Pimples in the groin in women: causes, photos, red and purulent pimples

  • Pimples in the groin in women Causes?
  • Other causes of acne in the groin in women
  • Purulent and bloody pimple in the groin of women
  • Is it safe to squeeze a pimple in the groin?
  • Internal and subcutaneous pimple in the groin in women
  • How are acne in the groin usually treated?
  • Tips for preventing acne in the groin area

Key points of the article:

  • Vaginal acne is usually not a serious condition.
  • Shaving your pubic hair can cause acne if the hair follicles become infected.
  • In most cases, acne goes away on its own or with treatment within a few weeks.

Few parts of the body are as sensitive as the female genital and groin areas. Vaginal acne is not usually a serious condition, but it can be a source of great discomfort.

Later in the article, you will find the main causes that can cause pimples in or around the vagina, as well as tips on how to treat and prevent them.

Pimples in the groin in women Causes?

The reason is not always obvious, but there are several reasons why you may have acne around your genitals. Some of them are:

Contact dermatitis

Vaginal acne in women is likely caused by contact dermatitis. Contact dermatitis in the groin can be caused by sensitivity to:

  • bubble bath procedures using aggressive soaps, especially if they contain strong fragrances,
  • feminine wipes, deodorants, lotions, powders or perfumes,
  • tampons or sanitary pads,
  • spermicides, condoms, lubricants or sexual stimulants,
  • antibiotic drugs,
  • washing powders that you use to wash your underwear.

Your skin may also become irritated due to:

  • Sweating due to wearing synthetic underwear and tight jeans,
  • vaginal discharge,
  • urine ingress,
  • sperm.

Any skin irritation can lead to acne formation.

Acne as a symptom of relatively harmless dermatological diseases

Not all intimate rashes are dangerous.

Contact dermatitis: allergic manifestation to detergents or synthetics

Thus, the appearance of acne can be caused by neglect of hygiene requirements during shaving or a banal allergic reaction to synthetic underwear material:

  1. Inflammation of the sweat glands. It occurs as a result of infection of the gland by staphylococcus due to poor hygiene or damage to the skin. Pimples are painful and itchy.
  2. Contact dermatitis. The manifestation of an allergic reaction in response to synthetic material of underwear or personal hygiene products. Characterized by the presence of small itchy pimples, redness, and swelling.
  3. Furunculosis. An inflammatory process in the follicle, which is characterized by the gradual formation of a large pimple. Over time, a purulent core forms, which either opens on its own or requires surgical opening.
  4. Acne. It may be the result of hormonal changes, the use of low-quality personal hygiene products, or failure to comply with hygiene standards.

Despite the fact that such rashes are relatively safe, they still require contact with a specialist.

Hidradenitis inguinalis is an inflammation of the inguinal sebaceous glands caused by the penetration of Staphylococcus aureus

Other causes of acne in the groin in women

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Some lesions may appear to be pimples, but are actually cysts, warts, or other skin conditions in the groin area. The most common ones are:

Bartholin's cysts - usually found near one side of the vaginal opening. If the cysts do not go away within a few days or become painful, see your doctor. Large cysts can be a major symptom of a type of vulvar cancer called Bartholin's gland cancer.

Genital herpes are lesions that can look like pimples in the groin area of ​​women. They appear around the vagina, vulva and anus. Genital herpes can only be treated under the strict supervision of a physician, because it is a fairly serious infectious disease.

Genital warts can also be mistaken for groin pimples. You can have a single wart or even a cluster of small warts. They are caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV), a common sexually transmitted infection (STI).

Folliculitis: Pimples in the genital area can be the result of an infection of the hair follicle caused by various infections. Shaving pubic hair is one of the potential causes of folliculitis and red pimples in the groin To avoid irritation, shave only in the direction of hair growth. In some cases, hair grows in the opposite side, and shaving them can cause not only inflammation, but also ingrown hairs.

Sliding a razor over sensitive skin can also cause the following symptoms of irritation:

  • "razor burn"
  • pimple-like bumps
  • rash of small pimples
  • pimples.

Inversion acne is a chronic disease of the sweat glands. The disease causes pimple-like lesions on the body, including the groin area. The cause of this rare inflammatory disease is unclear. There are symptoms but no cure yet.

