Red, painful pimples that itch appeared on the neck: cause, treatment. Pimples on the neck: which organs are responsible for, which organ is sick?

Why do acne appear on the neck? The article describes the causes, symptoms and treatment methods.

For any person, appearance always plays a primary role, and for women it is much more important than for men. And rashes on open areas of the body, in addition to physical discomfort, often also cause emotional distress.

Read another article on our website on the topic: . You will find a list, names, instructions for use. You will also learn about a homemade, folk remedy for youthful acne on the face, which will quickly help, the best proven recipes.

The neck is one of the most “favorite” places for pimples, after the face. Such formations can ruin not only the appearance, but also the mood for a long time. This article describes the causes of this rash, symptoms and treatments. Read on.

Symptoms of acne on the neck

Acne on the neck
Acne usually refers to inflammatory diseases of the hair follicle or sebaceous gland, which is located in the middle layer of the skin - the dermis. The sebaceous gland is hormone-dependent, its function is to produce sebum; the pituitary gland, hypothalamus, gonads and adrenal glands are involved in this process.

Acne usually occurs in the area of ​​the skin with the maximum number of sebaceous glands, while in a person prone to formations, visually oily hair, spots or scars on the skin, and a greasy sheen. In some forms of rashes, the harbinger, on the contrary, is excessive dryness of the skin and flaking.

The classification of acne is varied, but there are only three forms:

  • Comedonal - non-inflammatory formation with sebaceous contents
  • Papulopustular - inflamed formation
  • Nodal - conglobate

The latter form is severe, with pimples reaching large sizes, noticeably rising above the skin. Treatment of this form lasts up to 3-4 months, with the obligatory presence of scars after treatment.

Symptoms of acne on the neck are very different:

  • This can include teenage acne, late adult acne, and rosacea with a vascular pattern (rosacea).
  • The most important thing in symptoms is to divide the rashes into inflammatory and non-inflammatory acne.

Why does a pimple go into the inflammatory stage, sometimes even becoming like a boil? In most cases this happens when:

  • Touching your face with dirty hands
  • Trying to get rid of a pimple unprofessionally
  • Attempts to squeeze out the contents of the inflamed tubercle, which always leads to secondary infection

An inflamed formation must not be left without attention and proper treatment, especially when rashes appear profusely and pain increases. It is necessary to contact a specialist as soon as possible and begin competently selected treatment.


Acne is a disease that requires an integrated approach. A woman should be examined by a gynecologist, endocrinologist and dermatologist.

The following types of studies are prescribed:

  • blood chemistry;
  • hormonal profile study;
  • skin scraping;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs.

Differentiated diagnostics are mandatory to exclude diseases such as rosacea, demodicosis, and gram-negative folliculitis.

White pimples on the neck: causes

White pimples on the neck
White pimples are, in a simple sense, a kind of “cyst” of small size - 1-1.5 mm. in diameter. Tactilely, such a pimple feels like a dense nodule under the skin with clear boundaries, yellowish or almost white in color. This type of pimple is also called millet or milium, and it is very important not to confuse it with a closed comedon. Comedones and milia form in various layers of the epidermis, and if the former appear due to blockage of the hair follicle or sebaceous gland, then cysts form without affecting the sebaceous ducts and hair follicles.

There are many reasons for the appearance of white pimples on the neck:

  • Poor nutrition with a predominance of fatty, smoked foods, and as a result – disruption of the sebaceous gland.
  • Rubbing the skin or other injury.
  • Use of low quality decorative cosmetics.
  • Various skin diseases: seborrhea, cutaneous porphyria, lupus and others.
  • Taking hormonal medications or hormonal imbalance for other reasons, often the cause is the predominance of male hormones in women.
  • Disturbances in the functioning of the digestive tract, especially affecting the functioning of the gallbladder.

Milia can be diagnosed at any age, in both men and women, and are more often activated in adolescence at the time of hormonal changes. There are known cases of the presence of such formations even in newborns, but when the excessive activity of the sebaceous glands decreases, they disappear without a trace.

Also, “cysts” can form suddenly at first glance, but such an appearance is almost always due to the favorable, special condition of the skin and a genetic factor.

