White clay for the face: application features and benefits

Despite the huge range of branded creams, natural and simple cosmetics that are easy to make yourself at home still remain relevant. A striking example of an effective product is white clay for the face: the properties of this product are indispensable for restoring and maintaining the firmness and elasticity of the skin. One of the proofs of the popularity of this product in cosmetology is its versatility; face masks made from it are suitable for women with different skin types; all that is important is the correct selection of recipes and the frequency of procedures to obtain the desired effect.

Beneficial features

Since the times of Ancient Rome, this ingredient has been used as an analogue of modern powder and white. Lipsticks and blush were made from this product using natural dyes . Mainly, to achieve a rejuvenating, cleansing and drying effect, white clay (kaolin) is used in the modern world.

White clay (kaolin) is a powder with a gray color. It may also have a blue or yellowish tint. It is considered an indispensable natural remedy for facial skin care. In terms of its chemical composition, kaolin is silicon oxide combined with aluminum and water. The product contains a large amount of microelements, mineral salts, and macroelements. For example, the composition contains zinc, silicon, nitrogen, titanium, magnesium, copper with potassium, a lot of iron, calcium, etc.

The presence of silicon in kaolin promotes the production of collagen, a special type of protein that makes the skin much more elastic and stronger. Contains manganese - a means to cleanse the face of excess oil. Aluminum in kaolin has astringent properties.

White clay, like other varieties, is considered an excellent absorbent. It is used as a main or auxiliary remedy for intoxication of the body.

White clay in cosmetology has cleansing, enveloping, regenerating, nourishing, and drying properties. For example, white clay face masks are very effective in caring for problem skin :

  • the product normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • scars are decomposed;
  • pathogens of inflammatory processes are neutralized;
  • all skin impurities are eliminated;
  • traffic jams dissolve;
  • the skin softens and becomes elastic.

It is worth noting a number of useful properties of kaolin in cosmetology:

  1. Deep cleansing, significant narrowing of enlarged pores.
  2. Improving blood circulation, delivering the necessary oxygen to the capillaries.
  3. Relieving inflammation, treating acne, drying.
  4. Ensuring the flexibility of blood vessels located in the upper layers of the skin.
  5. The effect of a good antiseptic.

Kaolin is mainly included in various masks that cleanse the skin, normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, relieve irritation, improve contour, and tighten.

Special composition of cosmetic clay

Despite the fact that the clay varies in color, the composition is practically the same. Here's what you can find:

  • The most important substance is silicon oxide. It can restore injured blood vessels, improve collagen production and stimulate the regeneration process;
  • Aluminum - dries out the skin (an excellent product for those with oily or combination skin types). Green, white and red clays contain the most of it;
  • Manganese - it is thanks to it that clay works as an antiseptic;
  • Magnesium - helps start the process of skin regeneration and rejuvenation;
  • Copper - thanks to it, the production of keratin is stimulated, which is very important for rejuvenation and “glow”. It also protects the skin from the harmful effects of the environment;
  • Zinc – protection against various harmful bacteria and cell rejuvenation;
  • Other components - iron, phosphorus, nitrogen and others nourish the skin with important substances.

Tips for using kaolin

The use of kaolin masks will be effective only if the ingredients are used correctly. To get the desired result, you must adhere to the following recommendations :

  1. Before using the product, thoroughly cleanse the skin. You can remove dirt using a special foam, wash off cosmetics with soap, cleanse with tonic, and then steam your face. It is recommended to lubricate the skin around the eyes with a rich cream.
  2. To prepare the mask, use glass or ceramic dishes. Kaolin will lose some of its beneficial properties when mixing ingredients in a metal bowl. It is also recommended to mix the components with a wooden or plastic spatula.
  3. Clay powder must be diluted with heated water.
  4. To prevent lumps from appearing in the prepared mixture, water must be poured into the kaolin, and not vice versa. When all the liquid is well absorbed, all components are mixed until smooth.
  5. The mask should have a thick consistency (like mayonnaise) and should not run off the face.
  6. The mixture is applied immediately after preparation. Leave the white clay mask on the face for up to 20 minutes, and for dry skin, the exposure time of the ingredients must be halved.
  7. The clay that has dried on the skin is carefully soaked and washed off with warm water without using soap. After the procedure, you need to apply a nourishing (moisturizing) cream.


