Wash your face with tar soap: reviews, properties, benefits and harm to facial skin


The product consists of 10% birch tar. The excellent effect on the skin is confirmed by numerous reviews. The properties of tar soap for the face allow it to be used for regular care. It is known for its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects.

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The soap contains no dyes, harmful additives or fragrances, which eliminates allergies, irritants, and redness. Soap base includes sodium salts from fatty acids, water, chloride, sodium and palm oil. Manufacturers also add citric acid, benzoic acid, table salt, and thickeners.

Tar is actively used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes. This is a natural component obtained by the decomposition of tree bark during heating in the absence of air. In appearance, the soap is similar to laundry soap, but its shade is darker. The difference is a specific smell that is not absorbed and is quickly eliminated after washing off the product.

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The product lathers well, creates a medium-density foam, and is easily washed off with water without forming a sticky film. It is of natural origin, the soap does not dry out even with regular use. This product is sold not only in pharmacies: it is almost always available in many perfumery, cosmetics or industrial stores. Moreover, the price of soap is no more than 35 rubles.

Composition and beneficial properties of soap

The composition of tar soap depends on the manufacturer. The main components that are used in the manufacturing process of this product are:

  • sodium salts of fatty acids of natural fats and oils;
  • Birch tar;
  • table salt;
  • water, etc.

Tar is widely used in folk medicine. The hygiene product has earned its popularity because it has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. Helps accelerate epidermal regeneration processes. The beneficial properties are explained by the fact that tar contains the following elements:

  • resinous substances;
  • toluene;
  • xylene;
  • benzene;
  • phytoncides;
  • creosol;
  • organic acids.

Is it possible to wash?

According to cosmetologists, tar soap is suitable for the face, as it is a universal remedy. It is used not only for the body. It is believed that it is used only for medicinal purposes. But it has not only healing effects. You can simply wash your face with tar soap. Reviews confirm that it is used like regular skin care products.

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According to dermatologists, the product is suitable for washing with dermatitis, itching, and inflammation of the skin. If you use it regularly, it perfectly relieves irritation, makes the complexion even, tightens pores, eliminates pimples, blackheads, and oily shine.

This soap is safe; it is used for bathing children whose bodies have wounds, abrasions, and scratches. It quickly heals cracks and injuries and restores cells. Soap for facial skin care is especially highly valued. Its regular use can eliminate many problems.

Tar soap for face against wrinkles

But tar soap is not the best remedy for wrinkles. It dries the skin too much. To get the effect, we recommend using

  • face clay,
  • anti-wrinkle oils,
  • homemade masks for wrinkles and
  • lymphatic drainage massage

You won’t be able to wash your face with tar soap for wrinkles; it dries the skin too much.


Although the product has an unpleasant odor, it is considered an excellent alternative to expensive cosmetic products, which is confirmed by positive reviews. Washing your face with tar soap is allowed because of the possibility of treating and preventing skin diseases. This remedy is known:

  • drying and whitening effect;
  • exfoliation of keratinized epidermal cells;
  • disinfectant and therapeutic effect;
  • strengthening the skin;
  • improving blood flow;
  • regenerating effect;
  • property of eliminating parasites;
  • calming effect;
  • antiseptic effect.

This is a unique and budget-friendly product. In cosmetology, it solves many problems of the skin of the face, body, and hair. Due to its therapeutic effects, soap is used to treat women's ailments, burns, frostbite, insect bites, eczema, psoriasis, and herpes. It serves as a replacement for oxolinic ointment.

This is an effective remedy, the results of which last for 2-3 weeks with regular use. According to reviews, you should wash your face with tar soap because it eliminates many skin problems.

What are the benefits of soap?

Tar soap consists of 90% regular soap base and 10% healing birch tar. The main benefit comes from the natural component. It has the following positive characteristics:

  • natural natural antiseptic;
  • accelerates cell regeneration;
  • destroys parasites;
  • provides a slight face lift;
  • suppresses the activity of fungal diseases;
  • disinfects the skin;
  • stimulates cellular metabolism;
  • dries out acne and wounds.

Tar soap is used both to combat cosmetic problems and to treat functional skin disorders. Doctors say that tar is useful for the following pathologies:

  • psoriasis;
  • furunculosis;
  • dermatitis;
  • demodicosis;
  • large blackheads and acne.

