Cleopatra face mask at home: recipe, effect on the skin, reviews

Reviews of the Cleopatra face mask often say that this product has a special effect on the skin of the face. Today, many cosmetics manufacturers are ready to offer the product in question in finished form, but most of the fair sex still prefer to create a miraculous mixture on their own, at home. Let us further consider the basic principles of the Cleopatra mask, a list of the most popular cosmetic products released under this name, as well as a recipe for preparing a Cleopatra face mask at home.

Operating principle

Why is Cleopatra’s cosmetic mask so valued? The presence of such a large number of her fans is due to the fact that this miraculous composition has a wide range of effects on the skin of the face. Let us now consider in more detail the most important areas of action of this product.

The product in question is especially appreciated by the fair sex because, under the influence of the active components included in its composition, the aging process of the skin is significantly slowed down, and all manifestations of visible age-related changes are eliminated. This effect is due to the fact that under the influence of the components of the product in question, local blood flow improves, due to which the skin cells are intensively saturated with oxygen and those substances that are necessary for its nutrition.

A homemade Cleopatra mask (for face) perfectly cleanses pores and also has a beneficial effect on suppressing inflammatory processes on the skin of the face. Moreover, thanks to the use of this product, previously damaged epidermal cells are restored.

Cleopatra's mask is excellent for oily skin, as under its influence the normalization of the sebaceous glands occurs quite quickly.

Women who regularly make the Cleopatra mask protect their skin from the effects of negative environmental factors, and also nourish it with a full range of minerals and vitamins necessary for all processes in the skin cells to proceed normally and stably.

Recipes for masks from Cleopatra

Cleopatra's masks, unlike modern versions, contained only 2-3 components, which did not prevent them from effectively solving cosmetic problems.

Honey and oatmeal

The facial application recipe, with minor additions, is suitable for any skin. Allows you to raise the tone of the dermis, making it more elastic. Normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Melt one tablespoon of honey over the fire and mix with one tablespoon of crushed Hercules oatmeal. For dry skin, add a teaspoon of homemade sour cream, and for oily skin, add a teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice.

Honey and milk

This cosmetic composition well moisturizes and nourishes the skin. Milk vitaminizes the dermis, and honey has a tightening effect. The mask is suitable for women with dry and aging skin. Before applying to the face, you need to mix both components in equal proportions. Honey should be melted in a water bath, and the milk should be slightly warmed.

Clay, honey, sour cream, lemon

This composition deeply moisturizes and nourishes the dermis, smooths out wrinkles and fights other signs of aging. Lemon has a disinfecting and brightening effect. To prepare the mixture, you need to mix one tablespoon of kaolin (white clay), mix with the same amount of honey and add a teaspoon of sour cream and juice squeezed from lemon.

Main components

A home-made Cleopatra mask (for face) is highly valued, first of all, because it contains exclusively natural ingredients, enriched with vitamins and nutrients. For its preparation, oatmeal, honey, full-fat milk, and clay are always used. Let us next consider the features of the impact of each component.

Honey is a product that has the function of nourishing the skin, as well as actively restoring its affected areas. Moreover, honey has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and anti-aging effect.

Natural milk contains a large amount of amino acids, lactoenzymes and protein - components whose action is also aimed at regenerating skin cells. Moreover, these substances can nourish the skin well, moisturize it and rejuvenate it.

As for oatmeal, this component, included in the classic composition of the mask, has protective properties and also saturates the skin with moisture. Moreover, oatmeal contains a lot of useful components that have a beneficial effect on the epidermis: mineral salts, polysaccharides, and a vitamin complex.

Another important component of the Cleopatra mask is clay. This product is famous, first of all, for its absorbent properties, under the influence of which various types of impurities are removed from the pores, as well as toxins from the cells. Moreover, clay is able to absorb excess fat. Good clay is a product that has a whitening effect on the skin and also increases the elasticity of the skin.

The main components of Cleopatra masks

If we discard such exotic substances as wild donkey milk or crocodile feces, then the main active components of the Egyptian queen’s masks were the following products:


Natural honey has anti-inflammatory and tonic properties. Penetrating into the upper layers of the dermis, it retains moisture well and makes facial skin clean and fresh. Honey tightens the skin, making wrinkles less noticeable. The product normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, reducing the production of sebum. For women with dry skin, honey eliminates flaking.


