Diaper rash in the groin in women: symptoms, causes, treatment with medicines and folk remedies, reviews

If you start talking about the main problems of young children, you will definitely mention diaper rash. And almost immediately you can get a lot of advice on their prevention and treatment. But often this disease also affects adults.

Diaper rash is a disease characterized by inflammation in the skin folds. Inflammation occurs as a result of excessive sweating, poor or poor hygiene, and prolonged rubbing of the skin by clothing or other objects. Allergies, excess weight, and decreased immunity also contribute to the development of diaper rash.

Of course, people who have limited physical activity are most susceptible to diaper rash: after a stroke, accidents, those suffering from cerebral palsy, those in the intensive care unit, and so on.

But an inactive lifestyle, obesity, frequent visits to the pool (chlorinated water) and sensitive skin can contribute to the development of diaper rash. Most often, the groin folds, armpits, buttocks, between the fingers, behind the ears, and in folds formed as a result of obesity are affected. In women, it is often under the mammary glands.

What does diaper rash look like in women's groin: photo

In this section we show what diaper rash in the groin can look like in women with photos, but it is best to consult a doctor when the first diaper rash occurs.

Diaper rash in the groin in women

And only when you are sure that it is diaper rash, and not one of the many types of fungi or infections, then you can proceed to treatment. Many people do not want to treat diaper rash with medications and prefer safe traditional methods. We will talk about them in the following sections.

Diaper rash in the groin in women: photo

List of sources

  • Samtsov A.V., Sukharev A.V., Nazarov R.N., Bondar O.I., Patrushev A.V., Fedotova M.A. The effectiveness of Pimafukort cream in the treatment of patients with intertrigo of fungal etiology / Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2011;14(4):42-46.
  • Dermatovenereology: National manual edited by prof. Yu.S. Butova //Moscow. "Geotar-Media", 2014, p. 886.
  • Nosonova A.V. Complex differentiated therapy of patients with infections of large skin folds using etiotropic drugs and immunomodulators / Dermatovenerology. Cosmetology. Sexopathology. — 2012.— No. 1-4.— P. 297-302.
  • Skripkin Yu. K. et al. Skin and venereal diseases: A guide for doctors. – M., 2001. – P. 4-13
  • Gorlanov I. A., Zaslavsky D. V., Leina L. M. Skin diseases associated with obesity / Bulletin of Dermatology and Venereology. - 2016. - No. 6, pp. 20-26.

Diaper rash in the groin in women: symptoms

To diagnose diaper rash in the groin in women, the following symptoms are considered:

  • Sweating increases and the fabric of clothing in these places becomes damp, especially bad when the fabric is synthetic and does not absorb moisture and does not allow air to pass under the clothing;
  • The skin becomes red and inflamed;
  • Brown spots and small wounds appear in the folds;
  • If you start treatment, cracks appear that are enveloped in pus;
  • Advanced cases of diaper rash in women - bleeding wounds with a grayish or brown coating;
  • The last stage is multiple wounds with pus;
  • In advanced cases, an infection often attaches to diaper rash, and the inflammatory process lasts for years, even with careful treatment.

Degrees of development

There are three degrees of damage.

Mild degree

It appears as slight redness on the body with no deep wounds, ulcers, erosions, or cracks.

Average degree

It is characterized by severe redness, the appearance of erosive ulcerations, and inflamed pimples. Photos of similar damage can be seen on the Internet.

Severe degree

Accompanied by bright, weeping foci of inflammation, erosions, combined into large foci. The patient experiences itching in the affected area, an unpleasant odor, cracks, and bloody discharge from the wounds.

If a secondary infection joins the pathological process, the condition of the epidermis rapidly worsens. Multiple erosive formations appear with sticky discharge and a repulsive odor. A person complains of discomfort, itching, burning, pain.

