Photos and reasons for the formation of a round spot on the skin with a red rim
Causes of formation Round spots with a rim on the skin may indicate the formation of: lichen, fungal
Wart on the skin
Consequences of the procedure for removing warts with liquid nitrogen
Causes of darkening As soon as the virus enters the human body, it settles there and does not
Tincture of bitter wormwood
The effectiveness of sulfur ointment for demodicosis, its composition, analogues, price, reviews from real people
Demodicosis is a disease caused by mites of the genus Demodex (Demodex), which can affect either the skin
Forecast and prevention of urticaria in children
Chronic recurrent urticaria: syndrome or disease?
Urticaria is a dermatitis that appears as itchy, swollen red spots on the skin. Common cause
Mole on the chin
Mole on the chin: magical meaning for men and women
Almost every person can have specific birthmarks on their body. Always to them
Chickenpox (varicella, chickenpox) in children and adults
Chickenpox (chickenpox) in children and adults: symptoms, complications, how not to get infected
2018-01-09 Source Manifestations Complications Vaccines Chicken pox (varicella, chickenpox) is acute and highly contagious
Male aesthetics: why go to a cosmetologist and what procedure to start skin care with
Self-care is an important part of the life of a modern man. Clean, smooth skin is essential
Modern methods of rehabilitation after septoplasty
Rhinoplasty is a complex operation, but it is very popular among patients.
Getting rid of acne with... laundry soap
The associations that arise in most cases when people talk about the benefits of laundry soap are:
Papules and pustules
Chronic eczema and its differences from acute. Is it possible to achieve remission?
Dermatovenereologist Alina Rashidovna Khasanova Experience 9 years Make an appointment Eczema is a chronic pathology
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