Laser treatment for acne: indications, contraindications, reviews, before and after photos

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The appearance of acne and age spots is a fairly common problem today. They can occur in both young girls and women. Acne (blackheads, pimples) is a skin disease characterized by inflammation and disruption of the sebaceous glands.

Acne scars, skin inflammation, exposure to ultraviolet light, and hormonal changes can cause skin pigmentation. Such formations spoil the appearance and are a signal that something in the body is not working correctly and you should definitely consult a doctor.

Acne - before the procedure:

Acne removal

and laser pigmentation today is a simple, effective and painless method of getting rid of aesthetic problems. Dr. Novikov’s clinic has been successfully providing comprehensive treatment for pigmentation and acne for a long time.

Advantages of laser acne treatment at the Novikov Clinic

  • Safety.
    During the procedure, the laser acts precisely and only on the problem area. This effect does not damage the integrity of the skin.
  • Low level of marks after the procedure.
    When removed, tissue deformation does not occur; a crust forms in place, under which healthy skin subsequently forms, no different in appearance from other areas.
  • High efficiency.
    It is 100% removed in a few sessions without reappearing.
  • Sterility.
    The laser beam has a bactericidal effect.

When treating acne, the laser precisely affects inflammatory foci and kills bacteria, this allows you to quickly localize the inflammatory process and stop the further development of the disease and normalize the skin, without the formation of scars and post-acne. This treatment quickly and painlessly allows you to get rid of the defect in just a few procedures.

Laser cleansing of comedones: how it is carried out and what are the results

To remove comedones (open or closed), a neodymium laser equipped with an aluminum garnet crystal is usually used. According to reviews, laser facial cleansing for acne and comedones allows you to deeply cleanse pores, exfoliate the stratum corneum of the skin, eliminate oily shine, remove black and whiteheads, eliminate and prevent the appearance of rashes.

The procedure for removing blackheads using a laser can be used starting from the age of 18. Before therapy, it is very important to consult a doctor, and sometimes undergo an examination to exclude contraindications:

  • mental disorders;
  • the presence of colloidal scars;
  • diabetes;
  • oncology;
  • HIV;
  • skin cancer;
  • dermatitis;
  • presence of a pacemaker.

Effect of the procedure:

An important distinguishing feature of the method is its high accuracy and bactericidal effect. The beam affects the cause of the disease - bacteria. The laser treats areas of inflammation and sterilizes inflamed tissue. The procedure has a cumulative effect. The condition of the skin will improve significantly after the first session, and after the course it will remain for a long time.

When treating pigmentation, the doctor examines pigment spots, selects the depth of exposure and intensity of laser radiation. During treatment, the laser beam penetrates only the area requiring correction without affecting healthy skin. Under the influence of the laser, the outer layer of the skin is renewed, cell restoration is enhanced and blood circulation improves.

Laser techniques are considered effective in cosmetology. Under the influence of the laser, the epidermis is renewed, cell regeneration is enhanced, and blood microcirculation is improved.

What results should you expect after laser facial resurfacing for post-acne?

As noted by clinics that perform laser resurfacing of the face for post-acne, the result of the procedure is noticeable almost immediately, such cleaning is safe, and the skin is restored within 3-5 days after the session. The procedure has some disadvantages such as swelling for two or three days, a burning sensation (like during a sunburn) in the first few hours.

The procedure is usually performed on the face - on the skin around the eyes, on the nose, forehead, eyelids, cheeks and lips. The laser beam works well on different types of scars, even those located on the delicate skin of the eyelids.

Laser therapy is used not only to combat post-acne, but also wrinkles, pigmentation, and spider veins. In reviews of laser resurfacing of the post-acne face, patients share that after the first session, the skin noticeably becomes better: it becomes more elastic, wrinkles, acne scars, and pigmentation go away.

After therapy, the human body intensively produces its own collagen, due to which the face takes on a fresh and renewed appearance. To correct post-acne, one procedure is usually enough (it lasts about 20-60 minutes).

However, sometimes, in order to achieve the desired result, you need to complete a whole course, consisting of 3 to 7 sessions (depending on the level of the problem, neglect and type of laser used).

Results BEFORE and AFTER treatment:

Prices for removing blackheads on the face at Dasklinik:

Application areaCost of the procedure, rub
combined cleaning, incl. mask (Christina, Israel) 3 800
ultrasonic facial cleansing2 600
removal of blackheads on cheekscheck with the administrator
removal of blackheads on eyelidscheck with the administrator
removal of blackheads on foreheadcheck with the administrator
removal of blackheads on nosecheck with the administrator
mask (after care)500
facial treatment (Christina, Israel)1 600

You can get more detailed information about the cost of the service from the administrator of the Perovskaya cosmetology clinic DasKlinik by phone.

Individual consultation

The cost of laser acne treatment services in Moscow at the center of Dr. Novikov

The initial consultation is free. The table shows the list of services provided and their prices. Depending on the specific case, size and location of the inflammatory process, the price may vary. You can check the full cost at your initial appointment with a dermatologist.

Initial consultation0 rubles
Facial cryomassageFrom 1,000 rubles
Back cryomassageFrom 1,500 rubles
Comprehensive medical facial cleansingFrom 3,500 rubles
Comprehensive medical back skin cleansingFrom 4,000 rubles
Eel coagulationFrom 500 rubles
Chemical peelingFrom 3,500 rubles
Microneedle therapy for facial skin MTSFrom 4,500 rubles
Microneedle therapy for the face, neck and décolletéFrom 6,500 rubles

Our medical center is a leading institution in Moscow providing treatment services for acne and other aesthetic problems. The laser method allows you to eliminate defects on the face, back and other places, even in severe forms. In treatment, we use a comprehensive approach that allows us to eliminate the root causes of skin problems.

