Homemade exfoliating face mask. What is the effect of its use?

One of the main steps to getting radiant and youthful facial skin is to get rid of dry, dead cells.

Exfoliation is considered a very important part of any skin care routine. Not only does it eliminate dead cells, but it also removes sebum and impurities that can lead to enlarged pores. Most store-bought beauty scrubs contain unknown, questionable ingredients that can cause various allergic reactions. Therefore, a DIY exfoliating mask using natural ingredients will have the best effect on your facial skin.

The facial peeling mask can be used two to three times a week, but not every day. Along with this, it is necessary to check each new skin care product for the occurrence of an allergic reaction.

Nourishing sugar mask with exfoliating effect

Sugar granules are a wonderful natural cosmetic product that helps quickly exfoliate the upper layer of the epidermis.

To make a sugar exfoliating face mask, combine 1 teaspoon of brown sugar with ½ teaspoon of honey, a little lemon juice and mix well. If the mixture is runny, you can add additional sugar.

Rules of application

To prevent homemade masks with an exfoliating effect from harming your facial skin, certain rules are followed when using them:

  1. The composition is prepared immediately before the procedure. It is not recommended to store them.
  2. Safe ingredients that do not cause allergies are selected for masks.
  3. For a complete guarantee, it is recommended to apply each new type of cosmetic product in a small amount to the wrist and leave for about 30 minutes. The absence of itching, rashes, and redness indicates the safety of the tested mixture.
  4. On a damp face, previously cleaned of possible impurities and makeup, the mask is carefully distributed with light massage circular movements. It is useful to lightly steam the skin on the eve of the procedure.
  5. After the massage, leave the composition for the time specified in the recipes and wash off.

Baking Soda Exfoliating Mask

Baking soda is very fine in size and that is why it acts as a gentle exfoliant. Using a soda face mask, you can not only gently cleanse your skin, but also get rid of acne. In order to prepare it, you need to mix ½ spoon of baking soda with a small amount of grape seed essential oil or a mild cleanser. Or just mix baking soda with water. The finished mixture must be very carefully rubbed into the skin of the face and left for 5 - 10 minutes. Afterwards rinse with water.

Invigorating peeling face mask with coffee

Another fantastic natural exfoliator is coffee. It is rich in caffeic acid, which acts as an antiseptic on the skin and also increases collagen production. For the scrub, you will need to mix ½ tablespoon of ground coffee with 1 tablespoon of water or flaxseed oil. Apply to skin with light massaging movements for 30 seconds and leave for another 15 minutes. Then rinse gently with rose water.

Soothing Exfoliating Oatmeal Mask

Oatmeal as a natural facial scrub is great at removing and absorbing impurities, leaving skin nourished and hydrated. Due to its character, the oatmeal scrub is very soft and is perfectly suitable for people with very sensitive skin. To prepare it, you need to combine 1 tablespoon of ground oatmeal with ¼ teaspoon of salt and 1 teaspoon of warm boiled water or sunflower oil. Mix until a smooth paste forms. Apply onto the skin using gentle circular movements and leave for 5-15 minutes, then rinse off with a cosmetic sponge.

What are they used for?

The introduction of components with abrasive and scrubbing properties into the formulation of masks results in the resulting skin exfoliation effect, which helps:

  • remove dead cells, as well as all accumulated contaminants that interfere with the normal functioning of the epidermis;
  • improve complexion;
  • get rid of pigmentation;
  • improve local blood circulation with the elimination of congestion;
  • cleanse pores of blackheads (comedones);
  • prevent the development of inflammation and irritation;
  • receive sufficient oxygen and nutrients necessary for constant cell renewal;
  • increase the firmness and elasticity of the epidermis by accelerating collagen synthesis.

Honey exfoliating mask

Honey is antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal. It kills skin infections, eliminates acne, reduces inflammation and moisturizes. For an exfoliating mask, it is best to use honey in combination with baking soda or oatmeal. The components must be mixed in equal parts and distributed with soft circular movements throughout the face. Leave for 35 minutes and then rinse off with a soft sponge.

Mix a spoonful of liquid honey with ½ spoonful of cinnamon and nutmeg until smooth. Then spread the mask over your face with light massaging movements, avoiding the area around the eyes and wait about 15 minutes. After the time has passed, wash your face with warm (but not hot) running water.


Exfoliating products prepared both at home and purchased options have some contraindications:

  • allergic reaction to certain components;
  • problematic skin type (pimples, blackheads, rashes, skin pathologies).

When choosing recipes for a specific skin type, have a rational idea of ​​its general condition. For example, if you have a fatty type, it is strictly forbidden to use “fatty” ingredients, such as cream and sour cream. For dry skin - ingredients that have a drying effect - baking soda, peroxide.

Without obvious contraindications, you should not refuse such care, because exfoliating masks have a strong cleansing effect, rejuvenate, restore, improve appearance and general condition.

