Blisters on the back in adults and children: Why they appear and how to treat them

Any changes in the skin, especially pathological and unpleasant ones, should cause increased attention from a person. And we are talking not only about unpleasant sensations, but also about external manifestations, such as, for example, a rash on the back. Pimples can appear either singly or in large numbers. They can cause discomfort and seriously damage the appearance of the skin. And there are a lot of reasons that cause them. Before you start fighting them, it is important to familiarize yourself with the list of these causes, because depending on what caused the rash, the form of treatment for this skin condition will be chosen.

Rash on back

Blisters on the back: what are they?

Blisters differ from other rashes in several ways:

  • rise above the skin;
  • have clear boundaries;
  • are a manifestation of skin edema.

The appearance of watery tubercles is usually immediate (usually after exposure to an irritant). When the irritant is removed, the blisters disappear just as quickly. Bumps on the skin occur as a result of swelling and cause itching.

Some dermatologists call blisters exactly the kind of formations that we described above. They classify blisters with fluid after swelling or abrasions as other types of rashes. However, most doctors combine all these concepts into one type.

Main causes of skin pain

Pain is the body’s first reaction to various violations of physiological functions, a kind of danger signal, and therefore it should never be ignored. The absence of external manifestations does not mean that there are no reasons for concern, and everything will go away on its own in a few days. It is quite possible that pain is only the first sign of a serious pathology that requires immediate treatment. A condition in which painful sensations can be caused by the slightest influence (even the touch of clothing on the body), experts call allodynia.

Definition of allodynia

There are several types of the disease:

  • tactile – pain is caused by touching the skin;
  • dynamic – pain occurs when the skin is affected by stroking, massaging, squeezing; even ordinary washing can cause discomfort;
  • thermal – pain appears when the skin is exposed to cold or hot objects, water, or air currents.

This pathology most often occurs as a result of thermal or mechanical damage to nerve receptors, but also develops against the background of various diseases, especially of a neurological nature.

Allodynia is often caused by neurogenic disorders.

The main causes of allodynia include:

  • sun and chemical burns of the first degree;
  • deformation of nerve fibers in the subcutaneous layer (polyneuropathy);
  • chronic muscle tissue disease (fibromyalgia);
  • disruption of the myelin sheath of nerve fibers (demyelination);
  • lesions of the spinal cord and brain that affect the transmission of nerve impulses.

Important! In some cases, painful skin on the back is caused by various types of infections (staphylococcus, herpes), which provoke the development of diseases such as herpes zoster, erysipelas, chicken pox and others. But pain is not the only symptom - a person exhibits external signs that are typical for a particular disease - rashes, redness of the skin, swelling, and so on.

Provoking factors can be severe stress, excess or lack of vitamins in the body, general or local hypothermia, prolonged nervous tension, and excessive use of tanning. Itchy and painful skin is common in people with type 2 diabetes. Sometimes a similar condition occurs after injuries, especially if there were bruises to the head or spine. Also, in rare cases, the development of allodynia is caused by congenital pathologies.

Severe stress and nervous tension can easily provoke a sharp increase in skin sensitivity

Why do blisters appear on the back of an adult?

Often small blisters on the back and stomach can arise for the most unexpected reason, in which a person does not see the danger. In most cases, the problem is caused by ordinary household factors. We list the most common causes of the disease.

  • Eating problems

Skin diseases are often the result of poor nutrition. If a person abuses sweets, alcohol and regularly includes fatty, fried and other unhealthy foods in his diet, then the body can react with the appearance of acne, pimples and - in severe cases - blisters.

  • Hormonal imbalances

With hormonal imbalances, regular acne more often appears on the back, but in some cases blisters and blisters may appear.

  • Inappropriate cosmetics

Cosmetics (cream, shower gel) can also cause rashes on the back. During the period of exacerbation and subsequently, for the purpose of prevention, it is better to switch to neutral, hypoallergenic cosmetics.

  • Insufficient hygiene

If your back skin is rarely cleansed, the pores become clogged, leading to blemishes, rashes, and sometimes blisters.

  • Burn

People often notice that blisters on their back appear from the sun - as a result of a burn after excessive tanning. Also, water blisters on the skin occur after chemical or thermal burns.