This product contains many valuable microelements that nourish the dermis and stimulate cell regeneration. Oatmeal has excellent cleansing properties. A mask with this product makes the skin soft and velvety. The product protects the dermis from infections, reduces inflammation and has some brightening properties. The use of oatmeal in facial applications allows you to normalize metabolic processes.


Milk is a unique natural product. It contains almost all vitamins and a large number of essential microelements. Milk and dairy products have an antioxidant effect. Its action at the cellular level strengthens the epidermis, tones and refreshes the face. Dairy products go well with other ingredients.

Cosmetic clay

There are several types of cosmetic clay. The chemical composition depends on its color.

Clay stimulates cellular metabolism, dries and tightens facial skin. Cosmetic clay does not contain organic substances and therefore does not cause allergic reactions.

In addition to these main ingredients, Cleopatra's masks included various grains, berries and fruits that had whitening properties.

What clay should I use?

It is known that modern manufacturers of cosmetics offer a large selection of clay that can be used for facial care at home. What kind of clay should you use to make a Cleopatra mask? It should be noted that the choice of this component directly depends on the skin type. So, if a woman has normal skin, then she should give preference to blue clay, those with dry skin should choose red clay, and for oily skin, white clay is ideal. As for women with sensitive skin, they should pay attention to pink clay.

Why are masks important for mature skin?

Is it worth turning to home cosmetology today, when the modern beauty industry offers simply a huge selection of professional procedures and means to preserve youth? Our answer is definitely worth it. After all, firstly, not every woman can afford to regularly visit a cosmetologist’s office to get expensive injections. And, secondly, not all newfangled products can boast of high efficiency, while masks are time-tested and have long proven their usefulness. In addition, they are as accessible as possible and do not require large financial costs or time for preparation.

Interesting! How to use peach oil on your face

So, what can a woman over 55 get by regularly making homemade masks?

  • Tightened facial contours, a clearer oval, elimination of sagging.
  • Noticeable reduction in facial and purse-string wrinkles, disappearance of creases.
  • Increasing skin tone and elasticity due to the production of its own collagen and elastin.
  • Improved complexion, healthy glow, lightening of age spots.
  • Acceleration of metabolic processes and blood circulation in the deep layers of the epidermis.
  • Complete moisturizing, nourishing the skin with vitamins and beneficial microelements.

Remember that in adulthood the dermis becomes very sensitive. Therefore, carefully select the components of the mask. Use only fresh products and oils that will not harm you. And no aggressive influence!

About contraindications

Can everyone use Cleopatra's natural face mask? Practice shows that for most representatives of the fair sex this product is indispensable, however, it is best to refrain from using it if the body exhibits an allergic reaction to at least one component included in its composition. In particular, honey, which is considered the main component of the home remedy in question, is considered a very strong allergen.

Thus, experts in the field of dermatology strongly recommend doing an allergy test before applying the Cleopatra mask to your face for the first time. To do this, a small amount of the prepared composition must be applied to the wrist area. After 20-30 minutes, you should evaluate the condition of the skin on the treated area: if there is no redness or itching, then the mask can be applied to the face - it will not cause harm.

It is best to refrain from using the Cleopatra mask at home if there are visible damage to the skin of the face.

Tips for using the ancient mask of youth

Today, Cleopatra’s mask of youth can be bought at a pharmacy, online store or cosmetic boutique. The salon will also offer you to try this rejuvenation product. However, it cannot be done without preservatives and other dubious additives.

Therefore, the most natural and effective Cleopatra mask today is the one that you prepare with your own hands at home.

To make it no less effective than in the salon, prepare it in accordance with the following recommendations.

