Boric ointment
Eczema: a differentiated approach to the choice of external therapy
Eczema belongs to a group of skin diseases. It manifests itself in the form of skin rashes that
Celandine for warts: forms and application features
Contents Where do they come from: warts, papillomas, condylomas? What is celandine as a plant? Chemical
At an appointment with a cosmetologist
All about chemical peels: what they are and what effect they have
Peeling stimulates the renewal of the epidermis, eliminates minor surface defects, gives the face radiance and makes it noticeable.
Genital warts of the penis: how serious is it?
Almost everyone knows what papilloma is. They can be found on the skin of the neck, axillary area
How to get rid of acne on the butt quickly, in 1 day. Causes and treatment
How to get rid of acne on the butt quickly, in 1 day. Causes and treatment
Pimples on the butt: reasons for their appearance Causes of pimples on the thighs Hormone imbalance Usually
How to steam your face from acne and blackheads: before a scrub, to cleanse pores, rejuvenate
How to steam your face from acne and blackheads: before a scrub, to cleanse pores, rejuvenate
Perhaps every girl dreams of perfect facial skin. Clean, smooth, radiant with health. And often
18 signs of different forms of ringworm in children and effective methods to combat them
Ringworm in children: features of the disease Ringworm occurs in almost 90% of children, affecting the skin as
Trophic venous eczema
Trophic venous eczema of the lower extremities - symptoms, diagnosis and treatment
The article was prepared by a specialist for informational purposes only. We urge you not to self-medicate.
treatment of atopic dermatitis in an infant
Problems in the treatment of atopic dermatitis in infants
Atopic dermatitis in newborns (atopic eczema, diathesis) is a skin disease of allergic origin.
Retinol peeling Arcadia: who is this procedure suitable for?
Deep cleansing of the skin using retinol (retinoic) or yellow peeling is a popular procedure.
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