Retinoic peeling Сimel: why cosmetologists love it so much

Yellow peeling is a favorite procedure for those who are passionate about maintaining clean and youthful skin. The procedure allows you to effectively cleanse the skin and achieve a healing, rejuvenating effect. The intervention is not complicated, but takes from 2 to 12 hours. A special mixture with retinol or its derivatives is applied to the skin, which will have a long-term effect on the tissue, starting the processes of peeling and renewal. Different compositions are used to carry out the procedure. One of the popular options among cosmetologists is Cimel retinoic peeling. The exfoliant has good effectiveness and a mild effect.

Description of peeling

Retinoic peeling from the Spanish brand Cimel is represented in Russia by the Martinex group, which has its own line of professional cosmetics. The procedure protocol includes the use of Cimel preparations during intensive exposure, consolidation of the result, Martinex for preparation, and early post-peeling care.

The Cimel brand offers 2 products for retinoic peeling:

  1. Activador. The composition of the Spanish product contains retinol, emblica extract, kojic acid, salicylic acid, and phytonadione. The substance is intended for the active phase of the procedure. The product is sold in classic 7 g jars. A package containing 2 units of the product is sold for 12–14 thousand rubles. The substance from 1 jar is enough for 1–2 standard sessions.
  2. Mantenimiento. Firming cream used in the late recovery period. The product contains: retinol, kojic acid, emblica and tropical fruit extract, phytonadione. The substance is sold in 30 ml bottles equipped with a dispenser. The cream is sold for 12–14 thousand rubles.

Simel is considered a physiological, convenient, safe option for yellow peeling.

Attention The procedure with the drug is comfortable, suitable for those with sensitive skin and a low pain threshold. Cosmetologists recommend this option for those with mature skin (over 35 years old).

Depigmenting peeling Cimel (Spain)

The main active component of CIMEL peeling is retinol. Retinol, without damaging the skin, normalizes keratinization processes, restores the extracellular structures of the dermis, and has a pronounced whitening effect. Histological studies have shown that the stimulating effect of retinol and its derivatives on the cellular structures of the skin persists for another 4 months after the last application of retinoids. Since the active component of the peel is retinol rather than retinoic acid, the drug is preferable for patients with sensitive skin. It should also be noted that the peeling contains kojic acid, which helps whiten the skin.

Indications for use

Cimel retinoic peeling is a universal product. The substance is used for any patient skin type. Recommended age category: 35+. Indications for the procedure are:

  • signs of active aging processes (sagging skin, the appearance of wrinkles, loosening, drooping tissue);
  • spread of hyperpigmentation;
  • hyperkeratosis, seborrhea, simple acne;
  • small scars, post-acne.

A cosmetologist is able to best carry out the prescription of the drug, the variant of procedures, and determine the details of the course. It is not recommended to try to solve problems related to health and appearance on your own.

Practical advice

  • Pre-peel preparation is mandatory, since otherwise hyperkeratosis will interfere with the penetration of retinol and significantly reduce the effectiveness of chemical peeling.
  • You should work with gloves, as skin reactions may occur upon contact with the drug.
  • If there is a need for peeling of a large area, it is recommended to peel in areas not exceeding 10% of the total surface area of ​​the human body skin, with an interval of 2 weeks.
  • For patients with skin types IV and V according to Fitzpatrick, when treating hyperpigmentation, peeling is carried out strictly in the autumn-winter period.
  • To speed up the desquamation process, while washing the skin, you can roll it with light finger movements. Abrasives (scrubs, brushes, etc.) should not be used, and the patient must be informed about this. Apply Vegelip or Vegefarma restorative cream for the first 10-20 days as discomfort appears. To optimize the peeling result from the 30th day until the next procedure, it is necessary to use Cimel Mantenimento post-peeling cream. Depigmenting peeling Cimel.

Impact effectiveness

The operating principle of retinoic exfoliation Simel allows not only to qualitatively cleanse the skin of dead cells, renew the surface, and minimize scars and wrinkles. The drug has a positive effect on the internal functioning of the system.

The main thing is that the production of melanin and the production of atypical cells decreases. The components provoke hyperpigmentation, aggravate photoaging, and lead to various diseases. The synthesis of collagen and epidermal lipids, components of the intercellular matrix of the dermis, is activated, which leads to compaction, strengthening, and rejuvenation of tissues.

As a result of Cimel retinoic peeling, the process of development of age-related changes in skin structures is inhibited. The texture and relief of tissues improves, and regular skin care is simplified (useful components penetrate deeper and are better absorbed).

