Teosyal PureSense Redensity I and II - main characteristics, indications and application features

Teosyal redensity 2 and Teosyal redensity 1 are fillers manufactured by the famous Swiss company Teoxane, used for the purpose of biorevitalization and contouring.

Teosial Redensity 2 is made on the basis of synthetic hyaluronic acid. This medication is designed to smooth out wrinkles around the eyes and reduce the appearance of under-eye circles.

How is Theosial Redensity 2 used?

The procedure consists of the following steps:

  • Consultation with a cosmetologist;
  • Removing makeup from facial skin;
  • Disinfection of the injection area with chlorhexidine or povidone-iodine;
  • Direct injection of the drug;
  • Light massage in the injection area;
  • Application of sedatives.

The most important aspect of contouring the area around the eyes is a thorough preliminary diagnosis of the problem. It happens like this: the doctor lightly presses the eyeballs of the patient, who is sitting with his head thrown back. Thanks to this method, it is possible to determine the edges of the orbit and determine whether the swelling is a consequence of a malfunction of the lymphatic system.

Problems of mature skin

35 years is a landmark age in the life of every woman.
This is a period of maturity, including for the skin. Structural changes are taking place within it. The basement membrane cells of the epidermis slow down the process of continuous division, so the lower layer of the epidermis becomes thinner. At the same time, dead scales of the upper layer of skin are in no hurry to leave its surface, so the stratum corneum grows by leaps and bounds. At the same time, the usual cellular activity in the depths of the dermis decreases, the synthesis of collagen and elastin decreases. The fibers consisting of them become loose and are located chaotically in the main substance. The amount of hyaluronic acid, a natural skin moisturizer, decreases. Age-related disruption of microcirculation and tissue trophism causes muscle dystrophy and leads to changes in facial contours. This process is aggravated by hormonal changes and a decrease in estrogen levels. Visually, such changes are called aging: wrinkles, peeling, age spots appear, and the skin takes on an unkempt appearance. Something needs to be done about this!

Benefits of Teosyal fillers

  • All Teosyal products are fully compatible with the human body.
  • The formula of each drug in the Teosyal line has its own unique “specialization”.
  • The exceptional purity of the preparations ensures maximum safety of the procedures, virtually eliminating the risk of allergic reactions and other complications of contouring.
  • In the most mobile areas of the face, fillers retain their properties for a long time without disturbing facial expressions - they remain completely natural even with volumetric corrections. The effect of contouring with Teosyal fillers lasts about 12 months.
  • Despite their high density, Teosyal products are highly flexible - ultra-thin needles or cannulas can be used for injections, which makes the procedure comfortable for patients.

Teosyal PureSense Redensity I

This drug is intended for biorevitalization and mesotherapy.

Indications for use:

  • dull skin color;
  • low level of humidity;
  • loss of elasticity;
  • wrinkles.

Teosyal PureSense Redensity 1

Mechanism of action of the drug

Molecules of hyaluronic acid received during injections break down into smaller structural units, which then form new mono- and disaccharides - building biomaterial. As a result of this process, the dermis is regenerated and hyaluronic acid is produced, which increases the synthesis of new elastin and collagen fibers.

How does the procedure work?

Algorithm for biorevitalization:

  1. Makeup remover
  2. Preliminary bolus administration of the drug.
  3. Injection of problem areas.
  4. Gently massage the area where the drug is administered to ensure proper distribution of the product.
  5. Disinfection of the skin and application of drugs that reduce the degree of skin injury.

Biorevitalization Teosial PurSens Redensity I eliminates the preliminary application of an anesthetic cream, since the drug already contains lidocaine. But since some patients experience pain, experts recommend preliminary administration of boluses of 0.05 ml of Teosial PurSense Redensity at a distance of 1 cm from each other. This is done in order to enhance the effectiveness of lidocaine. After 1 minute, you can begin the biorevitalization procedure.

After completing the injection, the patient's skin must be treated. The Teosyal cosmetic line is perfect for this, which is designed not only for skin care, but also to improve the results of biorevitalization and mesotherapy.

