Moisturizing facial skin: basic rules for all types

Dry and dehydrated skin are not the same thing. Dry skin is a skin type. Such skin does not retain moisture well, which is caused by a genetic predisposition. You won't be able to get rid of dry skin once and for all, but making it look healthy is quite simple: use moisturizing creams and masks.

Dry skin can often be confused with dehydrated skin, however, the latter is characterized by pronounced wrinkles and noticeable blood vessels.

Dehydrated skin is a skin condition. Dehydrated skin can be any type. This type of skin has a broken lipid barrier and is characterized by a feeling of tightness and flaking.

The reasons may be:

- lack of water in the body;

— improper skin care (use of alcohol-containing products, abuse of peelings and scrubs, washing with soap and water);

- irregular sleep;

- seasonal vitamin deficiency or unbalanced diet;

- overwork;

- dry air and excessive passion for tanning and solarium;

— bad habits (drinking alcohol, smoking, stress).

Signs of skin dehydration

It's easy to understand that your skin is dehydrated. The following signs give it away:

  1. Feeling of tightness - especially after washing. I want to apply the cream as quickly as possible, but it often doesn’t help much;
  2. Peeling - at first it is difficult to notice, since the scales are small. But over time they will increase. And yes, don’t even think about covering them with foundation. Firstly, it is useless - cosmetics will only emphasize the flaw. And secondly, you will dry out your skin even more;
  3. Wrinkles are special in that they disappear after applying the cream.

Does at least one sign match? Then it's time to take rescue measures. Proper nutrition, care and restoration of water balance is your plan for the near future (or better yet, forever).


Skin diagnosis is carried out using various methods, from visual examination to taking smears and analyzing biological fluids.

Dehydrated facial skin - anyone can identify the signs upon careful examination: dryness and itching, a feeling of tightness and irritation, wrinkles

Diagnostic methods are divided into types:

  1. Visual inspection. Skin color, its elasticity and relief, pattern.
  2. Palpation examination. The degree of skin dehydration is checked by recovery after indentation and after grasping the skin between the fingers. The methods are rarely used.
  3. Hardware methods involve the use of devices and their non-invasive effects for diagnosing skin diseases and the functional state of the skin.

Methods of hardware diagnostics of the skin are:

  • Corneometry. The electric field generated by the sensor penetrates the skin 10-20 nm into the stratum corneum. This layer of skin is sensitive to changes in water balance. The moisture contained in the stratum corneum changes the capacitance of the sensor capacitor and these changes are the result of the study.
  • TEWL test. The partial pressure of moisture in the skin is measured by sensors, which cause an increase in pressure. The interpretation of the result will depend on skin type, age, and chronic skin diseases.

Today's medicine has in its arsenal a number of methods for hardware diagnostics of the skin.

  • Sebumetry. An indicator tape sensitive to lipids inside the skin is applied to the skin and the result is obtained based on the change in optical density. The method shows the work of the sebaceous glands, the level of the lipid layer playing a barrier role in retaining moisture in the skin.
  • Optical coherence tomography. A method using B-mode ultrasonic waves. The refractive index of these waves is sensitive to moisture in the skin and its value serves to evaluate the optical properties of the skin. Used to assess the functional state of the skin.
  • Ultrasound scanning method. Evaluates the degree of skin hydration, thickness of layers and their structure.
  • MRI. Contained moisture changes the signal image and reflects metabolic activity in different areas of the skin.
  • Skin hydration is assessed using methods such as indentation, longitudinal deformation, and torsion with devices. The methods are not very common because they are not convenient in the technique of implementation.

The temperature of the skin depends on the level of its moisture content and heat transfer during its evaporation. Temperature is measured with a thermometer or thermocouple - a non-contact sensor using infrared radiation. Diagnostics are carried out in aesthetic medicine clinics, skin clinics, and diagnostic centers.

What is the difference between dry skin and dehydrated skin?