A delicate problem

In fact, today such a picture can be found often. A beautiful young woman, and her cheekbones and neck are strewn with sore spots. This greatly spoils the image, looks ugly, and is also accompanied by pain. Such rashes do not go away for a very long time and are often accompanied by itching. Why do acne still appear on women's necks? The reasons may lie primarily in malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract. Moreover, these are not necessarily serious diseases - simple violations of a balanced diet can become the starting impetus for the development of such a dermatological disease. Therefore, any diets that modern women love to indulge in should be agreed upon with an experienced nutritionist. If you cannot get an appointment with such a specialist in person, then try an experiment: for a month, completely remove all sweets and baked goods from the menu, replace them with fruits and dried fruits

It is very important to replace refined rice and pasta with fresh and stewed vegetables. The main dish should not be fried, but boiled or baked meat or fish

Nutritionists say that in some cases, acne on women’s necks became less noticeable within the first month. The causes of many skin diseases lie in poor nutrition, so this method is worth a try.

Subcutaneous, large, painful pimples under the neck, on the back: causes

Subcutaneous pimples differ from regular rashes not only in appearance and pain, but also in the fact that getting rid of them is not so easy. A subcutaneous pimple forms in the deep layers under the dermis and is characterized by prolonged maturation, pain, and swelling. Many people try to get rid of them on their own; attempts to squeeze them out on their own are especially dangerous: such manipulations always leave scars at the site of the pimple, or even fistulas form. Why do subcutaneous, large, painful pimples appear under the neck and on the back?

The reasons for the formation of subcutaneous formations are varied and similar to other types of acne, but there is one distinctive feature - subcutaneous mite (Demodex) . Therefore, it is so important to consult a specialist in time to exclude demodicosis.

In addition to this pathology, possible causes are:

  • Pregnancy
  • Menopause
  • Adrenal and other endocrine disorders
  • Eating disorder
  • Dermatovenerological diseases
  • Frequent and aggressive peeling

At the first stage, the formation of a pimple is invisible, slight discomfort and redness are possible.

At the second stage, a noticeable compaction appears, the size of which grows over several days and becomes visually noticeable.

At the third stage, the pimple is ripe. This is already an impressive, painful tubercle with a white or black top.


With mechanical impact, an attempt to squeeze out the growth on your own, or the absence of therapeutic measures, the following occur:

  • inflammatory processes;
  • tissue scarring;
  • subcutaneous seals that are difficult to treat with medication.

If you try to squeeze out the growth yourself, its contents can come out not only outside, but also deep into the tissue structures. When it enters the bloodstream or lymph flow, the pathological fluid spreads throughout the body, which can cause sepsis.

Psychosomatics - acne on the neck: why do they appear?

Acne on the neck
Mental state and the appearance of acne are directly related. Rashes often signal problems with a person’s emotional state, and not just the impact of external and internal factors. Against the background of persistent neurosis, excoriated acne often develops, which the patient begins to squeeze out and injure, provoking further inflammation.

If, after diagnosis and consultation with specialists, the causes of acne on the neck are not found, we can talk about psychosomatics. Why do they appear? Here are some reasons:

  • If a person does not accept himself as an individual, has low self-esteem, and cannot come to terms with his character, then the rash becomes permanent and difficult to treat.
  • This all happens unconsciously: a person tries to isolate himself, not to contact the outside world, and excessive rashes and inflammations are in such a situation a kind of defensive reaction, a way to “hide in the house.”
  • When the number of acne increases sharply for no apparent reason, in practice this is preceded by a stressful situation.

If the reason lies in psychosomatics, then a psychotherapist must be involved in the treatment, who conducts cognitive therapy, hypnosis treatment, and understands the root of internal problems.

Treatment with folk remedies

In cases where drug treatment does not help or you want to solve the acne problem with natural remedies, you can try folk advice. The most effective natural remedies are considered to be:

  • honey masks with calendula tincture, apply for about 20 minutes every evening, then rinse with plain water;
  • garlic tincture - just leave a few peeled crushed cloves of garlic in a glass of water for a day, then it is recommended to lubricate acne with it several times during the day;
  • essential oils of tea tree, evening primrose, rose hip, sandalwood, lavender are also a good remedy for lubricating acne;
  • aloe – treatment with the pulp of this medicinal plant or a decoction of it several times a day also helps solve the problem of skin rashes.

There are a lot of pimples on the neck: how to treat it, how to get rid of it if the pimples still itch?

