Cocoa butter: composition, properties, use in cosmetology and home use


What could be more enjoyable than self-care? It is rare that a woman does not take care of her beauty, using all kinds of means and methods. One way to maintain your beauty is to apply various masks. They can be used to restore skin, both face and body. Therefore, masks are deservedly considered one of the most effective means for combating numerous epidermal problems, such as aging, loss of elasticity, cellulite or uneven color. Next we will talk about cocoa - a useful and aromatic component in natural care.


Five centuries have passed since the era of great geographical discoveries gave the Old World a drink made from cocoa beans. Five hundred years ago, only royalty could afford a cup of hot chocolate in the morning. Over time, an afternoon cup of hot cocoa chocolate became a sign of excellent taste. In European countries during the Enlightenment, it was believed that this magical drink was able to prolong youth and had aphrodisiac properties. The modern period in the history of chocolate begins with the discovery at the beginning of the 19th century of a cheap way to obtain butter from cocoa beans. It is the basis not only for confectionery products and the drink of the same name. Due to the chemical composition and unique properties of cocoa butter, the pharmaceutical industry and manufacturers of high-quality care cosmetics include components based on it in the formulations of their products.

The chemical composition of cocoa butter is:

  • oleic acid – 45%;
  • stearic acid – 35%.
  • lauric and palmitic acids – up to 25%.

Since they all belong to the group of fatty acids, it is not surprising that this oil is effective in preventing various skin problems and also helps get rid of dry lips. In addition, scientists have recently discovered the natural antibiotic theobromine in it.


Not all girls are allowed to use cocoa for cellulite. Contraindications to chocolate wraps are:

  • liver or kidney disease;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • pregnancy;
  • the presence of malignant neoplasms of any location;
  • dermatitis;
  • gynecological pathologies;
  • breast-feeding;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • any inflammatory, infectious, viral lesions (including acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections);
  • hypertension;
  • abnormalities in the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • menstruation;
  • microdamage to the integument in the treatment area;
  • individual intolerance to the components of mixtures.

Attention: if your health worsens, the procedure should be interrupted immediately!

All ingredients in the wrap mixtures are powerful natural healing substances. It is advisable for people with any chronic diseases to consult with their doctor before starting a course of anti-cellulite treatment with chocolate.

Cocoa wraps are, of course, very pleasant, effective procedures that significantly improve the quality of the skin and solve most dermatological problems. However, you should not perceive the sessions as a miracle cure that magically gets rid of extra pounds. To find an ideal figure, in addition to cosmetic manipulations, you need to balance your diet, drinking regimen, and do gymnastics daily. Chocolate cellulite treatment, thanks to its mood-enhancing effects, facilitates the transition to a healthy lifestyle.


The properties of cocoa butter are fully revealed in skin care. Due to the presence of methylxanthine, caffeine, tannins, and flavonoids in its composition, cocoa butter has a number of beneficial properties. It is capable of:

  • increase skin tone;
  • maintain turgor;
  • smooth out wrinkles;
  • heal small wounds on the skin;
  • moisturize the skin.

The use of skincare products with cocoa butter is possible for any skin type. There are many different ways to use different products containing cocoa butter. It all depends on what you prefer. Some will be concerned about buying an expensive cream, while others will not be too lazy to go to the pharmacy and consult a pharmacist before buying a jar of the coveted oil, since cocoa butter (like any other product), having many beneficial properties, also has some contraindications.

How to prepare the body for the procedure?

Before applying the prepared mask to the skin, you should thoroughly clean it and warm it up. To do this you can do the following:

  • do light gymnastics, especially if you plan to use a composition against cellulite and sagging epidermis;
  • wash your body with regular shower gel or soap;
  • make peeling, for example, from oatmeal or coffee;
  • if desired, you can take a bath, this will warm up the skin of the body even more;
  • dry thoroughly.

Only after this can you start applying the mask to the body. If you skip the steps of warming up or cleansing the skin, the effectiveness of the product may decrease.


