Face mask honey and olive oil - The best healthy recipes

Vegetable oil from olive hearths is considered a universal product that is used both in cosmetology and in the food industry.

Drinking one teaspoon of oil on an empty stomach daily normalizes natural metabolic processes and improves the condition of the skin from the inside. Masks based on this component have nourishing, rejuvenating, antioxidant effects. The visible effect of using homemade recipes containing olive oil is achieved thanks to its unique composition, which is dominated by an extensive list of microelements and vitamins beneficial for the skin.

Beneficial properties of olive oil for the face

Olive oil, due to its monounsaturated fatty acids, has beneficial properties:

  • smoothes facial and static wrinkles;
  • promotes healing of scars, abrasions, inflammation;
  • normalizes the level of moisture in epithelial cells;
  • blocks the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.

It is useful not only for the skin of the face, but also for the hair, so the remainder can be safely applied to the hair.

In addition, masks based on olive oil have become a salvation for dry skin, because their regular use eliminates the flaking characteristic of this type of skin.

The composition contains useful substances:

  • monounsaturated acids – improve the protective functions of the epidermis, have exfoliating, regenerating and anti-inflammatory effects;
  • alpha-tocopherol is an effective antioxidant, guards the youth and beauty of the skin, and prevents its premature aging;
  • polyphenols and carotenoids – promote the production of collagen in tissue cells, normalize the water-lipid balance of the skin.

How to cook properly

Most of the nuances and subtleties of preparing home care relate to specific options and are spelled out immediately in the recipe. But there are general provisions inherent in any method. This includes:

  1. Using only high-quality, fresh products. This seems elementary, but due to greed, many people forget about it just before they start cooking. After all, “do not let good things go to waste.”
  2. You only need to prepare it once, just before the procedure. If you leave supplies for later, the ingredients will quickly lose all the beneficial aspects. And sometimes they become completely harmful.
  3. Heating honey is contraindicated. It loses its usefulness.

Indications for use

Olive oil-based face masks are recommended if you have one of the following problems:

  • fading mature skin lacking sufficient elasticity;
  • dry type of dermis, characterized by increased sensitivity;
  • mechanical damage to the skin; abrasions, scars or burns;
  • premature photoaging of the epidermis.

Recipes for the best oil masks

Olive oil is often used in making homemade face masks because of its richness in vitamins. The best recipes with the ingredient are discussed below:

For wrinkles

In addition to the face, it is important for women to take care of the décolleté and neck area. It is these two zones that can indicate a woman’s age, while on her face there may be no signs of aging at all. Masks based on olive oil are good for aging facial skin and other sensitive areas. It can even be applied to the area around the eyes, but in this case you should be more careful so that the mixture does not get on the mucous membrane. To prepare, you need to prepare dry gelatin in a bag, an ampoule of vitamin A and a tablespoon of oil. To begin with, gelatin powder is dissolved in warm water, leaving the mixture for a few minutes. Then all the remaining components are added to the swollen mixture. The finished mask is applied to the skin of the face, neck and décolleté in a thick layer, and after 30 minutes the residue is washed off with warm water.

For acne

Thanks to its regenerating effects, the mask promotes the healing of inflammatory elements. You will need a tablespoon of white clay, a teaspoon of oil and a little lemon zest. The clay is first diluted in water until a creamy consistency is obtained, after which the remaining ingredients are added. Keep the mixture for no more than 15 minutes. As soon as the clay begins to dry, it is recommended to sprinkle the mask with a small amount of mineral water. This will help avoid excess evaporation of moisture in the epithelial cells, since kaolin has a pronounced drying effect.

For dry skin

Olive oil is suitable for dehydrated sensitive skin. It normalizes water balance, intensively nourishes, softens and restores all the protective functions of the dermis. In a deep bowl, combine 20 g of cream, a tablespoon of butter, and then add kelp powder pre-dissolved in water to the resulting mass. For best results, leave the mask on for 40-50 minutes. The product is used 2-3 times a week.

In addition, this recipe is suitable for those with aging skin with visible expression wrinkles.

For oily skin

People with oily skin types should not use oil masks more than once a week. Otherwise, excessive cell nutrition will lead to clogging of pores, thereby triggering the appearance of comedones and, subsequently, new foci of inflammation. For the mask you will need dry chamomile and calendula inflorescences, as well as oatmeal. Grind all components using a blender or coffee grinder. Pour oil into the powder and mix thoroughly until smooth. In addition to regulating the production of sebaceous glands, this mask boasts an excellent exfoliating effect. A gentle scrub removes dead skin cells and gently cleanses pores without causing excessive dryness. Action time: 15 minutes. The mixture is removed with smooth massaging movements.

