Face masks with aspirin at home: benefits, recipes, reviews. How do aspirin face masks affect the skin? What can replace aspirin for a mask?

Homemade face masks have always been very popular. One good remedy is aspirin. In our article you will learn how it works and what masks can be made from it.

Today, girls often prepare face masks on their own. This is not surprising, because their cost is very low, and the effect is sometimes even better than that of store-bought products. There are masks to solve specific problems, and there are also universal ones. Some are just for maintenance. In any case, each of them can be prepared independently. In our article, we decided to figure out what products can be prepared with aspirin, as well as how to use them correctly.

Aspirin masks yourself at home: principle of action

Aspirin on the face
Today's ecology leaves much to be desired, and therefore our skin constantly requires care. And not only the environment affects its condition. Even stress and poor nutrition leave their mark. That is why women often use special masks to restore a healthy look to their face and give their skin additional nutrition. Aspirin masks show excellent results, and therefore they are worthy of attention.

So, aspirin itself has the following effects:

  • If a person has enlarged pores on his face, then they definitely need cleaning. Aspirin can just give the desired effect, and besides, after cleansing, it narrows the pores, which prevents dirt from getting in again
  • Aspirin also has a peeling effect. This removes all dead cells and the body begins to create new ones.
  • Inflammations on the skin go away, since, as we said, the product has a restorative effect
  • When fighting pimples and blackheads, the effectiveness is also high, again due to the removal of impurities
  • The sebaceous glands begin to work normally, and therefore the oily sheen disappears and so does the dryness. That is, their work is restored
  • The surface of the face is smoothed and the complexion becomes smoother

Indications for use

Before using cosmetics based on acetylsalicylic acid, it is important to consult a cosmetologist, since the component may cause side effects and is not suitable in all cases. Aspirin-based products are recommended for severe oiliness and enlarged pores, acne, pimples and blackheads. In addition, the mask helps get rid of inflammation and swelling, thereby evening out the natural complexion. Such products are most suitable for those with combination type and oily skin.

Aspirin masks with citric acid: recipes

As we said above, aspirin masks have a strong effect and their effect is beneficial for the skin. Citric acid is also known for its beneficial properties, and in tandem these two products give an unexpected pleasant effect. The mask is quite aggressive on the skin, so be careful with it. Even if you have normal skin, additional checking is still required. So in any case, do a test on the skin to see if there is a reaction, so that red spots do not appear later after the procedure.

Lemon mask

For normal dermis

Normal facial skin is least prone to inflammation and acne. But even for this type, there are several compositions that will help cope with minor problems, refresh the skin, have a tonic effect and make the complexion healthier.

But it should be remembered that frequent use of acetylsalicylic acid in this case can cause the appearance of rosacea, make the skin excessively dry, and also increase its sensitivity. It is not recommended to use masks more than once every two weeks. And after each procedure, it is necessary to apply a moisturizing or nourishing cream to the skin.


The mask has a nourishing effect, eliminates minor inflammation and itching, gently cleanses pores, and gives the skin freshness. The following ingredients will be required:

  • aspirin - 3 tablets;
  • natural kefir without additives - 1 tbsp. l.


  1. Crush the aspirin.
  2. Mix with fermented milk drink.
  3. Apply to the epidermis for a third of an hour.
  4. Rinse off with warm liquid.

With long tea and yogurt

The mask evens out the complexion, tones and refreshes the skin. The tea also effectively combats mild redness and irritation.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Prepare a strong brew of tea without additives (about 50 ml).
  2. Mix with 20 g of homemade yogurt.
  3. Cool.
  4. Add three aspirin tablets to the mixture, which must first be crushed and mixed with water.
  5. Distribute the resulting composition over the dermis using a cotton swab.
  6. Wait until it dries.
  7. Rinse off.

Aspirin face masks with gelatin: recipes

Gelatin mask
Aspirin masks with the addition of gelatin are distinguished by the fact that they have a gentle effect. This makes their use possible for any skin. So, do not be afraid that you will experience redness or any other problems after use.

Gelatin 1 Gelatin 2


Masks with aspirin are not recommended if you have an allergic reaction to the components of the drug. The product should be used with caution during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The procedure cannot be carried out if blood vessels are close to the skin, which can be seen by the presence of a capillary network. In addition, you should refrain from using homemade masks in case of mechanical damage to the epidermis, prolonged tanning, or after visiting a solarium.

Homemade cosmetics with acetylsalicylic acid can be applied no more than 2 times a week; abuse of this component leads to the development of dry skin and increased sensitivity.

Aspirin face masks with kefir: recipe

Aspirin masks show excellent effectiveness when kefir is added to them. This drink is also famous for its beneficial properties. In any case, the presented remedy also does not have any contraindications, but just keep in mind that it is important to follow the recommendations. Taking too much aspirin can cause significant harm.