Diaper rash in the groin in adults, elderly, pregnant women: causes

There can be dozens of reasons for diaper rash in women, and can be either permanent or temporary. We have identified the main causes of diaper rash in the groin in women of different ages:

  • Poor quality or synthetic clothing in everyday life. No one disputes the beauty of lace underwear or panties for formal occasions, but in everyday life, cotton underwear is recommended, which does not fade or cause irritation to the skin. The lace edges are beautiful, but if you are prone to diaper rash, skip the perforated dubious pleasure;
  • Tight, small or stretched, rough underwear. Tight tights and uncomfortable trousers. Clothes should be comfortable, or they have no place in your wardrobe;
  • Excess weight. With excess weight, many problems and diseases arise, and diaper rash is no exception. The legs rub against each other, and because of this, additional sweating occurs, which causes additional irritation of the legs, as one of the causes of sweating;
  • Obesity, when the skin in the groin is constantly in folds. Because of this, it does not function fully, coming into contact with air and water, and as a result causes diaper rash;
  • Hyperhidrosis is increased sweating, which causes dermatitis and diaper rash in the groin in women, not only in the heat, but all year round;
  • Failure to comply with hygiene standards. It is recommended to shower once a day if it is hot outside or the woman is actively sweating - as needed. For example, after fitness, it is recommended to take a shower for 5-10 minutes, otherwise even a slender girl can get diaper rash in the groin;
  • Pregnancy . In the process of bearing a child, the structure of the body changes, the skin becomes softer and more susceptible to friction, heat, and any discomfort. Add weight gain and the occasional diaper rash is understandable;
  • Allergic reactions can give rise to diaper rash in the groin. In this case, comprehensive treatment for allergies with prevention of diaper rash will be required.

Remember that if you want to cure diaper rash, you must simultaneously eliminate or minimize the causes of the problem. If you are pregnant, choose comfortable clothes and comfortable underwear, shower more often and do not forget about talc while walking and moving.

Dermatologist examines diaper rash in a woman's groin

General information

Diaper rash (intertrigo) is a type of simple dermatitis that affects only the superficial layer of skin in the folds and bends of the skin.
Diaper rash in adults is most often localized in the armpits, under the mammary glands, in the folds of the abdomen, neck, perineum or in the intergluteal fold. This pathology develops in areas of skin friction and high humidity under the influence of the irritating influence of sweat, sebaceous secretions, urine or feces. A high incidence of intertrigo is observed in patients with obesity , diabetes mellitus and immunodeficiency conditions . Diaper rash occurs at any age, and in infants this skin lesion is considered a type of diaper dermatitis , since changes in the skin appear in the diaper area (diaper area) and are associated with the irritating effect of urine or feces.

Initially, in areas of profuse sweating, simple diaper rash occurs, and with insufficient care and constant friction, the areas of inflammation become infected with fungal or bacterial flora and there is a risk of developing streptococcal and candida infections, as well as dermatophytosis . If simple diaper rash goes away quickly when irritating factors are eliminated and drying and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed, then treatment of streptococcal and candidal intertrigo is sometimes a difficult task, since there is a risk of relapses and chronicity of the process.

Treatment of diaper rash in the groin in adult women: methods, which doctor to contact

It is worth remembering that diaper rash in the groin in women is a subtype of dermatitis. Depending on the causes, treatment may vary. For example, diaper rash from heat can be eliminated with a shower and talcum powder, and infectious or fungal diaper rash can be removed with long and thorough treatment with medications.

In mild form, most often women with diaper rash in the groin turn to therapists. But if the case is doubtful or advanced, a dermatologist is involved in the treatment. If you do not want to experiment, but plan to quickly cure diaper rash in the groin, you can immediately contact a dermatologist, who will recommend what tests need to be taken to diagnose the disease and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Complications, prognosis and diagnosis of the disease

The prognosis for intertrigo is generally favorable. Ulcerations, cellulitis and sepsis occur mainly in patients with diabetes mellitus, obesity and HIV-infected people.

Diagnosis of the disease is based on data. obtained during examination of the patient and medical history. If necessary, methods of microscopy and culture of biological material are used to identify pathogens.