Experts recommend using the following means:

  1. Emulsion Post Procedure.
  2. Deep Repair Balm.

Teosyal Post Procedure emulsion is used for rapid healing of damaged skin after the procedure

Technique of drug administration

Biorevitalization with Teosyal is recommended to be carried out using three techniques:

  • multibolus;
  • retrograde linear;
  • multipuncture.

The multibolus technique is indicated for the face and décolleté. It involves injecting into the middle layer of the dermis. The volume of the drug should not exceed 0.05 ml, and the distance between boluses should be 1 cm.

The retrograde-linear technique involves linear administration of the drug into the middle layer of the dermis. In other words, the needle enters at an angle of 45°, is parallel to the skin, and the drug is injected in reverse.

Multipuncture technique is used to improve skin color. It consists of introducing a small amount of biorevitalizant into the surface layers of the skin. The injection sites should be located close to each other, spreading throughout the entire problem area.

Course duration

To restructure the dermis, it is necessary to complete a course consisting of 4-6 procedures, which are carried out every 10 days. As reviews show, the effect of biorevitalization will be noticeable within 2–3 months. To consolidate the results, it is necessary to carry out 2-3 biorevitalizations per year.

Results of the procedure

The effect of the procedure directly depends on the number of sessions, the correctness of their implementation by the cosmetologist, as well as on the individual characteristics of the patient’s skin.

Results of biorevitalization Teosyal PureSense Redensity 1:

  • disappearance of circles under the eyes;
  • softening of facial features;
  • restructuring and strengthening of the skin network;
  • elimination of wrinkles;
  • skin radiance;
  • increasing smoothness.

How is the procedure performed?

Injections with Teosial Redensity 2 are carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. The patient signs up for the procedure. To do this, simply contact us by selecting the desired time.
  2. An initial consultation is carried out. During it, the doctor finds out the presence of contraindications and the possibility of performing injections.
  3. The affected area is treated. An antiseptic is used for this.
  4. The doctor administers the drug.
  5. The affected area is treated again.
  6. The specialist provides follow-up advice, explaining how to speed up the healing process and how to deal with possible side effects.

Side effects and contraindications

When studying patient reviews, it is very rare to find information about serious side effects. Most often, after the procedure, temporary phenomena occur that disappear after 1-2 days. These include:

  • redness;
  • bruises;
  • bruising;
  • swelling;
  • feeling of skin tension.

All these manifestations are harmless, and their presence is most likely due to the unprofessionalism of the cosmetologist. If they do not go away within 3 days and other side effects are added to them, you need to visit the specialist who performed the procedure. More serious side effects may include:

  • allergy to the components of the drug;
  • pain;
  • infection.


  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • oncology;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • inflammatory processes in the areas of intended treatment;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • age under 18 years;
  • sensitivity to the original components of the drug.

After Teosyal injections

The procedure is performed under local anesthesia (anesthetic cream is applied to the skin) and is not accompanied by pain or discomfort. After injections, there may be slight redness on the skin, but it disappears literally within a day.

Advanced hardware cosmetology technologies will help consolidate and enhance the rejuvenating effect of contour plastic surgery or biorevatilation: ultrasonic lifting Ulthera system, microcurrent therapy, RF lifting or Fraxel laser rejuvenation. Make an appointment with a cosmetologist at the SOHO CLINIC, and we will tell you professional secrets on how to maintain unfading skin, youth and beauty!

Characteristics of Teosial revitalizers

The Teosyal series contains hyaluronic acid and a special complex consisting of skin-structuring amino acids. In addition, the preparations include vitamins, minerals and lidocaine (in the case of filler). Each component of Teosyal PureSense Redensity (I or II) carries its own meaning:

  • Hyaluronic acid restores the protective film on the surface of the dermis and prevents the loss of internal moisture.
  • Amino acids: stimulate the synthesis of the dermis’ own collagen, twist the fibers into a triple helix, regenerate and restructure the skin, nourish the epidermis with moisture.
  • Vitamins remove free radicals, preventing oxidation, that is, cell aging; normalize the vital activity of all cellular structures, promote energy production.
  • Microelements restore the process of cell division.