  1. Not just any honey is useful for making a Cleopatra mask. Ancient recipes for beauty and youth indicated that flower honey . It is better to purchase it not in a store, but from beekeepers who will offer a 100% natural, fresh product.
  2. It is not necessary to look for milk from a young donkey for this mask: goat or cow milk is quite suitable. Moreover, homemade milk will be as effective as possible, because it will not be diluted with water or pasteurized - all these procedures deprive milk of some of its beneficial substances.
  3. Also take the choice of oatmeal seriously: there are packages labeled “Extra”, in which the grains are processed to such an extent that the substances contained in them are unlikely to remain biologically active. Remember: to prepare the Cleopatra mask you will need exclusively coarse oatmeal .
  4. To ensure that the effect of the ancient mask is as close as possible to the environment that once surrounded the Egyptian beauty, in this case, refuse the blender: try to mix everything with a regular whisk or fork. It will take longer and you will spend more effort, but the results will not deceive you: the mask will turn out very thick and rich.
  5. Indications for use of the Cleopatra mask: fading, mature, wrinkled, dry skin.
  6. Contraindications : allergic reactions to honey (this happens very often), individual intolerance to one of the components of the mask.
  7. To check how the skin reacts to the anti-aging composition of the Egyptian mask, lubricate your wrist with the prepared gruel : the active substances will quickly penetrate the body through the thin skin. Redness and itching will make it clear that this composition is prohibited for you.
  8. In order for the active substances to fully perform their job of rejuvenating the skin, clear the way for them. To do this, you need to properly steam the skin over a herbal steam bath. Sage, St. John's wort, chamomile, linden, yarrow, and ginseng have rejuvenating properties. Prepare an infusion or decoction from them: usually take a glass of boiling water for 1–2 tablespoons of dry herbs. After infusion (about an hour) and straining, the prepared herbal potion is poured into 500 ml of water into a deep cup or small basin. You will need to hold your face over this container for 5–7 minutes, covering yourself with a warm terry towel. Those with high blood pressure or high temperature should be more careful: steam baths are contraindicated in such cases.
  9. Using light, massaging movements of your fingers, treat your facial skin with a mask from Cleopatra. Rub it so that it is absorbed deeper. It is better not to touch the area around the eyes: it is too delicate for such severe tests.
  10. Action time is from 15 to 30 minutes.
  11. The mask is washed off with any warm liquid: filtered (or still mineral) water, herbal decoction, milk.
  12. If you want to enhance the effect of Cleopatra’s rejuvenating mask, you can use a contrast compress after it. After you wash off the mask with warm water, soak a piece of gauze in cold water and apply it to your face for 1-2 minutes.
  13. After this, you can already apply your daily nourishing (or anti-aging, or moisturizing) cream to your face. An alternative is to lubricate your face with warm unrefined olive oil. By the way, Queen Cleopatra also actively used it as a unique anti-wrinkle tonic.
  14. The Egyptian youth mask can be done as desired 1 or 2 times a week, depending on the condition of the skin. However, after 8–10 procedures you need to give the skin a break from this composition and switch to any other.

Of course, such a complex procedure for rejuvenating mature, aging skin with herbal steam baths and contrasting compresses hardly formed the basis of Cleopatra’s evening dress. One way or another, they will in any case enhance the effect of the wonderful mask, so do not neglect them.

Since many hundreds of years have passed since the time of the famous queen of Ancient Egypt, the recipe was constantly supplemented with some new ingredients and somehow changed. Accordingly, several versions of the Cleopatra mask have survived to this day.

Rules for applying the composition

It should be noted that using the Cleopatra mask will only be effective if the cosmetic composition is applied correctly.

First of all, you need to remember that this composition must be applied exclusively to previously cleansed facial skin. Before this, it is advisable to steam it using a bath made from a healing herbal collection.

It is best to apply the product by making massage circular movements with your fingertips. After the composition is evenly distributed over the entire surface of the facial skin (except for the area around the eyes), it should be left for 25-30 minutes. After the allotted time, the product must be washed off with warm water.

After removing the mask, the face needs a warm compress - it helps the skin recover and also better absorb moisture and the resulting nutritional components. At the end of this procedure, you should apply a moisturizer selected according to your skin type on your face.

Reviews about the product in question say that to achieve the desired effect, it should be applied infrequently, but regularly - no more than once a week. After completing the monthly course, it is recommended to take a short break.

Rules for the preparation and use of egg lifting masks

In order for the cosmetic mixture to give the maximum effect on the skin, you need to follow the recommendations of experienced cosmetologists. They look like this:

  • Do not use metal utensils to mix ingredients. Even stainless steel can nullify reactions between components. It is best to use a ceramic bowl, plastic or glass.
  • The ingredients for preparing the mixture should only be at room temperature. Remember that honey or chicken eggs should not be heated under any circumstances.
  • Before applying the composition, it is necessary to thoroughly cleanse the skin. Ideally, it should also be steamed over herbal decoctions. This way the components of the mask will provide more benefits to the skin.
  • Protein masks should be washed off with water at room temperature. Too hot water will cause the protein to coagulate. Then it will be more difficult to remove it from the skin.
  • Do not store the prepared mask in the refrigerator. It is used immediately after mixing the components. Later she will be considered unfit.
  • Egg masks are not used for areas of severe inflammation, open wounds, or individual intolerance to chicken yolk and white.