Gently cleanses dead skin cells, regenerates, and is suitable for oily, combination, aging skin due to its gentle action.

  • Composition: silicon, iron, manganese, chromium, potassium, sulfur.
  • Property: stimulates metabolism, circulates blood, eliminates infections and bacteria, relieves inflammation. Slows down the aging process, removes radicals from the body, regulates metabolic functions, participates in the normalization of water-lipid balance, and supplies vitamins and microelements.
  • Purpose: Problematic scalp, obesity, dermatitis, eczema, vitamin deficiency, wrinkles.

Nourishing product for normal skin

With this delicate mask you can remove fine wrinkles, cleanse your face, and significantly tighten pores.


  • egg white - 1 pc.;
  • fresh banana - ½ piece;
  • milk - 30 ml;
  • kaolin - 20 g.

Manufacturing and application technology:

  1. The slightly warmed milk is poured into the clay powder and mixed.
  2. Grate the banana and chop it using a blender.
  3. The fruit is placed in the prepared mixture, protein is added.
  4. The mask is used for more than 10 minutes. Gently wash off.

Regular use will noticeably refresh the skin after 2 or 3 treatments.

Pink (French)

A combination of white and red clay, soft and soothing. This is a really great ingredient for sensitive skin that you can use in face masks.

  • Composition: iron, copper, silicon, potassium, magnesium, aluminum, calcium, silicon, magnesium, zinc.
  • Property: gently cleanses sensitive skin, relieves fatigue and irritation, improves blood circulation, activates metabolic and regenerative processes, solves problems of enlarged pores.
  • Purpose: clogged pores, acne, oily face, skin diseases.

For dry skin

Non-oily and irritation-prone skin types require cosmetics with nourishing ingredients.

A product made from white clay, boiled water and liquid honey

Ingredients you will need:

  • kaolin - 20 g;
  • boiled water - 30 ml;
  • liquid honey - 10 g.

Preparation of the mask:

  1. The clay is mixed with boiled water to the consistency of a liquid slurry.
  2. Honey is heated and carefully poured into the mixture.
  3. The finished mask is used for approximately 10 minutes.
  4. The product is washed off with cool water. The face is lubricated with moisturizing cream.
  5. This mixture, made at home, perfectly nourishes the skin and gently cleanses it.

Moisturizing kaolin mask with fruit puree

This product gently nourishes dry skin.

Required Ingredients:

  • kaolin - 1 spoon (large);
  • olive oil - 1 spoon (large);
  • thick sour cream - 1 spoon (large);
  • fruit puree from banana or apples - 2 spoons (large).


Most often used for dry, allergy-prone skin.

  • Composition: iron, copper, silicon, potassium, magnesium, aluminum.
  • Property: corrects the secretion of the sebaceous glands, acts against microbes, regenerates damaged skin, removes toxic substances from the body - radionuclides, toxins, waste. Most often used for dry, allergy-prone epidermis.
  • Purpose: varicose veins, hair loss, dandruff, epidermal diseases, greasiness of the face or head, swelling of the legs, cellulite.

Universal face masks made of kaolin

Many white clay products are suitable for all skin types . Among the universal recipes, whitening and anti-aging masks stand out. Using such multi-component mixtures, they smooth out wrinkles and remove severe pigment spots.

Whitening agent

To lighten your facial skin, you will need the following products: kaolin powder (20 g), lemon juice (0.5 ml), fresh cucumber (1 pc.).

Prepare the mixture. To do this, juice is squeezed out of the cucumber and poured into clay powder. Mix carefully. Lemon juice is added to the pulp. Apply the resulting mask for about 10 minutes, rinse off the product using cool water. The procedure is carried out no more than twice every 7 days.

Rejuvenating mask

The components for such a home remedy are clay, fermented milk product, and specially processed aloe leaves. A lasting result from the mask can be obtained after 10 procedures; it is recommended to apply the product at intervals of a week. Before making a mask, thick aloe leaves are placed in the refrigerator for about 2 weeks; under such conditions, biological stimulants will be produced, which have both a tonic and rejuvenating effect.