Molluscum contagiosum is a viral infection that can cause pimples anywhere on the body, including the groin in women. Treatment is not always necessary, but it can be treated with topical or oral medications. If necessary, your doctor can remove the pimple yourself.

Causes of rashes

Acne can be caused by a variety of reasons. A rash in the groin area may indicate the presence of pathologies, malfunctions of any organ, or be completely harmless.

The appearance of acne in an intimate place should alert a man, and the pathology should be treated after consultation with a dermatologist

To understand whether acne is dangerous or not, it is important to identify the causes of its occurrence:

  • weakened immune system;
  • presence of sexually transmitted diseases;
  • improper shaving;
  • eating low quality foods;
  • insufficient hygiene of the body and groin area in particular;
  • a history of diabetes mellitus;
  • hormonal imbalances that occur during adolescence or as a result of taking hormonal medications;
  • frequent stress, psycho-emotional stress;
  • allergic reaction of the body to food, hygiene products, medicines, underwear;
  • dermatological diseases.

To prevent the development of complications or serious consequences of the rash, it is important to immediately consult a specialist to clarify the diagnosis and receive the necessary recommendations for treating the disease.

Acne in the male intimate area can be divided into non-dangerous acne and formations, which can be symptoms of diseases

Purulent and bloody pimple in the groin of women

A boil, or skin abscess, is the main cause of purulent and, in more severe stages, bloody pimples in the groin in women and men. A boil is an accumulation of pus that forms in the skin and includes symptoms and signs such as:

  • hard, reddened swelling
  • sensitive, swollen skin around a large pimple,
  • the swelling can vary in size - from a small pea to a large walnut, but even the smallest boil is larger than a regular pimple in size and shape.
  • rapid filling of the boil with pus, which can spontaneously increase to sizes that are non-standard for a pimple.

Only antibiotics prescribed by your doctor are an adequate treatment for abscesses and boils. Primary treatments for inflammation include warm compresses and drainage (opening by piercing) of the abscess, but only when it is soft and ready to drain pus.

The procedure must be carried out by a doctor under sterile conditions with special instruments. Most purulent boils resolve on their own or with the help of home remedies and compresses. Bloody pimples and boils require urgent medical attention.

Furuncle on different parts of the skin, how to treat?

Squeezing a cystic pimple

Acne as a symptom of sexually transmitted pathologies

STDs are a serious pathology that requires immediate treatment. A signal of the onset of the disease can be the appearance of various types of rash:

  1. Syphilis. An infectious disease with a chronic course. A few days after infection, a chancre appears. In the active phase, a small pink rash is characteristic. Over time, ulcers form in place of the pimples. There is a deterioration in the general condition, the appearance of pale spots throughout the body, and an increase in body temperature.
  2. Genital herpes. Characterized by the presence of single blisters (watery or purulent), which merge, burst and form ulcers.
  3. Pediculosis. Itchy pimples formed at the site of a lice bite. Transition to armpits, eyebrows, eyelashes is possible.
  4. Molluscum contagiosum. The formation of wart-like pimples with a depression is characteristic. The contents have a curd-like structure. Squeezing pimples leads to infection of the entire body.

Pimples in the groin in men, as a symptom of an STD, should be immediately examined. Timely research and therapy will help avoid the development of complications and serious consequences.

Is it safe to squeeze a pimple in the groin?

It is better not to even try to squeeze out a vaginal pimple on your own. On the one hand, squeezing the pimple can lead to the spread of bacteria and the development of infection. On the other hand, irritation very easily occurs in this sensitive area, which will only worsen your condition.

The pimple may become inflamed, even filled with pus, and continue to grow at a blisteringly fast pace over the next few days. As it grows, it may also become painful.

Do not poke or squeeze pimples near the genitals (there is a chance that the pimple may burst on its own). Instead, see a doctor who will perform the removal procedure in a way that prevents infection.

Causes of groin rash

You should not wait until the situation resolves itself, this will never happen, it is necessary to seek qualified help as quickly as possible. Only in this way will you be able to return to your normal life and be confident in good health.

