Non-hormonal ointments for psoriasis - a list of the best drugs

Psoriasis cannot be cured, but the course of the disease can be alleviated with the help of various medications. They can be either with or without hormones. Non-hormonal ointments have many advantages over products containing hormones in the treatment of psoriasis.

Their effectiveness is less than corticosteroids, but they are not addictive, do not disrupt the hormonal balance in the body, and have few side effects. Due to the absence of hormones, their cost is much lower. They have fewer contraindications, and non-hormonal ointments with a natural composition can be used by pregnant women and even newborns.

Regular use of this type of medication will ensure high treatment results. Some ointments on the market stand out for their higher effectiveness. We present a list of the best, new and effective non-hormonal ointments for psoriasis, their prices and reviews.

Causes of psoriasis

Photo of psoriasis on the head
Photo of psoriasis

Photo elbow psoriasis

Photo of psoriasis on the head

Photos of psoriasis on the body

The underlying cause of this disease is unknown. Experts conducted studies, the results of which determined the conditions under which people develop psoriasis more often.

  • Genetic inheritance. Very often, in a family with a sick parent, children are born with a similar disease.
  • Changes in the structure of chromosomes. This occurs when viruses and bacteria have a negative impact on the human genotype. Immunodeficiency diseases lead to this pathology.
  • Development of a fungus or bacterial infection on the skin.
  • Metabolic disorder.
  • Changes in temperature and humidity.
  • Inflammation in the body is accompanied by an increase in the content of leukocytes and lymphocytes in the blood.
  • Nervous tension, stress, shock.
  • Overdose of medical drugs.
  • Alcoholism, smoking.


The active component increases the permeability of the skin, enhancing the penetration and further absorption of other topical medications. Salicylic acid entering the systemic circulation increases the severity of negative reactions of sulfonylurea drugs, oral hypoglycemic agents, and Methotrexate .

Pharmaceutical incompatibility is registered with respect to zinc oxide (an insoluble form of Zn salicylate is formed) and Resorcinol (mixtures of melting action are formed).

Treatment of psoriasis with non-hormonal ointments

Hormone-free ointments can very effectively treat skin diseases when used correctly and regularly. Some of them are produced with a completely natural composition, while some contain synthetic products.

But both types are considered much safer than hormonal drugs, which have many contraindications and side effects. The choice of remedy depends on the severity of the disease, the presence of complications, and the nature. Typically, non-hormonal medications are used independently at the initial stage. They contain one or two components that characterize the focus of the product.

Non-hormonal ointment for psoriasis Losterin

Main components of Losterin:

  • Naftalan, or Naftalan oil, effectively relieves inflammation, dilates blood vessels, destroys harmful bacteria, restores the skin and accelerates intercellular metabolism.
  • Urea - moisturizes the skin, restores it, has an antibacterial effect, allows the product to easily penetrate the skin. Eliminates symptoms such as peeling, itching, treats scratches and mechanical damage.
  • Salicylic acid - destroys bacteria, restores and regenerates the skin.
  • Japanese Sophora extract – eliminates inflammation, dilates blood vessels, heals the skin. Stops the development of pathological cells, eliminates peeling.
  • Castor oil softens the skin and relieves psoriatic symptoms.
  • Provitamin B5 – increases intercellular metabolism, eliminates the inflammatory process, increases regenerative processes.
  • Almond oil is aimed at nourishing the skin, softening it, filling it with vitamins, relieving itching and inflammation.

The application regimen is as follows: use three times a day for 2-4 weeks, depending on the affected area and the activity of the product. When symptoms are completely relieved, use for about another week. Absorbs quickly without leaving greasy stains on clothes and linen.

Cannot be used if you have an individual intolerance to the components in the composition. The ointment has no side effects at all, but the cost is quite high - from 500 rubles per pack.

Salicylic ointment

The drug contains only two ingredients - salicylic acid, which acts as an active component, and petroleum jelly, which forms the basis of the ointment. Depending on the acid content, it is used for various diseases. For psoriasis, use two percent salicylic ointment. It effectively relieves the signs of psoriasis, eliminates peeling, itching, inflammation, and weeping plaques. The ointment is applied directly to the skin or used with a bandage.

