Homemade egg mask against wrinkles for faces with different skin types: recipes

Both the white and the yolk of the egg are used for nutrition and rejuvenation. Protein has a lifting effect and saturates cells with iron, magnesium, B vitamins, and folic acid. The yolk also performs an important function: moisturizes the dermis and restores its healthy color. The main “trump card” of the yolk is lecithin, which has healing properties and makes the epidermis soft and radiant.

An egg face mask helps against wrinkles; it replaces a nourishing cream and a lifting complex. By learning how to properly prepare and apply this product, you will save on cosmetics and provide your skin with natural protection.

What are the best eggs to use for cooking?

To prepare egg masks, it is advisable to use poultry eggs, as they differ from store-bought eggs in their freshness and high content of valuable substances.


Chicken eggs contain the optimal amount of minerals and amino acids that are so necessary to maintain good facial condition.

Systematic use of an egg mask inhibits the formation of wrinkles and gives the skin a youthful and healthy appearance. Egg treatments are suitable for those who are concerned about:

  • peeling and redness of the skin;
  • sagging face and loose neck;
  • manifestation of pigmentation and wrinkles;
  • unhealthy skin color.


Quail eggs, unlike chicken eggs, have a minimal fat content, but due to the high presence of minerals, organic elements and vitamins, they are more useful in almost all respects.


Eggs of other poultry are also used for cosmetic purposes:

  1. Ducks. A distinctive feature of duck eggs is their high fat content and calorie content. They are well suited for preparing masks that provide the skin with additional essential substances, help tighten pores and reduce the secretion of fat on the face.
  2. Goose. Goose eggs in the mask have beneficial effects on the regeneration of skin tissue and rejuvenation of skin cells.
  3. Turkey. Turkey eggs are also used to make homemade cosmetics. The presence of inorganic substances and vitamins in the yolk and white increases the growth of metabolic processes, improves blood flow and nourishes the skin.

Eggs prepared for use must be fresh and well washed.

What are the rules for using a yolk mask?

The positive result of the mask lies in the correct and competent approach to performing the procedure, which requires preparatory measures:

  1. Cleanse the skin using micellar water or other makeup removers.
  2. Prepare products for making the mask; they must be fresh and of good quality.
  3. A convenient way to separate the egg yolk from the white.
  4. Any glass or ceramic container is suitable for preparing a mask.
  5. It is necessary to mix the components until they have a homogeneous consistency, avoiding the formation of clots and lumps.
  6. Conduct product tolerance testing.
  7. When applying the product to the face, avoid getting the mixture on the lips and eyelids.
  8. The procedure must be performed with clean hands.
  9. Remove the mask carefully, using a decoction of medicinal herbs prepared for this purpose.

How often can I use it?

Preventive yolk masks aimed at maintaining tone are recommended to be done once every 7 days, and to eliminate more complex problems. The procedure should be carried out every 3 days with an interval of a week. The procedure time depends on the properties of the components and skin type.

How many times for wrinkles

For wrinkled skin, it is recommended to use anti-aging masks for 30 days, 2 times a week. If necessary, the procedure is resumed after a few months.

Frequency of use for power

Nourishing yolk masks are usually used for dry, damaged skin. This type of procedure should be carried out no more than once a week for 15 minutes until the problem disappears.

Beauty Products

Honey, sour cream plus chicken eggs are an ideal basis for a cosmetic anti-aging mask. It can be recommended to those with dry skin with signs of irritation.

The composition has a light whitening and exfoliating effect due to lactic and fruit acids:

  • In the mixture we put the yolk, possibly from quail eggs (it has a richer composition), several peeled grapes (previously crushed with a fork), a spoonful of sour cream and honey.
  • Apply the composition to the face, leave it for a maximum of half an hour, then wash it off.
  • Wipe with an ice cube.
  • Dry the skin and lubricate with your usual cream.

To obtain a pronounced effect, a course of procedures is required with an interval of 3-7 days.

Recipes for oily and combination skin

The effect of the mask depends on the beneficial properties of additional components that enhance the effect of the yolk.

Aloe, yolk and lemon juice

The herbal composition of aloe will relieve acne, freckles and pigmentation. The antimicrobial actions of the plant will help cope with inflammation.

  • Combine 2 yolks with 1 tsp lemon juice and 1 tsp aloe juice.
  • Apply the finished composition to the face for a quarter of an hour.
  • Wash off the mixture with herbal tea.


