The skin on the palms of the hands is peeling and peeling: causes, treatment, folk recipes, prevention

When problems with the skin of the hands appear, many immediately try to visit cosmetologists. However, if the skin on the palms of your hands is peeling and peeling, this does not always mean that a cosmetic problem has arisen. There may be other reasons for this illness. More details below.

Unfortunately, peeling skin on the palms is not a rare occurrence. Problems with the epidermis arise for various reasons; skin diseases can occur due to inappropriate cosmetics or chemicals used for laundry, washing dishes, etc.

Also, the root cause of such symptoms may be pathologies of both internal organs, allergic and skin diseases, or a lack of various vitamins. In any case, when the skin on the palms peels and peels, a diagnosis should be made and treated. Next, we will consider this topic in detail.

The skin on the palms of the hands is peeling and peeling: the reasons for this condition

If you find that the skin on your palms is peeling and peeling, you should not immediately panic and look for ways to solve the problem yourself. It’s better to first establish a diagnosis and determine the root cause of this unpleasant problem. After all, sometimes there is no need to treat anything; it is enough to simply get rid of the soap or replace your favorite cream.

Causes of peeling skin on the palms

Other sources of problems of this nature may be the following factors:

  • The use of various chemicals, detergents, cleaning products for the kitchen , bathroom, etc.
  • Allergenic reactions to cosmetics and, again, household chemicals.
  • Lack of certain vitamins , especially: A, E, B.
  • Excessive use of antibacterial soaps and alkaline products. After all, their components greatly dry out the skin and can damage its integrity.
  • Long courses of drug treatment with antibiotics and other drugs that negatively affect internal organs and skin condition.
  • Various dermatological problems. Diseases such as eczema, dermatomyositis , etc.

Making a diagnosis on your own is quite problematic, which is why when you feel an itchy feeling in your palms, unpleasant pain, you should not put off visiting a dermatologist. And it is undesirable to first of all go to a cosmetologist, because he does not treat skin pathologies. Otherwise, there is a risk of making the situation worse. Self-medication and various procedures can only cause harm in the presence of an unidentified disease.


Methods for moisturizing the skin are different and are largely determined by eliminating the source - the catalyst of the problem. If the cause is a specific disease, then treatment of dry skin of the body includes all the necessary measures that can stop the pathology, and hence remove its accompanying symptoms.

If the reason is different, then it is necessary to take measures to protect the skin from the negative influence of external irritants, which can be eliminated independently. It is necessary to keep the skin clean, but you should not overdo it with the amount of washing and taking baths and showers. Cosmetics for washing must be of high quality and match your skin type. You should use only high-quality, non-expired cosmetics. In winter, it is necessary to use protective creams. In everyday life, prefer clothes and shoes made from natural materials. This will protect against the occurrence of allergic reactions to artificial material and protect against thermal overheating of the skin. Anti-inflammatory agents must be used along with moisturizers. It is recommended to use anti-allergy medications or general health-improving medications internally, which will be prescribed by your dermatologist.

The skin on the palms of the hands is peeling and peeling: what diseases cause the problem?

Peeling of the skin on the palms of the hands occurs not only due to excessive dryness, but also for other reasons. Sometimes the root cause of this condition may be the use of strong antibiotics, and as a result, the development of fungal infections. They can appear both on the palms and between the fingers.

If the skin on your palms is peeling because they are affected by a fungal infection , scabies , dermatosis , psoriasis , parasitic infestations, eczema , contact dermatitis , then in addition to these symptoms you will also notice rashes on other areas of the skin, irritation, itching, etc. .

Psoriasis on hands

Only comprehensive treatment, and not cosmetic procedures, will help to cope with these pathologies. A patient with these diseases should only consult a doctor and should not self-medicate under any circumstances. The dermatologist will prescribe therapeutic treatment after conducting tests and establishing a diagnosis.

Characteristic signs of Dermatomyositis (DM) and Polymyositis (PM) on the palms of the hands

Damage to the skin of the hands occurs due to a lack of certain vitamins. More often this happens due to a lack of vitamins: B, D, A, E. An exacerbation of the disease manifests itself in the spring and autumn.

Symptoms of a lack of essential vitamins

IMPORTANT : To eliminate health problems, you need to take vitamin supplements. It is also useful to add fruits, vegetables, and other foods containing these vitamins to your diet. You can buy vitamins on the iHerb website using this link .

Below is a list of these products:

  • Sweet apricots, parsley, pumpkin, ripe tomatoes, vitamin-rich carrots, and green peas are rich in vitamin A.
  • Yolks, sour cream, liver, and butter are rich in vitamin D.
  • Carrots, corn, and cheese are rich in vitamin E.
  • Vitamin B is rich in nuts, bran, potatoes, healthy spinach, green vegetables and brewer's yeast.

The skin of the hands also peels off in the rare but very dangerous disease scarlet fever.

Peeling of the skin of the hands with scarlet fever

Allergenic reactions

Our hands are often exposed, as mentioned above, to all sorts of aggressive substances, which can provoke allergies; one of its symptoms is peeling of the skin on the palms.