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Remember that you can prepare and use face masks with eggs against wrinkles even after 50 years.

The T-shirt can not only be tucked in, but also tied with a rope at the side. This feature will easily add zest and negligence to your everyday look.

Classic recipe

To prepare the classic Cleopatra mask at home, you need to take the following components:

  • 2 tablespoons of dry cosmetic clay;
  • a spoonful of honey;
  • spoon of sour cream.

It should be noted that for the preparation of a cosmetic product it is best to use warm and fresh natural honey; the milk component should also not be cold.

To create a Cleopatra face mask at home, you should combine the components taken in the specified quantities, mix thoroughly and apply the resulting homogeneous mass to the skin of the face.

After half an hour, the product must be washed off.

Variations on a theme

The face masks described above were unlikely to have been used by Cleopatra herself, but it would be foolish to dispute their effectiveness. And if the result is what is most important to you, you should take a closer look at them, especially since preparing them at home is not at all difficult.

Cleopatra mask with aloe and honey

Face mask with a good anti-aging effect
  • medicinal mineral water – 200 ml (1 glass),
  • aloe juice - 2 tbsp. l.,
  • honey - 1 tbsp. l.
How to cook?Mix all the ingredients and let it brew in a sealed container for 10-12 hours.
How to apply?Using gauze folded in two layers, which needs to be soaked in the composition.
How long to keep?10 minutes.
How to shoot?Warm water followed by application of nourishing cream.
What scheme should I use?Every day until you get the desired result.
special instructionsIt is best to prepare the mask in a silver bowl of suitable size [a very dubious statement - editor's note].

Cleopatra mask with onions and bee honey

The mask helps maintain the natural balance of facial skin moisture, gets rid of wrinkles, and also stops the inflammatory process
  • beeswax - 1 tbsp. l.,
  • honey - 1 tbsp. l.,
  • onion juice - 1-2 tsp.
How to cook?Combine all ingredients in a suitable container and mix them thoroughly. After this, place the container in a water bath (keep until the composition becomes homogeneous).
How to apply?Apply a dense layer (try to avoid areas around the eyes).
How long to keep?20 minutes.
How to shoot?Warm water.
What scheme should I use?3-4 times a week.

Reading: Amaranth oil for face: recipes for the most effective masks

You can also explore other recipes for onion face masks.

Cleopatra mask with pink petals

Rejuvenating mask for problematic and aging skin
  • rose petals - 10-15 pcs.,
  • olive oil - 1 tsp,
  • clay - 1 tsp.
How to cook?Combine all the ingredients, add the required amount of mineral water (the resulting mixture should resemble thick sour cream) and stir everything thoroughly.
How to apply?Apply a thin, even layer (pay special attention to the skin around the eyes).
How long to keep?15-20 minutes.
How to shoot?Warm boiled water.
What scheme should I use?2-4 times a week.

Mask for problem skin

Those with problem skin should prepare a mask according to the recipe below. To create a product you need to take:

  • 10 g black clay;
  • 2 drops of natural tea tree essential oil;
  • a spoonful of goat or cow milk.

In order to prepare a mask, you need to heat the milk and dilute black clay in it. After this, add essential oil to the resulting mass and, after mixing everything thoroughly, apply the mask in an even layer on the face, avoiding the area around the eyes. After 30 minutes, the product should be washed off with warm water.

Cooking rules

How to distinguish natural honey from artificial one.

In order for homemade cosmetics to be effective, you need to follow some rules for its preparation. Dairy products, eggs and honey should only be natural. Store-bought products with preservatives and flavor enhancers are not suitable for making cosmetic masks. Oatmeal should be coarsely ground. Instead of donkey milk, goat's or cow's milk can be used in cosmetic formulations. It is advisable that honey be flower honey, as it contains the most substances beneficial to the dermis.

To heat the components, you need to use enameled or stainless steel dishes. Aluminum containers cannot be used. It is best to prepare the application at once, since mixtures of natural ingredients cannot be stored for long periods of time.

