Oily creams for dry skin - ideal composition, review of the best

07.22.2018 / Cosmetics

Most women need a rich cream for facial care, but not everyone knows how to choose it correctly. It’s not difficult to buy a good fatty face cream if you arm yourself with knowledge, understand the ingredients and consult with a cosmetologist if necessary. In the article we will talk about what you need to pay attention to when buying a rich, nourishing face cream, what ingredients should be included in its composition, what benefits the care product brings, how to apply it and the product rating.

What to consider when buying cream

In order to choose a cream that can benefit different skin types and cope with imperfections on the face, we suggest using a few tips:
1. Before going to the store, decide on the list of components that should be included in the cream that is suitable for your skin type. 2. Read impressions of the product from women who have used it. This will give you the opportunity to find out whether it is worth buying the cream or not. 3. Please pay attention to the quality certificates for the products. If sellers do not provide the required document for the goods, it is advisable to refuse the purchase. 4. The packaging must be sealed and not expired. Expired cream can irritate the skin, sting and cause redness. 5. If your skin care products contain unfamiliar components, refrain from purchasing them without studying what reaction they cause and whether they can cause harm. If all items satisfy the buyer, he can purchase a face cream, but this does not guarantee that it will bring the desired result. Even if the product is of high quality, it may simply not be suitable for a specific skin type. Sometimes you have to purchase several different creams to find the right product for yourself.

Necessary components of fatty cream

In order for a fatty cream to moisturize and nourish the skin, it must contain the following components: • Niacinamide. This component dries out acne, soothes the dermis, relieves irritation, and also disinfects. • Salicylic acid or a component with similar properties (benzene peroxide). It allows you to narrow pores and protects against the negative influence of the environment. • Caffeine. It prevents the appearance of acne and pimples. • Sulfur and retinol. The components make the face rested and smooth out wrinkles. • Hyaluronic acid. Perfectly smoothes the skin, copes with fine wrinkles.

In addition to these ingredients, a high-quality cream includes vitamin complexes, plant extracts, oils, and extracts.

L'Oréal Paris, cream-gel “Moisturizing Expert”

Already from the name it is clear about the main function of this cream, right? We can only add that it works on three fronts at once: moisturizes, refreshes the complexion and protects against adverse environmental factors. Yes, one can only envy his multitasking!

LibreDerm, moisturizing hyaluronic cream for face, neck and décolleté

Girls already from birth know one inviolable truth: where there is hyaluronic acid, there is maximum hydration. Here too, hyaluronic acid in the cream instantly softens the skin, eliminates wrinkles and flaking, preventing premature aging. The cream is easy to apply, quickly absorbed and suitable as a base for make-up.

The benefits of fatty cream

One of the main advantages of a fatty cream is its ability to replenish the deficiency of fat and moisture in the dermis. As a result of using the cream, the skin becomes elastic, fine lines and wrinkles are smoothed out, and dry particles are exfoliated. A rich face cream for dry skin with vitamin E prevents moisture loss. The various substances included in its composition necessary to nourish the skin enrich the epidermis, reduce the level of inflammation, and regenerate cells.

Thanks to the use of a care product, the rash, redness, and peeling disappear from the face. Using a rich cream for dry skin can protect your face from chapping, frostbite, and other adverse external factors. The product contains components that can not only retain moisture, but also absorb it from the outside. The skin becomes moisturized, rested, and radiant.

Recipes for folk remedies for oily and problem skin

At home you can make not only a cream to care for problem skin, but also masks.

A cleansing mask can be prepared from the following components:

  • grapes (2 tbsp. berry puree);
  • white or blue clay (2 tsp).

A mask with white or blue clay perfectly cleanses oily and problematic facial skin and prepares it for applying cream.
Remove the seeds from the berries, remove the skin, and grind into a puree. Then add clay and mix thoroughly. Apply to face for 15 minutes, then wash.

How to apply fatty cream correctly

It is worth noting that a fatty cream must be applied correctly to the face in order for its action to bring the desired result and be effective. Before using a care product, it is necessary to carry out a facial cleansing procedure. To do this, you can use tonic, milk, cream, soap. Everything will depend on your skin type and its oil level.

If a woman prefers to wash her face with water before using the cream, it should be warm. Cosmetologists recommend that after washing, apply the cosmetic product 30 minutes later to rested skin. There is no need to rub the cream in; light movements with your fingers are enough. The layer of the care product should be thin and even, avoiding the area around the eyes. We remove the remaining cream using a napkin.

Useful tips for use

Purchasing an expensive product is not the only step towards achieving the desired success. The technique of applying the product and the organization of care play an important role. The following expert recommendations will help with this:

  • Expired cosmetics or new products with damaged packaging cannot be used. This will have a detrimental effect on the condition of the skin and can cause an allergic reaction, itching or redness;
  • Apply cosmetic products after cleansing with milk or gel. Under no circumstances do this in a bathhouse or sauna;
  • Lightly pat the product over the skin, so you don’t stretch the tissue;
  • Follow the directions and rules for applying the cream to your face;
  • Carry out the procedure regularly, morning and evening.

