Red bloody pimple on the face and skin photo, on the back

  • Bloody pimple on the skin of the face and body: causes
  • Other causes of bloody pimples
  • Home Remedies to Treat Blood Pimples
  • How to get rid of a bloody pimple on the face or back

A blood-filled pimple is usually caused by trauma to the skin, such as squeezing or pinching the pimple. Certain injuries, according to Lymphedema People, rupture the underlying blood vessels, causing the pimple to drain into blood and lymph fluid. Blood-filled pimples should never be squeezed or popped and should be treated naturally. Opening A pimple before it heals can spread bacteria to other areas of the skin, which can cause an infection.

Bloody pimple on the skin of the face and body: causes

Low platelet

Platelets are essential components in your body as they stimulate blood clotting to stop excessive bleeding whenever you get injured. So if you have a low platelet count, blood will likely leak into your mucous membranes even if you get injured. minor injury This excess blood underneath your mucous membranes can show up on the skin of your face or body as a blood pimple.

The areas that are usually affected by blisters due to platelet deficiency lie deep in the channels of the skin. Usually, blood blisters formed due to inadequate platelets are painless and hence can be painful when touched.


Canker sores are a special form of ulcer They usually appear as large sores The pain can be filled with blood, which forms blood blisters Medications: side effects of some medications can lead to the formation of blood blisters Often these prescriptions cause allergies, which manifest as blood blisters forming in the mouth Specific areas The areas that may be affected by medication side effects include the inner lips, inner cheeks, roof of the mouth, gums, and tongue.

Smoking tobacco and drinking alcohol

Excessive use of such bad habits can also increase your chances of developing blood pimples and the severity of the disease.


Your body may be allergic to certain substances. Certain foods and drinks can cause allergic reactions and in severe allergic stages, in addition to a rash or itching, you may even experience bloody pimples on your face or body. Allergic reactions may include the spontaneous formation of several blisters of blood because the sudden The appearance of blood blisters is often associated with symptoms of allergic reactions. Some people get blistering blisters after eating certain foods, such as sweets or chocolate, or, more often, from highly spicy foods.

Hormonal changes

Hormonal changes in your body can cause blood blisters to form on your face and other areas of the skin. Typically, hormonal changes lead to hormonal stress and other changes in your body. Your body's response to particularly drastic hormonal changes may result in the formation of bloody pimples. Such cases are common among pregnant women, or women experiencing menopause and menopause.

Poor nutrition

Blood blisters can also be caused by poor diet or a lack of certain vitamins in your body. If you don't have enough vitamins in your diet, you may get blood blisters on unpredictably anywhere on your face or body. Vitamin C and B12 deficiency in particular are common causes of blood blisters in the mouth , especially if they keep coming back. According to the Mayo Clinic, "Vitamin C deficiency can lead to scurvy. Signs and symptoms of this rare disease include bleeding under the skin and around the gums."

Oral herpes

A herpes simplex infection can cause blood blisters to appear on your face, along your lip line. In fact, the formation of blood blisters in your mouth is often seen as a symptom of a herpes simplex infection. Usually, when small or tiny blood blisters form periodically, there is a chance that you have contracted herpes simplex infection.


Formation of blood blisters may be a sign of your weak immune system. Of course, one of the main causes of weak immunity is HIV and AIDS. So, the formation of regular and repeated blood pimples in your mouth may indicate that you have contracted HIV/AIDS. However, there are other reasons as well weak immunity, including poor nutrition.


Typically, diabetes can affect many parts of your body. Likewise, there are many signs and symptoms of diabetes, which include the formation of blood pimples in different areas of the face and body.

Celiac Disease

This is a condition that makes your body intolerant to gluten. Gluten is the umbrella name for plant proteins. When you have this condition, your body becomes very sensitive to gluten. If you eat gluten, blood blisters may form as a reaction to it. Often people experience blood pimples on face, as well as in the mouth, especially on the inner cheek or on the upper wall of the mouth after eating. Such people are likely to suffer from celiac disease, which can also cause a sudden blister of blood to appear in the mouth.


The following types of acne can form on human skin:

  1. Comedones. Most often they look like small black dots on the skin. However, there are also white comedones, which look like small bumps. Such formations are absolutely painless. When pressed, a yellowish “rod” emerges from them, consisting of subcutaneous fat.
  2. Blackheads (acne). These are inflamed bumps on the skin filled with pus. As acne matures, a white head appears on its surface. Often comedones turn into acne. This usually occurs when an infection enters the wound during squeezing.
  3. Deep subcutaneous acne. They are difficult to detect on the skin. These formations are located in the deep layers of the epidermis. Subcutaneous pimples often develop into boils - large, painful ulcers.

A blood pimple is one of the types of acne. Such formations on the skin have the following features:

  1. Blackheads can be bright red or purple in color. Less common are bluish and black pimples.
  2. It seems to a person that the bump on the skin is filled with blood. Actually this is not true. Blood pimples are composed of pus, just like regular acne. The bright red color is given to them by dilated blood vessels in the inflamed area.
  3. When you press on the pimple, blood oozes out. This occurs due to damage to blood vessels. Under no circumstances should you try to squeeze out this type of acne. This can lead to prolonged bleeding and infection of the wound.

