Sculpting a new look: all about sculptural facial massage

Representatives of the fair sex are ready to make almost any sacrifice just to preserve the beauty and youth of their facial skin. Modern cosmetology is developing quite rapidly, inventing all kinds of transformation methods. One of the popular and effective methods has become sculptural facial massage, which gives amazing results comparable to a complex of plastic surgeries and beauty injections. We talk about this method in more detail, and also describe the results that sculptural facial massage is ready to offer you!

What is facial sculpture massage?

The effect of sculptural massage can be compared even with plastic surgery. But with a significant advantage - without harm to health, risks or unpleasant consequences. It improves the condition of the oval of the face, tones and increases the elasticity of the skin, removes wrinkles and swelling, reduces dark circles under the eyes and generally makes you healthier and more attractive.

The peculiarity of the technique is the deep development of muscles. That is, it not only makes the cheeks redden a little and the lymphatic system work faster, but also affects the deep layers of tissue and relieves spasms of the muscle corset. As a result, the muscles relax, the tension disappears, and therefore the creases in the skin.

The essence of the facial sculpture massage procedure

The main thing in this technique is a detailed study of all muscles for the purpose of rejuvenation. A healthy complexion, tightened skin without wrinkles is our goal.

To achieve this, several techniques are used:

  1. Delicate effect on the epidermis itself, muscles and, of course, the subcutaneous fat layer;
  2. Work on special lines;
  3. Fast and precise movements.

But you need to be careful and not mindlessly press on every area. Our goal is to relax the muscles, not to spasm them. Your face is your calling card, so you can’t spoil it in any way.

The essence

The cosmetologist works on all parts of the muscles, even those that are not involved in facial expressions, forcing them to work and tense, and tones the skin. Often after the first procedures the client experiences discomfort, which goes away over time. Massage combines several different techniques:

  • Impact on the skin, facial muscles, fat layer.
  • Kneading the skin in the direction of the massage lines.
  • The use of intense movements.

After the full course, the tone of the muscles of the face and neck returns to normal. Muscle stimulation occurs due to a rush of blood, the skin is saturated with oxygen, becomes toned and fresh. Complex, deeply affecting sculptural (other names: plasticizing, modeling, buccal) massage is a serious alternative to the surgical method of rejuvenation.

Indications for sculptural facial massage

Do you doubt the need for sculptural technique specifically for you? Then answer the following questions:

  • Are you already 30 years old?
  • Not 30 years old, but oily skin?
  • Does acne occur on your skin?
  • What about the scars?
  • Are you familiar with puffiness and unclear facial contours?
  • Have wrinkles already appeared?
  • Have the corners of your eyes and lips started to droop?
  • Does your skin have a healthy tone?
  • Do you have more than one chin?
  • Do you already know what nasolabial folds are based on your example?

If you answered “Yes” to at least one of the questions, then it’s time to start learning a new massage technique. Don't delay - the situation will get worse over time. What can be corrected in a couple of sessions can turn into a serious problem and, maybe even a complex, in a few years.

What kind of technique is this

French massage was invented by a physiotherapist named Pascal Coche, but for the first time, triple-certified cosmetologist Joëlle Ciocco was able to successfully apply this technique on her face. The effect of this technique is based on the influence on the lymph flow lines, which leads to a result similar to a surgical facelift.

The specialist does not affect the facial muscles, but only the subcutaneous fat, sebaceous glands and lymph flow. As a result, certain areas are saturated with blood, they become toned, and the contours of the face become clearer, even and smooth.

In addition to facial massage, there are also French massage programs aimed at reducing cellulite on the body and tightening problem areas.

Advantages and disadvantages of sculptural massage

Main advantages:

  1. The skin becomes noticeably better, and facial features are clearer and more refined;
  2. Safety (especially when compared with plastic surgery);
  3. Benefit for health;
  4. Price (you can do this treatment yourself, which is absolutely free);
  5. The result is visible after just a few sessions. And in some cases immediately.


  1. To achieve a sustainable effect, you will have to do it regularly.
  2. Redness due to careful muscle work. Therefore, it is better not to do it before important events;
  3. Small pimples may pop out due to the fact that stagnant lymph accelerates and begins to remove accumulated toxins through the skin. But this is a temporary effect, all rashes will go away very quickly.