Necessary ingredients for the mask:

  • biostimulated aloe leaf;
  • kaolin - 20 g;
  • sour cream (fat content 20%) or yogurt - 20 g.


  1. Aloe is ground into a paste.
  2. Sour cream is mixed with clay.
  3. Add 10 g of aloe juice and pulp to the sour cream-kaolin mixture.
  4. Keep the mask on for about 20 minutes.

Wash off the product using warm water. Apply tonic cream to your face.

Acne masks with honey and white clay

Natural flower honey is used in most homemade recipes for problematic facial skin. It has disinfecting and antimicrobial properties, promotes rapid healing of wounds and restoration of the skin.

Cleansing mask with honey and kaolin

The simplest recipe for oily skin with enlarged pores and acne consists of only two components:

  • White clay;
  • Natural flower honey.

To prepare the mask, mix equal parts of honey and white clay powder; if necessary, the composition can be diluted with fresh milk.

This recipe improves blood supply to tissues and effectively relieves inflammatory processes.

The exposure time of the mask is about half an hour; it is advisable to wash your face with a warm chamomile infusion.

Recipe with lemon juice and honey

You will need:

  • 1/2 tsp. honey, glycerin and kaolin;
  • 3 tsp freshly squeezed lemon juice;
  • Some clean boiled water.

Mix all ingredients thoroughly and apply to prepared skin for a quarter of an hour. We wash ourselves first with warm, then with cold water.

Mask with white clay and mineral water

This is a “richer” recipe that is suitable not only for combating inflammation, but also age-related changes in the skin. This mask helps get rid of acne, heals wounds on the skin, and effectively softens and moisturizes the skin.

Required ingredients:

  • White clay (2 tablespoons);
  • Honey (1 tablespoon);
  • Shea Butter;
  • Mineral water.

Preparation of the mask:

  1. Melt honey in a water bath along with shea butter.
  2. Mix clay with water.
  3. Combine all ingredients and let the mask cool.

Apply the mask for 20-30 minutes, rinse with warm water. After the procedure, it is advisable to use a tonic.

Feedback from our readers:

Nice soft recipe. What is needed for problem skin after 35 years - the skin after the mask is soft, velvety, deeply moisturized. I’ll try to do the procedures regularly - they say that the skin smoothes out significantly after just 2 weeks. And small wrinkles disappear after 1.5 months.

Alina, 37 years old

Contraindications and recommendations for use

Masks with kaolin should not be used in case of irritation, serious skin diseases, or allergic reactions. Before using the product, it is best to test your skin for reaction . If itching, pronounced redness, or rash appears, you should not apply the mask. It is better to consult a dermatologist.

In case of a normal reaction to the constituent components, you can safely use kaolin for cosmetic purposes. When you need to deeply cleanse the skin on your face, dry out oily areas, increase the elasticity of the skin, even out pigmentation, and tone, then white clay will be one of the best helpers. To achieve the effect of cosmetic procedures, you should adhere to the technology of application and use of masks.

Originally posted 2018-03-29 08:48:53.

Reviews from those who have tried it

White clay is a product in demand by adherents of eco-cosmetics. Its positive properties are actively discussed on forums and in communities dedicated to cosmetological problems. White clay for acne was also tested. Reviews in most cases belong to women who pay attention to the various stages of care.

In the posts you can find information about the effectiveness of kaolin in fighting acne scars. Also, users themselves recommend using clay as a remedy for acne and generally improving the condition of the skin. Many note rejuvenation of the dermis, a tightening effect, and a decrease in irritation. There are often recommendations to replace water with hydrosols of lavender, chamomile or rose. The properties of flower essences enhance the therapeutic effect of kaolin.

Black (Bentonite)

Referred to as Montmorillonite, the natural clay mineral is of volcanic origin. Bentonite forms a gel when mixed with liquid.

  • Composition: iron, magnesium, calcium, quartz, potassium, strontium, radium.
  • Properties: cleansing, regenerating, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, tightens pores, heals minor wounds, eliminates irritation.
  • Purpose: relieves acne, pimples, blackheads, oily skin, enlarged pores, premature aging, skin aging, cellulite.
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