Lymphatic drainage massage - what is it for, how often can it be done

The human face is subject to age-related changes, which can begin even at an early age. Individual characteristics of the tissues of the human body lead to puffiness, bags under the eyes and swelling for no apparent reason. With the help of lymphatic drainage massage, water-salt imbalances can be corrected.

Facial massage can give a person youth and beauty, improve mood, and relieve depression. Specialists at the Yusupov Hospital use various methods of manual and hardware facial massage that can make your appearance radiant and beautiful again.

What is lymphatic drainage facial massage

The lymphatic system is an important part of your immune system. It helps to get rid of accumulated toxins in the body. Lymph flows through the body, a special fluid of the lymphatic system that collects waste and other nasties and sends them to the lymph nodes, where it is all neutralized. At the same time, it delivers the nutrients they need to the cells. When a malfunction occurs in the lymphatic system and the lymph stagnates, lymphatic drainage massage comes to the rescue.

Lymphatic drainage is offered by many cosmetologists. It is done to improve the appearance of the skin, remove puffiness, dull color and irritation of the skin. Some plastic surgeons even specifically refer people for lymphatic drainage massage. Because sometimes the swelling after a facelift surgery, which should go away in a couple of weeks, does not subside within six months. In this case, if you do this procedure three times a week for two weeks, the swelling can quickly disappear. Thanks to facial lymphatic drainage, stagnant fluid is returned to circulation.

Some even believe that lymphatic drainage massage can replace facelift surgery. And this is true, because it is much safer and more effective.


Attention to your appearance (when it does not take on obsessive forms) is an important detail in maintaining youth. You can correct wrinkles in a timely manner by resorting to botulinum therapy, carry out skin-renewing peelings, moisturize the skin with courses of mesotherapy or biorevitalization, and undergo beauty programs with professional cosmetics. Cosmetologists have long been saying that preventing age-related changes, like timely prevention of diseases, works.

Anti-aging procedures are selected individually in each case. On average, mesotherapy and biorevitalization are carried out twice a year. Superficial acid peels 1-2 times every six months. Botulinum therapy - once every six months.

Hardware massage

Lymphatic drainage facial massage can be performed with two devices: microcurrent and vacuum.

Microcurrent device.

The effect of current stimulates the muscle fibers of the face. During the procedure, the muscles contract and relax, which improves microcirculation, swelling subsides faster, and the cells begin to receive more nutrients.

At least that's what they say. The impulses, entering the deep levels of the epidermis, irritate and strain the muscles. This will cause the facial muscles to “pump up”, and it will only look even more swollen.

Vacuum device. Have you ever done or heard about cupping massage? So here is the same scheme. For vacuum massage, either a device with small suction cups or the same jars, only with a smaller diameter, are used. In the affected area, capillaries expand, blood flow increases, and metabolic processes are activated in cells and tissues. Also, thanks to the significant expansion of pores in the affected area, the skin is quickly cleansed of sebum and other impurities. Jars for the procedure can be ordered at

Vacuum massage is not recommended for:

  • pregnancy
  • tumors
  • inflammatory processes in the body
  • temperature
  • skin diseases

Vacuum facial massage and the results it gives

The effect obtained from this procedure consists of a forceful effect on the dermal tissue. And the more thorough the treatment, the more effective the process: the tone of the facial muscles increases, blood and lymph flow in tissues increases, metabolic processes accelerate, fatty compounds are destroyed.

  1. Increased lymph flow and blood circulation lead to an almost instant enrichment of facial tissue with nutritional components. In addition, slight damage to the capillaries pushes the body towards their restoration processes. Collagen and elastin, the “components of youth,” are produced at the same time.
  2. The percentage of adipose tissue decreases due to the processes of its physical destruction. Vacuum facial massage helps break down fat cells, particles of which are easily burned by the body.

The condition of the dermis becomes significantly better if essential oils and other useful components are used during the “vacuum facial massage” procedure. At the same time, the skin is enriched with vitamins and its water balance is restored. Oils also act as an antiseptic.