Indications and contraindications

It is recommended to start preventive visits to a specialist no earlier than 25 years of age. Before this age, techniques of this type can disrupt the process established by nature, worsening the condition of the tissues. Having crossed the threshold of a quarter of a century, the human body begins to lose ground in terms of recovery, metabolism slows down. Therefore, such help will be very helpful.

As a treatment, sculptural practice is relevant for:

  • the presence of facial folds;
  • swelling;
  • bags under the eyes;
  • dull, unhealthy, uneven skin tone;
  • persistent cosmetic problems due to excessive dryness or oiliness of the epidermis;
  • muscle atony;
  • sagging soft tissues;
  • fuzzy outline of an oval;
  • double chin;
  • presence of a defect called “bulldog cheeks”.

You should not expect instant results after the first procedure. Only halfway through the course will you notice improvements.

Photo: before and after

There are also a number of contraindications to this practice. It is recommended not to perform plastic massage if:

  • problems with the thyroid gland;
  • oncological diseases - this especially applies to skin cancer;
  • allergic rashes;
  • severe herpes;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • infectious lesion;
  • exacerbation of any chronic disease;
  • elevated body temperature;
  • the presence of mechanical damage to the skin in the area of ​​exposure.

In the event of a conscious violation by the patient of the conditions of the session, the master is automatically relieved of any responsibility for the consequences.

How is a sculptural facial massage done?

The sculpting technique involves working with clean, NOT oily skin. This will help to better work out the deep layers of tissue and muscles.

Before the main exercises, do not forget to warm up the skin - rub it a little, run over it with your fingertips, make a few pinching movements. Already before the procedure, the skin should turn red - this is a sign that the blood has rushed to the face, which means the massage will speed up its circulation as much as possible.

Forehead treatment for wrinkles:

  1. We frown between our eyebrows and maintain this emotion until the end of the exercise;
  2. We place 2-3 fingers on the bridge of the nose and move upward with tight movements;
  3. The exercise should be repeated 3-4 times.
  1. We place our fingers on the forehead, pressing them together as much as possible;
  2. Massage the forehead with precise, slow movements;
  3. We work on the entire forehead until it turns red.

We fight the nasolabial fold:

  1. We press our palms to our cheeks at the very corners of our lips;
  2. We make circular movements with the tongue from the inside of the cheek, resting it on the palms;
  3. We work until our tongue gets tired;
  4. At the end, you need to lightly massage the area around the lips.

Raise the corners of the lips:

  1. We strain the orbicularis oris muscle;
  2. We clench our hands into fists and begin to massage the tense area with them.

Removing the double chin:

  1. Here you will need a towel. We fold it into a wide belt, take it by the different ends and pull it;
  2. We bring the towel to the chin and make patting movements;
  3. We do 8-10 pats.

After any exercise, perform stroking movements to soothe hot skin. It will be good if after the procedure you make a moisturizing natural mask.

Results of sculpture massage

What awaits those who regularly do sculptural massage? They don't recognize themselves in the mirror.

  1. Blood and lymph circulation will improve. This means you will forget about swelling, dull skin color, large pores and pimples.
  2. Relaxation, which means smoothing out the muscles. Even mimic ones. You will forget about what cramps are.
  3. Flabbiness disappears due to improved elasticity of the epidermis.
  4. Say goodbye to asymmetry. The face will become more “correct”.
  5. Facial expressions will become more mobile and lively due to the activation of immobilized muscles.
  6. Harmful substances and toxins will be removed from the body.
  7. The condition of the epidermis will improve even in deep layers.
  8. Collagen production will improve, which means the dermis will always be nourished, radiant and healthy.

The first results will be noticeable immediately, but for the full WOW effect you will need a complex. Therefore, do not be lazy and do the exercise regularly. It's like playing sports - after the first workout you will feel the tone in your muscles, but if you stop exercising, the result will go nowhere. Regularity is the main secret in any successful business. It's worth it.

Carrying out sculptural massage at home

In order for the procedure to be as successful as possible, remember a few rules:

  1. Move your hair out of the way;
  2. Wash your hands thoroughly;
  3. Dry your hands and face.

Throughout the procedure, listen to your feelings. It may be painful at first, but tolerable. Knead the skin gradually - you don’t need to press as hard as you can right away. It should end up being nice.

