Masks to improve complexion at home: TOP best recipes

“My light, mirror! tell me, and report the whole truth: Am I the sweetest in the world, the most ruddy and whitest of all?”

Delicate fair skin with a light healthy blush has long been considered one of the integral components of noble maiden beauty - it was not for nothing that the queen was so worried at the magic mirror.

In the Middle Ages, fashionistas were ready to poison themselves daily with toxic whitewash based on mercury and arsenic just to look “whiter.” By the way, in pursuit of fashion, noble ladies sometimes went to the point of absurdity, constructing unimaginable structures on their heads (proudly called hairstyles), and mummifying their own faces with tons of “primitive” makeup. Naturally, such “beauty” was not washed off for weeks (you can’t spend 5-6 hours every day on “makeup”, really?), and in order to somehow get rid of the numerous parasites that thrived in colonies in the semi-edible mixture on the head (which, among other things, included fat and flour), the ladies had to carry cute fur-bearing animals with them as a “flea trap.”

Fortunately, such curious cosmetology is a thing of the distant past, and now in order to even out your complexion it is enough to include a couple of simple procedures in your daily self-care.

What does complexion depend on?

Before you go “on the warpath” with redness, rashes, dark circles under the eyes and other “charms” of an uneven complexion, it is important to realize that the condition of your skin is a reflection of the internal health of your body.

You can endlessly mask dark circles under the eyes with foundation, but if a person has kidney problems or “chronic lack of sleep,” they will not disappear anywhere.

Thus, in the article “Polysorb for acne and post-acne” we examined in detail the relationship between slagging in the body and rashes on the skin of the face.

Accordingly, for ideal skin, first of all, you need:

  • Undergo a comprehensive examination to rule out the possibility of chronic diseases.
  • Balance your diet by removing the now so popular fast food and other “junk foods” from your diet.
  • Maintain a proper daily routine and get enough sleep.
  • Drink clean spring water.
  • Get rid of bad habits (including not only the repeatedly mentioned alcohol and smoking, but also Internet addiction, a “sofa” lifestyle and other “attributes” of a modern city dweller).
  • Walk more in the fresh air (unfortunately, in a metropolis with clean air it is “stressful”, so it is advisable to get out of the city more often, to the lake or into the forest).

In addition, a woman’s “face” reflects her moral state, and any stress has an extremely negative effect on the condition of her skin. Therefore, mental and physical harmony is one of the key components of flawless skin color.

What are the causes of dullness in the face?

In fact, an unhealthy complexion can appear depending on various problems and external influences. Such imperfection often causes discomfort to a woman. But in order to successfully fight it, you need to understand the causes of skin dullness. Here are some of them:

  • Diseases of internal organs.
  • Smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages.
  • Incorrect, unbalanced diet.
  • Deficiency of minerals, vitamins.
  • Excessive coffee consumption.
  • Sleep disorders, insomnia, lack of sleep.
  • Stress, nervous disorders.
  • Physical inactivity.
  • Incorrectly selected facial skin care.
  • External influences - chlorinated water, wind, frost, direct sunlight.

All these factors, one way or another, affect the skin surface. This is especially true for women over 30 years of age. The shade may become uneven and yellowish. As a result, the face looks tired and unattractive.

How to restore a healthy complexion at 35-40 years old: general tips

So, in the absence of global health problems, competent home facial care, including the following steps, can significantly improve the condition of the skin:

  1. Cleansing;
  2. Softening and nutrition;
  3. Hydration;
  4. Protection from aggressive environmental influences;
  5. Replenishment of weakened energy and lost components.

For daily washing, you should choose high-quality, proven cosmetics that suit your skin type and age category.

To combat dryness and flaking, you can use both professional creams high in vitamins A and E and home remedies.

You can read more about nourishing face masks after 40 years in the corresponding review.

Thus, recipes based on honey, cottage cheese, fruits and herbs can refresh aging facial skin. An excellent addition to the mask would be natural olive oil and egg yolk, and you can combine the ingredients yourself.

In addition, to additionally moisturize the skin, it is recommended to wipe the face with natural juices diluted with water or simple mineral water. An excellent solution would be a homemade lotion made from chamomile, aloe or green tea.