Simel is considered one of the chemical options for surface exfoliation. The product does not cause harm and entails a short recovery period. This does not mean that the results are weak. The effect, despite the softness of the work, is equated to procedures with median penetration.

Cimel retinoic peeling is carried out in courses. This allows you to get maximum results from the impact. The basic course consists of 3-4 consecutive sessions. Each intervention is performed once every 1–2 months. Frequency of repetition of intensive programs: no more than 2 times per year. The optimal option for conducting the course: once a year, distributing sessions from October to March.

Operating principle and effectiveness of Simel peeling

The main difference between the exfoliation mechanism of cimel retinoic peeling is the use of retinol, and not the acid of the same name. It interacts well with fat cells, penetrates deeply into the dermis, but does not cause burns. The substance does not damage the skin and provides a visible effect.

  • Leveling the skin texture.
  • Deep cleaning.
  • Removing blackheads.
  • Narrowing of pores.
  • Lightening pigment spots.
  • Smoothing out small wrinkles.
  • Return of a healthy complexion.

The achieved result lasts up to 4 months, thanks to the stimulating effect of the drug. This is confirmed by histological studies.

The advantages of peeling with retinol include:

  • low level of trauma;
  • no pain during the procedure;
  • short rehabilitation periods;
  • the ability to continue your normal lifestyle;
  • minimal risk of complications.

The drug also contains other useful components.

  1. Emblica extract has an anti-inflammatory, anti-aging effect, fights excess fat and cleanses pores. Its molecules neutralize free radicals that suppress collagen synthesis.
  2. Salicylic acid normalizes the formation of sebum, dissolves black plugs, and dries out inflammation. It penetrates well into the skin and destroys bacteria.
  3. Phytonadione is part of the group of vitamins K. Its effect concerns blood vessels and capillaries. The substance has a strengthening effect, which helps treat rosacea and rosacea. Phytonadione successfully fights dark circles around the eyes and reduces the duration of erythema after chemical peeling.

Professional or DIY - which is better?

You can buy Cimel retinoic peeling and do it yourself. You just need to carefully study the procedure protocol and strictly follow the rules for working with the substance. The drug is presented in a convenient format that does not create difficulties when using the product. This does not mean that doing it yourself is a good solution. Retinoic peeling requires taking into account many nuances that are important to obtain an effective result without complications. Only a professional cosmetologist can easily cope with the task.

Benefits of retinoic peeling at the Doctor Nearby clinic

Our clinic has been providing cosmetology services for several years now and enjoys a good reputation. Our cosmetologists have many years of experience in performing yellow peeling and are well acquainted with all the features of this procedure. They have at their disposal drugs whose effectiveness and quality have been tested through repeated use in practice.

We eliminate the risk of developing allergic reactions by conducting testing, as well as taking a medical history to find out what medications the patient is taking and whether they will “conflict” with retinoic acid.

You can find out the cost of the procedure in our clinic by reading the price list presented in this section of our website.

Preparatory stage

You should begin preparing for the procedure with a consultation with a cosmetologist. The doctor will examine the skin, talk, and prescribe the necessary tests. If the decision is positive about the possibility of performing Cimel retinoic peeling, the cosmetologist will discuss the rules for preparing for the intervention.

An important point will be the mandatory refusal to tan. Avoid exposure to the sun, visiting a solarium, and use sunscreen when going outside. The duration of the insolation restriction depends on the condition of the skin: for weakly pigmented tissues, 2 weeks of preparation is enough, for those with a dark tone - at least a month.

2-4 weeks before the procedure, it is important to avoid the use of vitamin A, medications, cosmetics with a high percentage of retinol, and its derivatives. At the same time, they carefully monitor the health and condition of the integument. Various injuries and tissue microtraumas are excluded.

Important! The intervention is not carried out during the period of preparation for conception. This is important for the patient to remember. Failure to comply with this requirement can cause various problems during pregnancy.

The cosmetologist will indicate the need for additional preparation of the skin for the intervention. 2-3 weeks before the session, it is advisable to switch to the use of Martinex skincare cosmetics (products from the MedicControlPeel line). Cleanser Mousse foam is used to cleanse the skin. Prepeel Medium is used as a night cream (prepeel Light can be lighter). When going outside, it is recommended to use Mediscreen with a high protection factor.

Proper preparation will increase the effectiveness of the results. There is no need to ignore the recommendations of a cosmetologist. If the quality of the tissue is insufficient, the doctor may refuse to perform the procedure. Intervention is possible both in winter and summer, but during periods of increased solar activity it is more difficult for the patient to fulfill important requirements, the violation of which can lead to complications.

