If the skin on your face is peeling, what should you do? Causes of peeling and ways to eliminate it

Today, the world market offers a wide variety of cosmetics, in particular personal care products. Unfortunately, there is no single official classification of all products, so it is quite difficult to understand all the diversity, and most often you have to rely on your own intuition. Despite this, the entire range can be secretly divided according to purpose, features of action and effectiveness of use. Thus, we will highlight three, the most convenient groups: mass-market cosmetics, selective (premium and luxury) cosmetics and active (medicinal) cosmetics. Mass-market cosmetics are intended for general personal care, however, they do not contain biologically active substances with medicinal properties. Mass market cosmetics can be found both in pharmacies and on the shelves of any chain store. The main difference between selective cosmetics and mass-market cosmetics is the limited use, depending on skin type, hair, and age. You can purchase cosmetics of this type only in specialized cosmetic stores. Active cosmetics, in turn, contain biologically active substances and are used for the treatment and prevention of certain diseases.

It is quite difficult to understand all the diversity, and most often you have to rely on your own intuition.

Causes of peeling - external factors and improper care

So, what are the causes of peeling skin on the face? There are three skin types: oily, normal, dry. People with dry skin suffer from flaking more often than others. This is natural. However, if the situation worsens over time, you should pay attention to the following factors.

why does the skin on my face peel?

One of them is lack of moisture in the body. Winds, frosts, scorching sun, dry indoor air during the heating season - all this dries out the skin, causing it to peel. Therefore, such environmental influences should be avoided in every possible way and skin care should be strengthened.

When caring for your face, it is important to remember that excessive frequent washing (especially with hot water), as well as the use of soap products, can negatively affect the skin, causing dryness and irritation.

If by leaving you have achieved the opposite effect, do not despair! Replace regular soap with a skin moisturizer and use a nourishing cream. This will help your facial skin recover.

Also, refrain from rubbing your skin after washing your face. It could hurt her. Better to gently pat your face dry with a soft towel.

Lack of vitamins

The lack of vitamins in the body or their deficiency also leads to flaking of the skin. What should you do in such a situation? It is necessary to help the body accumulate nutrients. To do this, include more fruits in your diet (especially during the period of autumn-spring vitamin deficiency).


Peeling of the facial skin often occurs as a result of an allergic reaction to the lanolinic acid contained in face washes. Flowering plants, allergenic foods, and medications can also cause a skin reaction.

If the problem is with your cleanser, you should seek professional advice. If the itching persists, do not delay visiting your doctor. Since this phenomenon may not be a simple irritation, but a symptom of an infectious skin disease.

Dry skin

As we have already noted, the main problem of the skin is the lack of moisture. How to solve it? You should stop using soap when washing your face. It is recommended to replace it with soft, cleansing, non-alcohol-containing products, such as:

  • foams,
  • mousses,
  • gels.

causes of peeling skin

Types of pharmaceutical cosmetics

In the presence of dermatological disorders, the main purpose of pharmaceutical cosmetics is to correct deficiencies and provide a pronounced therapeutic effect. Depending on the purpose, there are several types of funds, each of which is selected depending on the specific problem:

  • for normal, dry, oily skin;
  • for the treatment of acne;
  • to eliminate pigmentation;
  • for tightening and smoothing wrinkles;
  • to cleanse sensitive skin prone to allergies and redness;
  • for baby skin care.

Unlike other cosmetics, pharmaceutical cosmetics contain a higher content of active ingredients, which undergo additional testing and purification. The content of preservatives and aggressive chemical compounds in pharmaceutical cosmetics is minimal or completely absent, which means that such products are hypoallergenic, safe and ideal for sensitive skin and acne-prone skin.