To prescribe adequate treatment, intertrigo should be distinguished from diseases such as psoriasis and atopic dermatitis.

Effective remedies, ointments for the treatment of diaper rash in women: names, list

Treatment of diaper rash in the groin in women always has two directions:

  • Eliminating the root cause;
  • Elimination of diaper rash.

If you do not start the disease and begin treatment immediately after discomfort and redness are detected, diaper rash in the groin in women quickly disappears and tangible relief comes within a few hours after the start of therapy.

So, if diaper rash in the groin is mild and treatment begins on the day of occurrence, then the following medications will be required:

  • Talc, if not available, can be replaced with starch;
  • Teymurov's pasta;
  • All kinds of baby creams with zinc, but Bubchen is especially good;
  • Linin;
  • Lassara.

If diaper rash in the groin has been around for several days and is entering the second stage, with sores and inflammation, antifungal or antiviral medications will be required, depending on the origin of the diaper rash and the stage of the lesion. In addition to the above mentioned products, lotions are made with solutions:

  • Zinc solution 0.4%;
  • Risorcinol solution;
  • Copper sulfate solution 0.1%.

If erosions and wounds have already formed in the groin, for speedy healing it is necessary to additionally apply:

  • Edas 201;
  • Levomikol;
  • Locacorten-Viokor;
  • Methyluracil;
  • Panthenol;
  • Lorinden S;
  • Levasin;
  • Solcoseryl.

If diaper rash is severe and it is possible to visit a physical therapy room, then irradiation with an infrared lamp or ultraviolet is recommended. Thanks to these two procedures, the inflammatory process is significantly reduced, metabolism and blood circulation are activated, which promotes rapid healing, and tissue regeneration is accelerated.

If diaper rash in a woman’s groin is severe and covers large areas, ointments are contraindicated, as they further moisturize the inflammatory areas and can even worsen the patient’s condition. In this case, lotions with an antibacterial solution are applied to the affected areas.

Classification of drugs

Irritation in the genital area occurs for various reasons, including during relapses of chronic diseases. And when choosing external agents, it is necessary to take into account the factor that provoked the appearance of itching, burning, pain, and an unpleasant feeling of tightness:

  • for vaginal dryness during natural menopause, foams, mousses, and gels with pronounced moisturizing, cooling, and regenerating effects are used;
  • when opportunistic fungi are activated after weakening of the immune system, antimycotic creams and ointments are used;

  • itching and redness after creating a beautiful intimate hairstyle are removed with preparations with essential oils and extracts of medicinal plants;
  • allergic rashes that occur after hygiene procedures with new soap or gel are eliminated with ointments with an antihistamine effect.

Modern products for local or external use simultaneously relieve all discomfort that manifests itself as irritation of the mucous membranes and skin in the intimate area. Only in severe cases is it necessary to use “heavy artillery” - ointments with antibacterial and (or) hormonal components.

D-Panthenol for diaper rash: action, method of application

Diaper rash in the groin in women is successfully treated with D-Panthenol ointment, which can be found in almost every home. The main active ingredient is dexpanthenol, which saturates the dermis with pantothenic acid and thereby increases the strength of dermal fibers and also accelerates the healing process.

In addition, D-Panthenol relieves inflammation and alleviates the general condition of the disease. Thanks to the active ingredients, diaper rash brings a minimum of discomfort and allows you to return to your normal lifestyle.

D-Panthenol for diaper rash

Using D-Panthenol ointment is very simple. To begin, the groin area must be thoroughly washed with soapy water and running warm water. Dry with a soft terry towel or paper napkins. Remember that diaper rash often causes microcracks, and to avoid infection, always take a clean towel after ironing. During illness, it is better to refuse to dry towels and reuse them.

Also remember - diaper rash, especially inguinal rash, should not be rubbed, as the dermis at this moment is inflamed and easily vulnerable. Next, apply a thin layer of ointment to the entire surface of the inflammation, and also extend 1-2 cm beyond the diaper rash area. Next, let it soak in for 20 minutes and blot with a dry cloth. Do not completely remove the ointment from the body.

