatment. Professionalism, modern equipment and affordable prices are the main advantages of the Diana multidisciplinary clinic.


In order for life to be fulfilling, without various discomforts in the intimate area, a woman needs to adhere to simple rules:

  • wear high-quality underwear made from natural materials;
  • outerwear should not be too tight;
  • avoid casual unprotected sex;
  • strict adherence to personal hygiene, use intimate gels (have high acidity);
  • Lead a healthy lifestyle: eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, dairy products, reduce your consumption of sweets;
  • try to avoid stressful situations;
  • every 6 months a preventive examination by a gynecologist is required;
  • Do not constantly use panty liners, they prevent the skin from breathing.

Remember that only a specialist in his field can provide quality assistance. For any discomfort in the intimate area, consult a gynecologist.

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