Read on for a step-by-step tutorial on making aloe toner and green tea lotion.

In the morning, instead of a homemade tonic, you can use cosmetic ice from a decoction of medicinal herbs (for example, chamomile, calendula, rose petals, nettle and St. John's wort).

It is also recommended to do a water facial massage (using a regular shower or spray), which, in addition to additional moisturizing of the skin, increases blood circulation and gives it a fresh, healthy look.

Expert opinion

Useful advice from the editor

We talked more about the benefits of agave in home cosmetology in our exclusive review of homemade face masks with aloe

Salon treatments

If cosmetics do not help hide facial defects and you are ready to turn to professionals, then pay attention to procedures such as:

  • skin cleansing using laser (this way skin cells are renewed, traces of acne and pigmentation are removed);
  • gas-liquid peeling with oxygen (dead cells of the epidermis are exfoliated, new ones are enriched with O2, saturated with nutrients, blood vessels are strengthened, blood circulation improves);
  • cryomassage with liquid nitrogen (pores are narrowed, stagnant spots are removed, the activity of the sebaceous glands is improved, and the metabolism is normalized);
  • microdermabrasion, or diamond peeling (by polishing the dermis using diamond crystals with a vacuum, dead skin cells are removed, blood vessels are strengthened, and the number of wrinkles is reduced).

We talked about the main products that even out facial skin tone and procedures that help hide visible defects in the dermis. However, in the fight against such problems, it is better to take an integrated approach and use the services of professional cosmetologists.

How to quickly refresh your appearance at home: TOP natural face masks

A healthy lifestyle and regular facial care are, of course, wonderful and will help maintain the youth and beauty of your skin for a long time. But the effect will not be noticeable immediately - it will take weeks and even months to achieve a noticeable result.

And sometimes you need to refresh your complexion “here and now” - before a holiday, an important meeting or going out.

For such cases, we have compiled a selection of natural recipes that will help you quickly achieve the desired result.

For freckles and unwanted pigmentation

The effect of rapid skin whitening is provided by a mask made from diluted bodyaga powder.

This recipe is not recommended for use if:

  • dry and normal skin;
  • tendency to the appearance of unwanted facial hair;
  • dilated vessels;
  • peeling of the skin and the presence of foci of inflammation on the face.

To prepare the mask, dry bodyaga powder should be diluted with boiling water or 3% hydrogen peroxide until a homogeneous paste is obtained, which is carefully applied to the face with a cotton swab or makeup brush.

Read a step-by-step master class on preparing a brightening mask with bodyaga and photos before and after the procedure

Exposure time is 10-15 minutes, after which the mask should be washed off with cool water.

Other recipes and reviews can be found in the article Bodyaga peeling at home

For dry and normal skin

Masks based on sour milk and oatmeal have an excellent mattifying effect.

Classic recipe:

  • a quarter glass of sour milk;
  • a tablespoon of oatmeal.

The components are ground to a homogeneous paste, which is placed between two layers of gauze and applied to the face for 15-20 minutes.

For additional nutrition and hydration, you can prepare a healing composition from homemade cottage cheese and natural honey (in a 3:1 ratio).

In addition, the following will help refresh your complexion, as well as get rid of redness and spots after acne:

All the power of lemon for a healthy complexion

As an express remedy for skin whitening, for freckles, dark spots and sallow complexions, masks made from freshly squeezed lemon juice are used.

Classic home recipe:

  • juice of one medium-sized lemon;
  • 100g. natural honey.

This mixture can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 7-10 days. It is recommended to lubricate the face, neck and chest with the resulting “syrup” every day 10-30 minutes before washing.

In a lower concentration (based on 2 tablespoons of honey), the product is applied to the face in 2-3 layers and left for 15-20 minutes.

Hot masks for all skin types

Delicious warming ingredients will help you get rid of unhealthy pale skin, improve blood circulation and even out your complexion.

However, in case of dilated blood vessels, foci of inflammation and a tendency to develop unwanted facial hair, the product should not be used.

Skin smoothing methods

Not only eliminating the above reasons will help make your skin smooth and beautiful. Every day, representatives of the fair sex mask imperfections in the dermis: some with properly applied makeup, others with masks or regular visits to beauty salons.

