How often can you do ultrasonic facial cleansing - advice from cosmetologists

Cleansing facial skin is a process without which its normal, healthy functioning is simply impossible. Considering the modern rhythm of life, the nutritional style and lifestyle of the average person, environmental pollution, and the quality of cosmetics that the skin encounters every day, one can only approximately imagine the number of foreign particles accumulating in its pores. The result is “in your face” in the literal and figurative sense - the pores expand, blackheads form in them, the functioning of the sebaceous glands is disrupted, and in general the skin looks tired. What to do if traditional scrubs and cleansers do not work?

What is attractive about the procedure?

There are different ways to cleanse the skin: using lotions, gels, foams, scrubs, cleansing masks and other cosmetics that can be used at home, as well as procedures in beauty salons - peelings, mechanical, manual, hardware cleansing. Salon methods give a more noticeable effect, which lasts for a long time, but cause many side effects: trauma and microtrauma of the skin, its swelling, redness. Facial cleansing in a salon often requires a recovery period.

Why do many women prefer ultrasonic facial cleansing?

  • The procedure is suitable for any skin type at any age.
  • The skin is cleansed of comedones, gets rid of dead skin cells and oily sheen.
  • Ultrasound affects blood vessels and connective tissue, increasing blood circulation and the production of collagen and elastane - the epidermis becomes more elastic, even, smooth, and its color improves.
  • As a result of deep cleansing, the dermis absorbs cosmetics much more actively, and their effect is more pronounced.
  • After the procedure, the epidermis does not redden, does not swell, and does not require a long rehabilitation period: cleansing is ideal for sensitive skin.
  • The duration of the manipulation is only 30-40 minutes.
  • Does not cause pain, only a slight vibration is felt.

Ultrasound cleansing can be alternated with other types of skin cleansing, replacing it with any peeling or mechanical cleansing.

Effect and expected results: what cosmetologists promise

Numerous reviews of people who have undergone the procedure, as well as the opinions of cosmetologists, in general, characterize it as quite effective, especially for skin without particularly deep cosmetic defects or obvious acne.

The results of ultrasonic cleaning can be compared with high-quality superficial peeling. Under its influence:

  • the skin is cleansed from external impurities;
  • keratinized epidermal cells are removed;
  • the ducts of the sebaceous glands open, they become less noticeable;
  • blood supply to cells improves;
  • metabolic processes are accelerated.

The appearance of the skin after the procedure improves - it becomes lighter and acquires a more uniform and fresh color. The degree of moisture content improves and flaking decreases. Due to increased blood flow and lymphatic drainage, swelling noticeably goes away.

After cleansing, all active substances applied to the face in the form of creams, masks and other care products can better penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis, since the upper stratum corneum becomes somewhat thinner due to ultrasound exposure.

How is ultrasonic cleaning performed?

The procedure consists of several stages:

  • The cosmetologist prepares the face: removes makeup, cleanses, applies a special mask to open the pores.
  • The skin is covered with a special gel, which allows the ultrasound waves to work in the epidermis (they simply die out on dry skin), and also saturates the dermis with useful substances.
  • Cleaning is carried out directly: the device for ultrasonic facial cleansing is equipped with a spatula (scrubber), which the cosmetologist moves over the face. The scrubber emits ultrasound waves and removes loose dirt. The device literally pushes dirt, sebaceous plugs, and cosmetic residues out of the pores.
  • At the end of the manipulation, a soothing facial massage is performed, a restorative mask and moisturizer are applied.

Ultrasound rays have several types of effects on the dermis:

  • mechanical - sound waves create pressure on tissues, massage them, increasing the conductivity of cellular structures;
  • thermal - the heat of sound vibrations warms up the skin, it becomes softer, more elastic, and pliable;
  • physico-chemical - ultrasound accelerates molecules, as a result of which metabolic processes in the epidermis proceed faster.

Ultrasonic waves passing through the skin have the following types of effects on them.

  • Mechanical - when exposed to ultrasound, an increased pressure zone is created inside the epidermis at the site of action of ultrasound waves, the result of which is an increase in the penetrability of the cell membrane of the deep layers of the dermis, which means that in response to such an effect, metabolic processes inside the cells of the dermis also increase.
  • Thermal - ultrasonic vibrations, passing through the deep layers of the skin, warm them up by several degrees (without coagulation) - which stimulates an increase in tissue elasticity, and also increases blood flow and the process of collagen production.
  • Physico-chemical - an ultrasonic wave causes the molecules of liquids that make up tissues to move with a certain acceleration, thereby increasing the speed of the metabolic process and improving the regenerative ability of tissues to heal themselves.