As a result:

  1. Stretching and relaxation of spasmodic chewing and facial muscles occurs.
  2. Another network of capillaries opens, increasing blood flow, and with it the content of oxygen, microelements and nutrients increases.
  3. Metabolic processes and cell regeneration are accelerated.
  4. Tissue stagnation is eliminated (mainly in the area under the eyes). By improving the outflow of lymph and venous blood, harmful and under-oxidized metabolic products are eliminated.
  5. The amount of fat deposits in the chin area is reduced.
  6. Fibroblasts are activated, which produce collagen and elastin proteins.
  7. The complexion of the face becomes pleasant to look at, the skin begins to moisturize naturally, becomes elastic, the tone of the facial muscles increases, small wrinkles in the lips, chin, and outer corners of the eyes disappear. The nasolabial fold is smoothed out.
  8. The functions of the sebaceous and sweat glands are normalized, their ducts are cleared, and conditions are created for the release of open comedones.
  9. Pores become less noticeable, the protective properties of facial skin enhance their functions.

Based on this, vacuum facial massage is good for both treatment and beauty.

However, vacuum massage also has one negative point: if the procedure is performed incorrectly, bruises may occur on the skin. Their appearance is caused by excessive retraction of the can. It is unacceptable! Choose a low level of impact on the skin and increase it only after gaining appropriate experience with vacuum massage.

Read material on the topic: Laser facial skin rejuvenation: useful tips and recommendations

Manual lymphatic drainage massage

There are three types of manual techniques:

  • Superficial lymphatic drainage.
    During this procedure, the specialist performs circular movements with gentle pressure. This method stimulates the work of capillaries, which are responsible for the accumulation and removal of fluid from the body. This massage activates the work of lymph and relieves vascular spasm.
  • Deep lymphatic drainage.
    This method is characterized by faster and more intense movements. It is thanks to this that the deep muscle layers and lymph vessels are worked out. Deep massage activates blood flow, dilates blood vessels and increases muscle tone. Typically this method is used on the abdomen, buttocks or thighs.
  • Point lymphatic drainage.
    Here the specialist acts specifically on the lymph nodes. This is usually where the session begins.

If you do not adhere to the massage lines, the procedure will be in vain. Here are the main directions:

  • from the center of the forehead to the temples
  • from the tip of the nose to the center of the forehead
  • from the wings of the nose to the temples
  • from the corners of the mouth to the center of the ear
  • from the center of the chin to the earlobes

To feel the results, it is recommended to perform this massage at least once a week. In general, everything is very individual and depends on factors such as individual characteristics and problems.

Photorejuvenation BBL

This is a procedure using a machine that generates high-impulse broadband light. This effect allows you to quickly and successfully correct various skin problems: vascular pathologies (for example, rosacea and rosacea), pigment spots, and also fight age-related changes. At the same time, the BBL device does not damage tissue, so rehabilitation is not required after the procedures. The skin becomes fresher, its tone is evened out. BBL is a more modern, improved method of skin photorejuvenation, which, even with increased power (when it is necessary to more intensively act on the problem), does not lead to damage or burns.

Course of procedures:

from 5 sessions, interval of at least a week.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the procedure

A 2015 study found a direct link between a malfunctioning lymphatic system and sagging skin. This massage can also be useful in preventing aging.

Since the lymphatic system plays a huge role in immunity and healing, the benefits of this procedure are endless. When it comes to the skin, problems such as puffiness, acne, dryness, dullness and even skin sensitivity can be resolved with a simple lymphatic massage. The highest concentration of lymph nodes is found on the face and neck, meaning this type of massage can really produce results.

During the procedure, the effect occurs directly on the lymph nodes, which accelerates the movement of fluid in the body. Lymphatic drainage helps cleanse tissues of waste and toxins, remove dark circles under the eyes, and wrinkles on the skin. It returns the skin a healthy appearance and radiance.

The disadvantages of the procedure include the fact that it is temporary. It needs to be done regularly - at least several times a week.