Many people confuse dehydrated facial skin with dry skin. But these are two completely different types. Dryness is a constant condition given to man by nature. You just have to learn to live with this. But dehydration is a temporary period that comes due to a lack of water in the body. Any skin can be dehydrated, even oily.

To finally make sure that dryness is a feature of the body or a temporary phenomenon, do a test. Squeeze the skin into a fold. If a soft fold remains, the skin is dry. Quickly smoothing the affected area indicates dehydration.

Dehydration makes the skin sensitive and capricious:

  • You feel tight, but you still look like a buttery pancake. The fact is that when sebum (sebum) evaporates, the body activates its production. So we get - dryness, itching, enlarged pores, rashes and shine. Those with oily skin types face this, but normal skin can also pull out a similar trick in a stressful situation.
  • The skin stops getting rid of dead cells. This requires energy, and it is all aimed at eliminating dehydration. As a result, the dermis also becomes dull.
  • The skin also fails to provide protection. Pimples, redness and irritation appear. If this happens due to habitual care, then this is the first sign of a problem.

Clinical researches

Clinical studies have proven the effectiveness, safety and tolerability of the products. The products are suitable for daily care, including for children's skin with mild and moderate forms of atopic dermatitis during remission. As a result of using the products, a decrease in the activity of inflammation, dryness, itching and flaking was noted.


  1. Mancini A.J., Krouchuk D.P., Pediatric dermatology. Practical medicine, Directory, 2018
  2. Chapman M. Shane, Habiff Thomas P., Zug Catherine A., Dinoulos James G. H., Campbell James L., Dermatology. Handbook of differential diagnosis, MEDpress-inform, 2014
  3. Reken Martin, Schaller Martin, Sattler Elke, Burgdorf Walter, Atlas of Dermatology, MEDpress-inform, 2018

Causes of facial skin dehydration

Most often, dehydration appears due to a violation of the integrity of the hydrolipid mantle (this is such a thin film on the surface of the dermis). Its main function is to retain water in the skin. The violation prevents her from fully performing her work. This happens for a number of reasons.

  1. Environment - strong wind, cold or heat. Air conditioning and central heating. The body compensates for the lack of moisture with its own resources. But there may be few of them and soon this will be reflected in the appearance. That is why winter and summer are especially dangerous periods for our skin. But in the spring, problems manifest themselves most of all - the body simply gets tired after three months of winter. Pay attention to passersby at this time of year. Everyone is tired, with dull faces. Therefore, there will be little proper care here. It is necessary to fight spring vitamin deficiency.
  2. Improper care - aggressive cleansers (those with oily skin are especially fond of using them), cosmetics that do not match the skin type, age and season. Stop mindlessly buying everything you see. Pay attention to the ingredients and labeling of products.
  3. Lack of clean water - are you drinking enough water every day? Many people forget about the need to drink clean water, replacing it with juices, tea and coffee. But these drinks only dry out the body even more. 1.5-2 liters of water will help avoid dehydration. If you play sports or it’s very hot outside, you need more water.
  4. Age - we are not getting any younger and this is reflected in our appearance. Over the years, the skin reduces the production of hyaluronic acid, resulting in wrinkles and a feeling of tightness. At the same time, it is dehydrated skin that ages faster. It's a vicious circle. It needs to be broken. Age-appropriate care will help with this.

Causes and consequences of chronic dehydration (dry) skin

The root of the problem of dehydration lies in the imbalance of hydrolipid balance (in Russian, water-fat). Serious problems with this balance arise not at all due to a lack of moisture, but due to the total absence of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which prevent the evaporation of moisture and serve as a “cradle” for molecules of NUF, a natural moisturizing factor. This chemical compound is a duet of water and amino acids and other substances beneficial to the body. NUF regulates the amount of water that moisturizes the upper layer of the epidermis.