Dry epidermis provokes earlier aging and the rapid appearance of a network of wrinkles, so it is important to notice the problem in a timely manner and provide appropriate care. Remember, weakened, dehydrated tissues do not tolerate low-quality cosmetics; give preference to proven and completely natural products.

Cosmetic companies have created entire complexes against dry skin, which will prove to be faithful assistants in the fight against the problem. Be beautiful!

Using oily cream for different skin types

It is known that skin is divided into 4 types: • Dry skin. • Combined. • Oily dermis. • Normal. If a woman has normal skin type, she does not need regular moisturizing. Therefore, it is not recommended to constantly use a greasy facial product.

But for dry skin, an oily cream is good. Regular use 1-2 times a week will slow down aging, stimulate natural fat production and prevent clogging of cells in the dermis.

For the epidermis, in which the sebaceous glands are actively working, a fatty cream is also needed. The epidermis, after regular use of degreasing tonics and foams that contain alcohol, needs intensive hydration. Weakened skin cells are strengthened with vitamin complexes found in fatty creams.

Combined also requires the use of a rich cream. Care should include applying the cosmetic to a cleansed face and then to the cheeks.

Causes of oily skin

It is easier to choose a cream if you know the reasons for oily skin. Dysfunction of the sebaceous glands provokes increased fat production. Their work is disrupted for the following reasons:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • hormonal surges;
  • problems with the endocrine system;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • poor nutrition;
  • long stay in contaminated premises;
  • ignoring hygiene requirements.

During puberty and in young people, the function of the sebaceous glands is not regulated. After 25 years, metabolic processes normalize and hormonal levels stabilize. Among adults, only 8% of people have oily skin.

Types of fatty creams

The market offers a large selection of fatty creams from different manufacturers, among which are:

1. Mattifying fatty cream.

The main problem of oily epidermis is greasiness, and a product with a mattifying effect gets rid of oily shine and nourishes the face with useful substances.

2. A rich cream that helps tighten pores.

The product helps normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and prevents breakouts.

3. A rich moisturizer for the face.

This is an excellent product that retains moisture, the skin becomes rested, young, and well-groomed.

4. Nourishing cream.

It has a thick consistency that nourishes the epidermis. It is recommended to apply the cream in the evening so that the skin can be nourished and restored overnight.

5. Foundation.

It has special characteristics. The product is intended for dry skin prone to flaking. The cream perfectly mattifies the surface and pays attention to especially problem areas.

6. Fat cream intended for problem faces.

It helps cope with acne and pimples. Skin that is characterized by increased sebum production is prone to rashes, so women are recommended to use anti-inflammatory and nourishing products.

Let’s devote a few words to products that are popular among women. The top sellers are Re-Nutriv oily cream, Chanel Sublimage cream, Belita Vitex whitening cosmetics, Nivea anti-wrinkle Q10, Vichy Aqualia Thermal, Re-Nutriv Comfort Creme, Vichy Nutrilogie 2 products, Avene Eluage, Youth Surge Clinique, as well as other cosmetics products for different skin types. Each product has its own advantages and disadvantages, for each woman they are individual. It all depends on the type of epidermis, as well as other factors.

Rating of fatty creams

We offer an overview of the most popular creams from various manufacturers.

1. Re-Nutriv fatty cream

These are well-known products that take care of the face and nourish it with useful substances.

Ingredients: • Phytocomplex Omega 3. • Kukui oil. • Camelina seeds. • Ginseng. • Blueberry extract. • Medicinal mulberry.

These ingredients make you look younger, have anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties.

Buyers note that after using the cosmetic product, the skin became noticeably moisturized, stopped flaking, and some wrinkles smoothed out. The main disadvantage of the cream is its price; according to women, it is a little overpriced.

2. Nivea anti-wrinkle cream Q10 PLUS

There are several types of this cream on sale - day and night moisturizing against wrinkles. Both types of cream contain:

• Oil obtained from grape seeds. • Vitamin E. • Panthenol.

The cream softens dry and aging skin, saturates it with coenzymes, and slows down aging. Women note that cosmetics are absorbed well, the dermis becomes soft and smooth. Among the disadvantages is its high cost.

3. Re-Nutriv Replenishing Comfort Creme

Products from the Estee Lauder company refer to cosmetics that are used to eliminate flaking and tightness of the skin. The cream helps cope with dryness on the face and promotes cell regeneration.


• Himalayan mustard extract. • Extract from blueberry seeds. • Brazilian immortelle extract. • Kukui oil. • Panthenol. • Collagen.

Among the main advantages of the cream is its ability to strengthen the dermis and smooth out wrinkles. Women consider the disadvantage of the product to be the oily sheen on the skin that remains after use.

4. Vichy Nutrilogie 2 cream

It helps cope with peeling, skin tightness, and normalizes synthesis. The main components of the cream are:

• Apricot oil. • Coriander. • Macadamia nut. • Jojoba. • Arginine. • Thermal water.

