11 homemade face masks against wrinkles after 35: effective anti-aging recipes

Women notice the first visible wrinkles after 30 years, when irreversible aging processes begin to occur in the body. Cosmetic innovations are not able to completely prevent skin aging, however, the speed of the ongoing processes depends on how well the care is chosen.

In this case, masks will become an indispensable tool for combating age-related changes. The advantage of homemade recipes is that their composition excludes the presence of any harmful components. In addition, there are always natural products in the refrigerator that will help you create the most effective skin tightening product.

Why does facial skin lose elasticity after 35?

Fatigue and extra years add not only facial wrinkles, but also a dull skin tone. The main signs indicating a woman’s age are nasolabial and eyebrow folds, the so-called “crow’s feet,” and a flabby oval face.

Facial skin problems after 35 years.

The tone of the epidermis depends on the amount of collagen produced by the cells. Over time, its production slows down, which leads to loss of former elasticity. Places where collagen levels have decreased to a minimum sag, resulting in creases and wrinkles visible to the eye.

The effect of anti-aging masks is aimed at activating the production of collagen, as well as maintaining its required level for the body.

Features of skin care after 35 years

The effect of the finished product depends on the components included. As a rule, homemade masks are suitable for any skin type, and natural ingredients eliminate the risk of an allergic reaction.

Masks for mature skin can be divided into 4 main groups, each of which solves a specific problem:

  • Peeling or brightening masks. After 35 years, the surface layer of the epithelium requires more thorough exfoliation, since with age the skin begins to get rid of accumulated dead cells more slowly. A good mask with a peeling effect will help both even out the relief and eliminate pigment spots that have appeared over the years.

  • Increasing tone. Their action is aimed at activating blood flow in the upper layers of the dermis. Due to the influx of blood, microcirculation improves, making the skin take on a fresher and more rested appearance.
  • Nutritious . In addition to insufficient collagen production, a lack of moisture in skin cells also occurs with age. Products with intense nutritional effects normalize the hydrolipid balance of the epidermis.
  • For contour correction. These masks help tighten the oval and prevent sagging tissue.

Fermented milk products in beauty products

Wrinkles after 35 are barely noticeable. To prevent them from progressing, you need to regularly apply the following mask. In addition to smoothing and nourishing the skin, it lightens blemishes, provides nourishment and has a slight exfoliating effect.

Cooking technique

The work will require the following ingredients:

  • a tablespoon of organic high-fat yogurt (it is better to buy products without sweeteners, fruit additives, caramel and toppings);
  • a teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice (fresh lime will also work);
  • a tablespoon of sandalwood oil.

If the skin needs to increase elasticity, acquire an elastic and even contour, this mask will complete the tasks. It's very easy to prepare. You need to mash everything in a mortar and then apply the paste to your face. After twenty to twenty-five minutes, the mass is washed off with lukewarm water, and the face is dried using a soft porous napkin made of natural fabric.

The beauty product works due to the nourishing effect of sandalwood oil, the exfoliating and brightening properties of lemon, and the moisturizing ability of lactic acid in yogurt. If desired, it can be replaced with other fermented milk products - kefir, cream, sour cream.

Components that can restore elasticity

  1. Fermented milk products have a whitening effect, moisturize and nourish the skin well. It was not for nothing that Queen Cleopatra took milk baths every day, which helped her maintain the youth of her mature skin.
  2. Honey is a natural antioxidant that prevents premature photoaging of the dermis.
  3. Clay – promotes deep cleansing of pores from accumulated impurities, and is an effective remedy for acne.
  4. Beeswax is a natural storehouse of microelements beneficial for the skin. It boasts not only deep hydration, but also a powerful lifting effect.
  5. Basic and essential oils - moisturize, nourish, smooth out static and expression wrinkles.
  6. Egg yolk contains a large amount of vitamins A and E, valuable for the skin, which are famous for their antioxidant, moisturizing, and regenerating properties.
  7. Vegetables, fruits, berries - saturate the cells with all the necessary vitamins, even out the complexion, and contain active acids necessary for whitening age spots.

Homemade mask recipes

The main thing before preparing homemade masks is to correctly determine the type of dermis and the cause that needs to be dealt with. The best recipes are described below:

Express mask based on cocoa

The product tones and moisturizes the epidermis, and also makes it more elastic. In addition, cocoa-based masks improve the overall complexion, relieving the skin of pronounced signs of fatigue. To prepare a mixture for oily or combination skin, just dissolve a tablespoon of powder with water until a thick consistency is formed. For dry sensitive types, use warm milk instead of purified water. The finished mask is left on the face for 10-15 minutes, and after time, the residue is washed off with water.