Moreover, its effectiveness also depends on your lifestyle. Do you get a massage, but eat poorly, smoke, drink alcohol? In this case, it will be difficult to achieve a good result.

Disadvantages also include contraindications. Of course, any procedure has them, but here they can appear only after a few weeks - pimples and burst blood vessels.

In addition, this procedure in salons is quite expensive, and to achieve good results, you need to go to 15-20 such sessions.

Distribution of lymphomassage zones

Depending on personal indications, physiotherapy covers the body with leanness, or focuses on one or several problem areas. Our clinic's massage therapists practice lymphatic drainage massage of the back, abdomen, chest, arms, and legs.


Lymphatic drainage of the upper extremities relieves stagnation of lymphoid fluid. In return, the patient receives tightened skin and freedom of movement. Pain in the elbow, shoulder and wrist joints disappears. The feeling of numbness in the fingers disappears, muscle tone increases. The procedures are recommended for patients who have undergone surgery on the mammary gland in the armpit area. Lymphomassage of the hands will be useful for people whose professional activities involve repeated rotations of the forearm and are accompanied by increased physical activity.


Massage lymphatic drainage of the mammary glands can be called the basis for the prevention of mammological diseases - fibroids, cysts, mastopathy, cancer. Massage sessions help maintain tissue elasticity, youth and breast shape.

Zhelezny Sergey Nikolaevich


Privolzhsky Research Medical University

25 years of experience


Massage techniques have an anti-cellulite effect, improve digestion, and reduce the risk of diseases of the hepatobiliary system. The procedure significantly reduces stretch marks, eliminates a significant mass of visceral fat, and strengthens the muscles of the abdominal wall. In just one session of lymphatic drainage massage you can lose up to 3-4 cm in the waist, in a full course of physiotherapy you can get rid of the “lifebuoy” on the stomach, sides, and upper thighs.


Lymphomassage restores the tone of skeletal muscles, relieves pain in the spine, and returns the ability to actively move and play sports. Therapy is especially indicated for people leading a sedentary lifestyle.


Lymphatic drainage massage of the legs is one of the most effective methods of preventing varicose veins. Improving lymph flow and hemodynamics helps eliminate spider veins (telangiectasia), relieves nighttime muscle spasms, relieves heaviness and fatigue, and strengthens the calf muscles. Cosmetic effects can reduce stretch marks and cellulite changes, tighten the skin, and get rid of excess fat.

Face and neck

Lymphatic drainage massage of the neck and face is a safe method of combating age and facial wrinkles, morning swelling, and skin aging. Normalizing the movement and speed of lymph flow provides a rejuvenating effect, creates a good mood, and gives self-confidence.

How to avoid possible complications

Complications may appear if all contraindications are not taken into account. Also, if done incorrectly, redness or swelling may occur. In order to avoid these and other possible consequences, the specialist must monitor the patient’s condition and reaction. If you do self-massage, then be even more attentive and careful.

We constantly repeat that massage should be performed strictly along massage lines. If you do it against the massage lines, gather the skin into folds, press hard on the skin while stroking - all these actions lead to the formation of additional wrinkles and ptosis (drooping) of the skin, especially in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle.


  • rosacea;
  • problems in the functioning of the lymphatic system;
  • diseases of ENT organs;
  • respiratory ailments;
  • allergic rash on the skin;
  • excessively thin fiber under the skin;
  • the presence of cancerous tumors;
  • herpes in aggravated form;
  • neuralgia on the face;
  • somatic disorders of the heart muscle, kidney organs, thyroid gland;
  • gestational days, childbearing, feeding.

*Before performing lymphatic drainage, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Who will benefit from the procedure?

Lymphatic drainage massage will be useful for everyone, even as a preventive measure. But you should especially pay attention to this procedure if:

  • Are you worried about constant swelling?
  • Have you noticed an unhealthy complexion?
  • you have sagging and sagging skin
  • the skin began to actively age
  • mimic wrinkles appeared
  • muscle tone has decreased significantly
  • There are skin problems (scars, acne, stretch marks)
  • Are you worried about general fatigue?