Stage I. Pre-peeling preparation

Important! Pre-peel preparation is mandatory, since otherwise hyperkeratosis will interfere with the penetration of retinoic acid and significantly reduce the effectiveness of chemical peeling. For 14–21 days before peeling, the patient should apply Prepeel Active Cream to skin cleansed with Cleanser Mousse at night. In the morning you must use MediScreen sunscreen.

Rules for the procedure

The full cycle of Cimel retinoic peel lasts up to 16 hours. The following steps are carried out step by step:

  1. Preparation. Perform superficial skin cleansing. The procedure protocol includes the use of Cleanser Mousse foam. The substance is dosed into the palm, foamed, distributed over the surface, performing light massage movements with the fingers. After 1–2 minutes of active exposure, the substance is left for 30–60 seconds and washed off with water. Excess moisture is removed from the skin using a napkin. The skin is degreased using Prepeel Lotion.
  2. Chemical peeling. Cimel Activador in a small jar is a completely ready-to-use substance. Apply the product to dry, pre-prepared skin of the face, neck, and décolleté using a special cosmetic brush. You can work with gloved fingers. The creamy consistency of the product is easy to use. The eyelids are also involved in processing. The exposure time of the composition is determined individually: 1–10 hours on the face, up to 16 hours on parts of the body. During the exposure period, feelings of mild discomfort may be observed: tingling, tingling. The development of erythema and swelling is considered normal.
  3. Cleansing, care. The remaining product must be removed with water. The covers are rinsed generously with liquid. When performing peeling from a cosmetologist, the patient will have to perform the cleansing stage independently. Dry clean skin with a towel and apply Vegefarma cream.

The professional procedure ends with an explanation of the nuances of behavior during the recovery period. The cosmetologist indicates a list of restrictions and talks about the rules of skin care.

Photos before and after procedures

You can notice the effect of the cimel activador yellow peeling after the first session. But the full result comes after 3 procedures.

The difference is clearly visible in the photos taken before and after exfoliation with retinol.

Rehabilitation period

The active rehabilitation period lasts 5–7 days. At this time the following is excluded:

  • use of care products containing alcohol, fruit acids, scrubbing particles;
  • carrying out interventions involving aggressive chemicals (dying hair, eyebrows, eyelashes);
  • performing procedures with intense effects on tissue (massage, hardware, injections).

The main limitation is avoiding tanning. Insolation is excluded for a month. It is also recommended to avoid steaming, playing sports, drinking alcohol, and wearing complex makeup.

After cleansing the skin of the working composition, the appearance is similar to that characteristic of the face after a long stay in the sun: erythema, edema, slight swelling, tingling sensations, and tissue tightness appear. The skin gradually acquires a bright tan color.

On days 2–3, itching appears and the skin begins to peel. The surface tissues are peeled off in small pieces or removed in large layers. You cannot help the process: scratch, tear off pieces. Peeling of the integument can occur on any part of the body, regardless of the location of the active effect. This is considered normal and should not be alarming.

Attention! For skin care, it is recommended to use Martinex cosmetics: Cleanser Mousse foam, Vegefarma cream, Mediscreen sunscreen. In the late recovery period (after 30 days), the use of the drug Cimel Mantenimento is started.

Useful tips

  1. Yellow peeling must be carried out with gloves, observing maximum sterility; a quick reaction from the skin is possible at the moment of contact with the drug;

  2. Mandatory pre-peeling preparation, even when the patient does not see much use in it, it is necessary to explain, clarify the time and duration, and the sequence of actions;
  3. If large-scale peeling is planned, it is better to do it gradually so that one session does not cover more than 10% of a person’s entire skin;
  4. Immediately determine your skin type at the time of consultation, because people with types 4 or 5 (Fitzpatrick method) can seek safe peeling strictly in the fall and winter during treatment for hyperpigmentation.

When washing off the peeling, it is better to use only your fingers; you cannot help with scrubs, brushes, etc., the skin has already received a strong impact, there is no need to injure it further. Discomfort is properly relieved with restorative creams.

Precautionary measures

It is better to avoid Cimel retinoic peeling if contraindications appear:

  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the active composition;
  • problems in the field of dermatology (eczema, psoriasis, fungus);
  • activation of the herpes virus;
  • open wound surfaces in areas of upcoming treatment;
  • liver diseases;
  • taking vitamin A, retinoids.