Benefits of calendula.

With olive oil and honey

Allergy sufferers should be extremely careful, as honey can cause individual intolerance. First, do a sensitivity test by applying a small amount of the mask to the back of your hand. Oil and honey are mixed in 1:1 proportions, after which 8 bee bread granules are added to the mixture. The resulting consistency is applied to the face and neck area, following the massage lines. After 7 minutes, wash off the mask and moisturize the skin with cream.

With olive oil and lemon

Vitamin C, which is predominant in lemon, can lighten pigmentation and red spots from acne. In addition, lemon juice regulates the secretion of sebum, thereby eliminating excessive oiliness of the skin. Mix lemon juice and olive oil in equal quantities. Then add 12 g of bean flour, as well as a couple of drops of lavender essential oil. The mask is applied in a thin layer, avoiding the area around the eyes and lips. At first, you may feel a slight tingling sensation, which will stop bothering you after a few minutes. This is how fruit acids act, helping to cleanse the upper layers of the skin. The maximum holding time is 10 minutes. You can also try a rice mask using recipes from this material.

With olive oil and yolk

The yolk quite intensively softens and nourishes the cells due to its rich content of valuable microelements. In combination with the oil mixture, this component acts most effectively. Heals inflammation, relieves dry dermis from flaking and eliminates the unpleasant feeling of tightness. In a container, combine one yolk with a tablespoon of oil. In another bowl, red clay is diluted with purified water. At the final stage, mix both mixtures and apply the resulting mask to the prepared facial skin. After 15 minutes, remove the residue with warm water. Some masks with glycerin collected in the article have similar properties.

Vitamins and minerals contained in the yolk of a chicken egg.

With oil and vitamins

As a rule, at home they use special liquid vitamins in ampoules, which can be purchased at any pharmacy. Vitamins A, E, D, as well as all B vitamins have a beneficial effect on facial skin. You can choose the appropriate components depending on the needs of your particular type of epidermis. A stable anti-aging effect is demonstrated by a mixture with retinol and tocopherol, used to wipe the dermis. To do this, add liquid vitamins to the oil, and then use a moistened cotton sponge to treat the cleansed surface of the face. It is best to carry out the procedure once a week before bed. The mask does not require subsequent rinsing. There is a similar recipe among masks with castor oil.

With butter and sour cream

The mixture protects delicate skin from the harmful effects of the environment. It will become an indispensable express remedy in the winter season, when constant temperature changes provoke dryness and redness. A tablespoon of sour cream is mixed with a teaspoon of oil, and a few drops of jasmine essential oil are added to the resulting mass. The mask is suitable for morning care. After 6 minutes of exposure, it is enough to rinse off the residue with water and blot your face with a paper napkin.

With butter and salt

This nourishing peeling is suitable for people with dry skin types. However, when choosing salt, you should give preference to a finely ground product, since particles that are too large will injure delicate areas. Fine iodized sea salt will do. A teaspoon of the component is mixed with the same amount of oil. For high-quality exfoliation, you must first steam your facial skin by taking a regular bath. Thus, the pores will be cleaned much deeper from accumulated impurities. The mask is applied with smooth massaging movements, following the massage lines. The massage is performed for several minutes, after which you wash with warm water. Another option could be a coffee mask according to the recipe here.

With oil and clay

Clay not only deeply cleanses the skin, but also helps smooth out creases and wrinkles. For oily problem skin, preference should be given to kaolin; for dry sensitive skin, red clay is ideal; for normal skin types, choose green clay. To begin with, dry clay powder is diluted in enough water to obtain the consistency of sour cream. Under no circumstances should the ingredient be diluted in a metal container to prevent intoxication of the finished mass. The clay is filled with either mineral or regular filtered water. It is best to use hydrolate or thermal water. At the final stage, add a tablespoon of oil and apply the mask in a thick layer to the skin of the face, without affecting the area around the eyes and lips.

For mature skin

Aging skin is most susceptible to environmental influences, as its main protective functions weaken over time. Intense nourishing masks with the addition of fruit pulp will help maintain normal skin tone. To prepare, you will need a banana, a tablespoon of butter and two tablespoons of heavy cream. The banana is crushed in a blender, after which it is combined with the rest of the ingredients until smooth. The mixture is kept for 20-25 minutes. Homemade masks for wrinkles after 50 must contain the most nutritious ingredients.

For pigmentation

Masks with a whitening effect should be used with extreme caution during periods of solar activity to prevent the appearance of new age spots. We have already told you about the lightening properties of lemon juice. Grapefruit and lime have a similar effect. A teaspoon of freshly squeezed liquid is mixed with egg white, and then 10 drops of olive oil are added. The finished mixture is applied to the face. As soon as the first layer of the mask has dried, the mixture is reapplied. Exposure time – 10 minutes. More whitening masks here.