Tar soap foam also helps with fresh burns or frostbite of the facial skin: the product disinfects the wound, accelerates healing and prevents the subsequent appearance of scars or pigmentation.

When is it used?

According to reviews, the benefits of tar soap for the face are ensured only if it is used for normal and oily skin. Dermatologists recommend washing with this product for teenagers. Tar soap allows you to:

  • eliminate age spots;
  • get rid of greasiness;
  • improve the structure of the epidermis;
  • restore the natural healthy tone of the face;
  • eliminate skin mites on the face;
  • cure acne, pimples;
  • tighten pores;
  • eliminate neurodermatitis, dermatitis;
  • restore skin after burns and frostbite;
  • normalize cells after wounds;
  • remove dead skin cells from the dermis.

It turns out that many skin imperfections can be eliminated with this simple and effective remedy. And you don’t have to spend a lot on this.

Indications for the use of tar soap

Girls who struggle with:

  • rashes, pimples, acne, ingrown hairs;
  • chronic diseases of the epidermis - psoriasis, eczema, etc.;
  • fungal problems and lichens;
  • demodex, subcutaneous mites and other parasites.

Of course, in order to avoid negative consequences after washing, we recommend that you first consult a dermatologist. This is especially true for solving serious skin problems that require medical intervention.


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Tar soap is not harmful to the skin and does not have a negative effect on the body. But due to the smell, it is not suitable for pregnant women. If you experience nausea during use, it is advisable to put the detergent aside and replace it with something else that does not lead to unpleasant sensations.

The product should not be used if you are hypersensitive. It can increase skin sensitivity to UV rays, so it is better not to use it in hot weather. It is not advisable to use soap for asthmatics, sensitive, dry, thin skin. If there is dryness after this, moisturizing your facial skin with a nourishing cream is required. The soap should be rinsed off well, otherwise a film will form that prevents air from reaching the pores.


Tar soap has a specific smell, so it should not be used by people who suffer from respiratory diseases such as asthma. Other contraindications for use include:

  • individual intolerance to tar or other components included in the soap;
  • spider veins (rosacea);
  • thin sensitive epidermis;
  • fresh (open) wounds.

Women during lactation are not recommended to use soap before putting their baby to the breast. Due to the strong smell, the child may refuse to drink milk.


According to reviews, the benefits of tar soap for the face are ensured by its regular use. The product comes in the form of a solid bar, cream and liquid. In addition, you can make the product yourself at home if you buy birch tar at the pharmacy.

The liquid product has a transparent yellow tint and is available in bottles of 250, 300, 500 ml. It may have a liquid, creamy consistency. This soap perfectly cleanses the skin and eliminates pigmentation, although it does not tighten the skin.

Liquid soap has a drying effect, whitens age spots, and gets rid of rashes. During soaping, the skin softens, the foam is soft and velvety.

For oily skin, it is advisable to choose solid soap. It reduces the production of sebum, gives a matte appearance, eliminates pimples, blackheads, and red spots. It performs a gentle peeling that destroys the cell structure. The best brands are:

  • "Nizhny Novgorod".
  • "Stork".
  • "Spivak".
  • "Agafya."
  • "Nevskaya cosmetics"
  • Solid soap is available in the form of a bar weighing 90, 100, 140, 150 g. What volume to choose depends on personal preference.

Tar soap for problem skin

If you have problematic skin and you often have to deal with blackheads, acne, pimples, blackheads, you simply need to have tar soap at home, which can not only cope with the problem, but also prevent its occurrence. To do this, prepare a mask according to one of the presented recipes.

Recipe 1:

  • 1 part soap;
  • 2 parts thyme herb;
  • 2 parts buckwheat flour.
  • In addition, you will need mint tea, for which pour 10 g of the herb with one pot of water and bring to a boil, let it brew for about ten to fifteen minutes.

At this time, grate 1 teaspoon of tar soap, pour a small amount of mint tea into the soap shavings. After the soap has soaked, add thyme and buckwheat flour to it. Apply the resulting paste onto previously cleansed facial skin.

By the way, you can prepare buckwheat flour at home yourself. To do this, grind buckwheat in a coffee grinder and sift through a sieve.

Recipe 2:

  • 1 part grated soap;
  • 1 part blue clay;
  • 10 parts chamomile decoction.

Pour the broth over the soap and clay. Let the soap soften for five minutes. Mix thoroughly and apply to face. Rinse with chamomile decoction.