Gelatin peeling mask for face cleansing

This mask perfectly cleanses the top layer of skin from impurities, eliminates dry cells and helps heal acne. To prepare it, you will need to combine a teaspoon of gelatin and 1 tablespoon of milk in a bowl. Mix well and place in a water bath until smooth. Then cool a little and spread on the face, paying special attention to the T-zone and chin. After 10 - 15 minutes, the mask will dry and you can carefully remove it. Wash off any remaining residue with a damp towel.

Lemon Exfoliating & Hydrating Mask

Lemon contains acid that will help remove the top layer of the epidermis and thoroughly cleanse the skin.

Mix some unsweetened yogurt with lemon juice and apply a thick layer to your face. This mask can be kept for 5 to 15 minutes.

Mix a tablespoon of crystallized honey, 2 tablespoons of fine salt and a spoonful of lemon juice. Rub the resulting mixture with light circular movements into the skin for 2 minutes, then leave for 5 - 7 minutes and rinse with warm water. Dry your face with a clean towel and apply nourishing cream.


  1. Peeling is caused by poor hygiene, malfunction of the sebaceous glands, hormonal imbalance, microcracks, and dehydration.
  2. The main way to remove the stratum corneum is masks.
  3. The cleansing procedure is carried out depending on the type of epidermis. To avoid moisture loss after washing, include a toner for dry and sensitive skin in your care.
  4. An exfoliating agent can remove plugs from pores, saturate tissues with oxygen, moisturize, get rid of age spots, and improve blood circulation.
  5. Masks can eliminate the causes of peeling in a short time.
  6. There are contraindications for use.
  7. Mixtures are recommended for all types of dermis.

Exfoliating clay mask

Clay is an excellent skin cleanser of various impurities, which is why it is often used for deep peeling. To create a mask, you need to steam a tablespoon of clay with boiling water, then cool and mix in cucumber puree with a few drops of olive oil. Using light massaging movements, spread a thin layer on the face and leave for about 20 minutes. Rinse off with a sponge.

How to understand that your skin needs help

After 30 years, the rate of exfoliation of keratinized epidermal cells decreases by 20-30 times. Therefore, gas exchange in tissues and metabolism slows down, which affects the condition of the skin. To cleanse the stratum corneum of the epidermis, cosmetics with a peeling effect are used.

Facial exfoliators are recommended for:

  • feeling of tightness;
  • dull shade;
  • comedones;
  • peeling;
  • uneven terrain;
  • post-acne;
  • age spots.

Special masks stimulate cell division in the basal layer of the dermis, causing the face to become velvety and smooth to the touch.

Exfoliating orange peel mask

Orange peels have a very positive effect on the skin. They are rich in antioxidants and free radicals, which help in maintaining healthy and youthful skin. Orange peel masks are used to control acne, unclog clogged pores, treat blackheads, eliminate shine and brighten skin. To create an orange peel peel mask, you will need to mix finely ground orange peel, a teaspoon of honey and yogurt. Apply the mixture only to a washed face and neck using gentle circular movements. Leave for 15 - 25 minutes, then rinse with water. It is recommended to use 2 times a week.

Create DIY exfoliating face masks with natural ingredients and enjoy beautiful results!

How to remove dead cells?

Removing exfoliated skin from your face is an important step in skin care. Without periodic exfoliation, it is difficult to maintain the normal state of the epithelium, so all cosmetologists recommend regularly carrying out this procedure in the salon or at home. But even if you do it yourself, it’s still better to ask a specialist how to exfoliate your skin correctly.

General rules of procedure

In order not to harm the skin, but to get only a positive result, you first need to understand what type of epithelium you are dealing with, because they react differently to exfoliation:

  • For those who are sensitive, gentle manipulations are required, which are recommended to be completed by applying an alginate mask.
  • After exfoliation, dry skin is lubricated with a moisturizing and healing cream (cleaning is carried out once a month).
  • Oily, combination and problematic skin types require more frequent procedures (up to 2-3 times a week).

Regardless of your skin type, you should start the procedure with makeup removal and washing with cleansing foam or gel. Exfoliating products are applied to a wet (scrub) or dry (mask) face. After the required time has passed, they are washed off with plenty of water at room temperature.

After the procedure, the skin becomes especially sensitive to cosmetics and especially needs additional moisture. Therefore, it is recommended to apply a cream suitable for its type. And in the daytime, sunscreens are additionally used to prevent the formation of age spots.

Exfoliation is an essential component of skin care for any skin type. To maintain the renewal of the epithelium, you need to regularly clean it of dead particles.

Mechanical and chemical exfoliation

There are two types of exfoliation available at a beauty salon or at home - mechanical and chemical. The first is carried out using the following means:

  • Special tools (brushes, brushes, sponges).
  • Scrub or gommage with abrasive particles.
  • Hardware techniques (microdermabrasion).

Chemical exfoliation is a peeling that uses various substances that dissolve dead skin cells. In cosmetology, alpha and beta hydroxy acids are mainly used.

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