After an ultrasonic cleaning session, the epidermis is renewed, the skin looks smooth, velvety, and elastic. Opened and cleansed skin pores well absorb any care products applied at the end of the session. The level of sebaceous secretion returns to normal, and the face acquires a healthy color. Regular cleansing procedures help keep facial skin clean, get rid of deep comedones and pimples, and also help maintain youth.

The peculiarity and main advantage of the procedure is that at the end of the session there are no visible traces of exposure left on the skin, which distinguishes the ultrasonic cleaning technique from other similar methods. In addition, the ultrasound procedure also combines peeling, which significantly increases its effectiveness, thereby enhancing the positive results on the skin.

Cleaning the skin using a hardware method using ultrasound is a pleasant and relaxing procedure when compared, for example, with mechanical facial cleansing, during which the patient experiences stress and certain pain.

Advantages and disadvantages

If we take a general look at the effectiveness of skin cleansing using the ultrasonic wave method, we can highlight the following main positive aspects when carrying out this procedure.

  • The cleaning technique requires certain special skills from the operator, however, in a simplified version, the procedure can be carried out on your own at home if you have an ultrasound machine.
  • The ultrasound procedure technique provides for the use of the device for people of almost any age, since trauma to the skin epidermis during the session is completely eliminated.
  • Ultrasonic cleaning is not a provoking factor for the development of allergic reactions in the body.
  • The cleansing procedure effectively helps reduce inflammatory reactions and prevents the appearance of pustular rashes.
  • The result of the session is improved lymphatic drainage and increased blood circulation in the deep layers of skin tissue.
  • The functioning of the sebaceous glands is stabilized within physiological norms. The production of sebum in case of excess is regulated.
  • The effect of ultrasonic waves has a resolving property on scar tissue, and in addition, the healing processes of damaged epidermis after acne are accelerated.
  • Ultrasound stimulates the contractility of muscle fibers and helps improve facial contours due to a slight lifting effect.

The method of ultrasonic cleaning of the skin from contaminants, like other methods used in cosmetology, has not only advantages, but also some disadvantages. The fact is that ultrasonic cleaning is considered the most gentle procedure, and this fact is both an advantage of the method and its disadvantage. The effectiveness of this method for old and deep-seated contamination is, alas, low. In addition, ultrasonic cleansing has a wide range of contraindications for use. If you want to do ultrasound cleaning in a beauty salon, you need to be prepared for the fact that one session will cost from 1,500 to 5,000 rubles, and to achieve a lasting and visible result, such manipulations must be carried out on a regular basis.

Experts in the field of cosmetology believe that ultrasonic cleansing is an effective method only for minor stains, and it is also advisable to perform it for preventive purposes to improve metabolic processes in the epidermal layers of the skin. Sometimes, when the skin is very sensitive to mechanical influences, the ultrasonic method is the only acceptable way to cleanse it. In some cases, to achieve a good cleaning effect, a combination of mechanical cleaning methods with ultrasonic wave cleaning techniques is used.

This complex of combining procedures allows you to achieve real results with high efficiency.


As practice shows, the benefits of cleansing the skin using ultrasound are obvious. The technique helps the patient not only get rid of acne, but also stimulates the renewal of skin tissue at the cellular level.

Ultrasonic cleaning showed the most noticeable results in the following cases:

  • when cleansing skin prone to increased fat secretion, as well as in the presence of deep skin pores;
  • to eliminate acne and small scars that appear on the skin due to acne;
  • for the purpose of toning dry, aging skin with low elasticity and wrinkles;
  • for dry skin types with a tendency to peeling;
  • to improve skin tone and give it a healthy tone;
  • as a prophylactic against inflammatory processes on skin prone to acne.

Cosmetologists recommend that people with oily skin undergo ultrasonic cleaning sessions monthly. For teenagers during the period of hormonal changes in the body, it is enough to clean the face with ultrasound once a month. When caring for mature skin, sessions can be carried out once every 1-2 months, since the action in this case is more aimed not at cleansing, but at stimulating intracellular processes. Regular implementation of this type of procedure significantly improves the general condition of the facial muscles, the quality and appearance of the skin, allowing it to prolong its freshness and youth for a long time.