The sugar-yolk mixture moisturizes and eliminates flaking, improves skin tone.

  • Grind the yolk with 30 g of sugar, the mixture should resemble eggnog.
  • Apply a thin layer of the composition to the epidermis for half an hour.
  • After finishing the session, rinse with warm water.

Oatmeal and egg

An egg in combination with oatmeal moisturizes well, enhances the nutritional process, and gives the skin freshness and velvety.

  • Mix 20 g of ground oatmeal with yolk and 1 spoon of low-fat cream.
  • Using a brush, spread the composition onto the skin and leave for 25 minutes, after which the composition is removed.

Starch with egg

The composition of egg and starch has a beneficial effect on skin tone, tightens and tightens pores.

  • Dissolve 30 g of starch and brew in 50 ml of water.
  • Beat the egg and mix with 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, then pour into the warm starch solution.
  • Apply the mixture to the face and neck area.
  • Keep the mask on for at least half an hour, then wash off.

At the first manifestations of a reaction, you need to wash off the mask and take an anti-allergenic drug.

Features of the procedure for different people

There are features of using masks for different skin types: normal, dry and oily. Even normal skin - soft, velvety and smooth, without acne, inflammation and unwanted pigmentation - needs care and protection from aging, so starch compositions will be of great benefit to it. Masks for such skin can include any fruits, vegetable juices, and dairy products.

Oily skin needs narrowing of pores, intensive cleansing and moisturizing, which starch effectively copes with. In this case, you can squeeze lemon juice or pour in egg whites into the mask.

After 40 years, many begin to notice an unpleasant feeling of tightness in the face. Small redness and the first obvious wrinkles appear on the skin. Women over 40 have dry skin with a thin, delicate structure. She is sensitive to any desiccation and ages quickly.

Dry skin needs abundant hydration and nutrition that stimulates the sebaceous glands. People with this type of dermis are advised to include milk and peach oil in their starch mixture.

After 50 years, most people's faces become sagging and sensitive. This skin type is even more capricious. The top layer is thin and inelastic. The face is painful, cannot tolerate strong friction, foaming cleansers and excess cosmetics, reacting with inflammation, redness and itching. Honey, yolk, and kefir, which are added to starch masks, are useful for aging skin.

Recipes for dry skin

Dry and sagging skin requires separate care, the main requirement of which is sufficient nutrition and hydration of the epidermis.

Oily (mixture of pharmaceutical oils)

Masks prepared with the addition of plant oils improve skin condition, relieve inflammation and reduce the development of wrinkles.

  • Prepare a mixture of 15 ml castor oil and 20 ml jojoba oil.
  • Beat the egg yolk and combine with the butter mixture.
  • The mixture is driven with your fingers into the skin that is damaged by wrinkles.
  • The procedure is carried out in 2-3 doses.
  • After 25 minutes, remove the mask with cotton pads.

Two-step anti-aging care

There are times in life when we want to look special. A similar result can be achieved with little effort, without wasting time going to salons. Before going out, you can make two tightening masks that will provide a pronounced lifting effect.

  1. First, apply the egg yolk to the skin, previously beaten with vegetable, edible or cosmetic oil. Leave for twenty minutes until it dries, then remove with a damp cotton swab.
  2. Beat the whites with a few drops of lemon juice until foamy and spread the mixture over your face with a brush. Leave for 10-15 minutes and wash off too. We wipe the skin with tonic, apply cream, and then the planned makeup.


A sour cream mask with egg yolk enhances the metabolic process, straightens folds and wrinkles, moisturizes the dermis, making it soft and tender.

  • Add 2 liters of homemade sour cream to the yolk and mix.
  • Apply the product in 2 doses for 20 minutes, then remove with warm water.

Cream with vitamins

The use of vitamins is one of the reliable ways to tone the skin.

  • Mix 1 yolk with 14 g of cream.
  • Add one ampoule of vitamin B12, A to the mixture.
  • Treat areas of skin.
  • After 30 minutes, rinse with regular warm water.


Yolk in combination with honey is a unique remedy for caring for problematic dry skin.

  • Melt 5 g of honey and mix it with the yolk.
  • Apply the composition to the dermis of the face for 20 minutes.
  • Wash your face with water with the addition of herbal infusions.

Green tea and glycerin

The vitamins and tannins present in green tea help tighten pores and eliminate wrinkles.