An effective remedy for protecting against flaking of facial skin is the drug “Panthenol”. Particularly convenient to use thanks to the spray form. This drug is sprayed onto problematic facial skin; after a few minutes, the remaining drug must be removed with a cotton pad. The drug can be used up to four times a day. The use of Panthenol stops the inflammatory process, relieves skin irritation, and eliminates flaking. The drug softens and restores problematic facial skin.

why does my face itch

What are pharmaceutical cosmetics and what are their advantages?

Let us dwell in detail on the third group of cosmetics. Active cosmetics, cosmeceuticals, dermatocosmetics, medicinal cosmetics - all these terms are used to refer to cosmetic products whose purpose is to correct deficiencies and have a regenerating effect. Medical and pharmaceutical data are used in the development of these cosmetic products, which means that the use of all ingredients is scientifically based. Also, another advantage of such cosmetics is that they are certified; therefore, sales are possible only in pharmacies, online pharmacy stores or in specialized stores.

Diagnostic methods

To find out what causes very dry facial skin, how to treat dry body in women and men and find the causes, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive examination to treat the patient, which includes:

  • clinical and biochemical blood tests;
  • consultation with a dermatologist and cosmetologist;
  • study of hormonal status;
  • allergen analysis and so on.

The full list of necessary diagnostic tests depends on the individual condition. Root causes, in particular, may be related to stress, phase of the life cycle, and so on.

What is Retinoic ointment

The main component of the ointment is isotretinoin, its content can be 0.05 g or 0.1 g. The substance is a biologically active form of retinol (vitamin A), which affects the process of cell differentiation.

Excipients include petroleum jelly, glycerin, ethyl alcohol, emulsion wax, dibunol, distilled water and butyloxyanisole.

The product is a yellowish substance of uniform consistency without inclusions. Packaged in tubes of 10 or 15 g, sold in boxes along with instructions.

Skin hydration

There are several ways to get rid of flaking on your face. Initially, it is necessary to determine the causes of the problem. In the case of an allergic reaction, exposure to allergens should be eliminated by purifying the air or replacing cosmetic products. In winter, switch to using products with a high fat content that can withstand low temperatures. Optimize your diet based on the amount of water you consume. You need to drink at least 1.5 liters of purified drinking water per day to maintain your water balance.

Pay attention to cleansing and moisturizing your face, especially after a day of work. Sweat, dust and other impurities that come into contact with the face negatively affect the overall condition of the skin. Use specialized gels and lotions to cleanse your face. This kind of procedure is carried out twice a day. Don’t forget about vitamins, vitamin D3, regulates calcium-phosphorus metabolism, and vitamin complexes, as a rule, contain B vitamins, vitamins A, C, folic acid and Omega-3, they will help compensate for the lack of vitamins in the body. Take care of your own skin, take care of it, and you will look great for many years.

What if you don't take care of your skin?

During the day, we expose our skin to temperature changes many times. There is an icy wind with snow outside, and warm air dried by radiators indoors. The contrast can be more than 20 degrees. The consequences of such differences are:

  • dryness and feeling of tightness of the skin
  • rosacea – enlargement of small vessels on the face
  • cold allergy – when low temperatures become an allergen, causing swelling, irritation, blisters on the skin
  • exacerbation of atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, herpes
  • if the frost is severe, frostbite may occur

Lack of proper care leads to loss of skin elasticity, premature aging, and the appearance of age spots. Once acquired, rosacea will forever remain a cosmetic defect, which is quite difficult to combat.


It would seem that the fact that you have difficulties with the epidermis is understandable without additional explanation. However, there are a number of symptoms that are often not paid attention to, while they serve as a kind of “bell” that you need to check your health:

  • after washing there is a feeling that the face, body or hands are “tight”;
  • red spots appear;
  • itching begins, which causes serious discomfort;
  • Cracks and scratches easily form on the surface.

If you have very dry skin on your body, your doctor will tell you what to do. Unfortunately, often a simple change of cosmetics is not enough; comprehensive measures must be taken: change your diet, give up bad habits, monitor which products and materials may cause unpleasant reactions, identify medications that require caution when taken.