Before carrying out manipulations, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with a fairly extensive list of contraindications:

  • bleeding disorders - a tendency to form blood clots or bleed;
  • heart disease in which a pacemaker is implanted;
  • hypertension with a tendency to crisis;
  • in the presence of an acute viral or infectious disease, including increased body temperature;
  • pregnant women at any stage of pregnancy;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • tuberculosis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • pathological processes of the trigeminal facial nerve;
  • menstruation;
  • violation of the integrity of the skin caused by wounds, abrasions, burns, purulent or fungal infections;

  • if there are metal objects on the face or in the mouth - piercings, braces, denture pins;
  • oncological or benign neoplasms in the area affected by the device;
  • capillary rosacea of ​​any severity;
  • acne in the process of exacerbation;
  • extensive hyperpigmentation of the skin;
  • psoriasis, dermatosis, furunculosis, eczema;
  • state of mental agitation, tendency to epileptic seizures.

In addition to the indicated conditions, ultrasonic cleaning is not carried out for a month after undergoing surgical maxillofacial interventions, cosmetic lifts, lifting with aptos threads, as well as after peeling with chemical agents.

In addition, it should be remembered that in the summer after the procedure, the skin becomes especially susceptible to direct sunlight - this can cause burns or hyperpigmentation.

Indications and contraindications

It makes sense to choose ultrasonic facial cleansing if you have the following problems:

  • enlarged pores;
  • comedones, acne;
  • oily or combination skin with a greasy sheen;
  • initial age-related changes;
  • dull, unhealthy complexion;
  • loss of elasticity and skin turgor.

Ultrasonic peeling also has contraindications:

  • exacerbation of acne;
  • damage to the skin on the face (burns, cuts, boils, etc.);
  • noticeable capillary network;
  • carrying out chemical peeling, rejuvenation procedures, surgical interventions on the face less than three months ago;
  • the presence of metal crowns, brackets, braces, pins;
  • gel contour plastic surgery, silicone implants;
  • presence of a pacemaker;
  • heart and vascular diseases;
  • elevated temperature;
  • respiratory tract diseases;
  • neuralgic disorders;
  • hypertension;
  • oncology.

The period of pregnancy and breastfeeding, moles or other formations on the face require prior consultation with a doctor and obtaining his permission to perform the procedure.

Indications for use, expected effect

Clogged pores lead to the development of inflammatory skin reactions. This is expressed in the formation of pimples and comedones. In addition, the skin color becomes uneven and bumps form on the surface.

If these problems are present, the use of cosmetics does not always give the desired effect. Until recently, deep peeling was used to cleanse pores. Today, most people facing skin problems prefer facial skin cleansing with ultrasound, since such a procedure is effective and painless.

The effect of ultrasound is based on accelerating metabolic processes in the skin, improving local blood circulation, which promotes the synthesis of natural collagen, softening and rejuvenating facial skin.

The main indications for use of the device include the following:

  • clogging and expansion of pores;
  • presence of acne and blackheads on the face;
  • unhealthy skin appearance (flabbiness, lethargy, decreased elasticity).

Using an ultrasonic skin cleansing device will help:

  • get rid of dead cells, sebum and dirt that contribute to clogged skin pores;
  • reduce the severity of inflammatory processes and prevent their occurrence in the future;
  • deeply cleanse and fully enrich the skin layers with oxygen;
  • activate regeneration processes and improve the functions of connective tissues;
  • stimulate redox processes, accelerate biochemical reactions and the formation of biologically active substances;
  • get rid of small wrinkles.

An ultrasonic facial skin cleansing device will allow a woman of any age to look young and attractive.

Ultrasonic cleaning at home

Ultrasonic cleansing can be done at home yourself if you purchase a manipulation device, the appropriate gel, and learn how to use them. You can choose a gel and device by studying reviews and instructions for use, but only frequent practice will allow you to master all the intricacies of the procedure.

Experts warn that carrying out such experiments on yourself is fraught with side effects:

  • swelling;
  • skin redness;
  • inflammation;
  • discomfort or pain;
  • local burns;
  • tightness and flaking of the skin.