For sensitive skin

This type of skin causes a lot of trouble to its owners. Any irritants, whether external or internal factors, provoke an allergic reaction. Olive oil is ideal for people with sensitive epidermis, as it gently cares, softens and has an effective wound-healing effect. First, grind the oatmeal in a coffee grinder, then pour the component with a small amount of warm milk. Add a tablespoon of oil to the resulting mass and mix the ingredients thoroughly again. The product is applied to the skin, and after 25-30 minutes the residue is washed off with water. Masks made from flax seeds are also suitable for this skin type, recipes for which can be found at the link.

The youthful effect of Mediterranean olives

Among the peoples of the Mediterranean, a branch with oblong green leaves has earned symbolic fame for good reason. The father of medicine, Hippocrates, wrote about its wonderful properties. The legendary ancient Egyptian queen Cleopatra could not do without olive-containing soaps and creams. Sophia Loren has always considered olive a faithful companion in life, both in terms of gastronomic and care. That they were both famous for their beauty is no secret.

But Slavs know little about the uniqueness of this non-traditional culture for their area. Let's try to fill the gap.

General rules and tips for use

The correct technique for applying masks prepared at home will help you achieve a lasting, visible result:

  1. Pre-cleanse the skin of impurities using gel, foam or milk.
  2. If you use micellar water or hydrophilic oil to remove makeup, do not forget to rinse off any remaining product with warm water afterwards.
  3. Apply the finished mask, following all massage lines. Recipes with whitening or cleansing properties should not be applied to the sensitive area around the eyes and lips.
  4. For the best effect, it is recommended to be in a lying position during the procedure so that the active components penetrate as deeply as possible into the skin structure.

The mask should be applied along the massage lines of the face.

Secrets of proper use

How effective the mask will be is greatly influenced by the correct application of it to the skin. When applying it yourself, this process should be carried out as follows:

  • The skin is pre-cleaned of cosmetic residues and fatty secretions. A steam bath produced in 15–20 minutes is well suited for these purposes. before applying the mask. For a better effect, you can add dried chamomile or calendula flowers to the water. Another cleansing option is to use a scrub about an hour before applying the mask. If you do not first cleanse clogged skin pores, the full effect of using a home remedy will be minimized.
  • It is a good idea to give your skin a gentle massage before applying the home remedy. Gentle but energetic massaging movements will activate blood circulation. As a result, the cells of the epidermis will more actively absorb the beneficial substances contained in the mask.
  • A correctly performed application procedure also greatly increases the effect of the procedure. It is convenient to apply the nourishing composition using a silicone brush. In this case, you should avoid getting the mask on the delicate areas of the skin located around the eyes.
  • It is recommended to wash off the mask carefully, gently acting on the skin - without stretching the skin or putting strong pressure on it.
  • To consolidate the beneficial effect of the mask, it is recommended to apply a caring cream to your face. It is better to use a cosmetic product that you usually use and that is most suitable for your skin.

The honey-olive mask is a rich source of beneficial vitamins and microelements that help maintain healthy skin. To get the maximum effect from its use, you should take a responsible approach to the choice of ingredients.

They must only be of high quality. And also, one should not forget about the accompanying procedures that improve blood supply to the skin and smooth out the contours of the face - gymnastics for the subcutaneous muscles and light massage.


  1. Since antiquity, olive fruits have been famous for their miraculous powers. Queen Cleopatra herself used this ingredient to preserve the beauty of her own skin.
  2. The unique composition of the oil contains a whole complex of monounsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, as well as polyphenols and carotenoids beneficial for the epidermis.
  3. Masks with olive oil have a particularly beneficial effect on dry, sensitive skin types. It is this component that is most often found in anti-peeling masks.
  4. Those with oily skin should not use intensive nourishing masks more than once a week, so as not to provoke subsequent clogging of pores.
  5. And, finally, remember that only regular use will bring you a visible effect of rejuvenation and nutrition. Before application, perform a sensitivity test to avoid allergies.


Despite all its wonderful and beneficial qualities, it is better not to use olive oil masks in their pure form for oily skin. It is very rare, but individual intolerance to an oil product still occurs.

Before using mask recipes, be sure to make sure there are no contraindications or allergies to each component of the cosmetic product.

Therefore, before starting the procedure, you should test the oil on the back of your wrist or the inner crease of your elbow. If the mask contains honey, eggs, tomatoes or onions in addition to oil, testing must be carried out without fail.

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