If the area of ​​diaper rash is very inflamed, it is recommended to apply compresses. The process is very simple - we wash the diaper rash, remove the moisture, apply the ointment in a thick layer and apply a cotton cloth, put an oilcloth on top, which we secure with adhesives. Please note that the patches must be applied to the skin at a distance of 3-5 cm from the source of diaper rash to avoid damaging the skin.

Dermatologists recommend applying the ointment up to four times a day.

Mustela for diaper rash

Mustela is produced as a baby diaper rash cream, but due to its formula it is excellent for treating groin rash in women of all ages. The composition includes zinc oxide, as well as natural oils and acids, which help restore the dermis and prevent diaper rash in the future.

The use of Mustela is very simple - apply a thin layer of ointment to cleansed skin and allow it to be absorbed; if necessary, reapply the ointment. After that, absorb the residue with a napkin and do not create friction in the areas of inflammation.

Mustela for diaper rash

You can apply Mustela ointment up to 6 times a day, the main recommendation is to apply it every time after washing, so that the groin area is not without ointment. This is what allows you to get significant results within a day.

Sanosan diaper rash cream

Sanosan is another baby cream that is actively used to treat diaper rash in the groin in women. The cream has a white, thick consistency and lies tightly on the skin, is poorly absorbed and creates a dense texture on inflamed skin.

Women can use Sanosan cream up to 6 times a day, both by applying it to diaper rash and making compresses. Remember that diaper rash areas are very sensitive at the time of inflammation and can be easily damaged. After applying the ointment to diaper rash in the groin, wear loose cotton underwear. If possible, choose models with shorts or leggings.

Treatment of complicated irritations

Ointment and cream remedies for diaper rash are not used in people with an advanced stage of the disease. They excessively moisturize the epidermis, creating a protective film on it. Thanks to this film, at the initial stages of inflammation, it is possible to stop its manifestations, eliminate itching and burning. But if the condition is aggravated, the protective barrier will interfere with the penetration of medicinal components that are necessary to destroy pathogenic flora.

How to get rid of the problem at this stage? The patient is prescribed antibiotics, antimycotics, and antihistamines, taking into account the cause of the pathological process and individual characteristics. Additionally, immunomodulators, vitamin and mineral complexes are used.

Local treatment is carried out using lotions. Lesions can be treated with silver nitrate 25% or 1% tannin. As soon as the pustules and ulcers disappear from the skin, use zinc-based ointments.

Desitin for diaper rash

A common remedy for diaper rash in the groin in women is Desitin ointment. It consists of zinc oxide, which dries and disinfects the inflamed area, as well as cod liver oil, talc and petroleum jelly.

Desitin for diaper rash

The ointment helps both in the initial stages of diaper rash and in advanced cases. It is necessary to apply the ointment 4-6 times a day, having previously cleaned and dried the area of ​​diaper rash. If diaper rash is small and has just appeared, apply 4 times a day and let the skin dry for 20-30 minutes. If the case is advanced, apply compresses for an hour, up to 6 times a day. Allow the skin to breathe between compresses.

Ointment with zinc for diaper rash

For those who are looking for a budget-friendly and effective ointment option for diaper rash in women, we recommend purchasing zinc ointment. This ointment is well known to our grandmothers, since its formula has not changed since the times of the USSR. Budget ointment, which consists of zinc oxide mixed with white soft paraffin.

The use of zinc ointment is simple - wash the area of ​​diaper rash with soap, dry with a cotton towel and apply a thick layer of ointment to the entire affected area. Let the ointment work for 30 minutes, it is advisable to rest during this time. Then remove the remaining ointment using a dry cloth and put on cotton underwear. During this period, it is not recommended to wear daily sanitary pads, so as not to aggravate the situation.

Ointment with zinc for diaper rash

At night, it is recommended to apply a thick layer of ointment and go to bed without underwear to minimize any friction. On such days, you can wear a long nightgown or loose cotton pajamas.