Tar soap is sold in supermarkets, pharmacies and eco-stores. The shampoo option is more often used for washing hair. If you have skin problems, then a liquid product is suitable for use instead of a regular one. The natural color of a quality product is dark, almost black. You should not choose beige tones.

The special smell of soap is its feature. This is a disadvantage that manufacturers of natural products do not struggle with, since it cannot be removed. And if you use flavors and fragrances, the products will not be natural. Therefore, the presence of a characteristic odor is a sign of quality.

You should pay attention to the manufacturing method. It is better to choose the cold method. The presence of superfat is considered an important factor in product quality. Their amount should be at least 5%, otherwise there will be severe drying of the skin. You should read the information on the label. There should be at least 10% tar. When this indicator decreases, the medicinal properties deteriorate. You also need to pay attention to the expiration date of the product.

Tar soap for oily skin

If you have oily skin, tar facial soap is more useful than ever. It will help reduce the production of sebaceous secretions and prevent the formation of infection. For the mask take:

  • 1 tsp tar soap;
  • 5 drops of patchouli oil;
  • 1 tbsp. l instant coffee.

Soak the soap in a small amount of water and mix with essential oil and coffee. Apply to facial skin for 10 minutes. If you have small pimples on your skin, apply zinc ointment to these areas after the mask. This will help dry the skin and prevent inflammation from developing.

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According to reviews, tar soap for facial skin increases blood flow to epidermal cells. Its healing effect is soft and delicate. The result is noticeable after 1 procedure. According to reviews, tar soap for acne on the face affects large areas of rashes, reduces inflammation, irritation and redness.

The period for removing the problem depends on its severity level. But in any situation the therapeutic effect is visible. The face will be younger, cleaner and more well-groomed. Even during long-term procedures, soap does not dry out the skin. It quickly eliminates boils. In addition to removing the dermatological problem, the product has a disinfectant effect.

According to reviews, tar soap for acne on the face should be used as part of complex therapy with medications. This will eliminate the inflammatory process. But you should not use many products at the same time, so as not to harm the skin.

Tar soap against acne

The anti-inflammatory, antipruritic and cleansing properties of tar soap described above will greatly help if you have problematic facial skin with acne. To prepare an effective anti-inflammatory mask, take one part at a time:

  • soft tar soap;
  • calendula oils;
  • pea flour or starch.

Mix all ingredients thoroughly and apply to cleansed and steamed skin for ten minutes. When applying, pay special attention to affected areas. After washing, use a special cream for problem skin.

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Judging by the reviews and photos, tar soap for the face brings a positive effect. The best way to do this is by washing your face. To eliminate inflammation and irritation, the procedure must be carried out every day for at least 2-3 weeks.

Washing is done in the usual way. The soap needs to be foamed, applied to the face with your fingers and rinsed off. If necessary, leave the foam on the face for 5-10 minutes, and then wash off with warm water. For oily skin, it is better to wash your face 2 times a day. And if it’s dry, you need to do this once every 3 days.

Possible harm

You need to know your skin type before you start healing it with tar soap.

Since it has a tightening effect on the skin, this product should not be used on dry, thin, sensitive skin. Significant harm to her health may be caused: she will become even drier, tighter, and severe irritation will occur.

With uncontrolled and too long use of this cosmetic product for oily skin, dermatitis may develop.

The normal reaction is a slight burning sensation that goes away on its own. If noticeable pain or severe itching occurs, this indicates an allergy to birch tar.


Reviews indicate that these are also effective procedures. If you use the masks correctly, you can quickly eliminate pimples and blackheads. Other procedures provide a lifting effect. Results are visible after just 1 application.

According to reviews, tar soap for facial jowls can be used in the form of masks. It also quickly and effectively eliminates acne, pimples, and inflammation.