Thus, the Teosial Redensity series of drugs, with correct diagnosis and selection of the correct manipulation, completely solve skin problems after 35 years. At a younger age, they can be successfully used to prevent involutional processes.

Reviews from those who did

Patients consider Teosyal products effective and safe. However, there are also complaints:

Tatyana, 41 years old At the age of 40, she noticed that masks and creams were useless. The cosmetologist said that we need biorevitalization with Redensity. I am satisfied with the result: the skin color has become fresher, the relief has evened out.

Christina, 27 years old Used Teosyal Puresense Ultimate to model facial contours - the effect was captivating! Previously, the cheeks were sunken and the face looked older because of this. Now I feel fresher and have a healthy glow - before I could only dream of this.

Ulyana, 36 years old Juvederm or Ultra Deep Teosyal? I choose the second because the result is immediately noticeable: the nasolabial lips are smoothed out, the skin becomes denser, and the depressions disappear. The effect intensifies every day.

Julia, 28 years old Had her lips corrected with Teosial Kiss filler. After the injection, swelling formed and went away within a week. I don’t really like the result, because even after a few weeks some stiffness is felt.

Description of the drug

Teosyal Redensity 2 is a high-quality filler made from hyaluronic acid. With its help, it is possible to combat deep nasolacrimal grooves and dark circles under the eyes. After using the product, the face becomes fresh, and age-related changes can be reversed. The drug is able to correct a whole range of skin defects, including:

  • crow's feet;
  • hernia of the eyelids;
  • dark circles;
  • bags under the eyes.

The drug is manufactured by the Swiss company Teoxane. It was founded in 2003. From that moment on, the company began active operations, and its products earned the title of top ones and confidently took leading positions. The manufacturer's preparations are compared with products from the brands Juvederm, Radiesse, and Belotero.

Biorevitalization: price for 1 procedure

How much biorevitalization of the face and neck costs will depend on the cost of the chosen drug, as well as the amount of the clinic’s markup. In most clinics the markup is +150-200% of the cost of the drug. Private cosmetologists usually have a markup of +100%. For the biorevitalization technique, the cost of 1 procedure in mid-price clinics will be (for 2022) –

Biorevitalization procedure: pricerub.
Restylane Vital – 1.0 ml Restylane Vital (injector) – 2.0 ml11 000 17 000
Restylane Vital Light – 1.0 ml Restylane Vital Light (injector) – 2.0 ml10 000 16 000
Juvederm Hydrate – 1.0 ml9000
IAL-System – 1.1 ml IAL-System ACP – 1.0 ml9500 10 500
NucleoSpire DNA-RNA line – 2.0 ml8000
“HyalRepair” line – 1.5 ml9000
Meso-Wharton P199 – 1.5 ml13 000
Aquashine – 2.0 ml Aquashine BR – 2.0 ml Aquashine BTX – 2.0 ml9 500 9 500 11 000

The purchase price for cosmetology clinics for Restylane Vital and Vital Light is about 5,000 rubles (for 1.0 ml), for Juvederm Hydrate – 4,000 rubles (for 1.0 ml), for Aquashine – about 3,500 rubles (for 2.0 ml) etc. But you must understand that the cost of the service includes anesthesia, consumables, and the cost of a special regenerating mask, which must be applied to the face after the procedure. Don’t forget about office rent, employee salaries, taxes, reimbursement of specialist training costs, etc.

→ Cost of facial mesotherapy procedures → Cost of hair mesotherapy

Mechanism of action of hyaluronic acid

What exactly can these cosmetics do? Much. However, the essence of what is happening in the skin is simple and clear. Hyaluronic acid (HA) is the main active ingredient in Teosyal youth-restoring cosmetics. She is unique. Being a polysaccharide, HA catalyzes the synthesis of its own collagen and elastin in the dermis. Therefore, when its quantity progressively decreases with age, targeted delivery of the missing amount quickly and effectively solves the problem.