Oatmeal masks are ideal for any skin type, but they have the most beneficial effect on dehydrated, sensitive skin. In addition to intense hydration, they also provide gentle gentle exfoliation of the surface layer from accumulated dead cells. Thanks to this renewal, the severity of facial wrinkles decreases, and the face acquires a more uniform tone. To begin with, ordinary oatmeal is ground in a blender or coffee grinder, after which the powder is poured with freshly prepared chamomile decoction. To prepare the decoction, use dried chamomile inflorescences, which are poured with boiling water and infused for two hours. The exposure time of the mask is 20 minutes. Wash away any remaining residue with water, massaging the skin with gentle circular movements.

For wrinkles

The mask is intended for evening use. A distinctive feature is that the remnants of the product are not washed off, but are distributed over the entire surface of the face with patting movements. The active components penetrate deep into the structure of the dermis at night, when the skin absorbs all the beneficial vitamins during sleep. To prepare, you must first pour boiling water over dry chamomile and leave the infusion to steep. The infusion, cooled to room temperature, is mixed with almond oil and petroleum jelly in equal quantities. Apply the mixture to cleansed facial skin, and in the morning wash off the residue with warm water.


Prepare cottage cheese, carrot juice, milk and any base oil in advance. It is best to use homemade dairy products. All ingredients are combined in equal proportions, using any convenient container for mixing. Next, the mixed mixture is applied in a thick layer to the face, neck and décolleté. After 25 minutes, wash off the residue and lubricate the skin with nourishing cream.

With sour cream

A mask based on sour cream has a powerful nutritional effect. It's no secret that dry skin is most susceptible to the first signs of aging. Wrinkles and creases appear due to insufficient cellular moisture. The sour cream mask prevents dehydration of the dermis and eliminates the unpleasant feeling of dryness. In a glass bowl, mix 50 g of cottage cheese with a tablespoon of sour cream. Then add an egg yolk, a teaspoon of honey and an ampoule of liquid B vitamins. The exposure time is 25 minutes.

With egg white

An insufficient amount of collagen in epidermal cells provokes the appearance of visible signs of aging. Egg white contains a large amount of collagen necessary for youthful skin, so regular use of this mask helps smooth out facial wrinkles. The white, separated from the yolk, is mixed with crushed oatmeal and lemon zest powder. If you add a teaspoon of lemon juice, the resulting mixture will not only give the skin elasticity, but also lighten age spots. After 10 minutes, wash off the mask with smooth circular movements.


Grind the carrots and apple in a blender, combine the components in equal quantities and add a tablespoon of olive oil to the mixture.

Masks containing carrots not only rejuvenate, but also give the skin a fresh, rested look.

However, you should not use this recipe immediately before going out in public, as carrot pulp can give the skin a slight orange tint. It is best to make this mask on the weekend.

Yolk based

The yolk is used for skin and hair care. A large amount of vitamins A and E provides deep hydration of the skin. To prepare, you will need one yolk and a mixture of base oils. Shea, olive, argan, wheat germ and avocado oils boast a rejuvenating effect. The oil mixture is heated in a water bath, after which the egg yolk is added. First apply one layer of the mask, and after the mass dries slightly, repeat the application again. Leave the product for 30 minutes.

With aloe juice

The healing properties of aloe were discovered by the ancient Romans several thousand years ago. The juice of this plant provides rejuvenating, restorative and moisturizing effects. In addition, aloe contains antioxidant components that prevent premature photoaging of the dermis. In a bowl, combine a teaspoon of juice, one yolk and a pinch of salt with a tablespoon of any nourishing cream. The resulting mixture is left on the face for 20-25 minutes.

With parsley

Masks with parsley have a wonderful whitening effect. If you need to lighten pigmentation or clear your skin of acne spots, then use a mixture based on crushed parsley leaves and honey. Leave the mask on for 15 minutes, and after the specified time, wash off the product with warm water. For a pronounced rejuvenation effect, it is recommended to wipe your face with freshly prepared parsley decoction after the mask.

With chocolate

It’s probably not easy to prepare such a delicious homemade mask when every now and then you want to eat the main component of the recipe. Despite the fact that excessive consumption of chocolate has a negative effect on the condition of the dermis, regular use of such masks, on the contrary, helps improve the skin and smooth out facial wrinkles. It is enough to melt the component in a water bath, then apply the mixture to the skin of the face, neck and décolleté. Please note that only dark dark chocolate is used for the procedure.

With essential oils

The peculiarity of essential oils is their very powerful concentrated composition. It is enough to add just a few drops of the product so that the finished mask provides the necessary effect on the skin. A large amount of esters can harm the skin, causing painful burns. Essential oils such as neroli, patchouli, ylang-ylang, lavender, jasmine and myrrh oil can boast a rejuvenating effect. If you add a few drops of any of these oils to the recipe of the above masks, the effect of the resulting mixture will increase several times.