Problems in the groin skin begin when sebum, under the influence of negative factors, such as alcoholism, smoking, abuse of spicy foods and coffee, becomes too thick, and the cells in the sebaceous gland thicken. Then the gland itself becomes clogged and a pimple forms. Acne in such a delicate area as the groin does not appear on its own, there are reasons for this. Common causes of acne include:

  • lack of hygiene in the groin area;
  • venereal diseases;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • fungal infections;
  • poor nutrition - excessive indulgence in sweets;
  • diabetes mellitus and other systemic diseases;
  • skin hypersensitivity;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • allergic reactions;
  • mechanical damage and skin trauma.

Skin inflammation can be caused by underwear that is too tight; it creates a greenhouse effect and leads to additional friction on the skin. At the site where the laundry touches, irritation remains and papules may form. This type of rash does not require drug treatment; it is enough to change your underwear and treat the skin with an antiseptic to prevent a bacterial infection from developing.

Every modern woman takes care of her groin area and tries to remove hair accordingly. A rash in the bikini area can be caused by a blunt machine or epilator. Instead of cutting off the hairs, it begins to pull them out, injuring the skin, and creates excellent conditions for the proliferation of bacteria and fungus. If you want to avoid this situation, just change the blade in a timely manner. Another reason can be ingrown hairs; this happens due to rapid keratinization of the skin, which prevents hairs from growing normally. If you use exfoliating products, this will not happen and acne can be avoided.

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An allergic reaction is also one of the possible causes. Allergies can be triggered by hygiene products, synthetic underwear, sexual lubricants and contraceptives. It is not uncommon for topical medications to provoke a rash in the groin area. If such a rash appears, be sure to inform your doctor, he will change the medicine and adjust the therapy.

Sometimes, women believe that acne is caused by frequent use of cosmetics, this is not true. Perhaps, back in Soviet times, creams with a thick texture were produced that clogged the pores. Modern products have a good structure, are easily absorbed and allow the skin to breathe. Some products even have the inscription “non comedon”, which means that the cream does not clog pores and does not lead to the formation of pimples.

During pregnancy, women's sweat glands work intensively, so it is not uncommon for women to experience a rash in their groin area. Such formations do not require treatment - this is prickly heat, it will go away on its own if the woman maintains hygiene.

Internal and subcutaneous pimple in the groin in women

Internal and subcutaneous pimples are 99% of the time the cause and symptom of cystic acne - the most serious and painful type of acne. It develops quite rapidly when cysts form deep under the skin. It can be the result of the activation of certain bacteria, oil and dead skin cells that become trapped in your skin. pores.

Cystic acne tends to occur in people with oily skin. This condition is also more common in teenagers, women, and older adults with hormonal imbalances.

Typically, cystic internal and subcutaneous acne goes away with age. However, persistent and painful acne will not go away on its own. If you suspect that you have cystic acne, an urgent visit to a dermatologist will be your best decision towards cystic acne treatment.

Cystic acne Treatment and causes.

Acne as a signal of dangerous pathologies

The occurrence of acne in the groin area in men can signal the development of the following diseases:

  • Psoriasis. Chronic skin lesions, which are characterized by the presence of itchy scales, scratching of which leads to capillary bleeding.
  • Seborrheic dermatitis. There are oily and dry forms. The first develops as a result of increased sebum production, the second - its decrease. Characteristic is the appearance of single pimples, which merge over time.
  • Fat cyst. Blockage of the sebaceous gland. Small size, painless.
  • Bartholin gland cyst. Blockage of the duct is caused by gonococcus or E. coli.
  • Inguinal athlete's foot. Occurs in the most humid and warm place. It is characterized by the presence of small round spots covered with a crust, which, increasing in diameter, spread to adjacent areas of the skin.

A separate group is represented by cold pimples - bright red bumps with internal suppuration.

  • Pemphigus. The presence of such a disease is indicated by the appearance of small watery blisters, which, when opened, form painful erosions. The disease is accompanied by fever and dehydration. In rare cases, in the absence of treatment (delayed treatment), death is possible.
  • Erythrasma. It is characterized by the presence of a mild scaly rash, accompanied by itching and discomfort. The occurrence is associated with increased sweating, as well as a violation of the pH level of the skin.
  • Impetigo. Characterized by the appearance of crusts, bubbles, and erosions. Caused by infection of the skin with streptococcus or staphylococcus in the absence of proper hygiene or damage to the skin.
  • Fungal skin infection. Characterized by watery pimples, small red bumps (papules), and scales. The pathological process develops quickly. There is a merging of single skin lesions into one spot. It can occur as a result of long-term use of antibiotics, hormonal drugs, as well as in people with diabetes mellitus and oncology.

