Face masks made from polysorb: benefits for facial skin, indications, reviews, how to use, what result to expect? 5 best recipes for a face mask with Polysorb

Polysorb is an enterosorbent based on colloidal silicon dioxide. The purpose of the drug is to cleanse the body of toxins. The product is also used for cosmetic purposes, as a component of face masks.

Treatments with sorbent help eliminate oily shine, get rid of blackheads and acne, and improve complexion. The drug cleanses the skin of impurities, removes toxins, reduces wrinkles, and has a lifting effect.

  • Masks with Polysorb
      Classic (universal)
  • For acne and wrinkles
  • Nutritious
  • Mask with lifting effect
  • Scrub mask
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Whitening
  • Refreshing
  • Contraindications
  • Polysorb masks: benefits for facial skin, indications, what result to expect?

    Polysorb - sorbent
    "Polysorb" - is a sorbent designed to cleanse the body. It absorbs all harmful substances and eliminates them from the body through natural release. Thanks to this product, the body is completely cleansed and becomes healthier. You could say it's a kind of detox.

    Not everyone knows, but the drug is also suitable for skin care. It is important to use it correctly.

    The product performs very well in masks, as well as when taken orally . Then the effect is excellent - the skin is cleansed, and harmful toxins that cause problems are removed from the inside.

    The main advantages of sorbent in cosmetology are:

    • The drug pulls out impurities from the skin, acting like a “sponge”. By the way, it works exactly the same way from the inside.
    • After cleansing the pores, they narrow, which prevents new dirt from entering.
    • Gives a light effect, like after peeling, that is, the skin is cleansed not just from the outside, but much deeper
    • The elasticity of the skin is restored, and accordingly the face looks more toned
    • The complexion becomes matte, skin tone is evened out
    • Wrinkles are smoothed out and the face looks younger

    Cell cleansing is carried out using silicon, which is included in the composition. It eliminates the cause of skin inflammation and acne.

    Face masks from Polysorb - how to use?

    Before preparing masks from Polysorb, it is important to make sure that you do not have allergies. The drug comes in plastic jars or bags with distributed doses. For the test, just take one bag.

    Simply apply the product to your hand after diluting it with water. If you don’t have any reaction, then you can safely start preparing the masks. Please note that the standard instructions do not contain information on preparing masks, and therefore it is important to use the recommendations of specialists.

    Using masks is quite simple and the most important advice is to keep your skin clean.

    Classic face mask from Polysorb: recipe

    The classic recipe for a mask is considered universal. This face mask made from Polysorb can be used for any skin except dry skin, because there are no emollients in the composition and this can have a bad effect on the overall effect. Thanks to this mask, all inflammations dry out and blackheads are removed.


    You will only need 3 grams of the drug, as well as 30 ml of boiled, cooled water.

    • Mix these two ingredients. Try to avoid any lumps.
    • The drug will not dissolve completely. It will look like mush.

    When everything is ready, apply the mask to your face for 10 minutes. It is important to use it completely. Yes, the layer will be thick, but that’s how it should be.

    How to get rid of acne spots using cosmetology

    Excessive spotting does not affect a person’s well-being, but his appearance and emotional state noticeably suffer from such acquisitions. It is logical that the first specialist who is contacted to remove post-acne and stagnant spots is a cosmetologist/dermatologist. In what ways does it help with erythema:

    • laser exposure to capillaries;
    • gels and ointments that narrow the walls of blood vessels;
    • creams, masks and all kinds of peelings.

    Experts in the field of cosmetology believe that erythema can disappear on its own in six months to a year. But in the case of post-inflammatory pigmentation, it is much more difficult to get rid of spots. Here are the popular methods that cosmetologists use in their practice:

    • Microdermabrasion is the “filing off” of the stratum corneum of the skin. To completely remove post-acne pigmentation, 2-3 sessions are required, and the skin recovers within a month. During this time, you should avoid direct sunlight and refrain from going to the solarium, swimming pool and sauna.
    • Mesotherapy with vitamins. It comes in the form of injections with a concentrate of vitamins, nucleic acids, amino acids, and proteins. It can also be applied to the skin with a vitamin cocktail, which is delivered to the deep layers of the epidermis using a laser device or microneedling (multiple skin punctures).
    • Photothermolysis. The procedure involves burning out the upper layer of the epidermis, and the thermal effect provokes increased cell regeneration.
    • Ozone therapy. Removing pigment spots with ozone. There are three types: meso-ozone therapy, ozone tonic and injections. The first is treating clean skin with a roller with an oxygen-ozone composition. Ozone tonic - rubbing the skin with an ozone cocktail, especially recommended against pigmented brown spots. With ozone injections, an ozone cocktail is injected under the skin, and the injection site visibly swells. Using massage movements, the substance is evenly distributed throughout the problem area.
    • Laser facial resurfacing. Requires lengthy preparation: avoid ultraviolet radiation a month before the procedure, start using sunscreen 14 days before, undergo a medical examination, and take urine and blood tests. Acne spots on the face will go away only after a course of procedures, which lasts from 3 to 10 sessions. A rather traumatic method that requires a long period of rehabilitation.
    • Dermabrasion. Mechanical damage to the stratum corneum of the skin. It can be superficial, deep and medium. Superficial dermabrasion touches the layers of skin up to the basal membrane, medium touches only the basal level, and deep penetrates to the papillary layer of the epidermis. Painful! There are contraindications.
    • Chemical peeling. Organic acids are used that cause a controlled burn and subsequent death of the top layer of skin.

    Each of the listed procedures requires a mandatory recovery period and is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation!