Here are just some possible causes of fatty acid deficiency:

  • Skin diseases (ichthyosis, various forms of dermatoses).
  • Pathologies of internal organs and systems.
  • Ultraviolet damage.
  • Bad habits.

The consequences of dehydration include the development of serious skin diseases, intense keratinization and peeling of the head, hands, face, the risk of infections, premature aging and deepening of wrinkles, problems in the lymphatic system.

Care for dehydrated skin

Have you noticed that your skin has become dehydrated? Act immediately!

  1. First of all, avoid soap, alcohol toners, harsh scrubs, clay masks, cosmetics with a high acid content, and washing with cold or hot water. These products dry out the skin and cause excess moisture to be released from the body. And we need to fill it up.
  2. Then buy a treatment that suits your type. Stop tormenting oily skin with alcohol-containing cosmetics, dry skin with low-quality fatty creams, and smearing normal skin with whatever you have to. Read the ingredients and give preference to natural ingredients.

Home Remedies Recipes

In addition to drinking clean water and quitting smoking, it's also a good idea to restore your skin's moisture balance with inexpensive home remedies.

The most effective masks for dehydrated skin are prepared from common products.

  1. Mix a tablespoon of kefir, one raw egg yolk, just a little vegetable oil and two drops of sea buckthorn oil (a concentrated decoction of St. John's wort is also suitable instead). Before applying the mask, the skin needs to be steamed, then apply the composition and hold it on the face for about 20 minutes. The mask is washed off with plain water, after which a nourishing cream is applied.

  2. Mix half a teaspoon of honey, strong tea leaves, cream and apply the mixture to already prepared skin. The mask is left for 30 minutes, washed off and cream is applied. Use only black tea, you can keep the honey in a water bath.
  3. Grate the carrots through a fine grater, take 3 tablespoons of carrots and grind it with one fresh chicken egg, then apply to the skin of the face for 20-30 minutes. This mask should be repeated twice a week.
  4. To prepare the next mask, you will need to mix two tablespoons of cucumber juice and heavy cream, and also add 20 drops of rose water to them. Apply the product for half an hour, then rinse with running water.
  5. Prepare a herbal mask from yarrow, hop cones, St. John's wort and chamomile flowers by pouring a glass of boiling water over a tablespoon of each herb. After cooling, add two egg yolks, a teaspoon each of lemon juice and honey and mix. The mask can be washed off half an hour after application.

It is recommended to repeat the listed masks 2 times every 7 days, since with their help you will not only moisturize, but also rejuvenate and nourish your skin.

Moisturizing different skin types

Even oily skin needs hydration. But you need to choose your means wisely. An indicator that the cream contains enough water and hydrofixing agents is its light texture.


Dry dermis becomes the easiest to become dehydrated. She already lacks moisture, so stressful situations can “take away” the last remnants. Therefore, it requires not just hydration, but also nutrition and restoration. You can safely turn to fatty creams and vegetable oils. But don't overdo it.


Girls with this type need to select a cream with special care. On the one hand, it should moisturize and nourish the affected skin, on the other, regulate the secretion of sebum and mask oily sheen. Hydrolates and light oils will help you.


Although this is the most unpretentious type, problems still arise from time to time. To get rid of dehydration, start making deeply nourishing masks and don’t forget to drink enough water. This way you will quickly restore your normal state.


Do you have a combination type? Then it is best to purchase 2 products. On the cheekbones - for normal skin, and on the T-zone with a mattifying effect. You will get maximum results from this combination.

Dry sensitive cracking skin: causes

Dry skin can be caused by a variety of factors:

  • deficiency of vitamins A, B, E;
  • disruptions in the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • negative climatic and atmospheric influences;
  • improper diet and imbalance of water balance in the body;
  • chronic sleep disorders, etc.

The skin also often becomes dry due to age-related hormonal changes. Signs of dry aging skin:

  • loss of elasticity and sagging – primarily in the cheeks, neck and chin;
  • grayish tint;
  • the appearance of pigmentation;
  • the appearance of wrinkles.