There are several types of masks:

  • For loose skin. A little soap should be grated, mixed with water to form a thick paste, foamed and applied to problem areas. The duration of the procedure is no more than 15 minutes. If you increase the time, burning, peeling, and dryness are likely to occur. The mask must be washed off first with warm and then with cool water, which narrows the pores. Such procedures should be performed no more than 1-2 times a week.
  • Based on herbal infusion or soda. Water can be replaced with herbal infusion by mixing it with grated tar soap. And if you need to remove blackheads, add soda (a pinch) to the soap. The product is applied to the face and kept for up to 10 minutes. The effect of the mask is noticeable immediately after application. Do not exceed the duration of the procedure so as not to lead to skin irritation.
  • Spot applications. The soap is effective for combination skin. This method eliminates movable pimples and ulcers. For application, it is advisable to use liquid soap, applying it to the areas of inflammation for 10-15 minutes.
  • An effective mask. In addition to the basic recipes, simple ingredients that are always available at home are added to tar soap - eggs, aloe, herbal infusions. You can prepare a scrub from it by adding to 2 tbsp. l. shavings 1 tsp. sea ​​salt. To avoid harm to dry skin, fatty sour cream is added to the composition. And the nutritional value of the mask is added to it with a little honey.
  • With bactericidal wipe. It needs to be soaked in a mixture of soap and water, then a paste of bran and egg white should be placed on top. The procedure lasts 15-20 minutes, and then the mask is removed and washed with water.
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    To eliminate many problems, it is effective to use tar facial soap as a mask. Reviews indicate excellent effects on the skin. When the product is no longer needed for hygiene procedures, it must be placed in a soap dish and tightly closed with a lid. Not everyone can inhale this specific aroma. According to reviews, tar soap is effective against demodicosis on the face if you wash your face with it or use it as a mask.

    Tar soap for face from jowls

    There is a recipe for jowls with tar soap. You will need one-eighth of a bar of soap and thick foam - about half a glass. Mix it with sour cream. Apply to a cleansed face, covering the chin and décolleté area. Let the mixture dry and apply the 2nd layer. After it dries, rinse with water and apply moisturizer. The composition has a pronounced lifting effect. Although sour cream makes a greater contribution to skin rejuvenation. Tar soap for facial rejuvenation plays only a supporting role here.


    You can make the product yourself, as evidenced by numerous reviews. Tar soap for washing your face, if you prepare it yourself, will be no less effective. This is creative work that does not take much time. There will be an unpleasant odor in the room, so it is advisable to prepare the product alone.

    The procedure will require:

  • baby soap – 100 g;
  • base oil – 30 ml;
  • birch tar – 10-15 ml;
  • purified water – 0.1 l.
  • The soap should be grated, heated in a water bath, and then added oil and cooled. Tar is added to the mass after it has cooled. Then it must be poured into molds and stored in a cool place. The soap hardens within a few days.

    Tar soap against blackheads

    Soap with birch tar is effective against blackheads, as it tightens pores, relieves inflammation, itching, and reduces the production of sebaceous gland secretions. For the mask you will need:

    • 1 tsp soap, finely ground;
    • 20 g crushed white coal.

    Mix the ingredients and add a few drops of water to them. Let the mask sit until the soap softens. Apply the mask to the black areas for ten minutes. Afterwards, wash your face with cool water and lemon juice.

    Also, after washing your face, you can apply the juice of any citrus fruit to pimples, blackheads and inflamed areas for a couple of minutes. This will help tighten pores and deal with blackheads faster.

    We advise you to read: How to get rid of blackheads on your face - proven remedies

    Features of use

    According to reviews, the use of tar soap on the face is effective only if it does not cause allergies. Although the product has a healing effect, its unpleasant odor and drying effect do not always lead to the desired result. Therefore, when using it, the following rules must be observed:

  • This product should not be used if you are allergic to tar or birch pollen.
  • Soap should not be used in combination with acidic products.
  • It is not suitable for highly sensitive and dry skin.
  • For diseases of the renal excretory system, it is advisable to use this remedy after consultation with a doctor.
  • To treat pimples and blackheads, it is advisable to wash your face with soap. It is advisable to perform the procedures in the morning and evening. Before doing this, you should remove decorative cosmetics using lotion or milk.

    Soap should not be used constantly, but in courses. The first is 14 days. Then a break of 10 days is required to evaluate the result. If necessary, a second course is carried out. If pimples and blackheads are still on your face, you should wash your face with soap for another 14 days. And when the skin is clean, but rashes appear periodically, they are treated spot-on with soap.

    Tar soap can lead to allergies, which increase redness and inflammation. To avoid such a reaction, apply the foam to a small area of ​​the face or to the elbow. After 30-40 minutes you need to assess the condition.