Here are the reasons for the manifestation of the condition:

  • Eating various foods that cause allergenic reactions.
  • Various cosmetic products , detergents, chemicals used in everyday life (including: dishwashing liquid, laundry powders).
  • External irritants such as dust , pet hair .
  • Some dosage forms
    , especially antibiotics.

Hand care
In summer, the skin on the palms peels and peels due to exposure to ultraviolet radiation. That's why dermatologists recommend using moisturizers.

Why does the skin on my hands dry out?

Dry hand skin is a complex phenomenon that can be accompanied by a feeling of tightness and discomfort, peeling of the skin of the fingers or palms. The answer to the question of why the hands of women and men peel may lie in the area of ​​both external and internal factors.

External factors

So, why do your hands peel - several possible external reasons:

  • seasonal changes and climatic factors (temperature changes, cold, wind, hot sun);
  • dry indoor air due to the operation of heating appliances or air conditioning systems;
  • frequent washing and/or active disinfection of hand skin;
  • using household chemicals and/or other aggressive substances without gloves;
  • incorrectly selected hand skin care or lack thereof.

Internal factors

Dry hand skin can also be associated with internal factors:

  • Physiological features: compared to many other areas of the body, the skin of the hands has a thinner lipid layer, is more susceptible to the aging process and may be more vulnerable to aggressive environmental influences.
  • Genetic predisposition: hereditary features of the functioning of the hydrolipid mantle of the skin.
  • Various diseases: we will not consider them in this article; in this case, consultation with a dermatologist is necessary.

The skin on the palms of the hands is peeling and peeling: treatment of the disease

After finding out the reason why the skin on the palms is peeling and peeling, you can begin to eliminate the sources of these symptoms. To do this, first of all, you will need to comply with some safety measures, including hygiene rules. First of all, you should avoid soap and other cosmetics that dry out the skin of your palms.

It is better to use mild products, perhaps switch to baby soap or cream soap . It also doesn't hurt to use moisturizing cosmetic creams . Do not under any circumstances use various chemical aids for cleaning bathrooms, toilets, and household appliances without protective gloves. Your pens should not come into contact with aggressive components that directly affect skin health.

In the case where problems with the palms of the hands are associated with allergies, first of all you will need to determine what causes this condition. Then stop using this product. also need to use ointments, anti-allergy medications in the form of tablets or drops, powders. It is recommended to moisturize damaged areas of the skin as often as possible to prevent cracks from appearing.

Cream for the treatment of allergies on the skin of the hands

as gels and creams :

  • Bepanten, moreal-plus, elocom
  • Panthenol, fenistil, etc.

If the patient’s allergies have worsened, then the use of ointments with corticosteroids (Lokoid, Laticort, Pimafucort, Hydrocortisone ointment, Advantan, etc.) is suitable for therapeutic therapy. These ointments have a local effect on damaged skin. But these ointments are effective for allergies and skin ailments, and they cannot be used simply for care.

IMPORTANT : To moisturize the skin, use creams with St. John's wort, calendula, chamomile, etc. They should be applied to the epidermis half an hour before going out into the frost or sun. It is advisable to remove small flakes of keratinized skin painlessly by using creams, gel scrubs or peelings to soften them.

What to do with dry hand skin?

If the skin on your hands has become dry, your palms are flaky, or your hands feel unpleasantly dry, the skin is most likely having difficulty retaining moisture. This can happen if the natural protective barrier of the skin, its hydrolipid mantle, is disrupted.

Repairing cream for very dry hands CeraVe

CeraVe restoring cream for very dry hand skin contains components aimed at strengthening the hydrolipid barrier and intensively moisturizing the skin. Let's look at them in more detail:

Ceramides: these are lipids that help maintain the protective functions of the skin and help restore and strengthen its hydrolipidic barrier.

Hyaluronic Acid: Draws moisture into the upper layers of the skin, helping to maintain hydration for a long time.

Phytosphingosine: is a phospholipid that helps strengthen the skin's own protective functions. It helps reduce moisture loss from the upper layers of the skin and protect it from dehydration.

CeraVe Revitalizing Cream is formulated with MVE technology, a gradual release of active ingredients that helps provide long-lasting hydration to the skin. It is fragrance-free, paraben-free, hypoallergenic and suitable for very dry hands.

Revitalizing hand cream

For very dry skin

Moisturizes dry, chapped hands, helping to restore and strengthen the protective skin barrier.

More details

The skin on the palms of the hands is peeling and peeling: treatment with folk remedies

When the skin on the palms of your hands peels and peels, you should follow hygiene rules so as not to introduce infection into open wounds. For this problem, folk recipes are effective. Thanks to masks, compresses, and baths, the condition of the skin improves significantly.