Other causes of bloody pimples

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  • Bacterial infections such as bullous impetigo caused by staphylococci (staphylococcus)
  • Viral infections such as chicken pox and shingles Coxsackievirus infections are common causes of bloody pimples, more common in children and less common in adults.
  • Diseases and conditions such as reactive arthritis, Lichen disease and Crohn's disease.
  • Insect Bites Insect bites such as fleas and lice, especially in young children, can cause small blisters on the face and other areas.
  • Exposure to toxic substances, such as poison ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac.
  • Lupus


How to avoid blood acne? To ensure your skin always remains clean, you must adhere to the following recommendations from dermatologists:

  1. Eliminate excess fat, fast food, spicy foods and sweets from your diet. Regularly include fresh fruits and vegetables in your daily menu.
  2. When the sebaceous glands are overworked, use special skin care products.
  3. For oily skin, it is recommended to wash your face with chamomile and calendula decoctions.
  4. It is useful to wipe your face with aloe juice after each wash.

These simple measures will help prevent the occurrence of blood acne.

Home Remedies to Treat Blood Pimples

There are various home remedies to treat blood blisters in the mouth. We have summarized the most effective DIY remedies. You can choose the one that suits you best to get rid of blood blisters.


Turmeric is a widely used home remedy that is a reliable remedy. It has a wide range of medicinal properties that have been used for centuries. It is used to treat skin problems, especially for its antiseptic and therapeutic properties that cure and prevent infections.

Apply a paste of turmeric powder, rose water or honey on the blood blister twice a day for a few days.

Aloe vera

Aloe vera

Aloe vera is a reliable and effective home remedy for many health problems, especially skin problems. It helps reduce the blood flow in the area of ​​such a blood pimple, relieves inflammation and pain when used.

Apply fresh aloe vera gel on the blood blister. Repeat the procedure twice a day daily for a few days until the blood blister disappears.

Alternatively, you can mix aloe vera gel with oil and apply it to the blood blister twice a day.

Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is an effective remedy for getting rid of blood blister quickly. It has antiseptic and antifungal properties to prevent infections. In addition, it quickly relieves the consequences of blood acne, pain and inflammation.

Apply a diluted solution of tea tree oil to the blister and hold for about 5 minutes. Rinse the skin with cold water.

Do this every day until the bubble heals.


Garlic has so many medicinal properties and is a home remedy for many ailments Apart from preventing infection, garlic relieves pain and inflammation by making blood blisters heal quickly.

Gently rub the garlic to get rid of the blood blister and hold for 10 minutes. Repeat this procedure 2 - 3 times a day for several days.

Alternatively, apply natural garlic oil to your skin and then let it cool for some time. Apply it to the blood pimple by applying a cotton pad and adhesive tape and leave it on for 10 minutes. Rinse the area. Repeat this procedure 2 to 3 times a day.


Ginger is an excellent home remedy for getting rid of blood blisters on the face and body. Ginger helps soothe the pain and inflammation of the blood blister, promoting its rapid healing. This remedy is preferred for getting rid of blood blisters in the mouth, but can also be applied to the skin.

To prepare it, boil ginger slices in a cup of hot water. Let it cool to an acceptable room temperature and apply using cotton pads to your face.

Alternatively, chew a piece of ginger, concentrating the ginger juice on the blood blisters in your mouth. Do this daily for a few days to allow the blood blister to heal.

Possible complications

The unpleasant consequences of blood acne usually occur when squeezing. In this way, you can very easily get an infection, and a small pimple will turn into a huge abscess. In addition, the contents of the acne, when pressed, can enter the bloodstream, which often becomes the cause of sepsis (blood poisoning).

Another danger is that the red bump may not be a bloody pimple, but a tumor. Damage to benign tumors can cause skin cancer.

How to get rid of a bloody pimple on the face or back

Step 1

Wash the bloody pimple and surrounding areas with antibacterial soap twice a day. Always dry the area with a dry, clean cloth. If by chance a bloody pimple bursts, be careful not to touch it when removing the affected areas surrounding it, which can also spread bacteria that can cause serious infection If you begin to experience signs of infection such as fever, redness around the pimple or pus, or a large bloody pimple, then see your doctor for antibiotic treatment.

Step 2

Apply the prescribed antibiotic cream to the pimple, twice a day, 15 minutes after cleansing. Use clean hands to apply a thin layer to the affected and surrounding areas in a circular motion. Antibiotic cream Erythromycin ointment, available at your local pharmacy, helps the pimple heal faster and also prevents the development of bacteria that can cause infection If a blood-filled pimple ruptures prematurely, continue to cleanse and apply antibiotic cream to the area anyway.

Erythromycin ointment, methods of its use and effect in the treatment of acne!

Step 3

Keep an ice pack wrapped in a clean towel on the blood pimple affected area for five minutes twice a day. According to Blirt Treatment, you should check the area for redness. If redness does not appear, apply ice for another five minutes and continue this procedure for half an hour. Application ice helps reduce pain and inflammation by reducing the pressure caused by blood pooling inside the pimple.


If acne cannot be treated with local remedies, then you can try to get rid of it using physiotherapy:

  • ozone therapy;
  • electrocoagulation;
  • laser therapy.

These methods are virtually painless, but the patient may experience slight discomfort during acne removal. The skin heals quite quickly after the procedures. However, if the cause of acne is not eliminated, then after some time the rash may reappear.

What should you do if blood appears from acne?

  1. Apply a cotton swab soaked in hydrogen peroxide (3%) to the problem area and press it with moderate force. Medicine and light mechanical pressure will help stop the bleeding.
  2. If there is no medicine at hand, ice is applied to the wound, which is wrapped in clean gauze or cloth, the exposure to cold should continue for at least 7-10 minutes.
  3. Use a hemostatic pencil, a very effective product, as it directly affects the bleeding area and quickly stops it.

After the blood has completely stopped, the wound is treated with aseptic solutions (salicylic acid, Miramistin, iodine, etc.)

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