  • Insect bites

Usually, after an insect bite, there is a slight redness on the skin, but if you have an allergic reaction or scratching, a blister may form in its place.

  • Allergic reaction to clothing

Synthetic clothing, as well as chemical dyes used to color items, can cause skin irritation and rashes. Such blisters and bubbles on the back itch and bring discomfort to a person. In such cases, you need to switch to clothes made from natural fabrics and not wear something that caused irritation.

  • Syphilis symptom

If pimples in the form of blisters or blisters on the back appear in a bunch for some unknown reason, and then disappear after two months, this may be a symptom of syphilis. To confirm the diagnosis, you need to take a blood test.

  • Scabies

With scabies, small blisters appear all over the body and are very itchy.

  • Manifestation of prickly heat

Most often, children suffer from prickly heat, but in some cases it also appears in adults. With this disease, small blisters of light pink color appear on the body.

  • Shingles

If bubbles filled with liquid are located on the body in the form of a band surrounding the back, legs and arms, then this is a symptom of shingles. At the same time, the rashes hurt and itch. The disease can be treated at home, but you should definitely see a doctor and avoid contact with people who have not had chickenpox.

Types of rash

When hearing the word “rash,” a person can imagine its completely different forms, from small dots to larger inflamed bumps. Indeed, there are many types of rashes; this manifestation of problems in the body can look different . In general, all types of rash can be divided into two types - secondary and primary. In the second case, pimples appear as a result of some processes on previously healthy skin, while in the first they form where they previously appeared. The reason is a relapse that occurs due to the lack of treatment of the primary form.

Types of skin rashes

You can also distinguish three types of rash - dry, red, small. The small rash looks terrible and often causes serious discomfort. Most often it occurs as a result of damage to the body by some kind of infection, virus (for example, rubella, chickenpox).

On a note! Chickenpox and rubella are quite serious diseases that can cause a number of complications.

The initial stage of chickenpox

A small pinpoint rash is the result of an allergic skin reaction or a manifestation of problems with the circulatory system. It can also appear as a result of friction of clothing against the skin, as a result of non-compliance with hygiene rules, etc. A red rash on the back is usually a manifestation of allergies. It often itches and a person may experience a burning sensation. It is also important to remember that such a rash occurs with syphilis, fungus, etc.

A dry rash usually forms on dry skin, although it can be caused by any reason. The rash is dry, the pimples are not wet, they can be easily removed from the skin by exfoliating them with your nails.

What to do if blisters appear on your child’s back

If a child has blisters on his skin, this is an alarming symptom. The baby needs to be seen urgently by a doctor. Most often the problem is associated with skin lesions. This can happen due to insect bites, plant burns, or allergies to any substances.

If the rashes are itchy and appear on different parts of the body, this may be a symptom of a severe allergy, contact dermatitis, or an infectious disease. In infants, small blisters may appear on the shoulder blades due to prickly heat or overheating. The baby also needs to be shown to a doctor, create an optimal thermal environment for him, and add a decoction of string and chamomile to the bath.


Since there are no external manifestations, it is impossible to independently determine the cause of the pathology, and without this it is impossible to use folk remedies or medications. In such a situation, self-medication can provoke even greater health problems, so you cannot do without qualified help. It is best to contact a local physician, who, after an initial examination and history taking, will refer you to a specialist.

A thorough examination is required to identify the cause of the pain.

Most often, this problem is dealt with by a neurologist. If the damage to the nerve endings is caused by diseases of the spine, you will additionally need to consult an orthopedist or vertebrologist. To identify pathology, the patient is prescribed magnetic resonance or computed tomography, radiographic examination, and electromyography. A general and biochemical blood test is also carried out, which makes it possible to determine the presence of infectious pathogens, sugar levels, and determine the body’s need for microelements and vitamins. Based on the results of a complete examination, the doctor selects individual therapy for the patient.

How to treat blisters on the back

If the rash does not disappear within a day, be sure to consult a doctor who will conduct an additional examination. Try not to scratch the rash or injure the blisters to avoid infection.

Depending on the cause of the rash, the doctor prescribes appropriate treatment:

  • if the bubbles arise as an allergic reaction, you need to eliminate the irritant and take antihistamines. Patients are also prescribed a hypoallergenic diet and sorbents.
  • if the cause of blisters on the back is herpes, the rashes are treated with antiviral drugs;
  • if the rash occurs due to any disease, then the cause of the disease is affected.