With wax

For preparation, special beeswax is used, which has high biological value. Wax masks correct the oval of the face, smooth out wrinkles and demonstrate a noticeable tightening effect. To ensure that the mixture has a uniform consistency without lumps, the wax is first crushed and heated in a water bath. To do this, use a ceramic or glass container. Then add the same amount of olive oil and starch. Mix the ingredients with a plastic spoon. As soon as the mixture applied to the skin has cooled, the resulting film is carefully removed from the face from top to bottom.

From persimmon

Contains a large amount of organic acids, which contribute to effective rejuvenation and smoothing of the relief. Persimmon pulp is mixed with egg yolk and natural honey. Apply the finished mass to slightly damp facial skin, avoiding the area around the eyes. Since honey helps dilate blood vessels, the product is washed off exclusively with cool water. The holding time is at least 15 minutes.


Coconut oil is known to all of us for its nourishing and restorative properties. It is especially often used for hair care. However, face mixtures based on coconut oil are no less effective. The pre-hard butter with beeswax is melted in a water bath. Once the ingredients have completely melted, add thick honey and mix the mixture thoroughly. All ingredients are mixed in equal quantities. The mask is applied to the skin until completely dry, after which the frozen film is removed from the face.


Gelatin powder (1 tbsp) is dissolved in warm water in advance and the mixture is left to infuse for 30 minutes. Add olive oil (1 tsp) and wheat germ oil (1/2 tsp) to the swollen mass. Leave the mixture for 40 minutes, and then wash off the residue with warm water. Gelatin masks are an excellent means of rejuvenation at home. In addition, they cleanse pores of impurities and eliminate blackheads.

Cucumber - well done

Often the cause of fine wrinkles is dehydration, and cucumber masks have a moisturizing effect on the skin. In addition, the vegetable contains vitamins A, K and E, as well as organic acids that accelerate cell regeneration and are involved in protein synthesis. Masks with cucumber soothe the skin, eliminate the feeling of dryness, gently whiten, and relieve puffiness.

The easiest way is to use the vegetable, as they say, in its pure form. Cut the cucumber into thin slices, apply them to your face and lie there for 15-20 minutes. Try to relax your facial muscles. Then wipe the skin with an ice cube and pat dry with a napkin. To enhance the moisturizing effect, use aloe vera gel instead of the usual cream.

Using cucumber and parsley you can easily get rid of crow's feet and dark circles. To prepare the mask, finely chop a bunch of parsley and rub the greens through a sieve. Mix the resulting mixture with grated cucumber, wrap the mixture in cloth swabs and apply to your eyes for 20 minutes. After this, blot with a napkin, beat in the rich cream by lightly tapping your fingers.

Rules for manufacture and use

  1. Homemade masks are selected taking into account the characteristics of your skin type.
  2. The mixture is applied to previously cleansed facial skin, avoiding the area around the eyes.
  3. The mask works best on steamed epidermis, so apply a layer immediately after taking a hot bath.
  4. Products for production must be fresh, and the finished mass must be used once, without saving any leftovers until the next time.
  5. To avoid allergies, the previously prepared mixture is applied to the back of the hand and the skin reaction is observed.

Care advice from cosmetologists

Regular cleansing of the skin is the main condition for beauty and youth. Proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle, regular sleep are integral components of well-groomed skin. Every time you wake up, you should wash your face with a toner and apply a moisturizer, and before going to bed, always wash off your makeup with cleansing milk.

It is enough to use cleansing masks no more than once a week. It is recommended to select absolutely all creams and cosmetics according to your skin type and age group. Creams and masks are applied with massage movements in a thin layer.

Cosmetology salons provide a number of services that help rejuvenate and maintain facial skin tone. Once every few months you need to visit a cosmetologist. Modern and constant care will help any woman look great at any age.


  1. The first signs of skin withering are observed after 30 years. From now on, a woman needs to use more effective products with a rejuvenating effect in her daily care.
  2. The advantage of homemade masks is that they are made on the basis of exclusively natural ingredients that have the most beneficial effect on the skin of the face.
  3. A visible lifting effect is observed only with regular use of anti-aging compositions at home.
  4. Additional care products will help consolidate the result, be it creams, tonics and serums intended for mature, aging skin with noticeable age-related changes.

Tomatoes for beauty and youthful skin

Many cosmetic brands have launched the production of creams based on tomato extract, and they are not cheap at all. The substances contained in the vegetable strengthen the skin, give it velvety and smoothness, and improve color. We can also use this idea for self-care at home.

To prepare the anti-aging composition, we need a strong, ripe fruit, without damage. We grind it with a mixer and then rub it through a sieve. To give the desired thickness, mix the resulting puree with starch. We hold all this for 15-20 minutes, no more. The mixture may tingle the skin slightly, but if any discomfort occurs, it is better to wash it off quickly.

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