For normal skin

Oatmeal with kefir

By the way, whey can also be used instead of kefir. When a person has shiny skin, then, by the way, it will look best.

Face mask with aspirin and peroxide: recipe

Aspirin with peroxide
Such aspirin masks contain only two components, but their effect is very strong. It eliminates redness and inflammation. A mixture of these two components makes an excellent mask, and preparation does not take much time.

Peroxide mask

Cautions and usage rules

Those wishing to prepare and use masks or scrubs with acetylsalicylic preparation should know the rules for their use and preparation, as well as actions that should not be carried out during the procedure.

Features of use:

  • Before using the mask for the first time, be sure to test for an allergic reaction . To do this, you need to apply some of the product to your elbow or specifically to problem areas and monitor the reaction. If you have allergies, quickly remove the mask and take antiallergic medications;
  • Before preparing the mask, make sure that you are using high-quality, unexpired aspirin . It is better to give preference to a domestic manufacturer;
  • Changing the quantity of components or their types in the recipe is strictly prohibited . All recipes and preparation procedures must be followed;
  • The average duration of application of a mask with aspirin for acne is 15 minutes . They should not be applied more often than 3 times in 7 days.

In order not to damage or injure the skin, and to get the maximum effect from the cosmetic use of this product, you need to pay attention to several precautions.

Here are the main ones:

  • The skin can react much more acutely to irritation factors with frequent use of aspirin as a cosmetic product. This can also cause the appearance of a small, barely noticeable network of blood vessels on the face;
  • Apply such products with caution before or after tanning (both on the beach and in the solarium). This can cause the formation of age spots;
  • Excessive use of aspirin for cosmetic purposes can weaken the function of the sebaceous glands;
  • Aspirin not only removes inflammatory areas, but also has drying properties . Therefore, it is better to use moisturizing and nourishing creams;
  • Take breaks between procedures with aspirin if they are carried out for a long time.

Aspirin masks with clay for the face: recipe

You can prepare a huge number of products with clay, and aspirin masks are no exception. Clay has a beneficial effect on the face, and therefore it is often added to masks. It happens that it is used in its pure form.

Glinyanaya 1

Glinyanaya 2

Glinyanaya 3

Rejuvenating black tea blend

This composition not only rejuvenates the epidermis, but also tones and cleanses the skin, has a tightening effect, and makes the complexion better. However, you should not use it more than once every 7 days. To prepare an acid mask you will need the following ingredients:

  • strong brew of black tea – 6 tsp;
  • acetylsalicylic acid – 1 tablet.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Grind the medicinal product.
  2. Dissolve in a small amount of tea leaves.
  3. Apply to face with light finger movements.
  4. Hold for 10 minutes.
  5. Rinse and wipe skin with lotion.

Aspirin foot masks: recipe

Foot mask
Aspirin face masks are very popular, but at the same time, there are also formulations for feet. Let's see what can be done.

Legs 1

Legs 2

Legs 3

Legs 4

Legs 5

Preparatory procedures

The preparatory stage is part of a successfully completed procedure:

  • Prepare a mask or scrub using acetylsalicylic acid.
  • Properly prepare your facial skin . Be sure to remove all makeup and cleanse the skin of any impurities using regular warm water. Wipe your face with toner;
  • Steam your facial skin over a steam bath , preferably using herbal infusions based on nettle, chamomile, calendula, sage or thyme. To prepare such a decoction, just take 3 tbsp for 2 glasses of water. l. different herbs. It would also be useful to visit a sauna or steam bath before such procedures. This will open the pores and help you achieve the desired result faster.

You should definitely follow safety rules when taking such baths - do not tilt your face below 25 cm above the steam and do not breathe in it for more than 15 minutes. This can make your skin very dry.

Aspirin masks with vodka for feet: recipe

There are also aspirin masks with vodka for feet. But we have chosen one, the most effective recipe, which is prepared in the form of a special bath. It shows excellent effectiveness and works best in getting rid of corns.

So, first, take a basin with four liters of water. We place half a blister of aspirin there, that is, five tablets, and then add 100 ml of vodka. The feet are placed in the solution for 25 minutes. During this time, the skin will become very soft and can be easily removed with a pumice stone. Additional care will be required after the procedure. This can be done with 4-5 drops of tea tree oil and a mixture of water. Spread the product on your feet.

Benefits and harms

A non-steroidal drug that relieves pain, normalizes body temperature and reduces inflammation is called aspirin. In addition, the medication also exhibits beneficial properties in solving cosmetic problems on the face. Aspirin dries out the skin and has a detrimental effect on pathogenic microorganisms. The components of acetylsalicylic acid have the ability to penetrate deeply into the skin and affect melanocytes - the cells responsible for the production of the melanin pigment, which gives the epidermis its color.