When swelling and redness appear with heavy rashes, this always indicates that active work is underway with bacteria and an immune reaction is activated. Bacteria begin to actively multiply in the clogged pore, the body tries to deliver leukocytes to the damaged areas in the shortest possible time and in large quantities, and reduce the activity of bacteria. It is at this stage that itching and discomfort begins in the form of a slight tingling sensation. So, there are a lot of pimples on the neck - how to treat it, how to get rid of it if the pimples also itch?

As already mentioned, it is imperative to exclude demodicosis, against which the itching is more severe. You also need to know that itching and redness are not necessarily acne, but possibly a sign of an allergic reaction or skin disease such as eczema and dermatitis. For such pathologies, treatment should be started only as prescribed by a doctor.

The correct behavior when itching is to never scratch or injure the already inflamed skin. If such problems regularly arise, it is advisable to:

  • Take vitamin complexes with zinc and copper.
  • Take vitamins A and E in capsules, especially with selenium. They accelerate the regeneration of injured skin.
  • After consulting a specialist, carry out local antibacterial therapy. These are usually alcohol-based solutions that facilitate deep penetration of the active ingredients. Antibiotics may also be prescribed in the form of an ointment.

It is also possible to prescribe hormonal drugs, but only by a specialist. Self-medication is dangerous for skin health.


To prevent the skin from undergoing changes, you need to adhere to preventive measures.

Choice of clothes

Clothes should be chosen only from natural fabrics. It is better to avoid shirts, sweaters, and dresses with long collars. They cause constant friction with the skin and increase sweating, which can cause acne.


If they are long, they must be periodically tied into a ponytail or bun. Such actions will ensure an influx of oxygen, the epidermis will breathe.


Do not use cosmetics to disguise rashes. This leads to even greater clogging of the pores, resulting in the active proliferation of pathogenic bacteria.


The body, including the neck, must be kept clean at all times. To do this, it is necessary not only to take a shower every day, but also to wash bedding and clothes, even without visible signs of contamination, at least once a week.


Proper nutrition plays an important role in preventing acne. Harmful and low-quality foods are completely excluded from the diet. To maintain normal functioning of the body, experts recommend eating foods rich in zinc, vitamins A, E and B. The menu includes asparagus, beef, calf liver, spinach, nuts, black currants, and rose hips.

If you are predisposed to developing rashes on the neck, it is necessary to limit the consumption of large quantities of fruits and vegetables, salty, spicy and fried foods, strong coffee, sweets and smoked foods.

The daily intake of clean water should not be less than 1.5 liters.

Pimple on the neck: a sign

Pimple on the neck
Usually, rashes appear for very obvious reasons, but especially superstitious people and those who obsessively maintain the hygiene of their body always look for a hidden meaning in pimples. Here is a description of the existing signs of acne on the neck:

  • A rash in the back of the head means “hello” from the past.
  • Distant relatives with whom you are at odds may suddenly appear on the horizon, your former boss will call you back to work, or your ex-husband wants to renew the relationship.
  • If a pimple appears on the left side of the neck, and cannot be treated, and is painful when pressed, then according to signs this means a certain “burden” on the person. He needs to go to church, repent, and perhaps ask forgiveness from his loved ones.
  • But the right side of the neck, according to signs, is considered the side under the supervision of the Guardian Angel. If inflammation appears in this particular area, then this is a kind of warning. Perhaps the person is doing the wrong things, choosing the wrong people as friends. This is a kind of signal to stop and think.

To sum up this interesting and difficult topic, we can conclude that acne on the neck can be dealt with quite successfully. The most effective method is prevention, no self-medication or folk methods, but of course, in severe cases, immediate contact with specialists. Good luck!

Acneiform dermatoses

This is a group of diseases characterized by symptoms very similar to those found in acne. They differ from acne in pathogenetic and etiological mechanisms. The following acneiform dermatoses exist29:

  • medicinal (caused by taking certain medications);
  • doping (the cause of subcutaneous acne* is the use of anabolic drugs and B vitamins);
  • alogen (this includes chloracne, iodacne, bromacne).

There are also androgenic, corticosteroid, and other types of acne29.

It is necessary to differentiate between acne and acneiform dermatoses, since the ability to effectively and quickly remove acne on the forehead and other parts of the face and body depends on the correct diagnosis.