For a short period of time, mixtures of butter and honey can be left in the refrigerator and heated in a water bath before the procedure.

Cleopatra mask for aging facial skin

This cosmetic product option is great even for aging facial skin. In order to prepare this remedy, you need to take the following ingredients:

  • 15 g chopped oatmeal;
  • 5 drops of rose essential oil;
  • 3 egg yolks.

To prepare the product in question, you must use only crushed flakes. This component must be combined with yolks and essential oil, and then thoroughly ground until smooth.

The finished mask should be generously distributed over the entire face area, avoiding the skin around the eyelids. Leave the mask on for about 30-40 minutes.

Reviews of this version of the Cleopatra mask for aging facial skin very often note that as a result of its regular use, one can observe an amazing effect of skin rejuvenation, as well as its gaining tone.

Benefits of Egyptian masks for skin

In cosmetology, Egyptian queen masks are used for:

  1. Cleansing and removing toxins;
  2. Rejuvenation and nutrition;
  3. Healthy complexion;
  4. Restoration of sagging skin.

Components of Cleopatra masks

Due to its favorable location, Egypt had a variety of products from all over the world.

But the following ingredients were especially valued by the queen:

  • honey;
  • milk;
  • oatmeal;
  • clay.

In her cosmetic compositions she also used essential oils imported from different parts of the world. Products made from olive oil, fruits and chickpea flour, which were abundant in rich Egypt, were also popular.

Rules for preparation and use

To recreate the composition of Cleopatra’s mask, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Honey, milk, sour cream, eggs must be exclusively natural; store-bought analogues with additives and enzymes are not suitable for cooking;
  2. You can buy fresh and natural products at farmers' markets;
  3. Oatmeal is high in fiber and can be ground into flour or used as is;
  4. Before starting the procedure, the face is thoroughly cleansed and steamed;
  5. After completion, a cold compress is applied for three minutes;
  6. Be sure to apply nourishing cream.

Honey mask

Practice shows that an excellent effect is observed from using Cleopatra’s honey mask for the face. To prepare it you need to take the following components:

  • 10 ml lemon juice;
  • 10 g natural honey;
  • 5 g oat flour.

To obtain oatmeal, grind large flakes using a coffee grinder. After this, the component should be combined with lemon juice, as well as honey, and mixed until smooth. Apply the resulting composition for 20-30 minutes, after which it should be washed off with warm water.

Reviews about this product say that the product has a miraculous effect, which manifests itself in the skin becoming velvety, soft and maintaining its elasticity. As a result of regular and correct use of this mass, the skin becomes fresh in appearance, and its tone is noticeably evened out.

Composition and action

There are many legends and myths about the indescribable beauty of the Egyptian queen. All the men of that time submitted to her, most of whom were ready to lose their lives for just one night with Cleopatra. The secret of her beauty lies in her ability to take care of herself. The queen's signature act is home cosmetology and knowledge of many recipes for youth, which made her the most beautiful ruler of all time.

The most popular remedy - Cleopatra's caring mask - is still widespread today. The recipe is very popular due to its simple ingredients and high efficiency.

The main components of the mask are:

  • milk;
  • honey;
  • oatmeal;
  • cosmetic clay.

Thus, milk softens and whitens the skin, makes it more elastic and firm, and promotes cell regeneration. Honey makes the skin velvety and soft, smoothes wrinkles and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Oatmeal contains many vitamins that nourish the dermis, improve complexion and fight rashes.

Also, oatmeal has a lifting effect, which eliminates the double chin and makes the facial contour more even and expressive. Clay gives the skin moisture and restores its balance in epithelial cells, eliminates cosmetic imperfections, “polishes” unevenness, and relieves inflammation.

Clay mask

If you want to effectively cleanse and restore your facial skin, you can make a Cleopatra clay mask. To create it you need to take the following ingredients:

  • 10 ml goat or cow milk;
  • 5 ml of natural peach oil;
  • 15 g clay (it is better to use Moroccan clay).

All of these components should be combined with each other and, after mixing them until smooth, spread in an even layer over the entire surface of the facial skin. After 25 minutes, the composition should be rinsed with warm water and a warm compress should be applied for 10 minutes.

To get a mask, go to the store

The store-bought Cleopatra mask received a lot of positive reviews. Country of origin: Israel, brand: Sea of ​​Spa. The manufacturers patented their product as an innovation in cosmetology, which is explained by its miraculous composition. The mask consists of active antioxidants, mud and minerals from the Dead Sea, and also includes vitamins and a liposome complex.

