Creams for tightening and toning the skin after losing weight. List of the best products

lip enhancement


The period when your own face and body delights with freshness and tightness of tissues ends someday . For some sooner, for others later. From this moment on, the thought that you need to help your skin and somehow support it no longer leaves. Loose, sagging skin on the neck and chin does not suit anyone. No less negative emotions are caused by loose skin on the legs, knees, between the legs, and on the stomach. With home care, the possibilities of rejuvenation are limited to superficial effects in the form of masks, serums, and creams. More noticeable changes in appearance can be achieved by turning to specialists .

How to remove sagging skin

The Darmed clinic has been successfully solving this problem for a long time. A cosmetologist analyzes the problem, selects procedures to improve the condition of the skin, and recommends care that will slow down the increase in signs of aging.

Treatment is carried out with the drug Sculptra. These are injections of polylactic acid, which rarely cause allergies. They provide a long-lasting effect, since the substance is retained in the tissues for 9 – 12 months. Even after complete removal, the lifting effect is maintained due to its new collagen fibers, the synthesis of which is stimulated by the drug.

Thanks to the experience of doctors and the latest equipment, the procedures are effective, safe , and all cosmetic products have passed the necessary levels of quality control.

Undergo a skin rejuvenation and tightening procedure at Darmed-Clinic

Make an appointment with a specialist now! Experienced cosmetologists at our center will help you develop an individual program of procedures taking into account your desires and needs.


How to use skin tightening cream correctly

To achieve maximum effect, and for the cream to work 100%, the following rules must be taken into account:

  • The skin should be perfectly washed. You should never apply cream to a dirty body. It is especially good to use the product after peeling.
  • You need to rub the cream in with gentle massage movements if it concerns the breasts. As for the thighs, when applying the cream you need to make some effort, rubbing the product with your knuckles.
  • After losing weight, you should use skin tightening cream regularly. Otherwise, the result will not be achieved.

Nutritionists advise that when using creams, do not forget to eat properly to get all the necessary vitamins and microelements.

Causes of sagging skin

Natural aging processes can lead to sagging skin on the arms, legs, and body . They appear after 40–50 years, but in some people earlier. This is due to genetic factors, eating habits, and the presence of proper facial care. Most often, an excess flap of skin appears after a sharp decrease in body volume. Therefore, many women have problems:

  • After childbirth - mainly sagging skin of the abdomen.
  • After losing weight - sagging skin on the thighs and buttocks, stomach, neck, arms, chest.
  • Up to 30 years old , the first wrinkles usually appear on the neck, inner surface of the arms, face, and décolleté.
  • After 40 years, sagging becomes more noticeable. To maintain skin health, it is imperative to carry out skincare procedures and apply various rejuvenation techniques. It is advisable to train your muscles and eat rationally.


Mistakes when losing weight

Many people think that they don’t need a doctor to prescribe a diet, and then they complain that their skin is sagging after losing weight, what to do in this case and what to do. And in order to avoid this, you just need to avoid mistakes while dieting.

The most common of them:

  1. Too much of a calorie deficit. This is indeed one of the most common mistakes that many people who lose weight make. The body needs a sufficient amount of nutrients and other microelements for normal functioning. If their number is reduced to critical, then the effect of losing weight will not please you at all. At first, the weight will come off quickly, but this entails health problems. Metabolism slows down, weakness appears, skin sags, and the body becomes deficient in many useful elements. The result is a sharp gain in lost kilograms and many health problems. Therefore, you need to eat properly and balanced so that the weight goes away gradually.
  2. Skipping meals. Due to the severe hunger that occurs for this reason, you can eat much more than necessary. Because of this, not only will the weight not come off, but such a diet can also lead to many diseases, including diabetes.
  3. Lack of protein in the diet of a person losing weight. It is necessary for building cells and maintaining muscle mass. During a diet, muscles go away first, and only then fat, and if you cut down on protein, you risk getting saggy skin and slow metabolism.
  4. Diets with limited fat intake. It is fats that help maintain the skin, joints, and other organs of the body in normal condition. Their lack in the diet will lead to a deterioration in the functioning of organs and lipid metabolism, which will lead to problems with health and physical condition.
  5. The desire to lose weight quickly. Usually it does not lead to anything good, but only adds problems. Thus, you can not only quickly lose weight, but also gain it back, even more than before. This is a huge stress for both the body and the skin. It will stretch and sag, and stretch marks may also appear, which can then only be eliminated with the help of laser correction.