When people encounter acneiform dermatoses, they cannot always distinguish them from acne, so it is important to entrust the diagnosis to a specialist. After collecting anamnesis and conducting research, he will be able to identify factors that provoke rashes and give recommendations for treating the disease.

Types and their features

Among the most common types of internal acne are:


Large pimples come in different types.

Among them are:

  • papules - large red pimples without pus inside (after pressing they are restored to their size);
  • filled with pus (pustules);
  • subcutaneous nodes;
  • a group of subcutaneous nodes forming a cyst.

Pustules appear as a white head located in the center of the pimple. Squeezing can cause the infection to spread, including blood poisoning. Pustules can develop either independently or transform from papules.

Several nodes connected by subcutaneous passages form a cyst. Cysts are the most dangerous form of large subcutaneous acne because they are located deep under the skin and are painful. A squeezed cyst almost always leaves a noticeable scar.

A little history

Of course, superstition was perceived differently in different regions and localities. Some attributed an exclusively positive meaning to the appearance of such a rash, while others - on the contrary, a negative one. We don’t know for sure how things really are, so we recommend that you stick to the interpretation that you like best.

The most attention has always been paid to the sign “pimple on the chin of girls.” Most likely, this is due to the fact that it is the fair sex who more carefully monitor their appearance and look in the mirror. The stronger sex was much less interested in their own external beauty. In addition, men often wore beards, and, naturally, under the hairline, the appearance of a pimple in the lower part of the face could simply not be noticed. But let's get down to specifics.

Interpretation for women

Our ancestors believed that special attention should be paid to the sign “a pimple on the chin of women expecting a child.” Thus, the appearance of a tubercle symbolized that the expectant mother would definitely give birth to a boy. What is this connected with? Perhaps because the chin is where the beard grows in men

It was believed that it was necessary to pay attention to the nature of the rash. If it is barely noticeable and is expressed by a single pimple that quickly goes away, the birth will be easy, but if the bumps appear in large quantities, itch, itch and do not go away for a very long time, you can expect a rather painful and lengthy process of the baby’s birth. Also, the appearance of a pimple on the lower part of the face immediately before childbirth could serve as an indication that the child will have poor health

What is this connected with? Perhaps because the chin is where the beard grows in men

It was believed that it was necessary to pay attention to the nature of the rash. If it is barely noticeable and is expressed by a single pimple that quickly passes, the birth will be easy, but if the tubercles appear in large quantities, itch, itch and do not go away for a very long time, you can expect a rather painful and lengthy process of the birth of the baby

Also, the appearance of a pimple on the lower part of the face immediately before childbirth could serve as an indication that the child would be in poor health.

In pre-revolutionary Russia, it was believed that a lump on the chin was a sign of imminent marriage: a gentleman would appear in the near future and ask the girl’s hand and heart from her parents. Sometimes the sign was interpreted a little differently: the girl would soon marry a man older than her.

Why else would a girl have a pimple on her chin? More modern interpretations claim that such a cosmetic defect symbolizes a quick, stormy and long romance. The size of the pimple can also be used to judge the feelings between lovers: if the bump is large and red, the feelings will be passionate; if it is small and unnoticeable, the relationship in the couple will be calm, even, without bright outbursts.

Interpretation for men

Oddly enough, there is no special sign of a “pimple on the chin in men.” However, in one single case, the interpretation may still affect the male sex. There is a belief that the appearance of a pimple on the lower part of the face is a message that very soon someone you know will get sick, and this will certainly be a man with a beard, so if you find such a sign on yourself, think about your bearded friends and colleagues , since the interpretation does not apply to blood relatives.

Negative meaning

Unlike the sign “pimple on the nose,” which is almost always positive, a rash on the lower part of the face also has a not very pleasant interpretation. The most common negative interpretation of this sign suggests that itchy pimples on the chin, causing discomfort, mean an imminent illness of one of your loved ones or relatives. Sometimes you can come across another interpretation: a pimple can symbolize an imminent quarrel with a loved one, and the larger it is, the stronger the conflict will flare up. Several pimples popping up at the same time, according to popular belief, could mean separation from a partner, and in some countries it was believed that any rash in this area is a sign that you are being cheated on, or that you yourself will soon not be able to resist the temptation of love, which will lead to a break in the relationship.

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