The Israeli product has the following effect on the skin:

  • thoroughly cleanses pores;
  • evens out complexion;
  • restores metabolic processes;
  • activates cell regeneration and cellular metabolism;
  • stimulates rejuvenating processes.

With regular application of the Sea of ​​Spa mask, the skin will become soft, firm, healthy and elastic. And the beneficial effect lasts for another 8 hours after removing the mask from the face

Thus, Cleopatra’s mask contains all the substances necessary for aging skin, delicately solves the problems of aging and carefully cleanses the skin of impurities. Modern recipes allow you to prepare the composition yourself without leaving home. Therefore, the transformation should begin as quickly as possible, and the rejuvenating effect will not take long to appear.

Benefits of using gold face masks

Gold masks reduce wrinkles

One of the most famous and luxurious gold masks, Luzon's 24K Pure Gold Treatment lifts skin and reduces wrinkles. Gold leaf is applied over a liquid mask to infuse lifting ingredients into the skin. Use it after a light at-home exfoliation for best results.

Gold masks reduce and soothe the skin

Makeup artist Lynsey Alexander swears by deep-penetrating sheet masks. They refresh the skin, leaving it soothed and hydrated enough to skip the moisturizer.

To brighten your eyes

Nourished with 24K gold and detoxifying seaweed to revitalize the eye area after a long day or lack of sleep. This is especially good for the skin after a long flight or lack of sleep.

To prepare for makeup

Gold masks are ideal for pre-makeup. The masks contain gold nanoparticles, vitamin C and collagen. It's best to apply it while you're lying down to really allow the nourishing ingredients to soak in.

Gold masks strengthen the skin

Not only does the mask soothe any irritation and redness, but the combination of anti-inflammatory colloidal gold and added vitamin C boosts collagen and restores elasticity to give skin super strength and tone.

Lighten the skin

It's not just about sheet masks and gold leaf. Traditional liquid masks infused with gold offer a brilliant, luminous hold. They tighten pores and leave the skin with a beautiful glow and even tone.


Anastasia I am also familiar with this mask, and I bought it in Israel last year. I paid $80 and never regretted it. The mask is very pleasant with a delicate effect, does not cause allergies and is worth its price. I applied it to my face before going to bed for 5-10 minutes, after which I washed my face with plain water and smeared my face with nourishing cream. The Israeli product effectively tightens the skin and moisturizes well, while removing impurities and toxins from clogged pores. I think you can also find such a mask here, you just need to be careful not to run into a fake, or order it online on the manufacturer’s official website.

Valeria I also really liked the mud mask. It has a divine smell and an equally wonderful effect. The mask is easy to apply and does not stick, has a light texture and comfortable consistency. It washes off easily too. A product based on sea minerals has a calming and anti-inflammatory effect. After use, the skin becomes smooth, elastic and very soft. The effect lasts for 3-4 days (using moisturizing creams), and then I reapply the mask. The instructions indicate that it should be used 2 times a week. If you haven't tried it yet, be sure to pamper yourself and your skin with this wonderful product that will not leave anyone indifferent.

Rating of the best face masks with gold based on customer reviews

YU.R Gold Peel-Off Mask

The Gold Peel Off Mask film mask carefully and effectively removes dead skin cells, cleanses and tightens pores. Thanks to the phyto-complex, it has rejuvenating properties, stimulates the production of its own collagen and elastin, tightens and strengthens the skin, increases its firmness and elasticity. Colloidal gold helps improve skin microcirculation. The components of the mask nourish and deeply moisturize the skin, helping to maintain its water balance. The mask perfectly refreshes the skin, makes it radiant and healthy.

Face film mask with gold 3W Clinic

3W Clinic Collagen & Luxury Gold Peel Off Pack is a film mask with collagen and gold. It tones and renews the skin, improves its tone and color, fills it with vitamins and natural energy.

Mbeauty Gold Peel off Mask

The gold film mask tightens and strengthens the skin, tightens enlarged pores, removes blackheads, and evens out skin tone. The mask contains a whole complex of active components. Allantoin, adenosine and niacinamide - to strengthen and even out tone. Raspberry ketone – to improve blood microcirculation and natural skin renewal. Camellia extract – anti-aging. Aronia chokeberry extract – to strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Korean black raspberry extract tones and moisturizes. Soybean extract stimulates collagen synthesis.

