How long after you need to cleanse your face before peeling or can you do it right away?

  1. What is the difference between peeling and facial cleansing?
  2. Indications for peelings
  3. What effect can you expect from peeling?
  4. Indications for facial cleansing
  5. What will the skin look like after cleansing?
  6. Is it possible to combine cleansing and peeling?

If you make a rating of the most popular cosmetic procedures, then peeling and facial cleansing will definitely take the first places. Patients are often interested in which of these effects is more effective, but it is impossible to answer this question: it is incorrect to compare the effect of such different procedures. In some cases, peeling will be more effective, in others - facial cleansing, and sometimes to achieve an ideal result you need to combine both types of effects.

What is the difference between peeling and facial cleansing?

Peeling is the exfoliation of the stratum corneum of the epidermis. After removing dead cells, the skin becomes smoother and fresher, acquiring a delicate, well-groomed glow. At the same time, surface defects disappear - pigmentation, fine wrinkles, and the skin brightens.

Facial cleansing , in turn, is a deep cleansing of the pores. Impurities and sebaceous plugs are removed from them, as a result, comedones disappear, oily sheen disappears, and the skin becomes healthier.

Is it possible to exfoliate the surface layer and cleanse the pores at the same time? Yes, you can, but you need to focus on the readings.

A cosmetologist's answers to frequently asked questions

The combination of cleansing and acid peeling is a complex process that raises many questions among patients of cosmetology centers. Most often, cosmetologists have to answer the following questions:

  • what types of cleansing should be done for a certain type of skin;
  • Is it permissible to go to the next one immediately after one procedure;
  • Is it possible to do acid peeling after cleansing, and after how many days;
  • Which procedure is more profitable in terms of saving money?

The answers of cosmetologists to these questions are below.

How long before you can peel after cleansing your face?

If, on the recommendation of a cosmetologist, you need to do peeling after cleansing, then a time interval must be set between sessions, most often ranging from a week to 10 days. A week is usually enough for the skin to recover. However, the gap between sessions is determined specifically for each patient, taking into account the characteristics of the skin:

  • type of fat content;
  • age;
  • presence of pathologies;
  • ability to regenerate.

What to do first should be determined by the cosmetologist, focusing on the condition of the skin and the wishes of the client. Experts prefer to start with a mild acidic effect, which softens dead skin tissue and opens pores for further cleansing.

Expert opinion

Elena Apostolyuk


If the skin is in a neglected state, the stratum corneum is too thick, then cosmetologists act according to a different scheme, since a low-intensity acidic effect at the initial stage will not help. First, a full-fledged surface peeling is done, then mechanical cleaning. If deep peeling is needed, then the order of manipulations does not change.

Is it possible to do cleansing and peeling at the same time?

In cosmetology, simultaneous carrying out of the described procedures is undesirable, since the skin is severely injured. Experts set such a time interval between sessions so that the skin has time to heal before the next exposure.

But for certain indications, cosmetologists allow two manipulations to be carried out simultaneously. The decision on such an integrated approach is made by the master, who is also responsible for the possible consequences.

What types of cleansing are preferable for a certain type of skin?

In chemical peeling, preparations based on various acids are used. Cleaning can also be different and involves the use of various devices and tools. Cosmetologists determine which type of procedure to choose based on age characteristics, physical condition and type of fat content of the skin.

Salon facial cleansing is preferable:

  • for normal skin – ultrasound;
  • for dry – ultrasound, laser biorevitalization;
  • for oily skin – manual (finger manipulation) or instrumental (using a Uno spoon and a Vidal loop);
  • for problematic ones – vacuum, intense ultrasound.

Peeling is prescribed:

  • for normal skin – light scrub based on fruit acids;
  • for dry – ultrasonic, laser resurfacing, cream peeling, rolling;
  • for oily skin – intensive with the use of organic acids, brossage, microdermabrasion;
  • for problematic ones - retinoic, saline, chemical multicomponent (Jessner solution).

Which procedure is more economical?

Which salon procedure is cheaper – cleansing or acid peeling? Prices vary depending on the region and the status of the cosmetology center. But according to average price indicators, peeling is more expensive; you will have to pay from 650 to 15,000 rubles for it. The cost of cleaning ranges from 350 to 7500 rubles.

Deep cleansing is an important part of facial skin care. And in this case, you cannot do without the help of a cosmetologist: only he can competently combine mechanical cleaning and chemical exposure without harming the skin. Therefore, the choice of procedures and their alternation should be entrusted to a professional.


Indications for peelings

The main task of peeling is to remove the top layer of skin. As a rule, we are talking about keratinized cells (superficial exfoliation), but, for example, medium peels also affect the papillary layer of the dermis, providing a more pronounced effect.