  • Cool the brewed tea and grind it in a blender along with the tea leaves.
  • Take 30 ml from the brewed liquid and mix with 20 ml of glycerin.
  • Pour the beaten yolk into the tea-glycerin liquid, mix and massage onto the dermis; after 15 minutes, wash your face with softened water.

How to use eggs in skin care, and how are they useful?

A bird egg is a healthy food product, but our grandmothers also came up with the idea of ​​using it not only in cooking, but also for skin care at home. The substance intended for growing the embryo is a cocktail of vitamins and nutrients.

It contains:

  • lecithin,
  • lutein,
  • tocopherol acetate,
  • retinol,
  • a nicotinic acid.

White and yolk are considered an effective remedy for fine wrinkles. The amino acids contained in the product nourish the skin, restore the lipid barrier, and improve complexion. Egg white gives overly oily skin a pleasant matte finish when used with lemon or cucumber juice.

Vitamin with fruit and yolk

To nourish normal skin, masks are prepared with the addition of fresh fruits and vegetables, which improves complexion.

  • Mash grapes, raspberries and black currants.
  • Squeeze the juice out of the carrots.
  • Combine the prepared ingredients with egg yolk and 20 ml of freshly prepared carrot juice.
  • Apply the composition using a cosmetic spatula for 30 minutes, after which remove the mask.

Sea buckthorn mask with yolk and aloe

The uniqueness of the chemical composition of sea buckthorn lies in its beneficial properties. A yolk mask containing sea buckthorn and aloe has excellent healing properties.

  • Grind 0.5 cups of sea buckthorn and mix 15 ml of aloe juice, then pour in the beaten yolk.
  • Apply the product for a quarter of an hour, then clean off the mixture and wipe with plant extract.

Herbal with quail yolk

An effective remedy, for the preparation of which herbs are used, has therapeutic and preventive effects. The composition is suitable for all skin types.

  • Grind and mix several types of medicinal herbs, peppermint leaves, common nettle and lemon balm.
  • Grind 3 quail yolks with a spoon of phyto-mixture.
  • Keep the paste on your face for half an hour, then rinse off.

What to do before application

Thorough cleansing of the face before applying the healing composition is the main condition for maximum effectiveness of any mask. Its effectiveness triples. After washing your face, it is recommended to steam your face using a bath into which a few drops of essential oil or decoctions of “skin” plants are added - St. John’s wort, calendula, nettle, chamomile, sage.

The same effect is achieved using a warm (hot) damp towel. Repeat this procedure up to 4 times. Both of these actions will help open the pores, which means they will allow the active components of the remedy to quickly penetrate into the deeper layers, where healing processes are activated.

We must not forget about the cleanliness of hands, as well as objects used to apply the mask.

Age with lifting effect

The main product of a mask with a lifting effect is protein, which contains substances that help smooth out wrinkles and folds. There are a huge number of products with a lifting effect, but when choosing, you should take into account all the factors that ensure a positive result.

Protein-based products are more suitable for oily dermis. If you have a dry face, lifting should be done using protective equipment. It is advisable to perform such procedures 2 times a week; after a month, it is advisable to change the composition of the components.

  • For the procedure to be effective, the mixture must be heated.
  • Apply the lifting mask to well cleansed skin.
  • Apply in two steps, after the mixture dries, repeat the procedure.
  • Rinse with water and treat the skin with a moisturizer after the procedure.

To enhance the lifting effect, the dermis after the procedure should be treated with chamomile decoction.

Film masks with yolk and gelatin

The essence of the procedure is the formation of a kind of thin film, which helps eliminate rashes, acne and blackheads, and also promotes healthy facial skin.

  • Dissolve 1 g of dry gelatin powder in water 1:6 and leave to swell.
  • Brew the swollen mass, preferably steamed.
  • Combine the gelatin mixture with the yolk and 30 ml of vegetable oil.
  • Apply to the dermis and leave at complete rest for a few minutes until completely dry.
  • Remove the film by rolling it up, then rinse off the residue with water.

An egg mask is a universal remedy that has a beneficial effect on the condition of all skin types. The regenerating abilities of the yolk contribute to the restoration of epidermal cells. The proteins contained in the egg improve skin tone and provide it with firmness and elasticity. Systematic procedures prevent the signs of aging, facial skin takes on a healthy and fresh look, and simple budget recipes amaze with their unsurpassed results.

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