    Soap can also be used on the body, for example, it eliminates minor rashes on the buttocks and thighs, and ensures the healing of micro-scratches. It also has a mild whitening effect; it is used for washing in the spring, when the first rays of the sun cause freckles and age spots to form on the skin.

    The smell from the soap disappears in 30-40 minutes. After the procedure, it is advisable to wash your hands with warm water using regular toilet soap. Then the unpleasant smell will disappear immediately.

    Everything you need to know about the benefits of tar soap and precautions

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    Regulations on the processing and protection of personal data
    Regulations updated 11/16/2018

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    The subject of personal data has the right to contact JSC “NMGK” to update his personal data. NMZhK JSC, within the period established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, is obliged to make the necessary changes to the data of the PD subject who applied.

    • By contacting the hotline in the Russian Federation 8-800-250-00-07;
    • By sending a corresponding application by mail to the address: 603950, Nizhny Novgorod, Zhirkombinat highway, 11;
    • By submitting a corresponding application through the feedback form on the website;
    • In a number of cases provided for in paragraphs 2-11 of part 1 of article 6 of the Federal Law “On Personal Data”, JSC “NMZhK” may continue processing your personal data after revoking your consent.

    8. Access to information
    The subject of personal data, who has provided his personal data to JSC NMZhK, has the right to request from JSC NMZhK to provide information about what personal data is processed by JSC NMZhK. NMZhK JSC is obliged to provide this information within the period established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    To obtain such information, the PD Subject, who has provided his personal data to JSC NMZhK, can contact JSC NMZhK in one of the following ways, provided that you meet the requirements stipulated in Part 3 of Art. 14 Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data”:

    • By sending a corresponding application by mail to the address: 603950, Nizhny Novgorod, Zhirkombinat highway, 11;
    • By submitting a corresponding application through the feedback form on the website;

    In this case, the request must contain:

    • The number of the main document identifying the subject of the personal data, information about the date of issue of the specified document and the issuing authority;
    • Information confirming the participation of the subject of personal data in relations with NMZhK JSC (agreement number, date of conclusion of the agreement, symbolic verbal designation and (or) other information), or information otherwise confirming the fact of processing of personal data by the operator;

    What else is it used for?

    The product is intended for external use. Most often it is used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes. But you shouldn't abuse it. Tar soap is used for:

    • intimate hygiene;
    • body washing;
    • washing your hair;
    • washing;
    • prevention of skin diseases.

    Even if there are no rashes or acne on the skin, soap can be used to protect against their appearance. Wash and all the indicated masks are suitable for this. Only after using any recipes should you use a moisturizer or nourishing cream.

    Using soap to wash your hair is effective, as it perfectly eliminates dandruff. Rub it in with light movements, leave for a few minutes and rinse thoroughly with warm water. A few regular procedures are enough to see the effect.

    Before application, the soap is foamed. Using a body washcloth is suitable for this. You can wash your face with your hands or sponges. Tar soap is an effective and cheap product for facial skin care, which almost always leads to a positive result.


    Tar soap in the fight against age spots

    The rich composition of tar soap helps improve the natural complexion and helps cope with pigmentation. To prepare the mask you need to take:

    • 1 part soaked tar soap;
    • 2 parts sour cream;
    • 2 parts cottage cheese.

    Grind sour cream and cottage cheese until smooth. Add mild soap to the resulting slurry. Apply the mask to your face for fifteen minutes. You can remove the mask using warm water or any makeup remover tonic.

    We advise you to read: Sour cream face masks: the best recipes

    What properties does a piece of tar soap have?

    • Tar soap is an excellent antiseptic, and absolutely natural. It is able to cope with almost all skin problems, be it acne, boils, or even eczema and fungi on the skin.
    • Due to its excellent performance in the process of skin restoration, this product is used to heal wounds and abrasions of various origins. Soap will help with purulent wounds, burns, frostbite and abrasions.
    • Since tar soap exfoliates the top layer of dead skin cells, it can be used in the treatment of acne scars.
    • It also helps to rejuvenate the skin of the face, because it can stimulate blood circulation. With the help of soap, many achieve an excellent lifting effect.
    • And these are not all the advantages of tar soap: it also has whitening properties and tightens enlarged pores.
    • Diseases such as psoriasis, lichen, eczema and scabies, in addition to the main therapy, are successfully treated with the help of this remedy. Even the subcutaneous Demodex mite on the face is powerless against its antiparasitic properties.
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