Irritated skin, when it dries out, also often flakes and causes itching. What to do in such a situation? Pay special attention to facial care - independently and with the help of professionals.

Composition of cosmetics for moisturizing the skin

Before purchasing, carefully read the ingredients of cosmetics.

  • Firstly, they must contain a lot of water (in this case it will come first in the compositions),
  • Secondly, naturalness is the key to getting rid of inflammation (the smaller the list of ingredients, the better);
  • Thirdly, a combination of two types of hydrofiscators is necessary (substances that do not release moisture from the skin and help it perform its functions): hyaluronic acid, glycerin, algae extracts, aloe vera - attract and retain moisture;
  • natural oils, squalane, vitamin E - create a thin film that allows air to pass through, but does not release water.

If you read the composition and do not understand the meaning of a particular word, use the Internet. You have to know what you're putting on your face.

What procedures are recommended for very dry facial skin?

The techniques used by our doctors are designed to restore the outer layer of the epidermis - its integrity and water-lipid balance. The choice of the optimal technology is made solely taking into account individual indicators - the state of the body, skin characteristics, age.

To treat dry facial skin, a cosmetologist may prescribe:

  • hardware vacuum massage, which helps restore muscle tone and skin elasticity;
  • biorevitalization – saturation of the epidermis with hyaluronic acid;
  • mesotherapy – injections with vitamin cocktails;
  • thread lifting – implantation of absorbable APTOS threads.

You can get additional information, find out how to get rid of dry skin around the eyes, and find out the cost of the procedure during an appointment with a cosmetologist at the MedBioSpectrum clinic - select a convenient time for your visit using the form on the website or call.

Useful tips for those who have encountered this

The most important cause of dehydration is lack of moisture in the body. It needs to be replenished. Introduce the habit of drinking a lot of clean water. A glass in the morning, then one glass 30 minutes before meals and throughout the day as needed.

By the way, if you always feel hungry, then most likely it is due to the usual lack of water. The body likes to send mixed signals. If you suddenly feel the need to have a snack, drink water first. This will most likely help.

In addition, water cleanses the body and helps remove dangerous waste and toxins. This means you can feel better and get rid of acne.

Do you often suffer from headaches? Perhaps it is again a matter of general dehydration of the body.

So, before you run to the doctor and take a bunch of medications, try to restore your water balance.

Dehydration occurs mainly in winter and summer. In summer, air conditioners and the sun are to blame. Therefore, do not forget to use Sanskrin (it will also prevent the appearance of early wrinkles due to UV rays), and place a humidifier in an air-conditioned room. Although, it should be in any home. This way you can maintain the humidity in the room at the proper level. If you can’t buy such a device yet, then try thermal water or hydrosol. Take a closer look at the lavender hydrolate from Beauty 365 - it is a universal product that is suitable for all skin types and even hair.

During the cold season, wind, frost and central heating dry out the skin. Therefore, before going outside, apply a thick layer of nourishing cream and try to cover your face with a scarf. The room should also have either a humidifier or hydrosol on hand.

Tap water is the enemy of our skin. It contains a large amount of chlorine, which negatively affects the dermis. Therefore, we recommend replacing the classic wash with a wash with natural hydrosol. It contains only mountain water and herbs. Choose a hydrolate at

Dehydration can occur due to a lack of vitamins. That's why it's so important to eat right. Fresh vegetables and fruits contain the microelements we need.

But, for example, coffee, fast food and baked goods, on the contrary, negatively affect the water-salt balance. Therefore, their use must be limited to a minimum. And if you really want something sweet, then try candied fruits. For example, from rhubarb. Not only are they delicious and ideal for breakfast and snacking, but they are also rich in vitamins and essential minerals.

If you've just had a cold or any other illness, don't be surprised that your skin looks dull. With proper care, everything will return to normal. At the same time, care should be not only outside, but also inside. Take care of your immunity - eat right, drink plenty of water and don’t forget about walking in the fresh air.