You can prevent all these mistakes by knowing what they entail. And the result of the diet will become noticeable much faster if it is selected and followed correctly. Then you won’t have to wonder how to remove skin after losing weight .

Signs of sagging skin

In different people, flabbiness manifests itself with the following signs:

  • Decreased skin tone and moisture.
  • Reducing the volume of fat bags under the skin.
  • Decreased muscle tone and decreased connection between muscles and skin.
  • The appearance of small wrinkles at first, over time the mesh becomes more pronounced.
  • Sagging skin due to gravity.
  • Possible expansion of pores.
  • Deterioration of complexion: becomes pale. Many people develop pockets of pigmentation.
  • The skin becomes thinner or tends to become puffy.

Wrinkles are visible between the eyebrows, on the forehead, around the mouth, near the outer corner of the eyes. The skin of the upper eyelids is easily folded, and under the eyes is prone to swelling and bruising. The chin loses the clarity of its lines, the cheeks droop.

Benefits of using Sculptra

Sculptra is produced in France by Sanofi Aventis. Sold in powder form in a sterile bottle.
Before use, it is diluted with saline solution. Sculptra is a preparation based on artificially synthesized polylactic acid. It also contains carboxymethylcellulose and mannitol.

Sculptra as a drug is characterized by good biocompatibility. Compared to hyaluronic acid, it is retained in tissues for a long time. Previously, polylactide was used for a long time and successfully as an absorbable suture material.

The effect appears immediately , as the Sculptra filler fills the intercellular space in the area of ​​folds and wrinkles, adding lost volume in the injection area. Lifting and rejuvenation will increase over the next six months , because the drug increases the formation of collagen and elastin fibers inside the skin. Tissue tightness lasts for 2 years or more.

How to get rid of sagging skin on the face and neck?

To effectively solve the problem of sagging skin, an integrated approach is important - proper nutrition, maintaining water balance, and physical activity.

If we want to restore the tone of the face and neck area, the most effective way is cosmetic procedures. They stimulate the production of collagen and elastin - the main proteins responsible for skin elasticity.

One of the most effective methods will be Thermage radiofrequency thermolifting using the Thermacool device. Cells of the dermis (the main layer of the skin) - fibroblasts - are activated under the influence of radiofrequency pulses and begin to produce skin elasticity fibers - collagen and elastin. As a result, the skin shrinks within two months. To achieve the effect, 1-2 procedures every 2-3 years are enough.

Another popular method is thread lifting, an alternative to plastic surgery. Using special threads made of polydioxanone or polylactic acid with notches or cones, you can tighten the oval of the face, remove the double chin, reduce nasolabial folds and molar bags.

How does the procedure work?

This is an injection rejuvenation technique. The skin is prepared - cleaned of impurities, makeup, disinfected, anesthetized.
The drug is injected under the skin or into the deep layers of the dermis. In the area of ​​natural folds and deep wrinkles, the product is administered linearly. To eliminate crow's feet, a fan injection technique is chosen. If there are many wrinkles over the entire surface, a mesh is formed under the skin, choosing mutually perpendicular directions for insertion. The lines along which the injections will be made are marked on the skin with a cosmetic marker. To ensure good distribution of the substance in the injection area, perform light massaging movements with your hands. At the end of the procedure, the skin is again treated with an antiseptic.

Abdominal skin tightening at home: what does cosmetology recommend?

You can supplement proper nutrition and physical activity with cosmetic measures. Professional cosmetologists offer us a lot, but there are also a large number of measures that can be done independently at home.

