Thermal water for the face: how to choose and how to use correctly?

When the water-salt balance is disturbed, the skin takes on a painful, dull appearance, irritation and rashes appear on it. In addition, lack of moisture is one of the main causes of premature aging.

Thermal water will help quench your skin's thirst. You can carry the spray with you in your purse, use it at home or keep it on your desk in the office - your skin will be moisturized and fresh. Regular use of thermal water allows you to retain natural moisture in the layers of the epidermis, as well as protect it from adverse external factors.

Why do you need thermal water for your face?

Typically, the temperature exceeds 40 C and is considered purer than that obtained from artesian wells or mineral springs. Thanks to its rich composition, the product has a beneficial effect on the deep layers of the skin; it is often added to various medications, including those intended for problem skin and anti-aging care.

Hot spring water can be used as a stand-alone skin care product.

Comparative table of the presented funds

In order to compare the presented products, we suggest taking a look at the table with their characteristics below.

Product nameCountry of OriginAge of applicationSkin typeHypoallergenic Price, rub)
La Roche-Posay Thermal Spring WaterFranceanyirritated and sensitiveNofrom 400 to 650
Avene Eau Thermal WaterFranceanydry and sensitiveNofrom 479 to 600
Uriage Eau Thermale DUriageFranceno restrictionssensitiveYesfrom 370 to 500
Vichy Thermal SPA WaterFranceno restrictionsanyYesfrom 411 to 550
TOO FRUIT Fresh MistFrancefrom 7 to 12 yearsany typeYesfrom 826 to 1000
Librederm “Refreshment and hydration”Russiafrom 20 years olddry, irritatedNofrom 577 to 700
Amaranthe “Classic”Ukrainefrom 20 years oldanyYesfrom 200 to 270

The benefits of thermal water

Due to its medicinal properties, the product is successfully used in medicine. It is used in the treatment of cardiovascular and nervous diseases, upper respiratory tract diseases, and dermatological disorders. Cosmetologists also point out the beneficial properties of hot springs for correcting skin problems.

Regular use:

  • moisturizes the skin, promotes moisture retention in cells;
  • normalizes the activity of lipid cells, eliminates irritation, peeling, inflammation and itching;
  • eliminates the feeling of tightness after washing;
  • accelerates skin regeneration processes;
  • softens and tones the skin, restores its firmness and elasticity;
  • prevents early aging and fading;
  • accelerates metabolic processes in the body, saturates tissues with oxygen and nutrients;
  • has a protective effect against the influence of external aggressive factors;
  • evens out skin tone and helps maintain muscle tone;
  • improves makeup and maintains its durability.

The product can be used as a wash and cleanser. It is convenient for use on trips, trips, hikes, and during air travel.

There are no restrictions or prohibitions on the use of water. It can be used in winter to refresh the skin indoors and in the summer heat to protect the face from the negative effects of sunlight.

It can replace a tonic, and can also be used after some beauty procedures (for example, depilation).

Due to its healing composition, hot spring water is often recommended as a treatment for problematic and sensitive skin. Regular use helps normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands and improves the condition of the skin in diseases such as dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema. The use of thermal water helps maintain the necessary level of hydration throughout the day.

How to choose the right one

Thermal water is a skin care cosmetic product, so when choosing a specific brand, it is necessary to take into account the type of skin, its condition and existing dermatological problems.

If a woman has normal skin or tends to be dry, she should choose isotonic water. It is neutral towards skin cells, as it has a similar concentration of mineral salts and does not change their size. This product has a good moisturizing effect and protects against inflammation and peeling.

Hypertonic water is suitable for oily and combination skin types. It soothes and relieves inflammation, treats acne and acne. With the help of hypertonic water, you can normalize the pH balance, protect the skin from the aggressive influence of external factors and strengthen local immunity.

Selenium-containing thermal liquid is suitable for sensitive skin. This mineral normalizes the physiological balance of the skin and reduces sensitivity with regular use. As a result of using such thermal water, swelling decreases, irritation and itching disappear, the skin becomes hydrated and rejuvenated.

For irritated and too dry dermis, the hypotonic variety should be used. This product has a very delicate effect, moisturizes and soothes well.

Types of thermal water

The following types exist:

  • hypotonic – softer due to low mineral content;
  • isotonic – has a more concentrated composition of microelements;
  • hypertonic – characterized by a high concentration of minerals.

Not all types are equally suitable for eliminating various dermatological problems. When choosing a product, you need to consider what problem you are going to use it to solve.

High levels of sulfur and zinc are essential to combat the unhealthy shine and inflammation associated with oily skin. This composition promotes effective cleansing, normalization of the activity of the sebaceous glands, and narrowing of pores.

Dry skin requires increased hydration and toning. For this purpose, it is advisable to choose a more concentrated source with a rich mineral composition.

Silicon and selenium are minerals that have a beneficial effect on sensitive skin. They help soothe the skin, relieve redness and swelling, and prevent irritation.

Mature skin requires intensive hydration, protection from negative external influences, prevention of early wrinkles and loss of muscle tone of the face and neck. For this purpose, a product with a large amount of selenium is suitable, which has an anti-aging and antioxidant effect.

Any type of hot spring helps relieve irritation and fatigue of the skin. The minerals contained in the composition saturate the cells with oxygen, refresh and tone.


These include more active components - essential oils and vitamins. For 300 ml of the finished base you will need up to five drops of aromatic product:

  • dry skin responds well to esters of lavender, chamomile, ylang-ylang, sandalwood and geranium; in winter, you can add a few drops of retinol and tocopherol;
  • for oily skin, products with antiseptic and bactericidal properties are suitable - oils of bergamot, orange, ginger, grapefruit, lemon, tea tree, cedar; if there is a lack of nutrition, which usually occurs in the off-season period, add up to eight drops of vegetable oil of pomegranate seeds or wheat germ;
  • for the lucky owners of a normal type, geranium, rosemary, patchouli, rosewood, and neroli esters are suitable;
  • for sensitive dermis, choose calamus, basil, anise, fennel and sweet orange, also add six/seven drops of pantothenic acid, vitamin B5 perfectly soothes irritated skin.