Dry skin or dehydrated skin: what is the difference and what to do

A woman's face is often compared to an apple. It’s good when the epithets “bulky”, “fresh”, “ruddy” are next to each other in this comparison. But what if “baked” was a better word to describe your skin? Our expert Anastasia Dubinskaya will tell you how to help dull and sagging skin with “baked apple” wrinkles, teach you how to distinguish dry skin from dehydrated skin, and tell you when it’s really time to see a competent dermatologist.

If your skin has become thin and dry, like parchment, or covered with a network of fine wrinkles, you will most likely go to a cosmetologist. He will pronounce “dry skin”, recommend a miraculous moisturizer and send you home to wait for a magical transformation.

But will there be an effect? Yes, some will - girls whose skin is really dry. But for some people such means are not suitable at all. Why? Yes, because the skin can be dry, or maybe dehydrated. And these are two different conditions from a physiological point of view.

Dry skin

This skin is paper thin, dull and rough, and often flakes off. It appears tight and has many superficial wrinkles, even if its owner is still young.

Good news: in this case, a competent dermatologist or cosmetologist will help. Only truly competent people who have not used the outdated classification of skin into oily, dry, normal and combination for a long time. He uses modern diagnostic techniques - corneometry, tevametry, sebometry - and can determine two important parameters: how much moisture is contained in the stratum corneum and how much sebum is in it. The latter prevents the evaporation of moisture, “smoothes” the scales, and performs a water-repellent function. And when the production of this natural lubrication is disrupted, the skin becomes dry very quickly.

Dry skin: intense peeling, roughness, feeling of tightness, superficial wrinkles, increased irritability.

What is dry skin like?

Modern classifications distinguish the following types:

  • dry sebum deficiency (with impaired sebum production, its lack);
  • dry (in this case, the amount of sebum is fine);
  • dry with hypersecretion of sebum.

Taking into account the characteristics of your skin, the specialist must develop an algorithm of actions, including nutritional correction, increasing the level of air humidity and, of course, special cosmetics.

Dehydrated skin

Such skin is covered in deep folds and creases, its turgor - the ability to be firm, elastic and quickly return to its original state - is reduced. The skin has a yellowish tint, it is sluggish and flabby. No vaunted expensive creams and serums work on her. This is because the problem is not on the surface, but in a deeper layer located under the epidermis - the dermal matrix.

Dehydrated skin: reduced turgor, sagging, lethargy, deep wrinkles and creases.

In this case, you also need a good specialist: he will prescribe capillaroscopy and ultrasound scanning to find out what is interfering with the functioning of the capillaries, and will also evaluate the viscoelastic properties of the skin using ballistometry. But the ways to solve the problem will be somewhat different, because, as we have already figured out, cosmetics do not work in the case of dehydrated skin.

Our face and body are densely permeated with blood vessels. Large branches are arteries and arterioles, small branches are capillaries. They bring life-giving moisture and nutrients to the skin.

Why do dryness and dehydration occur?

What dry and dehydrated skin have in common is a lack of moisture. Only in the case of dryness, the epidermis does not retain water well, but in case of dehydration, there is no blood movement in the dermis, and, accordingly, there is no water.

The quality of blood movement depends on the condition of the capillaries and larger vessels. If a person has weak capillary tone, and the arteries are pinched by tense muscles, the blood flow is very, very weak. Because of this, the skin “sits on a strict diet” and constantly lacks the moisture and nutrients it needs. It’s as if she’s shrinking from the inside and drying out.

Add here constant stress, hormonal imbalances, inflammation, lack of sleep, medication and dozens of other damaging factors. Just a thriller script with skin in the lead role!

How to fix everything?

No matter how hard we try, in both cases - with dryness and dehydration - it is impossible to overcome the problem without restoring microcirculation. Neither superficial massage, nor biorevitalization, nor mesotherapy or other procedures that the beauty industry offers you in such huge quantities will deliver moisture and other necessary substances to the dermal layer artificially.