Bepanten ointment for diaper rash

Bepanten ointment is one of the most popular medicines in the world against diaper rash. The ointment has been successfully used for both newborns and adults. Diaper rash in the groin in women can be cured with Bepanten ointment in 1-2 days, if the case is not advanced. It is also recommended to use for prevention on hot days or in situations after which a woman experiences diaper rash.

The main active ingredients are Provitamin B5 and lanolin. Provitamin is responsible for rapid skin regeneration, relieving inflammation and normalizing metabolism at the site of diaper rash. Lanolin is responsible for creating a protective barrier between the skin and the aggressive environment.

The ointment adheres well to the skin and creates a dense healing film, which helps to quickly relieve inflammation and heal in the shortest possible time. It is recommended to use the ointment after each shower, on average 4-6 times a day.

Powder with zinc against weeping diaper rash

For women who lead an active lifestyle and suffer from diaper rash, ointments are often not convenient, since it is necessary to wait some time until the ointment is absorbed, and marks may remain on clothing. Also, if you suffer from weeping diaper rash, the ointment may not work as well and is better replaced with powder. In these cases, diaper rash in the groin in women can be treated with zinc powder.

Powder with zinc against weeping diaper rash

The main active ingredient is zinc oxide. The powder is very easy to use. Take a shower and dry the diaper rash with a towel. Open the lid with the powder and treat the affected area with the product. Spread with your hand and shake off the excess. Repeat after every trip to the shower, toilet, and also between them if the diaper rash becomes damp.

This powder can be used countless times throughout the disease.

Products from the Lactacid line

One of the most effective drugs for irritation of the genital mucosa are the products from the Lactacid line. Especially the gel, the composition of which is ammonium glycyrrhizinate and lactic acid. Due to this combination, it actively fights viruses, Candida yeast, gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Lactacid is characterized by diverse therapeutic effects:

  • elimination of irritation and itching caused by it;

  • strengthening local immunity;
  • saturation of the skin and mucous membranes in intimate places with useful substances;
  • high-quality hydration, restoration of the water-lipid layer;
  • softening, stimulation of cell renewal.

After applying Lactacid, a woman is no longer bothered by discomfort arising from shaving, hormonal imbalance, or exacerbation of chronic diseases, such as diabetes.

Course use of the gel helps restore vaginal microflora by increasing the population of lactic acid bacteria.

To eliminate redness and itching, shake the bottle, remove the gel, mousse, foam by pressing the dispenser, apply to the genitals, and foam. And then wash off with a stream of warm water and dry. Lactacid is suitable for daily intimate hygiene for an unlimited time.

Diaper rash in the groin in women: treatment with folk remedies

Despite the achievements of pharmaceuticals, many women prefer medications to traditional methods, since they are natural and cannot harm. Indeed, in the initial stages of diaper rash, traditional methods of treating diaper rash in the groin in women have good results. But if the affected area is large, there are ulcers, cracks, wounds on the body, it is best to consult a dermatologist and undergo a full course of treatment.

So, a list of folk remedies for treating diaper rash in the groin in women:

  • 50 g of chamomile in a liter of water and let it brew for 3-4 hours. Fill a basin with warm water, add a liter of solution filtered through a sieve and sit in the basin so as to completely immerse the diaper rash in it. Use twice a day for 15-20 minutes. If the water cools down quickly, add a little hot water so as not to catch a cold;
  • Suitable for those who have a fine grinding mill. the crushed oak bark to the mill and grind it to a powder. Use it as a powder. This method achieves a double effect: additional sweating is removed and the dermis is strengthened. There is also a weak anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Mix 50 g of dry walnut leaves with 50 g of eucalyptus and brew in 5 liters of water. Take baths completely immersing the diaper rash area twice a day. In addition to anti-inflammatory and soothing effects, the decoction also has a healing effect. This is not a full-fledged treatment, but is excellent as an auxiliary action;
  • And for this recipe you will need fresh thistle. Grind it into a paste and make compresses for 2-3 hours under gauze and oilcloth. An excellent remedy for the rapid healing of diaper rash in the first days of the onset of the disease.