Clusters of hyaluronic acid molecules, entering the dermis, first disintegrate into mono-particles, and then begin to connect into “building bricks”, consisting of the number of monoblocks necessary for the process of rejuvenation or correction of facial contours.

Filling the nasolacrimal trough: reviews, technique

At least 5-7 days before the procedure, it is recommended to discontinue the use of aspirin, NSAID drugs (Ibuprofen, Naproxen, etc.), vitamin E, and drugs with gingo biloba extract. This is necessary to reduce the risk of bleeding and bruising during or after the procedure. Some doctors, in the absence of contraindications, prescribe Dicynon tablets for the same purpose several days before the procedure. Great care should be taken in patients who have previously undergone lower eyelid blepharoplasty for tear trough correction.

It is safest to correct the nasolacrimal groove using a 25G cannula rather than a needle. Carrying out the procedure using a thin 30G needle is also possible, but is considered optimal only in patients after blepharoplasty, because in this case, there are many fibrous adhesions in the tissues, which will be difficult to penetrate with a cannula. It is optimal to use cannulas with a length of 38-40 mm, because the use of short cannulas is much more traumatic and more often leads to vascular complications.

The traditional insertion point for a 38 mm cannula is the intersection of the zygomatic and tragus lines. Anesthesia is required in the area of ​​the injection point, and before anesthesia it is important to apply cold to the injection site, and as an anesthetic to use a drug containing a vasoconstrictor in a concentration of 1: 200,000 (a vasoconstrictor component such as epinephrine or others). Such rules for anesthesia will reduce the risk of bleeding and hematomas.

The classic correction technique is as follows: from the injection site, the cannula moves along the periosteum (i.e., under the orbicularis oculi muscle) to the inner corner of the eye, and during this process the tip of the cannula must be constantly palpated with a finger. The filler is released into the tissue only when the cannula moves backwards in a retrograde manner, and before starting removal it is extremely important to conduct an aspiration test. The injection volume on each side is from 0.2 to 0.4 ml, and will depend on the severity of the tear trough (24stoma.ru).

The upper border of the filler injection area is limited by the lower bony edge of the orbit (the place of attachment of the orbital septum) and, thus, in no case should filler be inserted above the lower bony edge of the orbit. The lower border of filler injection is the nasolacrimal ligament, which is located between the fibers of the orbicularis oculi muscle. Thus, the safe zone for filler injection will be only about 2-3 mm, and essentially a little higher or a little lower, or a little closer to the corner of the eye - literally means “shooting”. At the end of the procedure, it is important to gently massage the area with fingers.

Correction of the nasolacrimal trough with cannula: video

Advantages of using a cannula

  • minimum skin punctures.
  • less painful procedure,
  • less risk of hematomas and edema,
  • there is less risk of embolism or occlusion of the angular artery, which can lead to necrosis of the skin of the infraorbital region and irreversible changes in vision.

The advantages of working with a needle are that correction, even with a very thin 30G needle, carries a significantly greater risk of vascular complications. However, this method also has its advantages, including...

  • more accurate dosing of filler volume,
  • more precise control of needle tip depth,
  • optimal for patients after blepharoplasty (since the needle passes better through areas of fibrosis),
  • With a needle, filler can be injected not only horizontally onto the skin surface, but also vertically.

The opinion of cosmetologists about Teosial

Most cosmetologists evaluate the Teosyal collection positively:
Grigory Ivanov, cosmetologist:
“I have been using Teosyal in my practice for more than 10 years.
During my work, I have not noticed a single case of adverse reaction in patients to this drug. I consider this line of fillers to be the best of its kind. Teosyal’s price is very reasonable, so I advise you to pay attention to it.” Liliya Smekhova, cosmetologist:
“Teosial fillers are among the most effective lines that I have ever worked with. Patients are satisfied, since the result often exceeds expectations, especially if used in combination with cosmetics from this brand.”

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