To begin with, you can use special products to tighten the skin of the abdomen. These are creams and lotions with a lifting effect , which can be purchased at pharmacies or cosmetic stores. In addition, you can prepare such a remedy yourself. It’s quite simple, and you can be sure that the cream is natural, free of all kinds of harmful additives.

Just take a tube of regular baby cream, squeeze a few spoons into a clean container, add a tablespoon of apricot (or other vegetable) oil and 5 drops of liquid vitamins E and P. You can also add a few drops of citrus essential oil - they have anti-cellulite and fat-burning properties. This cream for tightening the skin of the abdomen can also be used for home therapeutic massage. After the first use, you will notice that the condition of your skin has improved significantly.

very useful for tightening the skin of the abdomen. They can be used in their pure form, instead of cream, and used for massage and wraps. The best option is to combine vegetable (base) oils and essential oils. Among the former, you can use olive, almond, peach and apricot kernel oils, and so on. Among essential oils, it is usually recommended to use grapefruit, lemon, orange, and tangerine oils - citrus oils have a pronounced anti-cellulite and fat-burning effect. Also good options: rosemary, juniper, pine, and flower oils. To prepare a healthy mixture, add a few drops of essential oil to a tablespoon of vegetable oil and apply the composition to problem skin, rubbing it in with gentle movements.

Oil mixtures are recommended for use during pregnancy - in this case they will prevent sagging skin.

A simple and effective way for home use is to rub the problem skin of the abdomen with ice cubes. You can freeze plain water or decoctions of medicinal plants that will tone the skin. is also very useful .

At home you can make masks to tighten the skin of the abdomen . The easiest option is to buy clay at the pharmacy, dilute it with water to a creamy consistency, leave it on the skin for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

A mask called “Pepper” works great. To make it, mix three tablespoons of flaxseed or olive oil and a teaspoon of red pepper. The procedure significantly increases blood circulation, thereby promoting active fat burning. You need to keep the composition on the skin for 15 minutes and repeat the procedure once a week. By the way, you can use pre-melted dark chocolate instead of butter.

And a couple more recipes for masks for skin tightening:

  • Yeast mask. You need to grind 20 grams of yeast, add a little warm water so that the yeast dissolves. Add five teaspoons of honey and cream to them. To improve the effectiveness of the mask, add three drops of any citrus or rosemary oil to the composition. Apply the composition to the stomach. It is recommended to keep this mask for 30-60 minutes. This product nourishes the skin, improves blood circulation and increases its elasticity.
  • Nettle mask. Pour two tablespoons of dry nettle with a glass of water and boil for 10 minutes. Then cool the composition, moisten a layer of gauze in the broth and secure it on the stomach. You need to keep this mask for about an hour.

Abdominal skin tightening wraps

Wraps are an excellent procedure for tightening the skin of the abdomen. They help restore tone to the epidermis, saturate skin cells with useful substances and accelerate fat burning processes. There are a large number of wrap recipes. Let's look at the most popular:

  • Algae wrap. Algae can be easily purchased at a pharmacy. They need to be filled with warm water in the amount indicated on the package. Leave for half an hour for them to swell. To improve the effect, add a few drops of citrus essential oil. Apply the mixture to the stomach, wrap it in film and insulate the skin. Leave for 45 minutes, then rinse off with water and apply moisturizer. It is recommended to take a course of one month, consisting of three procedures, repeated once a week.