If you are planning to undergo laser treatment for acne and pigmentation and still have questions about the procedure, call tel. our manager will answer all questions and schedule you for a consultation with a dermatologist at any time convenient for you.

Types and symptoms of acne

Open and closed comedones in the form of so-called. “black dots” and “gray marks” indicate blockage of hair follicles and are harbingers of acne. They cannot be squeezed out at home! It is necessary to seek help from a doctor who will prescribe an adequate procedure - mechanical or chemical peeling for anti-acne.

Untimely or incorrectly removed comedones can become inflamed, which leads to the formation of acne in the form of papules and pustules.

  • Papules are small rashes in the form of nodules, prone to inflammation and suppuration.
  • Pustules are superficial and (or) subcutaneous inflammatory elements formed as a result of suppuration of papules.

Papules and superficial pustules, as a rule, self-destruct and leave no traces behind. While subcutaneous pustules involve the entire hair follicle and adjacent skin in the process of inflammation. They are painful, self-empty with purulent contents and are prone to scarring.

Without timely treatment of acne, deep inflammation of the skin develops, which leads to severe forms of acne. Indurative and conglobate acne forms in the form of large, painful elements of a purple color. Further progression of the disease is characterized by the formation of cystic cavities filled with pus, which penetrate into the subcutaneous fatty tissue - the so-called. phlegmonous acne. With weakened immunity in adolescent patients, necrotic acne may develop, causing necrosis of surrounding tissues.

It is important to understand that open comedones on the face, neck, chest, back and other parts of the body are not harmless “black dots” that can simply be squeezed out, but a symptom of the onset of a disease that requires qualified treatment and professional care.

Why does acne need to be treated?

The lack of timely and correct treatment of acne leads to the disease progressing, leaving behind adverse complications. Among them:

  • enlarged pores;
  • pigmentation on the skin, the appearance of blue-red spots;
  • swelling;
  • the formation of scars that are almost impossible to remove without leaving a trace;
  • the appearance of spider veins;
  • vasodilation.

To avoid possible complications, if inflammatory rashes and “black spots” appear, you should consult a doctor and undergo a laser treatment procedure.

Signs of acne disease:

  • active production of sebum;
  • seborrhea (change in the functioning of the sebaceous glands);
  • comedones (sebaceous plugs that clog pores on the skin);
  • hyperkeratosis (thickening of the top layer of skin);
  • hyperkeratinization (clogging of the hair follicle with excess skin cells).

In appearance, acne is red pimples with an inflamed nodule in the center. Such inflammations cause discomfort and unpleasant painful sensations. Typically, this skin disease accompanies puberty and often goes away on its own by the age of 24-28 years. But it also happens that people suffer from acne even after 28 years. Acne disease can be chronic, with periods of exacerbations and remissions inherent in this type of disease. The unexpected occurrence of inflamed rashes can be influenced by factors such as:

  • stress;
  • sudden climate change;
  • high humidity;
  • menstruation;
  • cosmetical tools.

Types of laser peeling

Lasers used for skin regeneration have a thermal effect on it, however, among the methods offered by aesthetic medicine clinics you can find peeling with hot and cold lasers. The latter actually exist. They are used, for example, for non-injection mesotherapy.

Let's look at the types of lasers that are used for peeling253:

  • Cold. This is the name of superficial exfoliation, in which the deeper layers of the skin are not heated. It does not affect the dermis. The session is carried out with the aim of evening out the relief, complexion, giving it radiance and smoothness.
  • Hot. Due to the effect on deeper tissues, the effect of the procedure is more pronounced. It can be compared to the effect of a medium peel.
  • Fractional. During the session, controlled damage occurs not to the entire surface of the skin, but to certain intervals of it. This makes the procedure more gentle and rehabilitation relatively easier. Both hot and cold peeling are carried out using the fractional method.
  • Carbon. One of the youngest techniques. A mask is applied to the face, the components of which react to radiation, which causes their activation. During the session, deep cleansing of the skin and superficial exfoliation occur.

So, laser resurfacing does not solve the acne problem. But exposure to diode, neodymium, potassium titanium phosphate, erbium, and other lasers helps to achieve a therapeutic effect.

Clindovit® gel is a topical antibiotic that exhibits antimicrobial activity against propionibacteria. It should be used 2-3 times a day. The drug is applied to previously cleansed skin.6

A combination of laser therapy and drug treatment may be more effective than monotherapy.


The patient is recommended to reduce the consumption of foods containing allergens 2-3 days before the session. These include:

  • fish;
  • dairy and fermented milk products;
  • citrus.

You should also exclude alcoholic drinks, strong tea and coffee. Give preference to herbal teas made from chamomile, mint, and thyme.

10 days before the procedure you should avoid visiting the sauna and solarium. No decorative cosmetics are applied on the day of the session.

Indications for laser use

Conducting laser therapy

Acne is caused by increased secretion of the sebaceous glands. As fatty secretions accumulate, separate foci of infection arise; the ducts in the glands become closed, which ultimately leads to the appearance of pustules - pustules, as well as comedonal plugs (or, more simply, blackheads).

These external manifestations of acne are by no means just a beauty problem. Areas of inflammation are often quite painful, and after incorrect removal of the lesions, scars may remain.

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