Among the benefits of the cream, buyers note the softness of the skin, the epidermis becomes elastic and smooth. Cosmetics are applied to the face 20 minutes before leaving the house. The product also has disadvantages. Women complain that the consistency is too oily, which causes acne and rashes.

The best anti-aging creams

Fresh Rose Deep Hydration Face Cream

The cream includes a combination of hyaluronic acids, hydropatches and rose oil - together these “guys” attract moisture, create an invisible protective film, nourish and moisturize the skin. Well, I need to write a separate article about the aroma - it’s something indescribable!

Nivea Naturally Good cream

The new product with a high content of natural and organic components (99% of ingredients of natural origin) cares for the skin and moisturizes for 24 hours. Can be used as a base for makeup. For such quality the cream has a ridiculous price.

Mulsan, Beauty Skin Cream

The light texture makes you fall in love with it from the first application. And what a composition! Extracts of green tea, horsetail and sage are responsible not only for the incredible aroma, but also for activating collagen production, improving skin tone and protecting against environmental influences.

Christina, Elastin Collagen Azulene Moisturizer

Not a cream, but a hero of a fairy tale about rejuvenating apples! The weightless texture is suitable even for hot summers, and the vitamins A and E and azulene in the composition speak for themselves. We forget about tightness, dehydration and flaking and let porcelain skin into our lives without symptoms of lack of moisture.

Institut Esthederm, Cellular Water moisturizer

We choose Cellular Water for its powerful anti-aging effect, elastic and soft skin and a rested appearance. Antioxidant cream successfully fights “enemies”, including free radicals, toxins and signs of aging. Well, we don’t mind!

Making rich face cream at home

If a woman wants to be sure that the cream she uses is natural, she can prepare it herself. Making rich cream at home is very simple. The components will depend on the age and skin type. We suggest using a recipe for a rich cream intended for epidermis prone to peeling after 30 years. For oily skin, a homemade cosmetic product is contraindicated.

Homemade cream is used every day before going to bed; its remnants can be removed with a napkin. To prepare, we will need such components as olive oil in the amount of 45 ml, as well as beeswax, it needs 20 ml. The cream contains 15 ml shea butter and 15 ml rose water. Mandatory components: lavender and chamomile oil 3 drops each, lecithin 10 g.

The ingredients can be purchased at a pharmacy or cosmetics store. We put unrefined olive oil in a steam bath, add wax to it, and also add shea butter. Heat the mixture a little and add lavender and chamomile oil, pour in rose water and lecithin. Mix everything and cool. Place the cream in the refrigerator, covering with a tight lid. The shelf life of homemade cosmetics is 5-7 days. All components nourish the skin, it becomes smooth and silky.

Recommendations for making homemade cream

It is easy to prepare the cream at home, the main thing is to follow the recipe and take into account other important points: • Do not use metal utensils, because the cream will oxidize upon contact with iron, it will have an unpleasant aroma and tint. Use enamel saucepans and a wooden spoon to mix ingredients. • Glass dishes are perfect for storing homemade cream. • After use, the jar of cream should always be closed with a lid or plastic wrap. • To maintain the correct proportions, you must have a pipette and a measuring spoon; they allow you to accurately measure the required number of drops for preparing the cream at home. • You can use the prepared cream for no more than 2 weeks. It must be stored in the refrigerator, otherwise it will lose its beneficial properties.

Homemade fatty cream is excellent for the face in winter. It will make the skin well-groomed, the face will not become chapped and flaky, it will become soft and tender.

When purchasing a rich face cream, be sure to study the instructions, read customer reviews, and if after application your face becomes itchy and irritated, it is better to purchase another product. The cosmetic product should be well absorbed, make the skin tightened, moisturized, and cope with peeling.

Tags: skin care

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Correct use - recommendations

After choosing the right cream, you should pay special attention to such points as its correct application and use. Cosmetologists recommend using thick, fatty creams with a nourishing effect during cold and windy periods; it is during this period that the skin loses a large amount of moisture, which needs to be compensated.

It is worth applying a nourishing cream at night, because it is at this time that our skin cells are more receptive to the components of the cream, and the beneficial components penetrate deeper into the deeper layers of the dermis. You should not remove excess cream from the skin; it is better to wait until it is completely absorbed (20-40 minutes, depending on the composition of the cream).

If there is irritation, redness and peeling on the skin, it is additionally recommended to use an antiseptic oil - tea tree oil, eucalyptus or cinnamon. After the oil is completely absorbed, you can apply a nourishing cream.

It is not recommended to apply nourishing cream to the skin around the eyes - swelling may form by morning. For this area of ​​the face, it is better to use special creams low in oils and acids.

Many young girls mistakenly believe that the use of nourishing cream must begin after 30 years; one must remember that nourishing the skin is the basis of proper care and this is the only way to prolong its youth and slow down the processes of aging and fading. An integrated approach to the processes of nutrition, moisturizing and saturating the skin of the face will help maintain its elasticity, firmness and radiant appearance.

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