The properties of cocoa butter make it an indispensable aid for the face and its use is due to its ability to fight the so-called “effect of tired skin.” The obvious benefit of cocoa butter for the face is its tonic effect. Regular care is very important for facial skin, and cocoa butter, included in the formula of care products, can not only remove “grayness,” but also get rid of the effects of chronic fatigue, such as bags under the eyes.

Over time, nightly face masks with cocoa butter will help get rid of even medium-sized wrinkles. Cocoa butter should be used with caution only for oily facial skin, as it can increase the activity of the sebaceous glands. If your skin is dry or you have a combination skin type, then using cocoa butter on your face will be a good help. Cocoa butter is used not only as a moisturizer, but also to achieve a rejuvenating effect on the face.

Anti-cellulite chocolate bath

To smooth out cellulite tubercles, reduce body volume in the hips and abdomen, and restore skin elasticity, try an anti-cellulite bath. This is a pleasant relaxing procedure that will help relieve tension and give pleasure.

Fill a standard pack of 200 g of cocoa with 1 liter. hot water. Mix well until all the lumps of cocoa powder are dispersed. Fill a warm bath and pour the cocoa solution into it. Submerge yourself in the fragrant water and enjoy for 20 minutes. Take a shower, massaging problem areas.

Chocolate masks for face and body are a budget-friendly way to take care of yourself at home. Cooking them is simple and pleasant, and the result is even more pleasing. The procedures effectively combat dryness, sagging, and swelling.

Useful links:


It has been noticed that regular use of cocoa butter on hair makes its structure more silky. If you want straight hair, but nature has given you curly hair, try cocoa butter - there will be benefits. Hair masks with cocoa butter are valuable because in a short time they can make curls more pliable for creating virtually any hairstyle.

Due to its nutritional properties, cocoa butter is used to care for dry and brittle hair, helping to restore strength and mobility.


To moisturize and nourish the hair follicles, it is recommended to apply solid cocoa butter to dry scalp and hair.

Reviews from women

Marina, 32 years old: “I bought the product after reading about its universal qualities. And I was not disappointed. It is yellowish in color, I liked the smell - pleasant, chocolate. I would recommend it for residents of the northern regions. It perfectly nourishes the skin, protects from frost and wind. Used to prevent colds. Applied to the nasal mucosa. Mom uses it around the eyes. She liked the effect of the product. The crow's feet were smoothed out, the skin of the eyelids was fresher. And I have already made 5 different face masks. I’m happy with the result, I recommend it to everyone!”

Alina, 18 years old: “I decided to try cocoa butter to treat a cough. I bought a package weighing 15 g at the nearest pharmacy. I opened it and immediately felt the pleasant smell of chocolate. The color of the product is pale yellow. I added it to warm milk according to the instructions. I'm drinking this drink for the second day. The cough has decreased, the inflammation is slowly subsiding. My cough is usually very difficult to cure, but cocoa butter started helping almost immediately.”

Svetlana, 36 years old: “Wrinkles around my eyes began to bother me. To the point that I tried not to smile in front of strangers. Expensive drugs did not give the expected effect. A friend advised me to try cocoa butter. She claimed that there was no better remedy for crow's feet. She was right. Now my eyes look fresh and youthful."


As we found out, the use of cocoa butter is not limited only to the walls of a chocolate factory and the counters of a confectionery shop - its properties serve the benefit of cosmetology and have positively proven themselves in overcoming the most difficult obstacles on the path to healthy skin. For cosmetic purposes, cocoa butter is recommended to be used as an independent product.


Liquid consistency has better penetrating properties: to prepare the emulsion, solid lump oil must be preheated by melting it in a water bath.

The range of uses of cocoa butter in cosmetology is wide: from the preparation of night masks and baths to use as an additional component in regular hair shampoos. The choice is limited only by your own desire. Since this vegetable oil contains a fairly large proportion of palmitic acid, cocoa butter is especially valuable as an independent product that can be used for cosmetic purposes for skin with signs of age-related changes.

Skin care after wrap

After a chocolate session, skin sensitivity increases, pores are maximally open. Therefore, it is important to provide the skin with maximum moisture.