Work to replenish moisture in the skin should begin with relaxing the cervical and thoracic spine. Tense muscles block the blood flow: until they relax, until the path is cleared for this life-giving flow that brings water and nutrients to our skin, it will be very difficult to cope with the “drought”. It's simply impossible.

At the next stage, you need to start deep myofascial facial massage. With its help, you will carefully soften fibrous formations, help stagnant lymph leave the face and body, and create a “pump” to push water from the capillaries into the intercellular space of the dermis.

Plus, you need feasible physical activity to normalize blood flow, maintain muscle mass and hormonal levels, and correct your diet and daily routine.

And now the skin is no longer dehydrated, but saturated with moisture, smoothed and pleasing with a pinkish tint and a delicate blush. Just a pouring apple!

Review of products for dehydrated skin

When dehydrated, the first step is to limit contact with tap water. Use natural hydrolate to wash your face. Choose it based on your skin type. For example, with rose it is ideal for mature, dry and sensitive skin. With mint - for oily and combination skin types. Sage hydrolate is necessary for girls with oily skin prone to inflammation. In other cases, lavender is suitable.

Now let's talk about deep skin nutrition. It is always necessary, but more so in winter. This is where coconut oil can help. It can be used either in its pure form or added to masks, creams and balms. But those with oily and combination skin need to be careful with this product and use it only in extreme cases.

Moisturizing is the most important point when caring for dehydrated skin. Try hemp balm with verbena. It delicately moisturizes, prevents premature aging, smoothes wrinkles, eliminates flaking and heals cracks.

Camellia sasanqua oil and squalane can be used on an ongoing basis. Add them to your cream, massage them, or apply them pure. They not only moisturize the skin, but also act as water-fixing agents. Moreover, they are natural and will not harm your health. By the way, they are suitable not only for facial skin care, but also for the entire body (even hair and nails!).

In order for your face to be radiant and healthy, proper care is necessary. Exercise, cosmetics and, of course, cleansing from the inside. You can learn about this at the Basic course “SmeloNET”.

How to restore moisture to your skin at home?

You can cope with this scourge on your own, although it will not be as easy and quick as you would like. What to do in such a situation?

The most important thing is to be patient and act in accordance with all recommendations.

If the treatment is regular and competent, then in a couple of weeks or even earlier your skin will look better.

How can this be achieved?

  1. Caring for dehydrated facial skin begins with restoring internal water balance. Force yourself to drink a glass of water every hour between 8 am and 4 pm. Only drink clean, non-carbonated and not boiled water. It is not necessary to give up tea and coffee, but their consumption should be kept to a minimum. Ideally, of course, it would be good to replace them with some kind of dairy products - for example, kefir or drinking yogurt. Of course, you should forget about alcohol and soda.

  2. If your work environment is such that you frequently interact with or be around dust, fumes, hazardous substances, and high temperatures, consider taking time off while your skin is being treated. In the future, use various protective agents and creams with a protective effect at work.
  3. Change your diet by including more fresh vegetables and fruits and remove pickled, canned, salty foods and unhealthy fast food.
  4. Understand your lifestyle. Get a good night's sleep, stop smoking, breathe fresh air more often. During the treatment period, completely avoid going to the beach to get a tan, or visiting a solarium or sauna.
  5. If facial dehydration is the result of any disease, of course, you must first cure it, otherwise you will not be able to get your skin in order. In general, do not be lazy to undergo a medical examination and then undergo treatment. Only after undergoing therapy will you be able to restore your skin to its former beauty and health.
  6. Choose cosmetics correctly. Cheap cosmetics are not always effective, so it is better to use products from popular, reputable brands that at least guarantee quality. It is also recommended to always use one line of cosmetics. Moisturizing scrubs, creams and other products must be developed specifically to solve the problem of skin dehydration.

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