Contour plastic of the periorbital area Teosyal PureSense Redensity II



Duration of the procedure:

30-40 min.

Number of procedures:



RUB 17,450 (1 ml)

Recovery period: 1-3

Product: Teosyal PureSense Redensity II

The delicate and sensitive area around the eyes is the most severe and one of the first on the face to undergo age-related changes. Among them: facial wrinkles, a pronounced nasolacrimal groove, swelling of the eyelids, bags and dark circles under the eyes. These age-related changes on the face begin to appear by the age of 25. They not only give your face a tired look, but also make you look older. To solve these problems and rejuvenate the skin around the eyes, there is Teosyal PureSense Redensity II contouring. The effect looks completely natural and lasts for a long time. The face appears rejuvenated, fresh and rested.

Description of the drug

Teosyal Redensity 2 is a high-quality filler made from hyaluronic acid. With its help, it is possible to combat deep nasolacrimal grooves and dark circles under the eyes. After using the product, the face becomes fresh, and age-related changes can be reversed. The drug is able to correct a whole range of skin defects, including:

  • crow's feet;
  • hernia of the eyelids;
  • dark circles;
  • bags under the eyes.

The drug is manufactured by the Swiss company Teoxane. It was founded in 2003. From that moment on, the company began active operations, and its products earned the title of top ones and confidently took leading positions. The manufacturer's preparations are compared with products from the brands Juvederm, Radiesse, and Belotero.

Comparison with other drugs

According to the description of characteristics, products from the Teosyal, Stylage, Yvoire and Juvederm brands have approximately the same mechanism of action and effect. The result after the procedure is visible immediately. It will be difficult to compare and select drugs without the help of a cosmetologist, since everything is individual and there are a lot of nuances.


The use of the product is not always possible. Its use should be avoided if:

  • individual hypersensitivity to the components of the product;
  • diseases in the acute stage;
  • violations of the integrity of the skin;
  • pregnancy or breastfeeding;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • tendency to form keloid scars;
  • oncology;
  • herpes, cold or flu.

Additionally, correction is not performed on patients under the age of 18 years.

Contraindications and possible side effects

Before carrying out the procedure and introducing Teosyal fillers, the cosmetologist must make sure that there are no contraindications.

The client should inform the doctor if she has:

  • Individual intolerance to hyaluronic acid preparations;
  • Malignant neoplasms;
  • Autoimmune diseases, systemic collagenoses (lupus erythematosus and others);
  • Epilepsy;
  • Inflammatory and pustular skin lesions at the site of drug administration;
  • Reduced blood clotting;
  • Increased tendency to scarring of the skin;
  • Taking blood thinning medications and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • Herpes;
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding.

The safety indicator of the Swiss drug is one of the highest.

Complications and side effects when injecting fillers occur no more than 1 time in 15 thousand cases.

Possible complications:

  • Hematomas, bruises of varying severity;
  • Swelling at the injection site;
  • Areas of pigmentation;
  • Tyndall effect - fillers are visible through the skin;
  • Formation of lumps and compactions at the injection sites.

The cause of complications may be the doctor’s lack of experience or non-compliance with the technique. To carry out injections, it is better to go to professionals who have experience and a certificate allowing them to carry out the procedures.

On the first day after the injection, slight pain and swelling may occur. At this time, it is not recommended to use decorative cosmetics, powder or foundation. However, if the negative effects do not go away, you should immediately seek medical help.

Composition of the drug

The manufacturer managed to achieve positive properties thanks to the special composition of the drug. It contains hyaluronic acid of non-animal origin. This is the main active ingredient. It fills voids and helps smooth out wrinkles. Additionally, hyaluronic acid normalizes skin color, eliminating bruises and making it look fresher. The absence of animal components reduces the risk of allergic reactions.

To saturate the skin with the necessary substances, the product includes zinc and copper, vitamins, amino acids, and antioxidants. All of them are aimed at normalizing the condition of the affected area, returning it to a healthy appearance, radiance, and increasing elasticity.

The manufacturer understands that injections can be quite unpleasant. Therefore, the product contains lidocaine. This is a local anesthetic that reduces discomfort and sensitivity. As a result, it will be easier for the patient to tolerate the effects.