Don't be alarmed if your skin turns red (and it should definitely turn red if you did everything right).

Wash your hands after each worked area. You don't want to spread possible dirt all over your face, do you?

At the end, wash yourself thoroughly and make a mask. It is best to do this in the evening, so that you can immediately go to bed and have a good rest.

How often should I do a facial sculpture massage?

In order to maintain youth longer, you will need 2 courses per year. 1 course consists of 12 sessions.

For girls from 25 to 45, it is better to do 1 procedure every 3 days. For those over 45 - in 2 days, if necessary, the number of sessions can be increased.

Up to 25 years, 8 sessions will be enough, with 1 procedure repeated every 4 days.

Certain exercises can be done from time to time if there is a special need (for example, on the eve of a holiday or some important event). And work on the nasolabial fold at any convenient (and not so convenient) moment.

Advantages and disadvantages

Modeling lymphatic drainage facial massage to combat age-related changes has its pros and cons. Before making a final decision about taking the course, you should consult your personal physician. The advantages include the following factors:

  • without plastic surgery you can transform your appearance;
  • the price of the course is lower than with surgical intervention;
  • the result is noticeable after the first procedures;
  • The average time of one session is about 40 minutes.

The negative points include:

  • pain immediately after the procedure for the first time or two;
  • there is a risk of visiting an unqualified specialist.

Types of sculptural facial massage

Facial massage began to be done in the distant past. In Ancient Egypt, Rome and Greece they were already thinking about eternal beauty and youth. It was then that the first techniques appeared that we still use today.

Sculptural massage is the result of combining techniques from Europe and Asia. In it you can trace movements from Asahi, lymphatic drainage, Tibetan and classical types. As well as the Leonard Jacquet technique and Shiatsu acupressure. Already separately, each of these techniques gives amazing results, but it is their synthesis that gives what is called safe plastic surgery. Only without scalpels, anesthesia and other scary devices. Your hands, a little free time and you yourself sculpt for yourself that very ideal face that you have always dreamed of.

Execution Rules

A sculpting facial massage begins by working on the décolleté and shoulder area, gradually moving upward. Directions - along massage lines, taking into account muscle attachment. The procedure requires knowledge of anatomy, as well as the junctions of neurovascular bundles. The force of the massage therapist is up to 4–5 kg per centimeter of skin.

Basic movements:

  • rubbing;
  • stroking;
  • pressing;
  • pinches.

Note! A special place during the session is given to sedentary muscles.

Why is it needed?

Every person needs a sculptural massage - not only women, but also men. We all want to stay young and fresh for as long as possible. But the frantic pace of life, bad habits, lack of sleep, constant stress and many other negative factors decided otherwise.

Without extra help, your skin can quickly turn into a shriveled raisin. Naturally, you don't want this. So it's time to take care of your beauty.

Don't put off the procedure for too long. If you are reading this article, then the time has already come. The sooner you take care of yourself, the more effective the result will be. It's better to prevent a problem than to deal with it later.

Sculptural massage is, of course, one of the main procedures. But for it to be most effective, it must be used in conjunction with other techniques. You can learn about them at the basic marathon “SmeloNET”. This includes working on posture (on which the beauty of the face and the whole body also depends), and cleansing the entire body, and working with your thinking. At the end of the marathon, you will not recognize the happy, beautiful and healthy woman who will look at you from the mirror.

Impact principle

Sculptural massage is a correction method that helps eliminate cosmetic defects without surgical intervention.

It was developed by the Frenchwoman Joelle Siocco, but like other effective practices, the original complex changed under the influence of other masters. The basic set of movements has been preserved, but acquired new ones.

The method is suitable as a preventative way to combat aging and get rid of its traces.

Based on the name, it is easy to guess the direction of the massage therapist’s influence. The master manually “sculpts” the patient’s face, activating certain areas, working out the contours and paying special attention to problem areas.

The plasticizing technique is not innovative because its basis is borrowed from others.

Among the massage techniques, competent masters note the following:

  • osteopathic Japanese - Asahi (Tsogan);
  • lymphatic drainage;
  • classic traditional;
  • Tibetan;
  • Jacquet.

The technique is called innovative because no one has previously combined the above techniques into a complex.

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