  • Honey wrap . The main ingredient will be natural honey, which is preheated in a water bath to a comfortable body temperature. Honey is combined with two tablespoons of mustard diluted with water. The mass is applied to the stomach, wrap in film and lie down under a warm blanket for half an hour. Then remove the remaining mixture with water and use a moisturizer.
  • Oil wrap . The oils we have already discussed can also be used for wraps. Take vegetable oil (olive, coconut, flaxseed, wheat germ), heat it and add essential oil of orange, tangerine, fir and juniper (you can use one, but their combination is more effective). Rub the mixture into the skin of the abdomen with massage movements, wrap in film and wrap for half an hour. Then rinse with warm water and apply cream.
  • Clay wrap . Take a bag of blue clay, dilute it in water until smooth, apply it to your stomach. Wrap yourself in film and lie under a blanket for 40 minutes. Then rinse and moisturize your skin. Clay works great thanks to its unique composition, which contains salts, zinc, silicon, and iron oxide.
  • Coffee wrap . Caffeine perfectly smoothes and tightens the skin, promotes the breakdown of fats. You need coffee grounds, which after brewing are applied to the stomach, which is then wrapped and insulated in the usual way. It is recommended to keep the coffee on the skin for half an hour, then the composition is washed off and the skin is moisturized with cream.
  • Mud wrap with honey. Dead Sea mud, which you can buy at a pharmacy, helps remove toxins from the body, improves blood circulation, normalizes metabolic processes and tightens the skin. First you need to rub honey into the skin of the abdomen with clockwise massage movements. Then warm up the mud and apply it to the body in a thick layer. Wrap yourself in cling film and cover yourself with a warm blanket for half an hour. Remove the product with warm water, use a nourishing cream. To achieve maximum results, repeat the procedure every other day for a month.

If the situation is very serious and the above measures do not produce results, you can seek the help of professionals. Beauty salons and cosmetology clinics offer many procedures. This could be various injections, the use of hardware therapy, and so on. It is also possible to tighten the skin through surgery, but remember that this is a serious measure that is only indicated in certain cases.

Finally, having achieved the desired results, do not relax so that the tightened abdominal skin retains its attractive appearance. Maintain her beauty and health by taking care of your own lifestyle.

Effect duration

The effect is observed within 1.5 – 2 years , for some longer. The more serious the problem and the older the patient, the more often courses of therapy with Sculptra may be necessary.


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Our specialists


Ignatieva Elena Alexandrovna

Doctor - cosmetologist

Grebenshchikova Alexandra Igorevna

Doctor - cosmetologist

Kalinina Olga Alexandrovna

Doctor - cosmetologist


Ignatieva E.A. Doctor - cosmetologist

Recommendations before the procedure

Before the procedure, protection from ultraviolet radiation, refusal of chemical and mechanical peelings, laser procedures applies both to the period before and after the procedure. Before the session, it is worth stopping substances that affect blood clotting a couple of days.

Recommendations after the procedure

After the procedure, you should not exercise. Dilatation of skin blood vessels due to exposure to hot water, sun, and steam should be avoided. There is no need to apply strong pressure to the treated areas of the skin or rub. For the first day, it is better not to wash your face under running water.

The specialists of our cosmetology clinic carry out the procedure at a high quality level. order a call back or make an appointment at the branches of our clinic, which are located in the Frunzenskaya and Sukharevskaya areas. A cosmetologist will provide you with a free consultation on treatment and care for your facial skin.


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Why does skin sag after losing weight?

There are several reasons why the condition of the epidermis may worsen after weight loss:

  1. Wrong diet. This includes everything that is related to nutrition during a diet: hunger strikes, lack of necessary nutrients for balance, restrictions, too much reduction in calories consumed. This will lead not only to rapid weight loss, but also, as a result, to an accelerated gain of lost kilograms. This type of diet is very dangerous and entails serious consequences.
  2. Age. Over time, metabolism begins to slow down. Therefore, the speed of many processes in the human body begins to decrease. Collagen in cells is produced slowly, so after losing weight there is a high risk that the skin will sag after losing extra pounds.
  3. Intense training and excessive physical activity. The body is under stress during diets, since it is limited in the number of elements necessary for normal functioning. Because of this, he is not ready for such rapid weight loss. That is, it simply cannot accelerate the reduction of skin. This is what causes saggy skin to appear, which you then have to get rid of.

A diet prescribed by a non-professional can lead to these and even worse consequences. To avoid all this, you need to contact only proven and good doctors. You need to follow a diet in accordance with all instructions and, the main thing to remember is that rapid weight loss leads to an equally rapid gain.