The difference between biorevitalization with Teosyal preparations and contouring with fillers

Biorevitalization is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that involves the introduction of useful compounds into the structure of the dermis. They saturate epithelial cells with useful substances and restore the internal microflora of tissues.

If we talk about the procedure with Teosyal preparations, they quickly penetrate the skin and contribute to the following improvements:

  • Acceleration of blood microcirculation;
  • Restoring the integrity of blood vessels and capillaries;
  • Acceleration of collagen and elastin production;
  • Restoring water balance;
  • Activation of epithelial cell regeneration.

Thanks to this effect, biorevitalization Theoial meso is highly effective, promoting rapid skin rejuvenation.

Contour plastic surgery with fillers is a similar technique, but a completely different result. Fillers have a fairly high density, due to which, when they enter the dermis, they fill all the relief of the skin (including wrinkles), making it more elastic and firm.

Biorevitalization is a safer and more natural technique, the results of which last longer due to the cumulative effect.

Benefits of Teosyal Redensity 2

The use of Teosial Redensity 2 is associated with the following advantages:

  • the positive effect is noticeable immediately;
  • The product contains additional components that heal the skin and saturate it with necessary substances;
  • the presence of an anesthetic in the product makes the procedure more comfortable;
  • after using the drug it is possible to obtain a fairly pronounced effect;
  • there is no need for long-term recovery.

Efficiency of Teosial

The instructions for use indicate that the improvement will be clearly noticeable in the first day after the procedure.

The effect gradually increases and reaches its maximum after 2-4 weeks. This is due to the stimulation of skin fibroblasts and the production of natural collagen.

The effectiveness of the procedure and the duration of the result depend on several factors:

  • Skin type;
  • Patient's age;
  • Expression of wrinkles and creases;
  • Method of drug administration;
  • Treated area, amount of filler.

The results after the procedures last for 6-12 months. Gradually, the drug begins to dissolve and be eliminated from the body.

To enhance the rejuvenation effect, combined work protocols are used. For example, mesotherapy and fillers are combined with other procedures - injections can be done after laser resurfacing, peeling, etc. The choice of the appropriate product depends on the type of skin and the severity of the problems.

How is the procedure performed?

Injections with Teosial Redensity 2 are carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. The patient signs up for the procedure. To do this, simply contact us by selecting the desired time.
  2. An initial consultation is carried out. During it, the doctor finds out the presence of contraindications and the possibility of performing injections.
  3. The affected area is treated. An antiseptic is used for this.
  4. The doctor administers the drug.
  5. The affected area is treated again.
  6. The specialist provides follow-up advice, explaining how to speed up the healing process and how to deal with possible side effects.

Features of the procedure

No special preparation is needed for the procedure. The procedure is carried out in one session. If you want to consolidate the result, then repeat it after a month. The effect will be noticeable within 12 months. Immediately after the procedure, redness, swelling, bruising, and a feeling of skin tightness may appear. In a couple of days this all goes away.

Teosyal PureSense Redensity II shows a good effect of rejuvenation of the periorbital area. The drug not only eliminates age-related changes, but also prevents the appearance of wrinkles, bags, and dark circles. After the procedure, your face will look rested and rejuvenated.

Efficacy and indications for the use of Teosyal fillers

Each of the drugs in the Teosyal line is essentially a separate technology - all drugs have their own niche - differentiated by properties and areas of application to solve specific problems. They are used for biorevitalization, mesotherapy and contouring. This allows specialists to select the necessary drug to achieve the most effective result and solve a wide range of problems with Teosyal gels: from preventing age-related changes to global correction of facial volumes and contours for:

  • unhealthy complexion;
  • the presence of a network of wrinkles;
  • deep skin folds and creases;
  • tissue prolapse of varying degrees;
  • thin lips lacking volume;
  • facial disproportions;
  • presence of scars;
  • loss of firmness and elasticity of the skin;
  • severe hyperpigmentation;
  • prevention of aging of the skin of the face, hands, neck, décolleté.

Side effects from the use of Teosyal mesococktails

Regardless of the type of meso-cocktail, Teosyal preparations contain only safe and non-toxic components that have a gentle effect on the girl’s body and on sensitive skin in the treatment area.

Undesirable consequences can occur only if the restrictions and contraindications prescribed by the cosmetologist are not observed, or if the drug is unevenly administered into the tissues.