Severe, weeping, streptococcal diaper rash, fissure in the groin in women: what to do?

Diaper rash in the groin in women can be minor and can be cured on your own. So are streptococcal diaper rashes, which become wet and aggravate the overall situation.

Remember that streptococcus is a very insidious and intractable disease that can be treated for years. Therefore, it is strictly not recommended to self-medicate, but to go to a dermatologist.

This kind of diaper rash is treated on two fronts: tablets and local compresses. Penicillins, cephalosporins, and aminopenicillins are prescribed as antibiotics. For compresses the following are used:

  • Bacitracin;
  • Aniline dye solution;
  • 2% lincomycin ointment;
  • Neomycin;
  • Miramistin solution;
  • Mupirocin;
  • Powder with clotrimazole.

Prevention of diaper rash in women

If diaper rash in the groin occurs regularly in women, they are advised to reconsider their lifestyle and wardrobe to reduce the risk of recurrence:

  • Excess weight. It not only causes diaper rash, but also makes life much more difficult. Don’t let the situation get worse, but, if possible, change your lifestyle;
  • Moderate physical activity. Without it, the dermis becomes weaker, and diaper rash occurs more often on it. Choose a load that is convenient for you: regular exercise and stretching, swimming pool, walking, all types of fitness, etc.;
  • Hygiene. Take a shower twice a day, especially during the hot season. After sports, be sure to wash immediately after exercise;
  • Use a clean bath towel every time. Yes, most often they are dried and used 3-5 times, but if there is a risk of diaper rash, change them after each use and, if possible, add ironing with steam;
  • Everyday comfortable cotton underwear . Leave lace and synthetics only for intimate evenings;
  • Sleep without underwear in a cotton nightgown and pajamas . While you sleep, your skin will breathe;
  • Natural fabrics in the wardrobe. Diaper rash often occurs due to a large amount of synthetics in the wardrobe. Nylon tights, tight leggings, trousers and jeans - all this can stimulate the appearance of diaper rash in the groin, as it does not allow air to pass through.

Bath procedures - prevention of diaper rash in women

Gel Epigen

The effect of this drug is determined by ammonium glycyrrhizinate, first isolated from licorice roots. It also contains useful organic acids - malic, ascorbic, fumaric. In combination, the components of the gel stimulate the immune system to destroy viruses, bacteria, and fungi that have become active in the genital area, and increase the body’s defenses against the effects of negative factors.

The use of Epigen leads to improved blood supply to irritated mucous membranes, which significantly accelerates their recovery.

An ointment with a delicate consistency is intended not only to inhibit the spread of the infectious and inflammatory process, but also to eliminate discomfort in the vagina. It copes well with all signs of irritation:

  • itching;

  • pain;
  • burning;
  • redness;
  • swelling.

Epigen is an excellent alternative to traditional hygiene products, especially if the mucous membranes are irritated quite often. Its use becomes a good prevention of dryness during menopause, which occurs due to a decrease in the production of female hormones. The genitals are rinsed with warm water, the gel is applied to the intimate areas, foamed, and then washed off and the skin and mucous membranes are dried with a cotton towel. If necessary, you can use Epigen constantly.

Diaper rash in the groin in women: reviews

Reviews about diaper rash in the groin in women:

  • Galina : Having become pregnant, she suddenly gained weight and became familiar with diaper rash in her groin. After giving birth and losing weight, the situation did not change, and diaper rash reminded of itself several times a month. I went to the dermatologist and it turned out that I had dermatitis! How stupid I was, sprinkling with talcum powder and changing folk methods one after another. Six months of treatment and for several years I don’t remember discomfort and burning.
  • Inna : from adolescence she began to suffer from diaper rash in the groin. No, I have never been overweight, and I am active in sports. The problem turned out to be trivial - I have increased sweating, and I started using synthetic underwear. Frequent showers, cotton women's boxers and always have zinc powder in your purse. That's my whole secret.
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