Answers to popular questions

Flabby skin vitamins

It is good for the skin to take vitamin A (eggs, fish, butter, cod liver), provitamin A of plant origin (carrots, pumpkin, dried apricots, sweet potatoes). Antioxidant properties of vitamin E (nuts, avocado, cereals, vegetable oil). Vitamin C (sea buckthorn, rose hips, red bell pepper) prevents capillary fragility and brightens the skin.

How to tighten loose skin

At home, you can use masks with hyaluronic acid, vitamins, microelements, and algae-based masks (alginate). Apply cream with SPF protection during the day, use moisturizers and tonics. The salon will offer injection mesotherapy or the introduction of substances using phonophoresis, microcurrent therapy, Botox injections, biorevitalization, RF lifting.

Loose body skin at a young age

It may be due to a hereditary predisposition, insufficient amount of fluid to drink, frequent exposure to the sun, frost, wind (peculiarities of professions), drying of the skin with toilet soap or alcohol-containing products. If there is a lack of essential microelements, protein, amino acids, and vitamins in food.

Sculptra drug reviews

Clients are satisfied with the procedure and note pronounced positive changes in appearance after the Sculptra course.

Treatment for sagging skin near me

For those who live in the center of Moscow and do not want to spend a lot of time on the road trying to find a place to provide services near their home, the Darmed cosmetology clinic offers to visit its centers located at the following addresses:

  • Cosmetology on FRUNZENSKAYA, Moscow, Komsomolsky Prospekt, 24 building 2
  • Cosmetology on SUKHAREVSKAYA, Moscow, Bolshoi Sukharevsky Lane, 24

Constant attention to your skin helps maintain its youthfulness. Regular care with suitable products, procedures to stimulate blood flow and repair can delay and reduce the negative manifestations of aging. Loose skin of the neck, chin, and body will be tightened with its own collagen, ptosis and wrinkles will become smaller.

Traditional recipes against sagging skin

Parents and grandmothers tell us more budget-friendly ways to deal with sagging skin. Massage using essential oils is considered an effective remedy.

If there are none, replace them with a mixture of sugar and any vegetable oil. Cups with a vacuum effect are also often used to tighten the skin.

For massage it is advisable to use:

  1. Sesame oil.
  2. Juniper oil.
  3. Essential orange oil.

In order to save money, you can prepare creams at home. Aloe and dandelions are excellent options. To do this, you need only a third of a glass of vegetable oil and 150 grams of aloe and dandelions. You need to mix until it becomes thick sour cream.

Coffee and colorless henna can be used to replace expensive masks. Masks based on these components will perfectly soften and tighten the skin.

Visitor reviews

Darmed-Clinic on Frunzenskaya

Darmed-Clinic on Sukharevskaya


I have been going to a cosmetologist: Alexandra Grebenshchikova for 5 years now, I have done various procedures with her, ranging from facial massage, cleansing, all kinds of peelings, injections: lips, biorevitalization, nasal tears, Botox. The last time she was in this clinic for botulinum therapy, forehead, eyes, cheekbones (yes, Botox was injected into the cheekbones to reduce the shape of the face). I will follow her to the ends of the earth! The clinic is beautiful, clean, equipped with advanced equipment, I plan to try the new Fraxel, with fantastic results on the face and body. I will remove old stretch marks on the body and pigmentation on the face. Let's look at the results!

Irina D.

Irina D.


Hello! Today I had a cleaning with Dr. Elena Alexandrovna Ignatieva. Perfect! My skin glows from the inside, I can’t stop looking at it :) Elena Alexandrovna is a very competent doctor and in addition to cleaning, she also selected treatment and home care for me. Thank you very much!)) I also want to note the work of the nurse and esthetician Daria Alexandrovna Fomina. I go to her for laser hair removal and BeautyLazer anti-cellulite massage (I recommend!!! the effect is super, there were 6 sessions, a full course of 12). Daria Alexandrovna is very attentive and always does everything super! Several more times I had lip augmentation with Pavlik Alla Sergeevna - the effect of natural lips, no bruises, etc. Juvederm drug. Every time I come to the clinic and every time I am convinced that first-class specialists work here. I recommend to everyone!

Well, I will return to DarMed more than once

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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