    Polysorb face mask for dry skin with calendula: recipe

    There is also a face mask made from Polysorb for dry skin. To avoid injuring her, a decoction of calendula is used as a sedative. The action is almost the same, but it will be easier on the skin and you will not harm it.


    • Take 3 grams of Polysorb and 20 ml of calendula decoction.
    • The latter is easy to prepare.
    • It is enough to pour 5 g of dry plant with boiling water for 10-15 minutes.
    • When the decoction is ready, strain it from the calendula particles and dilute the powder in 20 g of decoction.

    Apply the mask also for 10 minutes.

    Features of outdoor use

    Polysorb has a number of features that are worth considering before using it to solve epidermal problems. These include:

    • Ease of the drug. The powder is very light, almost intangible. This one requires care when adding liquids. You need to do this gradually. A large amount at once can lead to the formation of lumps. If the recipe includes other dry substances, then the drug must be mixed with them first.
    • The consistency after mixing with water should resemble a thin, but not runny gel.
    • All ingredients must be of the best quality. Enterosorbent neutralizes the effect of bad components.
    • Application should be carried out along massage lines if it is intended to be used on the entire face. The method significantly increases the effectiveness of any therapy.

    Any masks must be applied along the massage lines of the face and neck.

    • The mixture must be made immediately before use, and only once. If you leave something “for later,” then all the beneficial properties will be lost.

    Some recipes may have their own unique uses.

    Face mask from Polysorb with a lifting effect: recipe

    Rejuvenating recipe
    A face mask made from Polysorb can also be effective in the fight against wrinkles. It, of course, will not solve the problem completely, but it is still very popular because it gives the desired effect. By the way, it is not very long - it lasts just a couple of days.


    You will need a small spoon of gelatin and the same amount of Polysorb.

    • To begin with, gelatin is diluted in water. It needs to swell, so we leave it for a while
    • Place the finished mixture in a water bath. Add “Polysorb” there
    • After cooking, cool slightly and while it is warm, spread on your face.

    Keep the mask on your face for 20 minutes, and then simply remove the resulting film.

    Useful properties of polysorb in cosmetology

    Polysorb, as a drug as a whole, has a very impressive range of useful properties, including:

    • fight against poisoning of any kind: from alcohol to poison;
    • dulling of allergic reactions;
    • high effectiveness against purulent-septic injuries: burns, ulcers, deep wounds, appendicitis;
    • fight against intestinal infections;
    • solving problems of intestinal microflora.

    These are the main properties declared by the manufacturer. It is not assumed here that the drug will be effective for problematic epidermis, but many years of experience have shown the opposite. Also learn about the properties and uses of blue clay made from this material.

    You can learn about all the useful aspects of enterosorbent from other users on the Internet. Almost every day people discover new scenarios for its use.

    Face mask from Polysorb for deep wrinkles: recipe

    How to remove wrinkles with Polysorb?
    A face mask from Polysorb can smooth out wrinkles a little, but you need to use it constantly. In particular, up to five procedures per week should be carried out.


    • To prepare the product, take 50 ml of water and a large spoon of Polysorb.
    • For better results, take mineral water, but without gas.
    • Pour it carefully into the preparation and stir constantly.
    • The finished mass will be somewhat similar to thick cream.

    It is applied for 15-20 minutes and then washed off.


    Polysorb® MP (medical oral) is an inorganic, non-selective, multifunctional enterosorbent based on highly dispersed silica with particle sizes up to 0.09 mm, with the chemical formula SiO2. The sorption capacity of the drug for internal use is 300 m2/g.

    Polysorb® MP has pronounced sorption and detoxification properties. In the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract, the drug binds and removes from the body endogenous and exogenous toxic substances of various natures, pathogenic bacteria and bacterial toxins, antigens, food allergens, drugs and poisons, heavy metal salts, radionuclides, alcohol.

    Polysorb® MP also sorbs some metabolic products of the body, incl. excess bilirubin, urea, cholesterol and lipid complexes, as well as metabolites responsible for the development of endogenous toxicosis.

    Polysorb face mask for deep peeling: recipe

    To make deep peeling, a face mask from Polysorb is prepared without additional components, but more of the drug is used.


    • To prepare the solution, 1.5 large spoons of the drug are required, as well as 20 ml of water.
    • Combine these two ingredients to obtain a consistency similar to sour cream.

    Apply the composition to your face.

    While you hold the composition, you may feel a tingling sensation. This is a common reaction, because the composition actively begins to draw out all impurities from the skin, and therefore such a reaction occurs. After rinsing, be sure to treat the skin with cream. It should be either moisturizing or nourishing.

    Rules of application

    To achieve the desired effect, you must use the mask correctly. There are several recommendations in this regard:

    • the composition is applied only to cleansed and steamed skin;
    • the leather is processed in layers, and each time you need to wait for the previous one to dry;
    • the composition can be applied not only to the face, but also to the neck and décolleté;
    • The residue is washed off with warm water, after which the skin is always moisturized with cream.

    Polysorb belongs to the group of safe drugs, but it is still worth carrying out a test to eliminate the risk of allergies. This is quite simple to do; you just need to treat a small area of ​​skin on your wrist and wait. If after an hour the skin has not changed, there is no redness or rash, then everything is fine.

    How long should you keep the Polysorb mask on your face?

    Effect of Polysorb
    A face mask made from Polysorb should be left on for some time. The product is quite aggressive, and therefore it is not recommended to keep it for a long time. Typically the limit is 10-15 minutes. However, if you feel that you are uncomfortable or have a reaction, then, of course, it is better to wash off the composition earlier so as not to harm yourself.

    Face mask with Polysorb: reviews, effect

    On forums, women often share their impressions of certain products. The face mask from Polysorb causes a lot of positive reactions.

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