How to use thermal water

The main rule of use is to apply to cleansed skin after using a tonic. In this case, the active substances penetrate into the deep layers of the skin.

The product is released in the form of a spray. Water from the bottle is sprayed from a distance of 20-30 cm, after a few minutes it is blotted with a cotton pad. This is necessary so that minerals have time to be absorbed into the deeper layers of the skin.

If you use isotonic thermal water, it is not necessary to blot it.

The sawing motion imitates a circle or figure eight. Then you can “drive” the moisture into the skin with light massaging movements.

After spraying the product on the face, apply the cream as a base for daytime makeup. Applying a moisturizer is also necessary to retain life-giving moisture, otherwise it will quickly evaporate and cause a feeling of tightness.

The product is also recommended to be used throughout the day. The bottle is always convenient to take with you.

Water is sprayed over the applied makeup and after a few minutes the remaining moisture is removed with a napkin. There are no restrictions on the number of applications; you can refresh your skin throughout the day in any quantity.

In the evening, apply thermal water after removing makeup. The skin should be generously moisturized, but not wet. Excess product is removed with a napkin.

You can apply thermal water to your face while on the beach, but you need to fix it with sunscreen, otherwise your skin will be exposed to ultraviolet radiation.

How to cook at home

An alternative to store-bought cosmetics are products prepared according to folk recipes. They are not difficult to make if you strictly follow the technology.

The composition of thermal water is similar to mineral water, so the easiest option is to use bottled products. It is important that the water is not just carbonated, but mineral. When purchasing, you should pay attention to the place of extraction. It is better if these are mountainous regions or known deposits.

Gases are first released from the water. To do this, the bottle is left open for a couple of days so that excess salts and heavy trace elements evaporate from the liquid contents. The following ingredients can enhance the effect of homemade thermal water:

  • decoctions of medicinal plants (calendula, mint, chamomile, etc.);
  • aloe juice, lemon;
  • essential oils (tea tree, orange, lavender, rosemary, etc.).

The components for the composition are selected taking into account the skin type. Then the product will fully perform its functions.

Combinations of ingredients based on skin type

Skin typeList of components
Drymineral water (100 ml); linden blossom decoction (50 ml); orange ether (2 drops).
Fatmineral water (100 ml); lemon juice (1 tsp); peach ether (2 drops).
Combinedmineral water (100 ml); mint decoction (20 ml); sage decoction (30 ml); ylang-ylang ether (2 drops).
Fadingmineral water (100 ml); lavender ether (3 drops).

Thermal water, which contains decoctions of calendula, mint or chamomile, is recommended to be frozen in ice cube trays. The cooling effect of healing cubes will make your face fresh and toned.

For convenient use of a homemade product, you need to select a small bottle with a spray bottle.

Expert opinion

  • Cosmetologist
  • Surgeon

Anna Avaliani

practicing cosmetologist

Thermal water contains many microelements and mineral salts from underground sources. It's very refreshing in the summer. Therefore, it is most often recommended to use it during this period of the year. Simply spray the product onto your skin. Remains should be blotted with a napkin. You can also massage your face after spraying.

Aisha Baron

plastic surgeon

Thermal water perfectly refreshes, soothes the skin, and removes irritation.
The product moisturizes the skin well, after which serums and creams penetrate better into the skin layers. Thermal water enhances the effect of masks. The product is especially useful in hot weather, because it protects against moisture loss. But remember that thermal water will not help completely moisturize the skin. If your face is too dry, use masks, moisturizers, and go for cosmetic procedures. You should not expect that thermal water will help dry skin or completely rejuvenate your face. But this remedy really brings benefits. It eliminates irritation and refreshes the face, which is especially important during the hot season.

How to prepare and apply?

It is very simple and quick to add a few drops of ether and possible selected liquid vitamins into the base. You should not use a whisk or mixer to achieve a homogeneous structure. The liquid will need to be shaken vigorously before each use/spray. It is recommended to use 3-4 times a day, not more often.

You need to spray at a distance of ten/twenty centimeters from the face, while drawing a circle or figure eight. You can also create a thermal cloud and then simply walk into it. After two/three minutes, it is easy to blot away the unabsorbed moisture with a napkin or cosmetic sponge.

For long-lasting makeup, the effect of delicate baby skin or life-giving freshness on a hot day, there should be a treasured bottle in your purse. A few natural ingredients and a life-giving, aromatic liquid are ready for use.


In the medieval village of Avens in the south of France, in the picturesque valley of the Orbe River at the foot of the Cevennes, there is the thermal spring of Sainte-Odile. It has been widely known since 1736, when the owner of these lands, the Marquis de Rocozel, discovered that water from the spring accelerates the healing of skin ulcers. In 1874, the Baths of Aven won the main prize at the World Exhibition in Paris and were recognized as a national treasure of France. And 100 years later, in 1975, the Pierre Fabre pharmaceutical group founded a scientific center to study the properties of Aven water and developed a series of cosmetics based on it.


Avene thermal water is slightly mineralized, rich in silicon and has a neutral pH level.


Rejuvenates and moisturizes the skin. Has a softening, anti-inflammatory and antipruritic effect. Reduces skin sensitivity to external influences.


The Avene laboratory specializes in creating therapeutic creams for dry and very dry skin. Thermal water, which is the main active component of the brand's products, provides gentle cleansing and care for sensitive and irritated skin.

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