Cosmetologists recommend exfoliation if:

  • The skin is dull, the complexion is unhealthy, pale;
  • The surface of the epidermis is uneven, there are small scars and scars (for example, post-acne);
  • There is a greasy sheen, the skin is oily;
  • There is superficial pigmentation;
  • The epidermis peels off, there are small wrinkles and other signs of photoaging.

In youth, peelings are recommended to eliminate defects. In adulthood, this is an effective method of maintaining youthful skin.

Any peeling means damage to the skin. It can be as delicate and superficial as possible - such peelings can be carried out even at home. A more effective option is medium peels, which affect living cells and require rehabilitation. The appropriate type of peeling is selected by the cosmetologist after examination.

Until recently, women decided to undergo deep peeling, which was carried out exclusively in a hospital and was a deep chemical burn to the skin. Now this traumatic procedure has given way to safer and more controlled methods of rejuvenation.

What to do first

Which operation is performed first – peeling or cleansing – is determined by the condition of the patient’s skin. That is, a personal approach is used.

But in many cases, cosmetologists combine facial cleansing and peeling as follows:

  1. At the first stage, an acid peeling preparation is applied to a previously washed and makeup-free face. It removes the superficial dead layer of skin and opens the pores.
  2. Next, the skin is steamed and cleansed of remaining impurities either manually or using hardware.
  3. The last stage of the cleansing course is not always carried out. A cosmetologist can perform peeling after cleansing the face using some non-concentrated fruit acid. This allows you to narrow the pores to prevent them from quickly becoming clogged with new fat plugs.

Is it possible to combine cleansing and peeling?

Cosmetologists have universal procedures in their arsenal that simultaneously cleanse pores and eliminate dead cells. If there are no serious skin problems that require intensive targeted treatment, but you just need to give your face a fresh and healthy look, then such procedures will be an excellent solution.

The complex effect is provided by:

  • Ultrasonic skin cleansing. This method not only promotes gentle cleansing of pores, but also removes dead skin cells of the epidermis;
  • Carbon laser peeling. In this case, coal particles penetrate the pores, and then, under the influence of laser radiation, push out impurities from them, while exfoliating dead cells.

In addition, as already mentioned, during combined skin cleansing, acid peeling compounds can be used to soften and remove the stratum corneum. Thus, the procedure has a complex effect, simultaneously cleansing and exfoliating the epidermis.

Both peeling and cleansing are effective procedures that improve the condition of the skin, maintaining its natural beauty and health. The choice of the appropriate procedure is made based on the needs of the skin and its individual characteristics.


Cleaning and peeling are contraindicated, both in combination and separately, when:

  • acute form of herpes (when a rash appears);
  • purulent inflammatory formations on the skin;
  • eczema;
  • infectious dermatological pathologies;
  • open skin injuries of any severity (scratches, ulcers, wounds);
  • severe hypertension;
  • diabetes;
  • asthma;
  • diseases accompanied by increased body temperature;
  • serious mental disorders;
  • during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • during the rehabilitation period after surgery (the body must recover).

Procedures are not performed if the patient has a tendency to skin allergies. A trip to a beauty salon should be postponed during periods of illness, malaise, menstruation, or taking antibiotics and hormonal medications.

Due to hormonal instability and weakened immunity, the post-procedure process of skin restoration may be delayed.

Preparing for cleansing involves maintaining a healthy lifestyle and maintaining a sleep schedule. A few days before going to the beauty salon, you need to stop drinking alcoholic beverages and junk food, and drink enough plain water.

Which procedure is more affordable?

What is more profitable to cleanse your face – peeling or special hardware devices? Prices for professional cleansing and chemical exfoliation vary depending on the region and the beauty clinic. The average cleaning price starts from 350 rubles and can reach 7,500 rubles. Chemical peeling will cost 2 times more – from 650 to 15,000 rubles.

Preparing the skin 2 weeks before the procedure

Already 2 weeks before the peeling procedure, it is advisable to follow the following recommendations:

  1. Avoid visiting the solarium and natural tanning in direct sunlight. That is, if the client has returned from a vacation from hot countries, it is necessary to give the skin time to fully recover before the professional peeling procedure.
  2. Start using products with acids (AHA and/or BHA) to eliminate hyperkeratosis and adapt to acids.

Examples of funds:

Cleansing milk with peptides and glycolic acid for the face DermaQuest containing 15% glycolic and 5% lactic acids for daily use for dry, normal aging skin. Use on a mask once a week, leaving on the skin for 10-15 minutes.

Cleansing milk "DermaKlia" BHA for problem skin - milk with 2% salicylic acid, intended for oily and problem skin. Use daily in the evening, once a week also leave for 5-10 minutes for a deeper effect.

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