With an excessive concentration of melanin in the subcutaneous cells, the even tone of the epidermis is disrupted and darkened areas appear on it. Aspirin affects the dyes and makes them lighter, which eliminates age spots from the epidermis. Despite the high benefits of acetylsalicylic acid in cosmetology, it is worth considering that this substance can cause harm in the form of allergic reactions. To prevent their occurrence, it is recommended to test the product on a small area of ​​skin.

Aspirin masks with honey for the face: recipe

Aspirin masks with the addition of honey have a very positive effect on the skin. At the same time, there are a lot of funds. Let's look at a few popular recipes.

Honey 1 Honey 2

Honey 3

Honey 4

Honey 5

Interaction with other drugs

Using the acetylsalicylic component together with other drugs may affect the quality of treatment, even when used externally.

Pay attention to the interaction of acetylsalicylic substance with the following drugs:

  • Anticoagulants - there is a risk of bleeding;
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - increases the risk of side effects, enhances the hypoglycemic effect;
  • Glucocorticosteroids - increases the risk of gastropathy and bleeding in the stomach and intestines;
  • Acetylsalicylic drug reduces the effect of taking antihypertensive drugs, Furosemide, Spironolactone.

Aspirin masks - facial scrub: recipe

Scrub with aspirin
Aspirin masks can be an excellent scrubbing agent. The special composition performs its functions well. Just keep in mind that its effect on the skin is aggressive. So take into account the preparation features for different skin types. Moreover, the time according to the instructions must be strictly followed, otherwise there is a risk of damaging the skin.

Scrub with aspirin

The oil allows you to soften dry skin, and the composition is not so aggressive. This procedure is usually carried out in salons, but doing it at home is much cheaper. If redness appears after the procedure, treat it with a herbal decoction.

For dry and sensitive skin

Masks with acetylsalicylic acid are best suited for oily epidermis prone to inflammation and acne. However, in some cases, such mixtures can also be used for thin dermis prone to peeling and redness.

If you have a dry type of epidermis, masks with the drug should be used with great caution, since they have a drying effect, which can lead to dehydration of the skin. To avoid this side effect, you should add olive or flaxseed oil to your formulations, and also choose recipes based on full-fat sour cream or cream.

Mask and scrub based on oatmeal

This composition carefully removes impurities, nourishes the skin, makes it smooth and elastic, and eliminates irritation. To prepare, mix 1 tbsp. l. crushed oatmeal flakes with 4 crushed aspirin tablets and 2 tbsp. l. kefir Spread the composition over the skin and leave for a quarter of an hour. To rinse, prepare a soda solution (1 tablespoon of powder per liter of boiled water). Wipe your face with a cloth soaked in mineral water.

A scrub using oatmeal and orange peel gently removes dead cells, gently cleanses pores, and additionally nourishes and moisturizes the dermis. To prepare the citrus composition you will need the following components:

  • dried zest from half an orange;
  • lemon juice - 35 ml;
  • aspirin - 2 tablets.

All ingredients must be mixed thoroughly. Rub the composition into the skin with light movements, paying special attention to problem areas. After peeling, leave the composition on your face for another 20-25 minutes. Wipe with a damp cloth and use nourishing cream.

Scrub with bran and honey

For this softening scrub you will need:

  1. Mix 20 g of wheat or rye bran with 35 g of dark honey.
  2. Let the mixture sit for at least a quarter of an hour.
  3. Turn three aspirin tablets into powder.
  4. Bring it to a paste using a small amount of warm water (no more than 15 ml).
  5. Connect all components.
  6. Mix.

Apply the scrub to the skin of the neck and face and rub in for several minutes. Leave the composition on the skin for another 15 minutes, and then rinse with warm herbal decoction (a tablespoon of dried chamomile, nettle or calendula per 1.5 liters of hot water).

With parsley and cream

Dry skin needs cleansing just as much as oily skin. You can get rid of blackheads using a mask consisting of the following ingredients:

  • cream with a fat content of at least 33% - 40 ml;
  • juice from a bunch of parsley;
  • acetylsalicylic acid - 4 tablets;
  • butter - 1 tsp.


  1. Wash the parsley and dry it.
  2. Grind in a blender to a paste.
  3. Place on cheesecloth.
  4. Squeeze out the juice.
  5. Pour cream into it.
  6. Crush the aspirin and combine with melted butter.
  7. Mix all ingredients until smooth.

Apply the composition with massage movements onto the prepared dermis. Leave for half an hour and then remove with a paper napkin.

With whey and rice

To prepare this composition you need:

  1. Grind 25 g of polished rice in a coffee grinder.
  2. Add 50 ml of any whey (tan, kefir, liquid yogurt, ayran, etc.) to the rice flour.
  3. Grind 4 tablets of the antipyretic drug and mix the resulting powder with 20 ml of water.
  4. Connect all components.