If a rash occurs in the groin area, it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor, this will avoid serious complications and even save your life.

Syphilis: small pink rash in the groin and pimples on the genitals, developing into open sores

How are acne in the groin usually treated?

Pimples caused by minor irritation may go away on their own without much consequence. If they do not go away, or if the skin in the groin area worsens significantly, consult a doctor.

Acne in the groin in women caused by contact dermatitis can be treated with medications that are prescribed individually to each patient. If an allergic reaction is diagnosed, antihistamines can be prescribed.

If you are diagnosed with contact dermatitis, your doctor will first need to determine the cause of its formation through an external examination and based on the results of a skin analysis. You will also need to stop using any cosmetic products in the genital area.

Pimples caused by ingrown hairs also usually go away on their own. Early diagnosis and self-treatment of pimples caused by ingrown hairs can only make the situation worse. Also, treatment is not always necessary for molluscum contagiosum. If it doesn't go away on its own within a week, your doctor may prescribe a topical or oral medication for its prompt removal.

If you don't know what's causing your acne, avoid using any medications and seek advice from your doctor to avoid making the situation worse.


In most cases, acne goes away on its own or with the help of additional treatment within a few weeks. The predicted result of treatment depends on the causes of acne in the groin and the chosen treatment methods. Your doctor can give you a more precise answer to the question of what you can expect.

You may need to make some adjustments to your personal hygiene routine to prevent the skin condition in your groin area from recurring.

Reasons for appearance

There are many reasons for the appearance of a groin rash: lack of personal hygiene, irregular showering, infrequent changes of underwear, or underwear made of low-quality material. It can also appear from low-quality synthetic bedding. Popular causes of rashes are: fungus, oncology, skin diseases, dysbacteriosis.

When contacting a specialist, you will be asked in detail about when and how the rash appeared, whether you consumed allergens, did not take antibiotics without a doctor’s prescription, whether or not you are following hygiene, will do an examination and draw up a complete picture of the course of the disease. Next, effective treatment for groin rashes


The doctor may prescribe any of the following treatments for you:

  • local therapy with gels, ointments, powders, lotions;
  • drug treatment.

In any of these treatments, you need to listen to the doctor and not deviate from the course of therapy. Take medications strictly as prescribed by your doctor. You can consult a doctor about the use of traditional methods of treatment.

Tips for preventing acne in the groin area

As soon as your doctor diagnoses the exact cause of your acne, immediately begin comprehensive therapy, avoiding contact with the irritant. To prevent further irritation in the groin, follow these generally accepted recommendations:

  • Avoid tight clothing that may cause friction
  • Choose cotton underwear rather than synthetic material
  • Try not to touch the pimples too much.
  • Avoid very hot water when taking baths.
  • Use only gentle baby soap or intimate gel.

Since shaving can irritate the skin and cause pimples around the private parts in both women and men, you can stop using a regular razor for a while, but you can trim your pubic hair with scissors. If you do decide to shave your groin hair, only go with the razor at a growth angle your hair with a downward slope.

If you have any unusual swelling or a sharp increase in the number of acne in the genital area, consult your doctor for a diagnosis and further treatment.

We also recommend that you read the first part of the article: Pimples near and in the vagina Causes Treatment. .


The price for treating groin rashes depends on: the experience of the dermatologist, the level of the clinic, and the complexity of the disease. If the dermatologist deems it necessary, then after the consultation you may be prescribed tests, the price will include: consultation with a doctor, passing the necessary tests, prescribing treatment.

You shouldn’t neglect your health, especially in such a delicate and intimate area; it’s better to turn to specialists in time.

Prices for appointments in Moscow
Initial appointment900 rubles
Repeated appointment700 rubles
Blood tests for RW600 rubles
Calling a dermatologist to your home2800 rubles
Prescription of treatment regimen600 rubles

This article does not constitute medical advice and should not serve as a substitute for consultation with a physician.

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