However, quite often after visiting cosmetology, the skin’s reaction to mechanical stress also appears on the face. It manifests itself in the form of local redness and increased sensitivity of the dermis, and subsides within 1-2 days, without causing much discomfort to the girl.

Teosyal PureSense Redensity I

This drug is intended for biorevitalization and mesotherapy.

Indications for use:

  • dull skin color;
  • low level of humidity;
  • loss of elasticity;
  • wrinkles.

Teosyal PureSense Redensity 1

Mechanism of action of the drug

Molecules of hyaluronic acid received during injections break down into smaller structural units, which then form new mono- and disaccharides - building biomaterial. As a result of this process, the dermis is regenerated and hyaluronic acid is produced, which increases the synthesis of new elastin and collagen fibers.

How does the procedure work?

Algorithm for biorevitalization:

  1. Makeup remover
  2. Preliminary bolus administration of the drug.
  3. Injection of problem areas.
  4. Gently massage the area where the drug is administered to ensure proper distribution of the product.
  5. Disinfection of the skin and application of drugs that reduce the degree of skin injury.

Biorevitalization Teosial PurSens Redensity I eliminates the preliminary application of an anesthetic cream, since the drug already contains lidocaine. But since some patients experience pain, experts recommend preliminary administration of boluses of 0.05 ml of Teosial PurSense Redensity at a distance of 1 cm from each other. This is done in order to enhance the effectiveness of lidocaine. After 1 minute, you can begin the biorevitalization procedure.

After completing the injection, the patient's skin must be treated. The Teosyal cosmetic line is perfect for this, which is designed not only for skin care, but also to improve the results of biorevitalization and mesotherapy.

Experts recommend using the following means:

  1. Emulsion Post Procedure.
  2. Deep Repair Balm.

Teosyal Post Procedure emulsion is used for rapid healing of damaged skin after the procedure

Technique of drug administration

Biorevitalization with Teosyal is recommended to be carried out using three techniques:

  • multibolus;
  • retrograde linear;
  • multipuncture.

The multibolus technique is indicated for the face and décolleté. It involves injecting into the middle layer of the dermis. The volume of the drug should not exceed 0.05 ml, and the distance between boluses should be 1 cm.

The retrograde-linear technique involves linear administration of the drug into the middle layer of the dermis. In other words, the needle enters at an angle of 45°, is parallel to the skin, and the drug is injected in reverse.

Multipuncture technique is used to improve skin color. It consists of introducing a small amount of biorevitalizant into the surface layers of the skin. The injection sites should be located close to each other, spreading throughout the entire problem area.

Course duration

To restructure the dermis, it is necessary to complete a course consisting of 4-6 procedures, which are carried out every 10 days. As reviews show, the effect of biorevitalization will be noticeable within 2–3 months. To consolidate the results, it is necessary to carry out 2-3 biorevitalizations per year.

Results of the procedure

The effect of the procedure directly depends on the number of sessions, the correctness of their implementation by the cosmetologist, as well as on the individual characteristics of the patient’s skin.

Results of biorevitalization Teosyal PureSense Redensity 1:

  • disappearance of circles under the eyes;
  • softening of facial features;
  • restructuring and strengthening of the skin network;
  • elimination of wrinkles;
  • skin radiance;
  • increasing smoothness.

How is the procedure done?

The session always begins with preparing the skin for work. To do this, it is cleaned of cosmetics and contaminants and treated with a disinfectant solution of Chlorexidine. Painkillers are not routinely used.

Then the procedure itself begins:

  1. The master unpacks ampoules with Teosial meso-cocktails, drawing them into a syringe.
  2. The skin in the area of ​​the intended injection is stretched, and a needle is inserted into it with a quick movement of the hand to a depth of 10-15 mm.
  3. The drug is slowly injected into the tissue, the needle is removed.
  4. In this way, another 4-7 local punctures are created on the facial skin.
  5. After 5-7 minutes, the master performs a light facial massage to speed up the absorption of nutrients.
  6. The skin is cleansed of excess meso-cocktails and re-treated with a disinfectant solution of Chlorhexidine.
  7. A soothing lotion is applied.

Biorevitalization usually lasts about half an hour. At the end of the session, the cosmetologist prescribes precautions for the girl, which are important to follow in order to avoid unwanted consequences and complications.