When carrying out home cleaning, you must avoid the neck area, otherwise you can seriously disrupt the functioning of the thyroid gland.

The result of home care is usually less pronounced than in a salon, including because salons use professional equipment and cosmetics. By trusting a specialist, you will get a stronger effect without injuries or other unpleasant consequences.

Stages of the procedure

The session takes place in several stages:

  1. Preparatory. The specialist cleanses the face of cosmetics and impurities. Afterwards he treats the patient with an antibacterial agent and applies a warming agent.
  2. The ultrasonic cleaning procedure itself. It is completely painless. During it, a specialist applies a special gel to the patient’s face, after which he begins to move a special spatula (scrubber) over his face.
  3. Final. During this stage, the doctor applies special restorative and soothing products to the skin to protect it from negative environmental factors.

How to choose an ultrasonic cleaning device?

The choice of portable ultrasound devices is large. To choose the best one for yourself, you should consider the following parameters:

  • vibration frequency of ultrasonic waves - the result of the procedure mainly depends on this characteristic; in professional devices it averages from 24 to 30 kHz; in a home model, the frequency should be close to these values;
  • power - it gives the depth of penetration of waves into the skin; focus on 0.5-2 W;
  • operating modes - the more there are, the more accurately you will find the one that suits your skin;
  • additional functions – the more procedures you can perform using the device, the better; some models perform microcurrent rejuvenation, iontophoresis, galvanic lifting and other useful manipulations;
  • battery, weight and size - these parameters make the device convenient to use;
  • brand recognition - a reputable manufacturer guarantees the safety and uninterrupted operation of the product.

Ultrasound facial cleansing – before and after photos

Peeling with a home scrubber is a very useful and painless procedure. Positive results will be noticeable after the first procedure. Over time, the following effects will become noticeable:

  • fine wrinkles, age spots, acne will disappear;
  • the skin will acquire extraordinary softness and a fresh appearance;
  • sebum secretion is stabilized.

The following photos taken before and after the procedure will help you verify this:

The result lasts for about a week. After the procedure, slight redness of the face may occur. You shouldn’t be afraid of this, it’s just that oxygenated blood rushes to the epidermis as a result of the influence of the ultrasonic cleaner. This will go away in a few hours.

How to care for your skin after cleansing?

After the skin has been exposed to an ultrasound cleaning device, it needs maintenance care. Ultrasonic peeling does not damage, but dries the skin, which is very good for the epidermis, which is prone to greasiness. However, after the manipulation, the skin should be pampered with moisturizing creams, serums, and regenerating masks. It is better to choose cosmetics from the “sensitive skin” segment.

To ensure that the effect of the procedure lasts as long as possible, treat your skin with care and attention:

  • use sunscreen (SPF at least 20);
  • within 24 hours after cleaning, do not visit the solarium, beach, sauna, or gym;
  • Do not use decorative cosmetics for 24 hours;
  • cleanse the skin using gentle products;
  • replace cosmetics containing alcohol with alcohol-free analogues;
  • drink more clean water.

Violation of the technique, time or intensity of the procedure may negatively affect the condition of your

Consequences of the procedure: complications and care requirements

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Ultrasonic exposure does not leave any marks on the skin, however, if the device is faulty, or if the cosmetologist violated the process technology, a burn may occur.

In the future, a person does not need to take any special measures to care for the treated skin, since a cleaning procedure of this type does not affect the deep layers of the dermis and does not create mechanical damage to it. True, cosmetologists advise refraining from visiting the sauna, bathhouse, solarium and gym for 10-14 days.

On the day of cleansing, after its completion, it is better to refuse to apply cosmetics, and before going to bed, use regular skin cleansers.

Problems for which ultrasonic peeling is recommended:

  • The skin has lost its healthy appearance, the complexion is dull;
  • Pores are enlarged, contaminated, there are “black spots”;
  • Signs of withering, aging skin;
  • Shallow wrinkles on the face, neck and décolleté;
  • Hypersecretion of the sebaceous glands, oily skin prone to rashes;
  • Peeling, increased dry skin, seborrhea;
  • Decreased elasticity, tone, sagging skin.

Ultrasonic peeling is indicated for skin of any type for deep cleansing and prevention of premature aging. Loose skin has higher immunity and easily resists various types of damage.

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