Additionally, the following procedures are recommended:

  • oxygen therapy;
  • ozone therapy;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • vitamin injections;
  • cell mineralization;
  • laser therapy and so on.

All procedures are combined with the use of high-quality caring cosmetics recommended by a specialist. It is recommended to constantly be in touch with a dermatologist so as not to cause damage to your health. In order to detect violations in time and correct the situation, regular monitoring is needed.


If dry skin is not given timely attention, the consequences can be very different. In some cases, the disease may not progress, but in most patients, sooner or later, dry skin begins to itch, crack and become inflamed. The danger of these situations is:

  • risk of infection of cracks and development of inflammatory processes;
  • risk of increasing the affected skin area;
  • the risk of developing complications of the underlying disease if dry skin is a symptom of another disorder;
  • constant discomfort of the patient from a feeling of tightness and itching.

Degrees of development

The disease can have different levels of severity. The moderate stage gives a feeling of tightness, the epidermis becomes rougher, irritated, and elasticity decreases. Very high severity leads to peeling of scales, areas of severe irritation, pimples, and itching appear on the face and body. Some areas, such as knees and elbows, tend to be particularly dry - these areas are particularly rough and may develop rough calluses.

The doctor will advise you on what exactly needs to be done - in some cases it is necessary to use not just care products, but medications. They should be prescribed exclusively by a specialist: even a pharmacist at a pharmacy does not always recommend suitable medications. An allergy that joins the irritation that torments you can lead to serious injury that will have to be treated longer and in more radical ways. The doctor will prescribe ointments that are suitable individually.

Mechanism of action of Retinoic ointment

The instructions for Retinoic ointment contain information that the drug belongs to dermatotropic agents. This means that the composition protects the skin from microbes and parasites, stimulates the healing process and renewal of the epidermis.

Due to retinoic acid, the product provides:

  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • exfoliating effect;
  • antiseborrheic effect;
  • dermatoprotective effect.

Isotretinoin has proven effectiveness in the treatment of dermatitis, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands and thereby relieves acne, pimples and acne.

Glycerin present in the composition helps smooth the skin, and ethanol has an antibacterial effect and improves blood circulation. The medicinal composition is able to penetrate into the deep layers of the skin and inhibit the production of sebum, preventing the expansion of the diameter of the sebaceous ducts and their clogging with secretions. The ointment improves the removal of fat, due to which the inflammatory process is relieved, and the pores are narrowed, giving the skin a healthy and even appearance.

When the drug is contraindicated, side effects

Like any medicine, the ointment has contraindications for use:

  • planning conception, pregnancy, breastfeeding (cannot be applied to large areas of the skin);
  • taking other retinoid drugs to avoid overdose.

With caution, it can be used by persons with chronic kidney and liver diseases, chronic pancreatitis, and severe heart failure.

Undesirable effects may occur during treatment:

  • personal intolerance to the substance and auxiliary ingredients;
  • the appearance of new rashes from the second week of use, redness of the skin, which does not require cessation of therapy.

When used for a long period, increased dryness of the skin with peeling, conjunctivitis, inflammation of the mucous membrane and skin of the lips may occur.

Constant peeling

If you experience persistent discomfort, it is necessary to undergo a diagnosis because:

  • it can be a consequence of various diseases, including endocrine ones;
  • stable peeling occurs in places that are subject to regular mechanical stress (for example, knees and elbows);
  • persistent dryness may be the result of an allergy that is not seasonal.

So the question of why the skin on the body dries so much and what to do if the epidermis continues to deteriorate should lead you to a dermatologist’s office, who will prescribe a comprehensive examination.

Peeling on the legs

This is a fairly common disorder that affects both men and women of different ages. In addition to the reasons already listed, damage to the lower extremities is often a consequence of poor circulation in the veins of the legs - varicose veins. So, in addition to other tests, it is necessary to check the condition of the blood vessels.

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