However, an integrated approach is most effective. It is he who will help solve your problems in a short period and with good results. In addition, we remind you of the following, long-proven methods:

  • You need to take care of your skin morning and evening. At the beginning of the day, do not forget to apply products that even out your skin tone, and at the end of the day, you should not just rinse your face with water, but thoroughly cleanse the dermis to remove dust and oil accumulated during the day. After this, do not forget to apply a moisturizing and nourishing cream. Care should be multi-stage.
  • You cannot use masks every day. Usually it is enough to apply them once every two days. Use mixtures that suit your skin. Have patience. Only regular cleansing, nutrition and moisturizing will help you achieve the desired beauty.
  • Thanks to keratinization and exfoliation of cells, the skin is constantly renewed, but it also needs help with this. Therefore, do not forget to use suitable peels and scrubs. It is better to use them several times a week. After removing dead cells, the dermis becomes smooth and its tone is evened out. The most popular lately are the so-called rays; they cleanse the skin more delicately and evenly than scrub particles.
  • Our skin is full of toxins and chemicals, so do not forget to arrange detox days for it - a kind of “day off” for the dermis. Avoid cosmetics during this period, eat fruits and vegetables, foods containing healthy fats, etc. This stimulates metabolic processes in the body, cleanses the liver, gastrointestinal tract and other organs, and enriches the skin with vitamins.

Practical tips for beautiful skin color

If you need to quickly tidy up your appearance and look perfect in just a couple of hours:

  • Make a compress on your eyes with strong green tea or slices of fresh cucumber - this will refresh your appearance and help hide dark circles under your eyes.
  • Before applying the mask, take a steam bath for your face - hot steam cleanses the skin well, “renewing” and moisturizing it.
  • If possible, perform a light massage of the face and décolleté.

Well, of course, cosmetics will help to consolidate the result.

Nutrition to improve complexion

Our appearance is a consequence of the lifestyle we lead, and especially our diet. Skin is the first and most important indicator of the internal state of the body.

Therefore, in order to improve our complexion, the first step is to critically reconsider everything that we eat and drink - this is the first and main step. And to make it easier for you to do it, below we will tell you which products you should definitely include in your diet, and which you should immediately and forever forget about.

Essential nutrition for skin:

  1. Water. This is the first and main commandment of any person striving to be healthy. Very often on various websites they say that the required amount of water consumption per day for an adult is 2 liters, but this is not entirely true. Each body is individual, so you should drink as much as your body requires, that is, as much as you want. And you need to check by the color of urine, when the body does not lack clean, living water, it is not colored and has an almost transparent color.
  2. It is necessary to eat live foods: fruits and berries (citrus fruits, grapes, cherries), vegetables (carrots, bell peppers, etc.), as well as nuts and seeds.
  3. Iron is a very important substance for health and beauty; it is found in large quantities in liver, carrots, spinach, sea fish, dairy and fermented milk products, red meat, as well as green leafy vegetables.
  4. Vitamin C is found in the following foods: citrus fruits, cabbage, bell peppers, and many berries.
  5. Vitamin E: in vegetable oils, avocados, wheat, seeds and nuts.
  6. B vitamins are very important and necessary for the female body. Particular attention should be paid to them, since a huge part of them is spent by the woman’s body during menstruation. Direct products: vegetables, fish, brown bread, soybeans, legumes, tomatoes, nuts, seeds, animal products, etc.
  7. It is also worth paying attention to two products such as lemon and kiwi. They have a cleansing effect and remove toxins from the body.
  8. Various cereals also have a positive effect on health and beauty.

Dr. Brandt Skincare Pores No More

Vacuum pores? Yes please. This mask is designed to cleanse every millimeter of your skin and eliminate oily shine. Those who like to get a good instant effect will especially like it.

We also recommend that you try Anskin alginate mask. It saturates the skin with oxygen, removes heavy metal salts and toxins from cells, tightens pores and reduces the manifestations of rosacea, eliminates irritation and peeling. You can view this miracle mask in the RomaDoma online store.

Alginate mask (25g) at RomaDoma From 70 rub. +7

Alginate mask (240g) at RomaDoma From 500 rub. +7

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