How to prepare for anti-aging procedures

To prepare for anti-aging procedures you need:

  • reduce swelling , to do this, limit the consumption of liquids, spicy and salty foods, fish and seafood for 2-3 days;
  • do not drink alcohol for 3-5 days;
  • avoid being in direct sunlight without protective cream;
  • refrain from other procedures that injure or reduce the protective functions of the skin;
  • use moisturizing and nourishing cosmetics;
  • apply self-massage methods.

General indications for anti-aging procedures

After 25 years, the elasticity of the skin begins to gradually decrease, the first wrinkles appear, so cosmetologists advise starting to use anti-aging cosmetics from this age .

Signs that you should consider anti-aging treatments include:

  1. change in skin type, tendency to dryness and flaking;
  2. formation of wrinkles;
  3. loss of skin elasticity, the oval of the face “floats”, jowls and sagging appear;
  4. the appearance of age spots, the complexion becomes dull and sallow;
  5. enlarged pores, post-acne, long-term recovery after injury, the appearance of small scars;
  6. increased skin sensitivity - reactions to cold and exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

Rating of the best golden Korean face masks

Farmstay Golden Korean Face Mask with Snail Mucin

A film mask with 24-karat gold and snail mucin promotes effective skin renewal. The product tightens pores, cleansing them of sebum and impurities, evens out skin tone and texture, and fights blackheads. 24-karat gold is a powerful antioxidant and helps remove toxins from the skin. Snail mucin ensures skin regeneration, restores its smoothness and radiance. Horse chestnut extract strengthens blood vessels. Persimmon extract tones the skin, tightens pores and prevents inflammation. The mask is suitable for oily, dense skin with enlarged pores.

  • type of mask: film mask
  • skin type: oily, combination
  • effect: cleansing, blackhead removal, moisturizing, pore tightening, rejuvenation, wrinkles
  • contains a complex of extracts
  • texture: gel


Ideal for aging skin. The result is visible immediately after the first use, but the effect is not long-term. The mask evens out skin tone and makes pores invisible.

Elizavecca Golden Korean Face Mask

Gold face mask Elizavecca Milky Piggy Hell-Pore Longo Longo Gronique Gold Mask Pack is aimed at lifting the oval of the face and rejuvenating your skin, which provide 8 types of peptides in the product that actively smooth out skin creases and wrinkles, tightening the contours of the face.

Golden Korean face mask Esthetic House Piolang 24K Gold Wrapping Mask

PIOLANG 24k GOLD WRAPPING MASK ESTHETIC COSMETICS contains pure gold, which helps deeply cleanse, tighten and moisturize the skin. The consistency of the mask is similar to thick cream, which makes it a cross between an alginate and a film mask. White willow leaf extract, seaweed extract and snail mucus extract soothe and deeply nourish irritated and sensitive skin.

Golden Korean face mask Gold L-Glutathione 24K

Korean film mask slightly brightens and evens out the tone and texture of the face, restores elasticity, makes the skin smooth and radiant. Includes glutathione, colloidal gold, hyaluronic acid, collagen, brown algae extract and vitamins. Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant; it protects cells from the harmful effects of toxins, carcinogens and free radicals, and it also has a strong immunoprotective and detoxifying effect. To summarize, we can say that glutathone is a source of health and youth. Colloidal gold improves the penetration of other cream components into the skin: vitamins, plant extracts. Accelerates skin cell division. Increases vitality, stimulates the body's regenerative functions, increases resistance to various diseases, and helps enhance cell regeneration processes.

Golden Korean face mask

Adelline 24K Gold Mask Pack is a film face mask with colloidal gold. It exfoliates dead tissue, removes toxic substances, accelerates metabolism, and gives the skin a fresh and well-groomed appearance.

What is a face mask with gold

  • Gold is commonly used as jewelry, but it is also known to have healing properties and can do wonders for your skin.
  • The gold face mask involves applying a mask made of 24k gold.
  • Gold face masks have become fashionable today and every salon can boast of its wonders. We don't need to visit salons for this. Many gold masks are available in the market.
  • A gold facial mask helps reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines for a more youthful appearance. The skin is able to easily absorb this metal and is equally beneficial for both oily and dry skin
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