11 homemade cocoa powder face masks with butter and coffee
05/01/2014 / Face masks at home Cocoa is a wonderful and noble product,
Peeling roll Shiseido Green Tea - number one for care
The condition of the skin is influenced by many factors: environment, immunity, hormones, nutrition. With age, the process of natural
How to distinguish a plantar wart from a callus?
Causes of warts on the feet Plantar warts grow due to the human papillomavirus or HPV.
Stretch marks on the chest: causes and treatment of stretch marks on the chest
What are stretch marks? Stretch marks on the body are changes in the structure of the skin. They got theirs
How to treat fungus on the scrotum
Red spots on the head of the penis: causes, treatment
The penis is the male external genital organ, consisting of a head, a body and a root. If
Removing warts with a laser: technology, consequences, recommendations
From this article you will learn: How warts are removed with a laser What are the advantages of removal
decreased immunity in acute respiratory infections
Common scalp diseases: dermatological, fungal, pustular, infectious
What is seborrhea? Seborrheic dermatitis, or seborrhea, is a chronic disorder of the skin epithelium
Features of the use of Trichopolum for demodicosis: composition, analogues, prices and reviews
Skin diseases are accompanied not only by pain and severe discomfort, but also by the risk of developing
Losterine analogues are cheaper
Incorrect treatment of atopic dermatitis. 5 main mistakes
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Treatment of psoriasis with hydrogen peroxide: recipe, reviews
Treatment of psoriasis with hydrogen peroxide is a method of alternative medicine. Some patients note its effectiveness. Despite
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