All these signs may indicate malfunctions of the lymphatic system.

Advice from professionals

If manual lymphatic drainage massage is performed independently, you need to pay attention to the nuances:

  • devote at least 10-15 minutes to each part of the body;
  • massage time can be distributed over a week, alternately paying attention to certain areas;
  • Before starting the procedure, it is necessary to cleanse the skin;
  • The massage is performed using moisturizers.

It is advisable to choose a time when no one can disturb you. This will allow you to completely relax.

On a note!

The basis of manual lymphatic drainage massage is smooth movements along the lymph nodes and gentle pressure on specific areas of the body.

Preparation for facial lymphomassage

If you are going to a salon for a procedure, there are not many preparatory steps. During the entire course it is recommended not to drink or smoke. You need to monitor your diet and the amount of fluid you drink, especially before bed. If you drink a lot at night, severe swelling is expected in the morning.

In order to do lymphatic drainage facial self-massage at home, prepare everything you need: facial oil or a good rich cream. We recommend trying Squalane from Beauty 365. It is a lightweight sugar cane oil that is great for massage.

Some people take various tools to help them, like jade rollers or gua sha stones. If it’s difficult for you to do a massage with your own hands, then you can take a gua sha scraper, there will be a slightly different technique, be sure to stick to it.

As for jade rollers, you also need to know how to use them. Many people simply take them and roll them back and forth, thinking that now they will smooth out everything that is needed and disperse the lymph. Not so simple. In order to disperse lymph, you need to move in certain directions.

Vacuum facial massage: indications and contraindications

All cosmetic processes have a number of contraindications for certain people. There is a risk of adverse consequences from the procedure, but the risk of its occurrence is small. Indications for vacuum facial massage are the following:

If you are in the “30+” age category, a facial massage with a vacuum is justified. For people of younger age, such a massage should be performed only if:

  • reducing tissue turgor and elasticity;
  • reduction in the volume of facial muscles (the older we are, the “more capricious” our skin is, the muscles become thinner and elongated, the contours of the face change);
  • sagging dermis;
  • the appearance of a double chin;
  • unhealthy complexion;
  • high dryness of tissues;
  • the appearance of deep and superficial facial or static wrinkles;
  • swelling, bruises under the eyes and bags.

Contraindications for vacuum facial massage:

  • any diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • skin diseases and minor injuries;
  • close placement of blood vessels to the surface of the dermis;
  • thrombus formation;
  • benign and malignant neoplasms (moles, warts, papillomas, etc.);
  • inflammatory processes in any degree of their manifestation.

In addition, there is individual intolerance to certain drugs and processes. Please clarify these details with the doctor you are seeing. A visit to a qualified doctor is required before a person undergoes such a serious procedure as a vacuum massage.

Read material on the topic: How to care for facial skin: home care and salon treatments

How to massage yourself

If you don’t want to spend money on a cosmetologist, then read carefully how to do facial lymphatic drainage with your own hands. Also stick to the technique we wrote about above.

First - cleansing. Use a special product like soft foam or mousse. It is necessary to thoroughly cleanse the skin of cosmetics and other contaminants.

Warm up. Take some serum or oil and apply it to your hands. First you need to warm up the cervical lymphatic trunk. Using light circular movements clockwise, first massage your neck, then your face and head. Using circular movements, massage these areas in the following order:

  1. Chin
  2. Cheeks
  3. Bottom of eyes
  4. Forehead

Now tapping, vibrating movements and pinching. All these manipulations help stimulate blood circulation.

Finish the procedure with stroking to now soothe the skin.

Watch the video on how to do a vacuum massage using a miracle jar.

First, apply oil or serum to your face. Start the massage from the chin. Perform the movements first on the left side, then on the right. Gradually move to the upper zones.

Vacuum facial massage with cups, vacuum roller facial massage and other types of procedures

There are several types of vacuum facial massage. They differ in the devices and devices necessary for the procedure.