Cimel yellow peeling should not be used on skin with a fresh tan, during the period of preparation for conception, or during the active stage of any disease. It is recommended to avoid performing “summer” procedures.

No significant complications were observed after performing Cimel retinoic peeling. If the exposure conditions are violated, burns are possible, as with insolation. Those who are susceptible to exacerbation of herpes may develop rashes. Careless handling of the skin during rehabilitation can result in tissue injury. Failure to use sun protection can lead to hyperpigmentation of the skin.

Are there any contraindications and side effects?

Chemical exfoliation, even the most gentle one, requires a preliminary assessment of the skin condition. Although the effect of retinoic peels is fundamentally different from other cleaning methods, they are prescribed by a cosmetologist in that they do not injure the skin. He will also familiarize the client with the list of contraindications. These include:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • individual intolerance;
  • violation of skin integrity;
  • inflammatory and infectious diseases;
  • acute stage of herpes;
  • taking antibiotics or drugs containing retinol derivatives;
  • problems related to the liver.

Peeling with retinol is usually not accompanied by side effects and can be used throughout the year.

However, one should take into account the possibility of a natural reaction of the facial skin to the drug.

  • Bright erythema covers the entire area that has been exfoliated. The phenomenon persists for 2-4 days, gradually reducing the color intensity.
  • Mild swelling occurs in people who have a tendency to edema.
  • The active phase of peeling begins after 12-48 hours, depending on the initial state of the dermis.
  • Clients with allergies are more likely to experience itching.

Compliance with the rules of post-peeling care reduces the consequences of the procedure and promotes a speedy recovery.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of Cimel retinoic peeling is the increased comfort of the procedure and the low likelihood of complications. Cosmetologists trust the brand and expect only positive results.

The disadvantage of Cimel retinoic peeling is the high cost of the products and the need to purchase a large set of products for additional care. Cosmetologists note that more effective results can be achieved with the help of other means that are no less comfortable to use.

The recovery period, when the first results are noticeable?

24 hours after the procedure, the patient feels tightness of the skin, and after three days, as a rule, peeling begins. It takes at least seven days for the skin to recover and renew itself. The effect increases within 30 days and lasts up to six months. The skin becomes elastic, smooth, and wrinkle-free.

In the periods between sessions, cosmetologists will recommend using creams with a moisturizing effect and enzyme masks. If procedures are carried out in spring and summer, it is necessary to protect the skin from UV rays in order to prevent its pigmentation.

After yellow peeling, the skin of the treated area will be very flaky and slightly itchy. Its shade will be different in areas where the old skin has already come off and in areas where it has not yet come off. It is not recommended to speed up the process, but the use of products recommended by a cosmetologist is mandatory.

Young skin cells that appear after the exfoliation process need protection from the negative effects of UV rays. This is why it is recommended to use sunscreen during this recovery period.

Immediately after completion of the course, it is prohibited to use cosmetic procedures aimed at abrasive treatment of the skin. Washing should be carried out exclusively with the use of special products for sensitive skin.

Opinion of cosmetologists

Doctors like Cimel products. The drug is easy to use, the product does not cause discomfort or unexpected reactions. The main disappointment is the high price of the Spanish product.

The cosmetologist likes Cimel.

I like Cimel, but I'm not happy with the high price.

The cosmetologist compares similar products Martinex and Simel, choosing the Spanish version.

Who shouldn't

  1. If individual intolerance is detected;

  2. Pregnant and lactating women (exposure to chemicals);
  3. Who has violations of the integrity of the skin (open wounds, unhealed scars);
  4. Inflammatory process (when it is in active form);
  5. Herpes (active);
  6. There is liver failure or other somatic diseases of a severe nature;
  7. The person is already taking retinoids in another formulation;
  8. Long-term treatment with various antibiotics (after consultation and permission from a doctor to avoid);
  9. Allergy sufferers be careful.

Patient reviews

For patients, choosing the yellow exfoliation option is a difficult decision. The anticipation of discomfort and a difficult recovery period prevents many from making a positive decision. Cimel is considered a comfortable option, but patients are often deterred by the high cost of the procedure.

The patient liked the results of the retinoic peel, but complications arose.

Prices for services

Name of servicePrice
Primary appointment (examination, consultation) with a dermatovenerologist1800 rub.
Repeated appointment (examination, consultation) with a leading specialist dermatovenerologist2000 rub.
Primary appointment (examination, consultation) with a leading specialist dermatovenerologist2300 rub.
Dermatological retinoic peeling5200 rub.
( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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