Administration technique

Despite the fact that biorevitalization is always performed manually (using a syringe), the drug can be administered using two techniques:

  1. Linear. The needle is inserted at an angle of 45 degrees to a depth of 15-20 mm. The drug is injected by reversing the needle, distributed over a fairly large area of ​​skin.
  2. Papular. In this case, many small punctures are created on the skin, the depth of penetration of the needle is no more than 3-5 mm.

Both methods contribute to the uniform distribution of the drug throughout the dermis; the question of their choice is only the complexity of the procedure itself and its pain.

Patient Reminder

Within a few days after the procedure you must:

  • Use drugs with antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects.
  • For 2 weeks, when going outside, use sunscreen with a factor of 30 SPF.
  • For 1-2 weeks, exclude any physical procedures, trips to the bathhouse, solarium, swimming pool, surgical interventions on the face, peelings.
  • Refrain from applying makeup and using cosmetics.
  • Limit physical exercise.
  • To maintain the results of biorevitalization, it is recommended to apply Advanced Filler anti-aging cream morning and evening.

Cost of biorevitalization Teosyal

The cost of biorevitalization Teosyal Meso and Teosyal MesoExpert depends on factors such as the general condition of the skin, the severity of age-related changes, the number of sessions, the volume of the drug used, and the desired effect. The price range ranges from 5600 – 10210 rubles per 1 ml of anti-aging composition.

To clarify prices and make an appointment with a cosmetologist, call +7 (495) 106-90-74 or fill out the online form offered on the clinic’s website.

Botulinum therapy in cosmetology


PRP - plasma therapy

Duration of the course of procedures

The safety of Teosyal preparations lies in the low concentration of active ingredients, due to which they have a gentle effect on the skin in the treatment area.

Due to the cumulative effect of the drug, you will have to complete the full course of sessions to achieve the desired result. It usually consists of 5-10 procedures, which depends on the initial condition of the skin, the type of meso-cocktail, as well as the problem you want to get rid of.

The break between sessions is from 3 to 10 days according to the recommendations of the master.

Teosyal Meso

Biorevitalization Teosyal Meso launches natural rejuvenation processes that are prolonged and provide a lasting rejuvenating effect even after the complete removal of hyaluronic acid. The Meso drug from the Teosial line is considered one of the mildest and at the same time effective. It is intended for dry, thin, thinned skin in need of urgent restoration.

Indications for use of the anti-aging agent:

  • pronounced creases in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle;
  • small wrinkles in the periorbital area;
  • thinned, dry, aging skin;
  • loss of tone, elasticity, density;
  • gravitational ptosis;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • hyperfunction of the sebaceous glands;
  • enlarged pores;
  • painful skin color.

Teosyal Meso injections are also prescribed to patients during the period of preparation and rehabilitation after chemical peeling and laser lifting procedures.

The active ingredient of biorevitalizant is unstabilized hyaluronic acid with a concentration of 15 mg/g. This composition provides effective hydration and regeneration of soft tissues. After a course of therapy, the work of fibroblasts is stimulated, which leads to an increase in the production of hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin structures by the cells’ own cells.

Biorevitalization with Teosyal Meso 1 ml RUB 15,400. Biorevitalization with Teosyal MesoExpert 3ml RUB 16,000. Consultation with a cosmetologist, subject to the provision of the service on the day of consultation 0 rub.

All prices Make an appointment

Noticeable results can be assessed after the first visit to a cosmetologist. Skin treated with Teosyal Meso becomes moisturized, elastic, denser, and smooth to the touch. The oval of the face is tightened, wrinkles, sagging, dry peeling disappear. The face looks at least 5 years younger. Biorevitalizant is prescribed to patients over 30 years of age. It effectively fights the first age-related changes and is an excellent means of preventing photoaging.

Teosyal: main advantages

First of all, we should talk about the excellent safety profile. Teosyal preparations are created on the basis of hyaluronic acid of non-animal origin. They contain very little protein, do not cause allergic reactions (the risk of allergies is completely eliminated), and are non-toxic. Hypersensitivity to Teosyal dermal fillers is extremely rare. The main advantages of fillers from the Swiss company Teoxane are listed below:

  • absolute safety;
  • minimal risk of hypersensitivity to the drug;
  • complete biocompatibility;
  • long validity period from 9 to 15 months.
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