Classic can

This vacuum facial massage is divided into 2 subtypes: kinetic and static.

  • The first type involves applying medicinal oils, moving the suction cups in the direction of the lymph flow.
  • The second type of massage is carried out in the simplest way: the cups are placed on the desired area of ​​the facial skin and are removed after a while.

Read material on the topic: How to increase skin elasticity


This type of massage is a unique combination of the effects of local low pressure and low levels of laser radiation. The area of ​​the face limited by a glass bulb is treated with laser. Using a hardware pump, a reduced pressure is formed in this flask. Laser-vacuum facial massage, which is carried out in the salon, exposes the skin to trophic-stimulating, analgesic, reducing swelling and inflammation effects.

Vacuum roller

The vacuum component of this type of facial massage acts directly on the cells, renews and revitalizes metabolic processes in them. Hardware rollers regulate the movement of fluids in the subcutaneous layer. This process is almost indistinguishable from a massage performed by a real professional massage therapist. Vacuum facial massage using hardware rollers is recommended to clients to rejuvenate wrinkled, flabby, mature skin. This massage is an effective lifting procedure.

Carrying out laser-vacuum and vacuum-roller massage is possible only in a beauty salon. If, of course, you are aiming for a positive result. A huge number of vacuum massage techniques using modern equipment are carried out at the Veronika Herba City Beauty and Health Center. But before you sign up for a particular procedure, decide for yourself what you expect from it in the end. Enter “vacuum facial massage reviews” into the Internet search bar and read the information received. Can't decide? It’s okay, when you contact Veronika Herba, qualified specialists will advise you and help you figure out the necessary cosmetology sessions. Price for facial massage with vacuum: from 3000 rubles.

Read material on the topic: Facial mesotherapy procedure: pros and cons

How often can you do lymphatic drainage facial massage?

Cosmetologists recommend performing this massage several times a week or even every evening before bed. It all depends on how busy you are. If you do it at night, it will help get rid of puffiness in the morning, and the skin will recover faster after sleep.

Do you want to get rid of swelling, remove wrinkles and restore skin tone? Lymphatic drainage is a great help in solving these problems. But it will be even more effective if you combine proper nutrition, exercise and cleansing the body. In just four weeks at the “Flourish” marathon, you will work on all problem areas, learn how to massage with cups so that there is no redness, cleanse your body of toxins and more. Interested? Then read the details about the marathon below.

Efficiency and versatility of the procedure

The human body is very sensitive and reacts sharply to changes occurring in it. In people who lead a sedentary lifestyle, are exposed to stress, or eat poorly, the rate of lymph flow decreases. As a result, metabolism slows down. To normalize it, lymphatic drainage massage is needed. Even one procedure will help get rid of a number of problems. The system begins to function normally, excess fluid and unnecessary harmful substances are removed from the body. You can massage the whole body and individual parts at home yourself.

On a note!

Since restoration of metabolism during massage occurs at the cellular level, it is used for both medicinal and cosmetic purposes.

Lymphatic drainage massage is recommended in the following cases:

  • prevention for all forms of cellulite;
  • figure correction (getting rid of excess fat);
  • tightening of the skin on the face, reducing the depth of age-related wrinkles;
  • eliminating dark circles under the eyes;
  • relieving tension, normalizing the psychological state and metabolic processes, eliminating swelling due to the removal of excess fluid
  • relieving fatigue and feeling of heaviness in the legs.

This type of massage can be performed on women regardless of age; it significantly helps improve the overall condition of the skin, making it more youthful and elastic. The procedure is carried out on any part of the body, taking into account existing problems: on the face, stomach, back, legs, arms. Let's take a closer look at how massage is done in the most popular areas.

How to perform a vacuum hardware facial massage in a beauty salon

The ideal option for performing the “vacuum facial massage” procedure is in the presence of specialists. You will be examined for the general condition of the circulatory and lymphatic systems, which will reduce the possibility of complications.