Apply the mixture to a steamed face for a third of an hour. Rinse off with cool water. This mask effectively nourishes the skin, eliminates inflammation and flaking, moisturizes and nourishes the skin.

Aspirin face masks for acne: recipe

Aspirin with soda
Aspirin masks are a good way to get rid of acne. It not only removes them, but also prevents their re-formation. And pimples appear less often in new places. A mask with the addition of soda helps to cope with the problem very well. Just keep in mind that it can act somewhat aggressively, and therefore you shouldn’t do it often.

Aspirin and soda

Clearing blackheads

A few aspirin tablets combined with other ingredients give an amazing effect. Here are a few such combinations:

Face mask with gelatin and aspirin

Gelatin, combined with the wonderful cleansing properties of aspirin, allows you to completely get rid of blackheads. To make this mask, you need to pour half a teaspoon of gelatin with hot water until it swells. Then you will need to add a little thick honey and a crushed gelatin tablet to the gelatin.

The mixture must be stirred until smooth; if necessary, it can be reheated in a water bath to completely dissolve the gelatin. Before applying the mask, you need to wait for it to cool. Keep for no more than 15 minutes.

With activated carbon

Charcoal is an excellent pore cleanser, and when combined with aspirin it can have a stronger effect. To prepare the mask, you will first need to pour one teaspoon of gelatin with water and place in a water bath until it swells. One tablet of charcoal and one aspirin should be thoroughly crushed, and then mixed with the gelatin mixture.

It is recommended to apply the resulting composition using a special cosmetic brush. The mask must be removed after it has completely dried into a film.

With soda

A mask against blackheads with acetyl acid in combination with soda has an active cleansing property and also helps get rid of age spots and blackheads.

Cooking method:

  1. In a container you need to crush 5 aspirin tablets and mix them with one teaspoon of lemon juice;
  2. Then you will need to add a spoonful of honey to this container and mix thoroughly;
  3. The resulting mixture should be applied to the face for approximately 15 minutes, then rinsed off;
  4. Next, in a separate container, you need to mix the soda with a small amount of water until you get a paste;
  5. This paste should also be applied to the face and washed off after 15 minutes.

What can replace aspirin for a mask?

How to replace aspirin?
Aspirin masks are not always made from tablets. Experienced girls, who constantly create products from what is at hand, also take substitutes. Moreover, the pills may run out at an inconvenient moment. Then, perhaps, you will find something that contains salicylic acid. In particular, plants have it. So some are quite suitable for use instead of aspirin. So, instead of aspirin, poplar, aspen, calendula or willow are suitable.

Release form and composition

Acetylsalicylic acid is available in the form of tablets, 10 pcs. They have a white color, a characteristic odor and a round shape with a line for dividing the tablet on one side.


  • Active ingredient : acetylsalicylic acid 500 mg;
  • Auxiliary components: silicon dioxide;
  • stearic acid;
  • talc;
  • potato starch;
  • lemon acid.

Aspirin mask: reviews

Aspirin masks are highly effective, and this is confirmed by many girls who have already used them. Of course, it also happens that problems arise. Basically, they are not associated with any harm from the mask; rather, there is an individual intolerance here. Moreover, not everyone follows the recommendations. Of course, there will be no great harm to the skin, but redness or an allergic rash may occur. That is why it is recommended to carry out tests before use.

Facial peeling based on acetylsalicylic acid

Peels using aspirin are effective for rashes, pimples and acne. Acetylsalicylic acid, as the main component, removes dead skin cells, cleanses it of excess fat and dirt.

Aspirin peeling at home has other advantages:

  • Ease of procedure;
  • Availability of components;
  • Quick effect of the procedure.

To prepare the peeling scrub you will need:

  • 5 tablets of the product.
  • 1 tsp lemon juice.
  • 1 tsp soda solution.

Preparation of the product:

  • Mix the crushed tablets of the acetylsalicylic ingredient with lemon juice and soda solution;
  • You should get a homogeneous mass, to which you can add vitamins in ampoules (E or A), honey, white or blue clay to improve the effect.

Application rules:

  • Gently apply the prepared mixture onto your face with your fingertips;
  • Leave for 7 minutes;
  • After the time has expired, wash off the residue with warm water;
  • Apply nourishing cream.

You should not expect a stunning effect after the first acetylsalicylic procedure. There will definitely be a result, but for this you need to undergo at least 10 procedures no more than 3 times a week.

Thanks to peeling with acetylsalicylic substance in the composition, the skin is cleansed from acne and evens out its tone. In addition to removing dead cells, the issue of ingrown hairs is also resolved.

Timely hydration, nutrition and restoration of the skin occurs, and the functioning of the sweat glands is normalized. All this is thanks to a special thin invisible film that forms after applying the mask.

Can be used as a preventative against the first signs of skin aging.

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