Ointment Salicylic ointment for psoriasis

Release of ointment Salicylic ointment for psoriasis

Photo Salicylic ointment for psoriasis

Thanks to its composition, the product has almost no side effects or contraindications. It is prohibited to use in case of individual intolerance to salicylic acid or petroleum jelly, kidney disease, pregnant or lactating women.

The price of the drug is very low, from 15 rubles.

Non-hormonal ointment for psoriasis Zinc ointment

The main component of zinc ointment is zinc oxide. With the help of this active substance, the medicine dries out wet areas of the epidermis, destroys harmful bacteria, and stops inflammatory processes. Thanks to this, itching, redness, inflammation are relieved in psoriatic areas, and plaques are eliminated.

Use the ointment twice a day until all signs of the disease disappear. The product has very few contraindications; it cannot be used only if you are individually intolerant to zinc oxide. Side effects include only allergies in the form of rash and itching. The price is low, from 40 rubles.


The main component of Zinocap is zinc pyrithione. Zinocap very actively deactivates inflammatory processes, destroys bacteria and fungal formations. For psoriasis, it eliminates peeling, itching, redness and rashes.

Photo of Zinocap for psoriasis

Packaging for Zinocap for psoriasis

Zinocap ointment for psoriasis

Zinocap can be used for use on the head. It should be used twice daily for 30-40 days. Zinocap is effective not only at the initial stage of the disease, but also during its complications. The ointment should not be used in case of individual intolerance to the components, together with other forms of preparations, in children under one year of age. It is very rare that an allergy to the product occurs. The cost starts from 500 rubles.

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Instructions for use

To achieve improved well-being, follow the following rules when using the ointment:

  • lubricate only the affected area;
  • it is first cleaned of necrotic tissue and washed with antiseptics;
  • squeeze out 0.2 g of ointment per 1 square centimeter;
  • cover the top with a sterile napkin or sterile bandage;
  • The dressing is changed every day, but is used for no more than a week.

The ointment is known to help against corns. Before lubricating them with salicylic ointment, the feet are steamed in warm water.

When fighting against calluses, pregnant women are advised to apply the ointment strictly to the callus itself and use no more than 5 ml of the product.

You can enhance the effect of salicylic ointment. For this purpose, applications, pieces of fabric or gauze soaked in ointment are used. After applying to the feet, socks are put on them. It is better to pamper yourself with a cosmetic procedure in the evening.

Non-hormonal ointments with oil for psoriasis

Naftalan oil is added to medicines for skin diseases - this is a product that cleanses the dermis of various lesions, rashes, redness, relieves inflammation and eliminates itching. It also disinfects effectively. Ointments containing petroleum include:

  • Naftalan – improves intercellular metabolism, accelerates the healing of plaques. The price starts from 470 rubles.
  • Psori-naft – relieves pain, improves immunity. Cost – from 380 rubles.


Psoriaten contains mahonia holly extract. It effectively relieves inflammation, activates calcium exchange between cells, and stops the development of pathological cells. The ointment should be used three times a day, using rubbing movements.

Photo Psoriate from psoriasis

Ointment Psoriaten for psoriasis

Since Psoriaten contains alcohol, it cannot be used if you are intolerant to alcohol. It is also contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women. It should not be used if symptoms worsen and there is no positive dynamics. Very rarely, patients are allergic to the ointment. The price varies from 300 to 750 rubles.

Tar ointments

Birch, pine or juniper tar is added to the ointments. Tar very effectively relieves inflammation and stops the proliferation of viral cells. Tar causes irritation, to avoid this, you need to check the skin's reaction to it in advance.

Tar ointment for psoriasis

Tar for psoriasis

Cream balm Tar for psoriasis

Products containing tar include Vishnevsky Ointment. It dries wet areas, relieves inflammation, redness, itching, and disinfects the skin. It is recommended to combine it with other forms of medications. The product is very cheap - from 30 rubles.

Therapeutic effect

Like all ointments, salicylic acid is an external agent. It is applied as:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antiseptic;
  • keratolic (in high concentrations);
  • local irritant medicine.

It is known that the product inhibits the secretion of sweat and sebum from the pores of the skin.

Non-hormonal ointments with grease for psoriasis

Solidol is a product that softens and nourishes the dermis, improves intercellular metabolism, and accelerates the development of healthy cells. Relieves pain, itching, inflammation, disinfects. These include Kartalin and Akrustal.