Next, see effective recipes that will help cope with the problem of flaking skin on the palms :

  • Using a honey mask you can relieve inflammation of the skin on your palms. To do this, honey is simply applied to the affected areas and then washed off after 25 minutes.
  • Any rich cream is suitable for solving the problem of flaking skin on the palms.
  • Thanks to baths with soda, you can also significantly alleviate the manifestation of the disease. Take 45 grams of soda, dissolve in warm water, then immerse your palms in the bath for 20-24 minutes, massage them, then wipe and lubricate with moisturizer.
  • Baths with vegetable oils . According to herbalists, it is best to use olive oils for such purposes. If you don’t have it, then sunflower will do. Treatment is carried out in the evening. The product is heated to a pleasant warm temperature, the palms are lowered into it for 10-15 minutes. After that, wipe the skin and put on soft, rag gloves for the whole night. In the morning, the condition of the epidermis will improve significantly.
  • Using a solution of flaxseeds , you can significantly improve the condition of the skin, so that there are no skin problems, pour 220 ml of water into a container, add 45 g of flaxseeds there, boil until they become thick. When the mixture has cooled down, lubricate your hands.
  • A carrot mask also eliminates dry skin on the palms. To prepare the mask, grate a medium-sized carrot, pour milk (45 ml) into a container with carrots, and add 45 grams of ground oatmeal there. Mix everything, make a mask for fifteen to twenty minutes, then rinse everything off and lubricate your palms with olive oil.

These types of treatments are used until the skin problems on the palms of the hands are completely alleviated. The above recipes are best used in combination with other drugs.

Features of seasonal care for dry skin

What to do and how to deal with very dry skin in winter and summer? Will basic care methods vary depending on the season? Yes - and now we will tell you how.

Care in autumn and winter

Dry hands in the autumn-winter period is one of the common problems in both women and men. The skin of your hands may peel, suffer from dryness and a feeling of tightness... The following measures will help combat the fact that your palms or fingers are peeling:

  1. Use special hand products designed for use before going outside, and moisturizing and restorative products after returning home.
  2. Try not to appear outside without gloves, protect your hands from temperature changes and sharp winds.
  3. Do not forget to regularly moisturize your hands when in a room where heating devices are operating.

Care in spring and summer

If your hands peel in the warm season, it may also be a matter of incorrectly chosen care, or a possible lack of vitamins and minerals in the diet. Here's how you can try to fix this situation:

  1. Try not only to moisturize the skin of your hands, but also to protect it from aggressive sun rays using cosmetics with SPF protection.
  2. Remember to drink enough clean water to prevent general dehydration.
  3. Watch your diet: eat more vegetables, fruits, fatty fish and other sources of skin-healthy nutrients.

Peeling and peeling skin on the palms of the hands: prevention

If you have a tendency to dry skin on your hands and palms and sometimes there are periods when the skin on the palms of your hands peels and peels, then you should take a number of preventive measures that will allow you to protect your delicate skin from aggravations.

Do the following:

  1. Wash your hands regularly, using only gentle hygiene products. Try to wash them only in warm water.
  2. Before going outside, be sure to dry your hands so that they do not dry out or become chapped.
  3. In winter, lubricate the skin of the palms of your hands with fatty creams, and in the evening make masks for the skin of your hands, try not to go out into the cold without gloves.
  4. If peeling of the palms has already begun, then remove dead skin cells with scrub creams.
  5. When you have to use chemicals, wear rubber gloves.
  6. Try to massage the skin of your hands daily in the evening with gentle movements to improve blood flow, which in turn improves the regeneration of the skin.

How to deal with flaking on the skin of your hands

If, after examination by a doctor, no serious causes of peeling on the hands are identified, then it can be eliminated with effective folk remedies:

  1. Take a few drops of olive or sea buckthorn oil and add to 1 tsp. honey, spread daily on the skin of the hands for 30-40 minutes, thanks to this mask the skin is nourished, becomes tender and soft.
  2. Steam a little olive oil, add vitamin A and E to it, spread the mixture on the skin of your hands for 25 minutes, then remove the excess with a napkin and preferably wait until the oil is completely absorbed into the skin;
  3. Brew chamomile and add 1 tbsp. l. flax or almond oils. For greater effectiveness, you can add lemon or lavender essential oil. Spread your palms with this mixture and hold for 20-30 minutes, then wipe with a napkin.
  4. Rubbing a mixture of 2 tbsp will soften the skin of your hands well. l. glycerin, water and 5 drops of ammonia, then soak your hands with a paper napkin.
  5. Before going to bed, lubricate dry skin of your hands with a mixture of melted lamb and lard.
  6. Rub slightly warmed linseed oil into the skin of your hands for 15-20 minutes.
  7. It is effective for flaky skin on your hands to make a bath of warm water with the addition of a small amount of vegetable oils, hold your hands for 20 minutes, then dry them well and apply a thick nourishing cream.

It is also worth paying attention to nutrition, it is necessary to exclude harmful foods, introduce apricots, pumpkin, carrots, tomatoes, eggs, green peas, parsley, cheese and other foods containing vitamins A and E into the diet. In addition, hands need exfoliation and moisturizing with creams and baths. It is advisable to wash your hands only using gentle means.

This article is for informational purposes only, please consult your doctor for details!

Video: We make a unique hand cream ourselves

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