To do this, rinse off the remaining mass under a warm shower and pat the body with a soft towel. Apply moisturizer to slightly damp surfaces.

Better to use:

  • milk;
  • light texture cream;
  • cosmetic oil.

Rub the selected cosmetics into the dermis with gentle massaging movements. To enhance the effect, you can use an anti-cellulite drug.


If you like to conjure at home by independently preparing various handmade masks, balms and creams, then cocoa butter should not escape your gaze.

To prepare a mask with cocoa butter at home, you only need a water bath, a pinch of imagination and a handful of patience. Honey, oatmeal, grape seeds and a teaspoon of aloe juice included in the “secret” recipe will help additionally moisturize the skin and nourish it with vitamins.

If your lips are chapped, if their thin skin tends to dry out, and if there are pockets in the corners of your mouth, then applying a little cocoa butter to them at night, the effect can be observed the next morning. The main thing here is to do this simple procedure immediately before going to bed, avoiding contact with food and drink.

Allergy to cocoa butter is extremely rare, but it does happen. Before use, you should make sure that it is absent and apply a little oil to the back of your hand and elbow bend, and if an allergic reaction does not occur, then feel free to use cocoa butter.

Where is it sold?

You can buy cocoa butter at any eco-store. At the same time, for cooking and oral medicinal use, you need to take edible oil, and for skincare procedures, cosmetic oil.

For home cosmetics

The best cocoa butter is sold in certified natural cosmetics stores. You can choose a 100% natural product in such trusted online stores in Russia as:

· Spivak

· 4fresh




Here you will find environmentally friendly, natural cocoa butter from domestic and foreign brands. All cosmetics are certified and have passed the necessary quality control.

For confectionery

Natural edible oil for culinary purposes is sold in such eco-confectionery shops as:

· Royal Forest.

· Chocolate maker.

· La Torta. ru

The assortment includes different types of cocoa butter for making cakes, desserts, pastries, and sweets. There are products for making and tempering chocolate.

Precautionary measures

Oil extract from cocoa fruits can cause an allergic reaction, so before using the product you should conduct a tolerance test.

For girls with oily skin, it is not recommended to apply the product in its pure form. Combination with other ingredients, ready-made masks or creams will be the best solution to skin problems.

There is no need to be afraid that the oil will harm sensitive skin. The drug acts very gently, does not tighten or injure the epidermis.

The property of the extract to influence microprocesses and the cardiovascular system is partly used to solve problems with cellulite.

Excess weight and diet will become an obstacle to the use of aromatic edible oil internally.

The product has no age-related contraindications; it will be useful for young children and clients in adulthood.

A little history

Cocoa butter has been used to preserve youth and beauty of the skin for a long time. The Mayan tribes thousands of years ago considered the chocolate tree a source of timeless beauty, and the resulting oil extract was used to heal wounds.

South Africa is considered the birthplace of the chocolate tree, although today the plant grows successfully in America. For many centuries, Africans have used the oily product to protect their skin from the rays of the burning sun, noting its high protective, healing and moisturizing properties.

Can it be taken internally?

The cosmetic product should not be taken orally or added to food; edible cocoa butter is used for these purposes. It is used in the production of white chocolate and confectionery.

It is recommended to use the aromatic extract for those whose bodies are sensitive to sudden changes in weather, and for people with low blood pressure. Regular use of this valuable product improves brain function, normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system, and reduces the risk of heart attack and cancer. Please note that the product is very high in calories, excessive consumption may affect your figure.

For coughs, colds, and sore throats, the aromatic chocolate product will also come in handy. It is enough to consume a little oil (the size of a small pea) every 4 hours.

The product stimulates the removal of mucus. You can prepare a delicious and medicinal drink. To do this, add ½ tsp to warm milk (1 tbsp.) cocoa butter, 1–2 tsp. natural honey. Stir the ingredients and wait until they are completely dissolved. Believe me, with this medicine your children and you will always be healthy.

By the way. You can get valuable components from cocoa powder. A hot drink will give you energy before your planned workout, improve your mood and well-being.

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