The whole process lasts half an hour, the massaging itself takes 5-7 minutes. If you want to achieve good results from the procedure, you should follow comprehensive measures:

  1. Preparation. Give yourself a psychological mindset for difficult work with your face, which will help your body adjust to the right mood. It is good to rinse off the cosmetics with toner, clearing the pores of impurities.
  2. Applying moisturizing compounds or massage oils . Abundant moisturizing of the skin with massage cream. The better your face is moisturized, the freer the massager will glide over it.
  3. Treatment of the skin along massage lines . The neck is the “starting point” of treatment, subsequent movements are from the collarbones upward. They are followed by gradual massaging of the bottom of the face, its sides and forehead. The massager must move along the massage lines, otherwise swelling and blueness may occur.
  4. If you decide to seek the help of a cosmetologist, set a reserve time for the procedure: at the end of the process, you need to stay warm for at least 30 minutes for the skin to adapt. Make good use of the wait (for example, by securing the result with a soothing or nourishing mask). Any skin irritation after a vacuum massage is prohibited, so forget about scrubs and peelings at this time!

Vacuum facial massage is carried out in courses, and you will see obvious changes in the condition of the skin after 12-15 sessions. The break between procedures is from 1 day to a week.

How to choose the right oils and vacuum jars for facial massage at home

Facial massage with vacuum cups at home is possible. Buying a set of necessary devices is not difficult: they are sold in city pharmacies and in online stores. A simple and convenient way to carry out the “vacuum facial massage” procedure is using silicone cups. It is also possible to purchase glass jars with a rubber bulb. Buying medical cups with a separate pump is not practical: it is not entirely convenient for vacuum massage at home.

You should massage your face with vacuum cans of different diameters:

  1. A small jar for the area around the eyes, small wrinkles and nasolabial folds has an effect on the upper skin. The dimensions of the cans should be minimal - about a centimeter in circumference.
  2. Medium jar for dynamic massaging. Its action is aimed at the deep skin and muscle layers, the size of an average jar: 2-3 centimeters in diameter.
  3. Large jar for static massaging of cheeks and forehead. This vacuum device is not necessary; it can be completely replaced by a medium-sized jar. However, a large jar is also suitable for the décolleté area. Therefore, you can purchase it for your cosmetology arsenal. The dimensions of this jar are 3-5 centimeters.

The presence of a narrow neck in vacuum jars is an important point. As for the material of the can, it may vary. Each material has its own pros and cons:

  • Glass

This material is traditional in the manufacturing process of massage cups. But thick glass, even if it is durable, will affect the process itself: it will be quite difficult to massage your face.

  • Plastic

The most popular material in the production of cosmetic devices. A plastic jar is convenient and easy to use for facial skin: the material is environmentally friendly, of high quality, and in most cases hypoallergenic. This jar has the shape of a dome with a rubber balloon on top. The balloon contracts and air comes out. The jar, when applied to the face, starts the massage process. A huge advantage of plastic cans is the preservation of vacuum and shape.

  • Rubber

In the case of rubber jars, look for the smallest samples for massage. Before starting the procedure, they are placed in hot water for 10 minutes. Then the vacuum massage itself begins, in which the power of the vacuum is determined by the force of pressure on the can.

  • Silicone

This material does not need to be heated; the cans themselves are compact and simple, but are not stable in maintaining their shape. Because of this, there is a slight difficulty in the massage process.

Abundantly oiled skin is a must when performing facial massage with vacuum cups. For this purpose, pure (without additives) cold-pressed vegetable oils . Deodorized, refined, hydrogenated and other processed oils are not suitable for the procedure! Moreover, the storage conditions for such oils must be observed. They must be stored in a cool, dark place. If the oil is bitter for some reason, you should not use it.

Such healthy oils include nut, coconut, olive, sesame, flax and pumpkin. The most expensive types include jojoba oil, rosehip oil, apricot and grape seed oils. To achieve the best effect, you can use the addition of essential oils.

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