Main stages of treatment

First of all, of course, you need to see a doctor, but what to do if you can’t get an appointment in the near future, and the rash itself doesn’t seem to pose a serious threat? Then you can try to deal with it yourself.

So, in most cases, a rash on the back appears as a result of allergies or due to non-compliance with personal hygiene rules. In this case, you need to proceed as follows. First, you should change your lifestyle, that is, introduce mandatory bathing or showering at least once a day (for example, before bed). It is also important to wash off sweat and dirt if you have to work in hot conditions in difficult conditions. Moreover, when bathing, it is important to cleanse the skin with soap and a washcloth.

Be sure to wash every day

It’s very good to go to the bathhouse and steam your skin, and then go through it with a scrub or peeling. It is not recommended to steam it more than twice a month, but you can use the scrub about once a week. It is recommended to buy a product at the pharmacy to cleanse the skin and tighten pores. The main thing is to purchase one that does not contain substances that can provoke allergies.

It is recommended to review the menu as well. The fact is that some products sold in stores are strong allergens. They need to be excluded from the diet as quickly as possible and generally take only the most neutral food that does not cause health problems for some time.

Food allergies - main allergenic foods

On a note! If ulcers appear on your back, you may need to clean the skin and then treat it with antiseptics. Cleaning should only be done on clean skin, with clean hands and clean tools.

Traditional medicine helps very well in some cases. For example, these could be lotions using tea, compresses with chamomile or string, or taking herbal baths. Sometimes infusions and ointments containing mumiyo are recommended. As a vitamin cocktail, it is recommended to drink 1 glass of freshly squeezed carrot juice about 3-4 times a day. However, you should be no less careful with traditional methods than with conventional drug treatment. In some cases, they can worsen the condition if used incorrectly.

Chamomile decoction

It is important to remember that when treating a rash on the back, you should try to eliminate not only the rash itself, but also the cause of its appearance. Otherwise, the relapse will be rapid and, most likely, much stronger than the initial manifestation.

Preventing Blisters

The main preventive measure is to eliminate the source of the problem or the provoking factor. If you have never had a similar rash, but you are afraid of its appearance, for prevention purposes you need to regularly shower with neutral cleansers and adjust your diet. Start leading a healthy lifestyle, follow your routine and avoid stress.

If you are allergic to insect bites, use repellent when going outdoors. Also give preference to clothes made from natural fabrics.

What cosmetics to use for sensitive skin

For people with sensitive, irritated skin, we can recommend the La Cree series of safe cleansers. Instead of your usual shower product, you can use La Cree cleansing gel every day. This product is designed specifically for the most sensitive skin. Thanks to its special composition, it strengthens its protective function and helps reduce redness and itching. You can use it even during the period of exacerbation of blisters.

Since the gel contains no dyes or fragrances, it can be used for bathing very young children (as a detergent and instead of bubble bath). The gel is ideal for gently cleansing, nourishing and moisturizing the skin, as it contains natural oils and extracts. They fight inflammation and microbes, helping to heal microtraumas faster.

You can use this product to wash your face and cleanse your body, wash your hands, instead of bubble bath. After a shower, the skin can be moisturized with a hypoallergenic emulsion or La Cree cream.

Clinical researches

The conducted clinical study proves the high efficiency, safety and tolerability of products for daily skin care of children with mild and moderate forms of atopic dermatitis and during remission, accompanied by a decrease in the quality of life of patients. As a result of therapy, a decrease in the activity of the inflammatory process, a decrease in dryness, itching and flaking was noted.

The products are recommended by the St. Petersburg branch of the Union of Pediatricians of Russia.


  1. E.N. Saverskaya, Diaper dermatitis: answers to questions from pediatricians and parents in the light of current global trends, Medical Council magazine, 2019
  2. N.N. Murashkin, A.I. Materikin, R.V. Epishev, E.T. Ambarchyan, Features of the course and prevention of diaper dermatitis in newborns and infants, journal Questions of Modern Pediatrics, 2015
  3. G.V. Molokova, E.V. Bukina, Diaper dermatitis in children with sensitive skin, Journal of Dermatology and Allergology, 2019

Photos of dermatitis

Photo album on the disease

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