Kartalin is used for psoriasis and various other skin diseases. Restores the skin and has an anti-inflammatory effect. The composition of Kartalin ointment includes solid oil, chamomile, string, honey, eucalyptus and other natural ingredients.

Carlatin for psoriasis

Carlatin ointment for psoriasis

It is advisable to use the ointment at night, since it should remain on the skin for at least twelve hours. When starting to use, an increase in symptoms is observed, which soon passes. Patients observe effects after a few days of use. They are treated with ointment in several stages. Initially, plaques, redness, and itching disappear.

Then, within one month, the resulting effect is consolidated. The medicine cannot be used in case of hypersensitivity to the components, in pregnant women, it cannot be used to treat psoriasis on the face. The price starts from 750 rubles.


Akrustal fights psoriasis and other skin diseases. It does not cause an allergic reaction. Akrustal has an absolutely natural composition, which includes cedar, yarrow and eucalyptus oils, various extracts and oils, wax, grease.

Akrustal for psoriasis

Akrustal for psoriasis

Akrustal destroys harmful bacteria, has an anti-inflammatory effect, accelerates intercellular metabolism, and restores the skin. Akrustal effectively fights plaques and eliminates skin rashes. Patients notice results within a week. Duration of therapy is two to three months.

But individual intolerance to the components is possible, in which case the drug is contraindicated. Rarely does an allergic reaction occur. The price starts from 750 rubles.


The main component is dichlorodiethyl sulfide. The medicine relieves inflammation and pain. Apply to affected areas twice daily. At first it is used without a bandage, after a week additional bandages are used. Do not use ointments if you have an individual intolerance to the substances in the composition, open wounds, kidney diseases, liver diseases, dermatitis.

Cream Psoriasin for psoriasis

Photo Psoriasin for psoriasis

The drug may cause worsening of symptoms, allergies, headaches, and drowsiness. The cost starts from 400 rubles.

Conclusion about the drug

Salicylic ointment gives results for psoriasis : relieves irritation, itching, exfoliates. However, it must be used in combination with other medications.

For example, if the area of ​​psoriasis is no more than 20%, you can exfoliate the scales and then apply ultraviolet 311 nm. With this course of treatment, if you follow the instructions, the remission will be long-lasting.

In addition, you can use folk remedies to treat psoriasis. They also help in complex treatment.

Ointments with vitamins

Products with vitamins include components that improve the general condition of the patient.


The main active substance is calcipotriol, or vitamin D3. In addition, the ointment contains macrogol stearate, liquid paraffin, and distilled water. This non-hormonal ointment has advantages over other forms of the drug; it easily penetrates the dermis, therefore it is effective in such localizations as the skin of the heels and elbows, nails, and can be used to treat psoriasis on the head. But the product can leave stains on clothes and linens.

Daivonex for psoriasis

Daivonex cream for psoriasis

Daivonex ointment for psoriasis

It should be used twice a day for two months. It is prohibited for pregnant women and children under six years of age; it must be used carefully, without going beyond the boundaries of the affected area. May cause an allergic reaction and increased disease symptoms. The price starts from 850 rubles.


This is a non-hormonal Chinese ointment that is used to treat various dermatological diseases, including psoriasis. Effectively relieves symptoms of diseases such as itching, rash, inflammation, plaques. The medicine contains exclusively natural ingredients, such as Japanese sophora, Monnier root, lotus extract, velvet and others. The ointment has a wide spectrum of action.

The product cannot be purchased at a pharmacy; it must be ordered on the official website. The cost is fixed - 210 rubles, discounts are provided when purchasing a batch of goods.

Composition of the product

Salicylic acid

is a medicinal component of the ointment. Few people know that it was obtained from willow bark by chemist Rafael Piria. After all, the bark of the tree was and is used as an anti-inflammatory agent. In memory of the original source, the name of the acid contains the root salix, which is translated from Latin as willow.

Acid plays a major role not only in ointments, but also in alcohol solutions for external use, Lassar paste and anti-callus agents.

But in 100 g of salicylic acid ointment there are only 2 and 3 grams, which determines the percentage.

The rest is a Vaseline base. The result is a greasy white mass. It is sold in pharmacies in glass jars of 25, 50 and 100 g.

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